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Re: I'm new to the group. Anyone got any ideas?

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Neither or Dr Bock understand the Counting Rules, you get better

chelation advise here, a link to get you started

_http://home.earthlink.net/~moriam/_ (http://home.earthlink.net/~moriam/)

In a hair test you look not for the metals but for the damage Hg causes,

Disordered Mineral Transport, all explained in Link above and in Andy Cutlers


_http://www.noamalgam.com/_ (http://www.noamalgam.com/)

Good luck

Mandi in UK

In a message dated 30/09/2010 03:01:54 GMT Daylight Time,

davidsdad@... writes:

We have been reading the new McCarthy book and another book by

Bock. Wow. These are really good.

Our understanding is that Hg is very difficult to detect ... because if

its trapped in fatty tissue.... then its not gonna be oin the blood.

But u might be right about the hair. Thanks for the tip.

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Deaqr 's Dad,

All of the behaviors you describe can be indicative of what is called

" autism. " However convenient this terminology is, the truth is probably

that more than likely what is really going on is toxic encephalopathy. At

some point, your child received more toxins than his body could handle. Did

you notice differences from birth or did it start after vaccination? Do you

all live near any factories, especially concrete manufacturing plants or

anywhere near refineries? Unfortunately we live in a very toxic world now

--heck I just found out the security lights installed by the electric

company on our farm are mercury vapor! I want these gone and replaced with

something non or at least less toxic!

There are toxins in so many things: hair products, lotion, detergents, food,

etc... it goes on and on. It may not really matter where the toxins came

from but you should do a hair test and follow the rules of counting as

outlined in the archives on this group. You may find that your son is

mercury toxic as well as having an overburden of other toxic metals.

My son was normal until his fifteen-month shots, after which he lost all

speech and regressed immediately. he has never been the same as he was

before that day, and he has diagnosis of autism, toxic encephalopathy, and

heavy metal intoxication. You can get as many diagnosis for as many doctors

as you see. Doctors make educated guesses more often than not. Many of the

results you mentioned may point ot a heavy metal burden.

I am not a doctor, but can only guide you by my experience. Do a hair test,

and if you find your son is mercury toxic, study the AC Protocol and prepare

to commit to it. Stay away from IV chelation. We did that and our son

suffered asthma attacks afterward. Now I think it just moved metals around

as he has regressed in some areas (increased stimming, OCD, anxiety). We

will do AC protocol when we resume chelation. It is low and slow and

prevents metals from just getting moved to other parts of the body.

I want to tell you that back in 2002, this was the only group I could find,

and what I have learned here, gave our son back to us. He has regained all

forms of speech, and while he still has many issues, he is much better.

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Hi Haven,

Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. We suspect Mercury

because my wife had broken fillings before she was pregnant. Three

weeks ago, i was telling her there is no Hg-link to autism. But then i

read some scientific papers. To my horror I found the following ....One

study used analysis of covariance to show that kids with Autism Spectrum

Disorder had higher mean blood RBC Total Mercury (21.4 ug/L) than a

control population (11.4 ug/L) (adjusted for the age, gender, and year

of sample collection). I added this to the wikipedia page on autism.

The cytokines test should indicate if it is heavy metals. I hope its

not. I pray that it is viral.

We have been reading the new McCarthy book and another book by

Bock. Wow. These are really good.

Our understanding is that Hg is very difficult to detect ... because if

its trapped in fatty tissue.... then its not gonna be oin the blood.

But u might be right about the hair. Thanks for the tip.

Thank you again.



> Deaqr 's Dad,


> All of the behaviors you describe can be indicative of what is called

> " autism. " However convenient this terminology is, the truth is


> that more than likely what is really going on is toxic encephalopathy.


> some point, your child received more toxins than his body could

handle. Did

> you notice differences from birth or did it start after vaccination?

Do you

> all live near any factories, especially concrete manufacturing plants


> anywhere near refineries? Unfortunately we live in a very toxic world


> --heck I just found out the security lights installed by the electric

> company on our farm are mercury vapor! I want these gone and replaced


> something non or at least less toxic!


> There are toxins in so many things: hair products, lotion, detergents,


> etc... it goes on and on. It may not really matter where the toxins


> from but you should do a hair test and follow the rules of counting as

> outlined in the archives on this group. You may find that your son is

> mercury toxic as well as having an overburden of other toxic metals.


> My son was normal until his fifteen-month shots, after which he lost


> speech and regressed immediately. he has never been the same as he


> before that day, and he has diagnosis of autism, toxic encephalopathy,


> heavy metal intoxication. You can get as many diagnosis for as many


> as you see. Doctors make educated guesses more often than not. Many

of the

> results you mentioned may point ot a heavy metal burden.


> I am not a doctor, but can only guide you by my experience. Do a hair


> and if you find your son is mercury toxic, study the AC Protocol and


> to commit to it. Stay away from IV chelation. We did that and our


> suffered asthma attacks afterward. Now I think it just moved metals


> as he has regressed in some areas (increased stimming, OCD, anxiety).


> will do AC protocol when we resume chelation. It is low and slow and

> prevents metals from just getting moved to other parts of the body.


> I want to tell you that back in 2002, this was the only group I could


> and what I have learned here, gave our son back to us. He has

regained all

> forms of speech, and while he still has many issues, he is much





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I think I remember saying that she never chelated her son.

and the links did not work.




Mickie 13yrs

Round #32

25mg DMSA 25mg ALA

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 7:08 PM, <Mum231ASD@...> wrote:



> Neither or Dr Bock understand the Counting Rules, you get better

> chelation advise here, a link to get you started


> _http://home.earthlink.net/~moriam/_ (http://home.earthlink.net/~moriam/)


> In a hair test you look not for the metals but for the damage Hg causes,

> Disordered Mineral Transport, all explained in Link above and in Andy

> Cutlers

> books


> _http://www.noamalgam.com/_ (http://www.noamalgam.com/)


> Good luck


> Mandi in UK



> In a message dated 30/09/2010 03:01:54 GMT Daylight Time,

> davidsdad@... <davidsdad%40ymail.com> writes:


> We have been reading the new McCarthy book and another book by

> Bock. Wow. These are really good.

> Our understanding is that Hg is very difficult to detect ... because if

> its trapped in fatty tissue.... then its not gonna be oin the blood.

> But u might be right about the hair. Thanks for the tip.



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My son bounces like a frog too.  Sometimes he tries to stand up on his hands

and kick legs in the air. You helped me answer my own questions.  I guess it is

some kind of stimming and trying to get some sensory input as well.



From: davidsdad@... <davidsdad@...>

Subject: [ ] I'm new to the group. Anyone got any ideas?

Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 5:53 PM


Greetings, I'm 's Dad and am new to the group. I don't know if my son has

Autism but I'm trying to figure this out.

Long ago we suspected that he may be autistic because of minor hand flapping,

poor eye contact, and freaking out to fire alarms and inability to hold a

reasonable conversation. We have two older ones that were our references.

However, but a behavioral pediatrician told me after asking a couple of

questions (that he didn't respond to) that there is no way he is autistic. So we

put this aside and focused on another medical condition (Microtia repair) which

was a year and a half process. I didn't stop suspecting but I was quite about it

because the lady made us feel like dumb aXXes.

Anyway, Dave has had some issues in school. His preschool teacher wanted him to

go to a " triple board certified " psychologist who told discouraged us from

visiting with him because he probably couldn't make a diagnosis till he was .

His second grade school therapist told us he needed to be drugged for adhd. The

ADHD doctor was all to willing to give us Ridalin but we said no. This year his

3rd grade teacher has been freaking out. So we found an OT that a friend

recommended and the OT told us that he has sensory processing disorder (SPD).

is under stimulated visually (probably associated with strabismus) and

overstimulated with sound (may be in part due to unilateral profound hearing

loss associated with microtia). As I read a book on SPD, i found that about 90%

autistic have SPD. So this made me suspicious again about some kind of high

functioning autism or aspburgers.

I forgot to mention that 2 years ago before Davie's surgeries, he had some

Metametrix test (0091 comprehensive profile). At the time, I didn't really

digest them. His Pyroglutamate in his pee was almost in the high range (69

ug/mg) and the Sulfate was in the high range 4366 mug/mg). It appears that the

sulphate indicates oxidative stress. According to Metametrix, he is under

oxidative stress. I did a little more digging and it looks like high rates of

glutathione production result high sulphate excretion. Well what I " m reading...

Autistic kids have messed up Glutathione pathways. Two years ago, we also ran

some neurotransmitters through NeuroScience. His pee epinophrine, dopamine,

serotonin, glycine, taurine, GABA, glutamine, PTa, and Histimimine were all high

and out of the normal range. I've got no idea but I've read somewhere that

autistic are " metaboic train wrecks). .

We found a great doctor who is doing food analysis through neuro science. He has

sensitive to grain and milk products. We stopped cassen and gluton products and

I think I notice a difference. My understanding is one of the most effective

autism diets but non autisitic kids can be sensitive to mike and wheat so...

this don't really provide any conclusive evidence. One thought is that the form

casoporphene and glutomorphene in the gut and dope up the brain. The doctor is

also running a comprehensive cytokine analysis through neuroscience and we

should have the results shortly.

bounces like a frog.... a lot. He doesn't' know why. I don't know why. My

wife was reading the other day and asked me if it could be stimming? I wish i

had it on video. Its like a leap frog. Anyone ever see this.

Anyway, we have been waiting for 6 months to see another behavioral pediatrician

but we found out they may leave the hospital. Rats. Anyway, insurance covers

none of this so thank god for home equity lines of credit. I'd happily die broke

if i could help our little guy.

If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

best wishes 2 u all!

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I believe that if little comes out in the hair that means it has been

retained in the fatty tissues. You have to use the rules of counting. You

are right that past three months exposure, the mercury will deposit in the

fatty tissues and will not show up in the blood. Once it binds, it is very

hard to unbind -- hence the need for chelation.

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What state are you in?


From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of davidsdad@...

Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 5:53 PM

Subject: [ ] I'm new to the group. Anyone got any ideas?

Greetings, I'm 's Dad and am new to the group. I don't know if my son

has Autism but I'm trying to figure this out.

Long ago we suspected that he may be autistic because of minor hand

flapping, poor eye contact, and freaking out to fire alarms and inability to

hold a reasonable conversation. We have two older ones that were our

references. However, but a behavioral pediatrician told me after asking a

couple of questions (that he didn't respond to) that there is no way he is

autistic. So we put this aside and focused on another medical condition

(Microtia repair) which was a year and a half process. I didn't stop

suspecting but I was quite about it because the lady made us feel like dumb


Anyway, Dave has had some issues in school. His preschool teacher wanted him

to go to a " triple board certified " psychologist who told discouraged us

from visiting with him because he probably couldn't make a diagnosis till he

was . His second grade school therapist told us he needed to be drugged for

adhd. The ADHD doctor was all to willing to give us Ridalin but we said no.

This year his 3rd grade teacher has been freaking out. So we found an OT

that a friend recommended and the OT told us that he has sensory processing

disorder (SPD). is under stimulated visually (probably associated with

strabismus) and overstimulated with sound (may be in part due to unilateral

profound hearing loss associated with microtia). As I read a book on SPD, i

found that about 90% autistic have SPD. So this made me suspicious again

about some kind of high functioning autism or aspburgers.

I forgot to mention that 2 years ago before Davie's surgeries, he had some

Metametrix test (0091 comprehensive profile). At the time, I didn't really

digest them. His Pyroglutamate in his pee was almost in the high range (69

ug/mg) and the Sulfate was in the high range 4366 mug/mg). It appears that

the sulphate indicates oxidative stress. According to Metametrix, he is

under oxidative stress. I did a little more digging and it looks like high

rates of glutathione production result high sulphate excretion. Well what

I " m reading... Autistic kids have messed up Glutathione pathways. Two years

ago, we also ran some neurotransmitters through NeuroScience. His pee

epinophrine, dopamine, serotonin, glycine, taurine, GABA, glutamine, PTa,

and Histimimine were all high and out of the normal range. I've got no idea

but I've read somewhere that autistic are " metaboic train wrecks). .

We found a great doctor who is doing food analysis through neuro science. He

has sensitive to grain and milk products. We stopped cassen and gluton

products and I think I notice a difference. My understanding is one of the

most effective autism diets but non autisitic kids can be sensitive to mike

and wheat so... this don't really provide any conclusive evidence. One

thought is that the form casoporphene and glutomorphene in the gut and dope

up the brain. The doctor is also running a comprehensive cytokine analysis

through neuroscience and we should have the results shortly.

bounces like a frog.... a lot. He doesn't' know why. I don't know why.

My wife was reading the other day and asked me if it could be stimming? I

wish i had it on video. Its like a leap frog. Anyone ever see this.

Anyway, we have been waiting for 6 months to see another behavioral

pediatrician but we found out they may leave the hospital. Rats. Anyway,

insurance covers none of this so thank god for home equity lines of credit.

I'd happily die broke if i could help our little guy.

If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

best wishes 2 u all!

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Well i guess removing all the foods that my son was allergic to and sensitive to

,made him calm and attentive,increased eye contact too.The teachers at preschool

told us that in less than a week the school will ask us to put him on adhd

medicines...........with the diet and also after getting his leaky gut...yeast

under control........its been almost a month and school has not mentioned

anything about him being hyper.All this took 4 to 6 months but im glad we dont

have to go down that route.

Supplementation is good too.


From: davidsdad@... <davidsdad@...>

Subject: [ ] I'm new to the group. Anyone got any ideas?

Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 5:53 PM


Greetings, I'm 's Dad and am new to the group. I don't know if my son has

Autism but I'm trying to figure this out.

Long ago we suspected that he may be autistic because of minor hand flapping,

poor eye contact, and freaking out to fire alarms and inability to hold a

reasonable conversation. We have two older ones that were our references.

However, but a behavioral pediatrician told me after asking a couple of

questions (that he didn't respond to) that there is no way he is autistic. So we

put this aside and focused on another medical condition (Microtia repair) which

was a year and a half process. I didn't stop suspecting but I was quite about it

because the lady made us feel like dumb aXXes.

Anyway, Dave has had some issues in school. His preschool teacher wanted him to

go to a " triple board certified " psychologist who told discouraged us from

visiting with him because he probably couldn't make a diagnosis till he was .

His second grade school therapist told us he needed to be drugged for adhd. The

ADHD doctor was all to willing to give us Ridalin but we said no. This year his

3rd grade teacher has been freaking out. So we found an OT that a friend

recommended and the OT told us that he has sensory processing disorder (SPD).

is under stimulated visually (probably associated with strabismus) and

overstimulated with sound (may be in part due to unilateral profound hearing

loss associated with microtia). As I read a book on SPD, i found that about 90%

autistic have SPD. So this made me suspicious again about some kind of high

functioning autism or aspburgers.

I forgot to mention that 2 years ago before Davie's surgeries, he had some

Metametrix test (0091 comprehensive profile). At the time, I didn't really

digest them. His Pyroglutamate in his pee was almost in the high range (69

ug/mg) and the Sulfate was in the high range 4366 mug/mg). It appears that the

sulphate indicates oxidative stress. According to Metametrix, he is under

oxidative stress. I did a little more digging and it looks like high rates of

glutathione production result high sulphate excretion. Well what I " m reading...

Autistic kids have messed up Glutathione pathways. Two years ago, we also ran

some neurotransmitters through NeuroScience. His pee epinophrine, dopamine,

serotonin, glycine, taurine, GABA, glutamine, PTa, and Histimimine were all high

and out of the normal range. I've got no idea but I've read somewhere that

autistic are " metaboic train wrecks). .

We found a great doctor who is doing food analysis through neuro science. He has

sensitive to grain and milk products. We stopped cassen and gluton products and

I think I notice a difference. My understanding is one of the most effective

autism diets but non autisitic kids can be sensitive to mike and wheat so...

this don't really provide any conclusive evidence. One thought is that the form

casoporphene and glutomorphene in the gut and dope up the brain. The doctor is

also running a comprehensive cytokine analysis through neuroscience and we

should have the results shortly.

bounces like a frog.... a lot. He doesn't' know why. I don't know why. My

wife was reading the other day and asked me if it could be stimming? I wish i

had it on video. Its like a leap frog. Anyone ever see this.

Anyway, we have been waiting for 6 months to see another behavioral pediatrician

but we found out they may leave the hospital. Rats. Anyway, insurance covers

none of this so thank god for home equity lines of credit. I'd happily die broke

if i could help our little guy.

If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

best wishes 2 u all!

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You can take an ATEC test for free online to determine if he's Autistic. Just

answer a few questions.

In my opinion, most Autism is caused by heavy metals, like mercury and lead.

Myself and many people on this list are recovering our children using the Andy

Cutler protocol of chelation. Please read about it in the files section here on

the list.

A GFCF diet is helpful in the beginning as well and you can see some results

usually in about two weeks.



From: " davidsdad@... " <davidsdad@...>

Sent: Wed, September 29, 2010 5:53:07 PM

Subject: [ ] I'm new to the group. Anyone got any ideas?


Greetings, I'm 's Dad and am new to the group. I don't know if my son has

Autism but I'm trying to figure this out.

Long ago we suspected that he may be autistic because of minor hand flapping,

poor eye contact, and freaking out to fire alarms and inability to hold a

reasonable conversation. We have two older ones that were our references.

However, but a behavioral pediatrician told me after asking a couple of

questions (that he didn't respond to) that there is no way he is autistic. So we

put this aside and focused on another medical condition (Microtia repair) which

was a year and a half process. I didn't stop suspecting but I was quite about it

because the lady made us feel like dumb aXXes.

Anyway, Dave has had some issues in school. His preschool teacher wanted him to

go to a " triple board certified " psychologist who told discouraged us from

visiting with him because he probably couldn't make a diagnosis till he was .

His second grade school therapist told us he needed to be drugged for adhd. The

ADHD doctor was all to willing to give us Ridalin but we said no. This year his

3rd grade teacher has been freaking out. So we found an OT that a friend

recommended and the OT told us that he has sensory processing disorder (SPD).

is under stimulated visually (probably associated with strabismus) and

overstimulated with sound (may be in part due to unilateral profound hearing

loss associated with microtia). As I read a book on SPD, i found that about 90%

autistic have SPD. So this made me suspicious again about some kind of high

functioning autism or aspburgers.

I forgot to mention that 2 years ago before Davie's surgeries, he had some

Metametrix test (0091 comprehensive profile). At the time, I didn't really

digest them. His Pyroglutamate in his pee was almost in the high range (69

ug/mg) and the Sulfate was in the high range 4366 mug/mg). It appears that the

sulphate indicates oxidative stress. According to Metametrix, he is under

oxidative stress. I did a little more digging and it looks like high rates of

glutathione production result high sulphate excretion. Well what I " m reading...

Autistic kids have messed up Glutathione pathways. Two years ago, we also ran

some neurotransmitters through NeuroScience. His pee epinophrine, dopamine,

serotonin, glycine, taurine, GABA, glutamine, PTa, and Histimimine were all high

and out of the normal range. I've got no idea but I've read somewhere that

autistic are " metaboic train wrecks). .

We found a great doctor who is doing food analysis through neuro science. He has

sensitive to grain and milk products. We stopped cassen and gluton products and

I think I notice a difference. My understanding is one of the most effective

autism diets but non autisitic kids can be sensitive to mike and wheat so...

this don't really provide any conclusive evidence. One thought is that the form

casoporphene and glutomorphene in the gut and dope up the brain. The doctor is

also running a comprehensive cytokine analysis through neuroscience and we

should have the results shortly.

bounces like a frog.... a lot. He doesn't' know why. I don't know why. My

wife was reading the other day and asked me if it could be stimming? I wish i

had it on video. Its like a leap frog. Anyone ever see this.

Anyway, we have been waiting for 6 months to see another behavioral pediatrician

but we found out they may leave the hospital. Rats. Anyway, insurance covers

none of this so thank god for home equity lines of credit. I'd happily die broke

if i could help our little guy.

If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

best wishes 2 u all!

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's Dad,

You are going to like it here.

First off, it doesn't matter if you call it autism, SPD, ADHD - whatever. It

usually is caused by toxicity (usually metals especially mercury, but also lead,

antimony, arsenic, aluminum), and often viral issues, too. All these things can

cause inflammation, leaky gut, neuro issues, nutritional deficiencies, etc.

Getting an " official " diagnosis won't change much, except perhaps your ability

to get therapies such as OT, behavioral therapies, etc.

In the meantime, I highly suggest you read the files of this group and Cutler's

books " Amalgam Illness " and " Hair Test Interpretation " and order a hair test for

your child to see what exactly you are dealing with.

Start figuring out what, if any, supplements he may need.

Ask questions. One thing I've learned is that other parents tend to know FAR

more than anyone else.


> Greetings, I'm 's Dad and am new to the group. I don't know if my son

has Autism but I'm trying to figure this out.


> Long ago we suspected that he may be autistic because of minor hand flapping,

poor eye contact, and freaking out to fire alarms and inability to hold a

reasonable conversation. We have two older ones that were our references.

However, but a behavioral pediatrician told me after asking a couple of

questions (that he didn't respond to) that there is no way he is autistic. So

we put this aside and focused on another medical condition (Microtia repair)

which was a year and a half process. I didn't stop suspecting but I was quite

about it because the lady made us feel like dumb aXXes.


> Anyway, Dave has had some issues in school. His preschool teacher wanted him

to go to a " triple board certified " psychologist who told discouraged us from

visiting with him because he probably couldn't make a diagnosis till he was .

His second grade school therapist told us he needed to be drugged for adhd. The

ADHD doctor was all to willing to give us Ridalin but we said no. This year

his 3rd grade teacher has been freaking out. So we found an OT that a friend

recommended and the OT told us that he has sensory processing disorder (SPD).

is under stimulated visually (probably associated with strabismus) and

overstimulated with sound (may be in part due to unilateral profound hearing

loss associated with microtia). As I read a book on SPD, i found that about 90%

autistic have SPD. So this made me suspicious again about some kind of high

functioning autism or aspburgers.


> I forgot to mention that 2 years ago before Davie's surgeries, he had some

Metametrix test (0091 comprehensive profile). At the time, I didn't really

digest them. His Pyroglutamate in his pee was almost in the high range (69

ug/mg) and the Sulfate was in the high range 4366 mug/mg). It appears that the

sulphate indicates oxidative stress. According to Metametrix, he is under

oxidative stress. I did a little more digging and it looks like high rates of

glutathione production result high sulphate excretion. Well what I " m reading...

Autistic kids have messed up Glutathione pathways. Two years ago, we also ran

some neurotransmitters through NeuroScience. His pee epinophrine, dopamine,

serotonin, glycine, taurine, GABA, glutamine, PTa, and Histimimine were all high

and out of the normal range. I've got no idea but I've read somewhere that

autistic are " metaboic train wrecks). .


> We found a great doctor who is doing food analysis through neuro science. He

has sensitive to grain and milk products. We stopped cassen and gluton products

and I think I notice a difference. My understanding is one of the most

effective autism diets but non autisitic kids can be sensitive to mike and wheat

so... this don't really provide any conclusive evidence. One thought is that

the form casoporphene and glutomorphene in the gut and dope up the brain. The

doctor is also running a comprehensive cytokine analysis through neuroscience

and we should have the results shortly.


> bounces like a frog.... a lot. He doesn't' know why. I don't know why.

My wife was reading the other day and asked me if it could be stimming? I wish

i had it on video. Its like a leap frog. Anyone ever see this.


> Anyway, we have been waiting for 6 months to see another behavioral

pediatrician but we found out they may leave the hospital. Rats. Anyway,

insurance covers none of this so thank god for home equity lines of credit. I'd

happily die broke if i could help our little guy.


> If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.


> best wishes 2 u all!


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what's the counting rule? sorry, i'm new, a looooot to learn. thanks


> I believe that if little comes out in the hair that means it has been

> retained in the fatty tissues. You have to use the rules of counting. You

> are right that past three months exposure, the mercury will deposit in the

> fatty tissues and will not show up in the blood. Once it binds, it is very

> hard to unbind -- hence the need for chelation.




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Well said lisa !

[ ] Re: I'm new to the group. Anyone got any ideas?

's Dad,

You are going to like it here.

First off, it doesn't matter if you call it autism, SPD, ADHD - whatever. It

usually is caused by toxicity (usually metals especially mercury, but also lead,

antimony, arsenic, aluminum), and often viral issues, too. All these things can

cause inflammation, leaky gut, neuro issues, nutritional deficiencies, etc.

Getting an " official " diagnosis won't change much, except perhaps your ability

to get therapies such as OT, behavioral therapies, etc.

In the meantime, I highly suggest you read the files of this group and Cutler's

books " Amalgam Illness " and " Hair Test Interpretation " and order a hair test for

your child to see what exactly you are dealing with.

Start figuring out what, if any, supplements he may need.

Ask questions. One thing I've learned is that other parents tend to know FAR

more than anyone else.


> Greetings, I'm 's Dad and am new to the group. I don't know if my son

has Autism but I'm trying to figure this out.


> Long ago we suspected that he may be autistic because of minor hand flapping,

poor eye contact, and freaking out to fire alarms and inability to hold a

reasonable conversation. We have two older ones that were our references.

However, but a behavioral pediatrician told me after asking a couple of

questions (that he didn't respond to) that there is no way he is autistic. So

we put this aside and focused on another medical condition (Microtia repair)

which was a year and a half process. I didn't stop suspecting but I was quite

about it because the lady made us feel like dumb aXXes.


> Anyway, Dave has had some issues in school. His preschool teacher wanted him

to go to a " triple board certified " psychologist who told discouraged us from

visiting with him because he probably couldn't make a diagnosis till he was .

His second grade school therapist told us he needed to be drugged for adhd. The

ADHD doctor was all to willing to give us Ridalin but we said no. This year

his 3rd grade teacher has been freaking out. So we found an OT that a friend

recommended and the OT told us that he has sensory processing disorder (SPD).

is under stimulated visually (probably associated with strabismus) and

overstimulated with sound (may be in part due to unilateral profound hearing

loss associated with microtia). As I read a book on SPD, i found that about 90%

autistic have SPD. So this made me suspicious again about some kind of high

functioning autism or aspburgers.


> I forgot to mention that 2 years ago before Davie's surgeries, he had some

Metametrix test (0091 comprehensive profile). At the time, I didn't really

digest them. His Pyroglutamate in his pee was almost in the high range (69

ug/mg) and the Sulfate was in the high range 4366 mug/mg). It appears that the

sulphate indicates oxidative stress. According to Metametrix, he is under

oxidative stress. I did a little more digging and it looks like high rates of

glutathione production result high sulphate excretion. Well what I " m reading...

Autistic kids have messed up Glutathione pathways. Two years ago, we also ran

some neurotransmitters through NeuroScience. His pee epinophrine, dopamine,

serotonin, glycine, taurine, GABA, glutamine, PTa, and Histimimine were all high

and out of the normal range. I've got no idea but I've read somewhere that

autistic are " metaboic train wrecks). .


> We found a great doctor who is doing food analysis through neuro science. He

has sensitive to grain and milk products. We stopped cassen and gluton products

and I think I notice a difference. My understanding is one of the most

effective autism diets but non autisitic kids can be sensitive to mike and wheat

so... this don't really provide any conclusive evidence. One thought is that

the form casoporphene and glutomorphene in the gut and dope up the brain. The

doctor is also running a comprehensive cytokine analysis through neuroscience

and we should have the results shortly.


> bounces like a frog.... a lot. He doesn't' know why. I don't know why.

My wife was reading the other day and asked me if it could be stimming? I wish

i had it on video. Its like a leap frog. Anyone ever see this.


> Anyway, we have been waiting for 6 months to see another behavioral

pediatrician but we found out they may leave the hospital. Rats. Anyway,

insurance covers none of this so thank god for home equity lines of credit. I'd

happily die broke if i could help our little guy.


> If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.


> best wishes 2 u all!


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I just wanted to share my experiences with you. What I am posting below is

something I just posted on my own group Healing Children Naturally. It

was my introduction, as it is a very new group. I thought it might help you a

bit, since our children sound almost identical, although we started our battle

when our son was a bit younger.

Our journey actually started a lot earlier than we realize, because

in hindsight, we see that our son was actually a lot different right from the

beginning. He didn't sleep, he cried a LOT, nursing was traumatizing for both

of us and he weaned himself by 3 months, but as he got older, the moods leveled

out and he started sleeping (with a little nudge from The Baby Whisperer...ok

maybe a lot). He had a month long set of reactions (various wild rashes and

hives, swelling of his eyelids, swollen glads that are still swollen, fevers,

diarrhea, lethargy, an ear infection...) to his 12 month vaccinations which

consisted of four live viruses at once and a polio shot. I slowed down and

eventually stopped all vaccinating as I researched it. He was put through every

test under the son to look for Lyme, arthritis, Ebstein Barr Virus, and even


When he was about two I started noticing things that worried me, and being the


reader I am, I was learning that his behaviors were very similar to what

autistic kids were doing (hand flapping occasionally and lining up cars for long

periods of time), but everyone, including doctors, family friends, told

me I was over-analyzing my very social, VERY bright, fast developing, happy

little boy.

So, I " watched and waited " like they said to do, but the hand flapping, lining

up cars incessantly, tics....began to increase and the final nail in the coffin

so to speak, was when I was noticing a huge decrease in his self-esteem and we

did nothing but build him up. He was increasingly frustrated with getting

dressed, putting on shoes, clothing started to bother him and he had absolutely

no patience. I knew I had to have him evaluated, but we were moving to a new

house around this time, I put things off some more. After the move, I found out

I was pregnant, just add salt to my wound why don't you, lol, just kidding, we

were very happy and it was planned, but not fun to be doing it all at once. The

next things I began to notice were: an extreme sensitivity to the sun (it's too

hot), food was too hot even when warm, MAJOR sound sensitivities, a lot of

sensory seeking including crashing and bumping, throwing himself on the floor,

bouncing on furniture,

he wanted more milk than a child his age could drink and he would eat an entire

loaf of bread as dinner, if we allowed it....which we didn't just in case you

were wondering. Even our friends and family began to notice this. He was

self-limiting to wheat and dairy products.

In March of 2008 my husband and I were on a company trip and I overheard a woman

talking about her daughter and being diagnosed with aspergers at 8 and how she

wished she paid more attention to the signs when she was younger, because they

were there, but everyone pushed her worries aside....sounding so familiar! I

jumped right into her conversation and ultimately came home with my thinking cap

on!! I researched and I made an appointment to get him evaluated by a

therapist. SPD was the diagnosis. Not too long after, we started the GFCF diet

and had a LOT of progress, didn't even pursue therapy since he seemed to get

better almost immediately, but then we started to see aggression, anger and

defiance, this was NOT our child! He was normally very happy and silly, always


So without going into too much detail, that spurred more research, because I am

never happy with face value, I want to know WHY and how to FIX it...plus I was

still concerned that many of his behaviors were resembling autism, even though

he was clearly social and bright.

I will just bullet the path we took, to avoid this getting too long:

-Dietary changes, initially just GFCF, then free of 25 foods based on an IgG

panel (our progress plateaued at the GFCF, great progress with full diet


-An OAT confirmed VERY high levels of clostridia and yeast markers - YIKES!

-Scripts for Diflucan, Flagyl AND Nystatin concurrently


-6-8 weeks after a 20 day pulsed (10 on, 10 off, 10 on) courses of the RXs,

aggression and anger would slowly crop back up. We did this THREE times with

the same results every time

-Biofilm protocol to the rescue!! I have to add, this must always be WITHOUT

EDTA which is very toxic to mercury toxic kids. In the beginning, we didn't

know he was mercury toxic so we made the mistake of starting treatment with

EDTA, we backed off soon after. Biofilm was the ONLY things that got his

clostridia under manageable control and we continued on with only naturals from

this point forward

-Hair test meeting Andy Cutler's counting rules

-Chelation with Andy Cutler's protocol (big gains right from the first round,

permanent too)

-Treatment for sensitivities with the BioVeda BAX3000 (removed most food

sensitivities! although by choice we still avoid certain foods)

-Introduced wheat grass daily (love it, good for everyone!)

-Parasite cleanse by Humaworm (recommend this to everyone every 6 months)

-Went to a mainly raw food diet

-Started homeopathy (more big changes, just trying to iron out the dosing and

potencies now, as this is still very new)

-and most recently, we are actually considering the low oxalate diet, now that

he can eat most of the foods he couldn't before. When he was on such a limited

diet, we couldn't also do the LOD, it was too much removed. Now we are in a

better place to at least reduce them a bit and see how he does.

I honestly can't say (with the exception of accidentally using EDTA in our

biofilm protocol) we have not met a treatment that didn't make some change in

our child. He is a responder! I believe that every step of the way has gotten

us closer to full recovery. He has never been diagnosed as being on the

spectrum, officially, although his DAN! did throw around Aspergers, OCD and

ADHD, but thought these were also behaviors he could grow out of. I dont' think

so, biomedicine is the only way we have removed any of them. He attends

mainstream schools, he is great at school and most of his issues are resolved

with the exception of bloating by the time evening arrives and mood swings. He

still has the low frustration threshold and occasional aggression/anger which is

directly tied to the pathogenic load. We know we have a long way to go with

chelation, but we try to focus on one day at a time, reveling in the progress we

make in each given day even if we have to take steps backwards to move forward.

Oh and yes, I have a mouth full of amalgams...

Visit my blog if you haven't gotten enough of my babbling....glutton for

punishment maybe, or can't sleep at night?


Also feel free to join my group, if you are interested in more babble, lol, it's

still very new, like only 31 members new, so I would love to get it rolling with

more people!



> Greetings, I'm 's Dad and am new to the group. I don't know if my son

has Autism but I'm trying to figure this out.


> Long ago we suspected that he may be autistic because of minor hand flapping,

poor eye contact, and freaking out to fire alarms and inability to hold a

reasonable conversation. We have two older ones that were our references.

However, but a behavioral pediatrician told me after asking a couple of

questions (that he didn't respond to) that there is no way he is autistic. So

we put this aside and focused on another medical condition (Microtia repair)

which was a year and a half process. I didn't stop suspecting but I was quite

about it because the lady made us feel like dumb aXXes.


> Anyway, Dave has had some issues in school. His preschool teacher wanted him

to go to a " triple board certified " psychologist who told discouraged us from

visiting with him because he probably couldn't make a diagnosis till he was .

His second grade school therapist told us he needed to be drugged for adhd. The

ADHD doctor was all to willing to give us Ridalin but we said no. This year

his 3rd grade teacher has been freaking out. So we found an OT that a friend

recommended and the OT told us that he has sensory processing disorder (SPD).

is under stimulated visually (probably associated with strabismus) and

overstimulated with sound (may be in part due to unilateral profound hearing

loss associated with microtia). As I read a book on SPD, i found that about 90%

autistic have SPD. So this made me suspicious again about some kind of high

functioning autism or aspburgers.


> I forgot to mention that 2 years ago before Davie's surgeries, he had some

Metametrix test (0091 comprehensive profile). At the time, I didn't really

digest them. His Pyroglutamate in his pee was almost in the high range (69

ug/mg) and the Sulfate was in the high range 4366 mug/mg). It appears that the

sulphate indicates oxidative stress. According to Metametrix, he is under

oxidative stress. I did a little more digging and it looks like high rates of

glutathione production result high sulphate excretion. Well what I " m reading...

Autistic kids have messed up Glutathione pathways. Two years ago, we also ran

some neurotransmitters through NeuroScience. His pee epinophrine, dopamine,

serotonin, glycine, taurine, GABA, glutamine, PTa, and Histimimine were all high

and out of the normal range. I've got no idea but I've read somewhere that

autistic are " metaboic train wrecks). .


> We found a great doctor who is doing food analysis through neuro science. He

has sensitive to grain and milk products. We stopped cassen and gluton products

and I think I notice a difference. My understanding is one of the most

effective autism diets but non autisitic kids can be sensitive to mike and wheat

so... this don't really provide any conclusive evidence. One thought is that

the form casoporphene and glutomorphene in the gut and dope up the brain. The

doctor is also running a comprehensive cytokine analysis through neuroscience

and we should have the results shortly.


> bounces like a frog.... a lot. He doesn't' know why. I don't know why.

My wife was reading the other day and asked me if it could be stimming? I wish

i had it on video. Its like a leap frog. Anyone ever see this.


> Anyway, we have been waiting for 6 months to see another behavioral

pediatrician but we found out they may leave the hospital. Rats. Anyway,

insurance covers none of this so thank god for home equity lines of credit. I'd

happily die broke if i could help our little guy.


> If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.


> best wishes 2 u all!


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Try google and type in Mercury Detox Tools and Information, that should

bring up Moria's site at top of list where she put lots of useful files from

this group, back a while was dumping them after a certain amount and

we didn't want to lose them. The Counting Rules are in there too. I tried

sending the link but AOL messes it up


Mandi in UK

In a message dated 01/10/2010 02:05:48 GMT Daylight Time,

davidsdad@... writes:

I'm going to go through the files. I've got to find out who Cutler is.

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Hello 's Dad,

Here is Emmanuel's Mom. I have a couple of questions: how many vaccines

has little got? Does mommy have amalgams?? Was born through

c-section? All suggestions you have received here are very useful, plus this

last questions might help you come to a better " road map " by knowing better what

insults he received.


Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

[ ] Re: I'm new to the group. Anyone got any ideas?

I just wanted to share my experiences with you. What I am posting below is

something I just posted on my own group Healing Children Naturally. It

was my introduction, as it is a very new group. I thought it might help you a

bit, since our children sound almost identical, although we started our battle

when our son was a bit younger.

Our journey actually started a lot earlier than we realize, because

in hindsight, we see that our son was actually a lot different right from the

beginning. He didn't sleep, he cried a LOT, nursing was traumatizing for both

of us and he weaned himself by 3 months, but as he got older, the moods leveled

out and he started sleeping (with a little nudge from The Baby Whisperer...ok

maybe a lot). He had a month long set of reactions (various wild rashes and

hives, swelling of his eyelids, swollen glads that are still swollen, fevers,

diarrhea, lethargy, an ear infection...) to his 12 month vaccinations which

consisted of four live viruses at once and a polio shot. I slowed down and

eventually stopped all vaccinating as I researched it. He was put through every

test under the son to look for Lyme, arthritis, Ebstein Barr Virus, and even


When he was about two I started noticing things that worried me, and being the


reader I am, I was learning that his behaviors were very similar to what

autistic kids were doing (hand flapping occasionally and lining up cars for long

periods of time), but everyone, including doctors, family friends, told

me I was over-analyzing my very social, VERY bright, fast developing, happy

little boy.

So, I " watched and waited " like they said to do, but the hand flapping, lining

up cars incessantly, tics....began to increase and the final nail in the coffin

so to speak, was when I was noticing a huge decrease in his self-esteem and we

did nothing but build him up. He was increasingly frustrated with getting

dressed, putting on shoes, clothing started to bother him and he had absolutely

no patience. I knew I had to have him evaluated, but we were moving to a new

house around this time, I put things off some more. After the move, I found out

I was pregnant, just add salt to my wound why don't you, lol, just kidding, we

were very happy and it was planned, but not fun to be doing it all at once. The

next things I began to notice were: an extreme sensitivity to the sun (it's too

hot), food was too hot even when warm, MAJOR sound sensitivities, a lot of

sensory seeking including crashing and bumping, throwing himself on the floor,

bouncing on furniture,

he wanted more milk than a child his age could drink and he would eat an entire

loaf of bread as dinner, if we allowed it....which we didn't just in case you

were wondering. Even our friends and family began to notice this. He was

self-limiting to wheat and dairy products.

In March of 2008 my husband and I were on a company trip and I overheard a woman

talking about her daughter and being diagnosed with aspergers at 8 and how she

wished she paid more attention to the signs when she was younger, because they

were there, but everyone pushed her worries aside....sounding so familiar! I

jumped right into her conversation and ultimately came home with my thinking cap

on!! I researched and I made an appointment to get him evaluated by a

therapist. SPD was the diagnosis. Not too long after, we started the GFCF diet

and had a LOT of progress, didn't even pursue therapy since he seemed to get

better almost immediately, but then we started to see aggression, anger and

defiance, this was NOT our child! He was normally very happy and silly, always


So without going into too much detail, that spurred more research, because I am

never happy with face value, I want to know WHY and how to FIX it...plus I was

still concerned that many of his behaviors were resembling autism, even though

he was clearly social and bright.

I will just bullet the path we took, to avoid this getting too long:

-Dietary changes, initially just GFCF, then free of 25 foods based on an IgG

panel (our progress plateaued at the GFCF, great progress with full diet


-An OAT confirmed VERY high levels of clostridia and yeast markers - YIKES!

-Scripts for Diflucan, Flagyl AND Nystatin concurrently


-6-8 weeks after a 20 day pulsed (10 on, 10 off, 10 on) courses of the RXs,

aggression and anger would slowly crop back up. We did this THREE times with

the same results every time

-Biofilm protocol to the rescue!! I have to add, this must always be WITHOUT

EDTA which is very toxic to mercury toxic kids. In the beginning, we didn't

know he was mercury toxic so we made the mistake of starting treatment with

EDTA, we backed off soon after. Biofilm was the ONLY things that got his

clostridia under manageable control and we continued on with only naturals from

this point forward

-Hair test meeting Andy Cutler's counting rules

-Chelation with Andy Cutler's protocol (big gains right from the first round,

permanent too)

-Treatment for sensitivities with the BioVeda BAX3000 (removed most food

sensitivities! although by choice we still avoid certain foods)

-Introduced wheat grass daily (love it, good for everyone!)

-Parasite cleanse by Humaworm (recommend this to everyone every 6 months)

-Went to a mainly raw food diet

-Started homeopathy (more big changes, just trying to iron out the dosing and

potencies now, as this is still very new)

-and most recently, we are actually considering the low oxalate diet, now that

he can eat most of the foods he couldn't before. When he was on such a limited

diet, we couldn't also do the LOD, it was too much removed. Now we are in a

better place to at least reduce them a bit and see how he does.

I honestly can't say (with the exception of accidentally using EDTA in our

biofilm protocol) we have not met a treatment that didn't make some change in

our child. He is a responder! I believe that every step of the way has gotten

us closer to full recovery. He has never been diagnosed as being on the

spectrum, officially, although his DAN! did throw around Aspergers, OCD and

ADHD, but thought these were also behaviors he could grow out of. I dont' think

so, biomedicine is the only way we have removed any of them. He attends

mainstream schools, he is great at school and most of his issues are resolved

with the exception of bloating by the time evening arrives and mood swings. He

still has the low frustration threshold and occasional aggression/anger which is

directly tied to the pathogenic load. We know we have a long way to go with

chelation, but we try to focus on one day at a time, reveling in the progress we

make in each given day even if we have to take steps backwards to move forward.

Oh and yes, I have a mouth full of amalgams...

Visit my blog if you haven't gotten enough of my babbling....glutton for

punishment maybe, or can't sleep at night?


Also feel free to join my group, if you are interested in more babble, lol, it's

still very new, like only 31 members new, so I would love to get it rolling with

more people!



> Greetings, I'm 's Dad and am new to the group. I don't know if my son

has Autism but I'm trying to figure this out.


> Long ago we suspected that he may be autistic because of minor hand flapping,

poor eye contact, and freaking out to fire alarms and inability to hold a

reasonable conversation. We have two older ones that were our references.

However, but a behavioral pediatrician told me after asking a couple of

questions (that he didn't respond to) that there is no way he is autistic. So

we put this aside and focused on another medical condition (Microtia repair)

which was a year and a half process. I didn't stop suspecting but I was quite

about it because the lady made us feel like dumb aXXes.


> Anyway, Dave has had some issues in school. His preschool teacher wanted him

to go to a " triple board certified " psychologist who told discouraged us from

visiting with him because he probably couldn't make a diagnosis till he was .

His second grade school therapist told us he needed to be drugged for adhd. The

ADHD doctor was all to willing to give us Ridalin but we said no. This year

his 3rd grade teacher has been freaking out. So we found an OT that a friend

recommended and the OT told us that he has sensory processing disorder (SPD).

is under stimulated visually (probably associated with strabismus) and

overstimulated with sound (may be in part due to unilateral profound hearing

loss associated with microtia). As I read a book on SPD, i found that about 90%

autistic have SPD. So this made me suspicious again about some kind of high

functioning autism or aspburgers.


> I forgot to mention that 2 years ago before Davie's surgeries, he had some

Metametrix test (0091 comprehensive profile). At the time, I didn't really

digest them. His Pyroglutamate in his pee was almost in the high range (69

ug/mg) and the Sulfate was in the high range 4366 mug/mg). It appears that the

sulphate indicates oxidative stress. According to Metametrix, he is under

oxidative stress. I did a little more digging and it looks like high rates of

glutathione production result high sulphate excretion. Well what I " m reading...

Autistic kids have messed up Glutathione pathways. Two years ago, we also ran

some neurotransmitters through NeuroScience. His pee epinophrine, dopamine,

serotonin, glycine, taurine, GABA, glutamine, PTa, and Histimimine were all high

and out of the normal range. I've got no idea but I've read somewhere that

autistic are " metaboic train wrecks). .


> We found a great doctor who is doing food analysis through neuro science. He

has sensitive to grain and milk products. We stopped cassen and gluton products

and I think I notice a difference. My understanding is one of the most

effective autism diets but non autisitic kids can be sensitive to mike and wheat

so... this don't really provide any conclusive evidence. One thought is that

the form casoporphene and glutomorphene in the gut and dope up the brain. The

doctor is also running a comprehensive cytokine analysis through neuroscience

and we should have the results shortly.


> bounces like a frog.... a lot. He doesn't' know why. I don't know why.

My wife was reading the other day and asked me if it could be stimming? I wish

i had it on video. Its like a leap frog. Anyone ever see this.


> Anyway, we have been waiting for 6 months to see another behavioral

pediatrician but we found out they may leave the hospital. Rats. Anyway,

insurance covers none of this so thank god for home equity lines of credit. I'd

happily die broke if i could help our little guy.


> If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.


> best wishes 2 u all!


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Hi Isa ( Emmanuel's Mom) et al.,

I really appreciate your response.

is up to date with all the fillings. He was born in 2002 and probably

they were all had Thimersol (spelling??). Angie has fillings in most molars.

One broke before we knew she was pregnant and it was repaired. She also had an

x-ray during pregnancy and she was put on zitromax (antibiotic) and hydrocodene.

We know... but we can't change the past.

I forgot to mention that tested positive for two types of Bacteria two

years ago but we never addressed it. Hopefully when the cytokines come back

early next week from neuroscience. I think the cytokynes should tell us of 6

possible areas of concern (I don't completely understand). The neuro science

comprehensive food test should be back soon. I would be happy to let the group

know what we find.

I should also say that is beginning 3rd grade and he read the first two

Harry Potter books with comprehension... one week each. He is good in math but

has some trouble with clocks. He is a bright kid. One good thing is that he

has bee doing better with friends. But he is still driving his teacher crazy.

BTW, we are in central KY.

Best wishes,

Tom ('s Dad)

> >

> > Greetings, I'm 's Dad and am new to the group. I don't know if my son

has Autism but I'm trying to figure this out.

> >

> > Long ago we suspected that he may be autistic because of minor hand

flapping, poor eye contact, and freaking out to fire alarms and inability to

hold a reasonable conversation. We have two older ones that were our

references. However, but a behavioral pediatrician told me after asking a

couple of questions (that he didn't respond to) that there is no way he is

autistic. So we put this aside and focused on another medical condition

(Microtia repair) which was a year and a half process. I didn't stop suspecting

but I was quite about it because the lady made us feel like dumb aXXes.

> >

> > Anyway, Dave has had some issues in school. His preschool teacher wanted

him to go to a " triple board certified " psychologist who told discouraged us

from visiting with him because he probably couldn't make a diagnosis till he was

.. His second grade school therapist told us he needed to be drugged for adhd.

The ADHD doctor was all to willing to give us Ridalin but we said no. This

year his 3rd grade teacher has been freaking out. So we found an OT that a

friend recommended and the OT told us that he has sensory processing disorder

(SPD). is under stimulated visually (probably associated with strabismus)

and overstimulated with sound (may be in part due to unilateral profound hearing

loss associated with microtia). As I read a book on SPD, i found that about 90%

autistic have SPD. So this made me suspicious again about some kind of high

functioning autism or aspburgers.

> >

> > I forgot to mention that 2 years ago before Davie's surgeries, he had some

Metametrix test (0091 comprehensive profile). At the time, I didn't really

digest them. His Pyroglutamate in his pee was almost in the high range (69

ug/mg) and the Sulfate was in the high range 4366 mug/mg). It appears that the

sulphate indicates oxidative stress. According to Metametrix, he is under

oxidative stress. I did a little more digging and it looks like high rates of

glutathione production result high sulphate excretion. Well what I " m reading...

Autistic kids have messed up Glutathione pathways. Two years ago, we also ran

some neurotransmitters through NeuroScience. His pee epinophrine, dopamine,

serotonin, glycine, taurine, GABA, glutamine, PTa, and Histimimine were all high

and out of the normal range. I've got no idea but I've read somewhere that

autistic are " metaboic train wrecks). .

> >

> > We found a great doctor who is doing food analysis through neuro science.

He has sensitive to grain and milk products. We stopped cassen and gluton

products and I think I notice a difference. My understanding is one of the most

effective autism diets but non autisitic kids can be sensitive to mike and wheat

so... this don't really provide any conclusive evidence. One thought is that

the form casoporphene and glutomorphene in the gut and dope up the brain. The

doctor is also running a comprehensive cytokine analysis through neuroscience

and we should have the results shortly.

> >

> > bounces like a frog.... a lot. He doesn't' know why. I don't know

why. My wife was reading the other day and asked me if it could be stimming? I

wish i had it on video. Its like a leap frog. Anyone ever see this.

> >

> > Anyway, we have been waiting for 6 months to see another behavioral

pediatrician but we found out they may leave the hospital. Rats. Anyway,

insurance covers none of this so thank god for home equity lines of credit. I'd

happily die broke if i could help our little guy.

> >

> > If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

> >

> > best wishes 2 u all!

> >







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Dear ,

Thank you for sharing this with us. I joined your group (should be 32 members

now) and look forward to participating.

[Let me make a correction.. In my response to Isa, I meant to say that is

up to dates on all of his shots. I made other errors... I don't type well and

talk to my family.]

A couple of days ago, we went to the hospital to get all of his records.

had hives all over his body when he was a kid. They kept moving around and we

never got an answer why. He also had a fibral cesiure (sorry, my spelling is

suboptimal:). My wife is going to see if she can match up the vaccination

dates. We never had a really abrupt change in his behavior as you read about

people have often had after shots.

Like your son, my boy and I both have a great appetite for milk but not a huge

desire for grains. A few days after we stopped milk and grains for him, he did

back flips (on a rolling cylinder) and hand stands in gymnastics for the first

time. Fortunately he is not affected by sun. I can only imagine how difficult

that is.

I'm so happy that you were able to make a difference with anti fungals and

antibiotics. I'm hoping this is the case for my boy.

I keep hearing about cutler's counting rules and I have no idea yet what that

means. But this weekend. I'm going to figure it out. And got to read about

BioVerda. I'm so encouraged by your successes. We just got to be realistic

because we know not everyone has success. But we have a lot of hope for our

boy. And prayers for all of our kids who are facing these problems.

I got a story that might make you mad but probably u can relate. We saw a OD

(doctor of optometry) last week. He said he knew what sensory processing

disorder was but I don't think he did. behaved well but he just has

trouble focusing. The guy got irritated and very impatient. Said things like " 5

year old kids can do this " . As you might imagine, kept doing worse and

worse. One eye test he kept looking at us so he took forever. He didn't have

the patients to redo it. So later emailed us the result (t-score of about

-8.7). Statistically this means that in a world of 6.7 billion people, he is

the literary the worst at horizontal tracking (this is nonsense because he reads

2 grade levels ahead. He argued with us that we probably wouldn't have the

patients to do the tests with him. Anyway, I was really pissed with him during

the exam and let him know. Once he knew I was upset, he started to say things

like, I want you to know I don't think he is a dumb kids.. bla bla bla. He

wrote that in his letter too. Before we left, he told my wife.... it could be

worse... could be cancer (WTF?????).....What puzzles me most is that he felt

that I really cared what he felt about the intelligence for my kid. I was upset

that he had a poor bedside manner. It seems for many, the compassion people have

for others is limited by their perception of their intelligence. Additionally,

people jump to conclusions and assume kids are bad or we are bad parents.....

you just can't understand I guess unless you have a kid who has some challenges.

Just something you got to get used to.

I wish i had all amalgums and my wife had none. BTW, can they be removed safely?

Thank you . Sorry for my babblings....

Best wishes to you.


> >

> > Greetings, I'm 's Dad and am new to the group. I don't know if my son

has Autism but I'm trying to figure this out.

> >

> > Long ago we suspected that he may be autistic because of minor hand

flapping, poor eye contact, and freaking out to fire alarms and inability to

hold a reasonable conversation. We have two older ones that were our

references. However, but a behavioral pediatrician told me after asking a

couple of questions (that he didn't respond to) that there is no way he is

autistic. So we put this aside and focused on another medical condition

(Microtia repair) which was a year and a half process. I didn't stop suspecting

but I was quite about it because the lady made us feel like dumb aXXes.

> >

> > Anyway, Dave has had some issues in school. His preschool teacher wanted

him to go to a " triple board certified " psychologist who told discouraged us

from visiting with him because he probably couldn't make a diagnosis till he was

.. His second grade school therapist told us he needed to be drugged for adhd.

The ADHD doctor was all to willing to give us Ridalin but we said no. This

year his 3rd grade teacher has been freaking out. So we found an OT that a

friend recommended and the OT told us that he has sensory processing disorder

(SPD). is under stimulated visually (probably associated with strabismus)

and overstimulated with sound (may be in part due to unilateral profound hearing

loss associated with microtia). As I read a book on SPD, i found that about 90%

autistic have SPD. So this made me suspicious again about some kind of high

functioning autism or aspburgers.

> >

> > I forgot to mention that 2 years ago before Davie's surgeries, he had some

Metametrix test (0091 comprehensive profile). At the time, I didn't really

digest them. His Pyroglutamate in his pee was almost in the high range (69

ug/mg) and the Sulfate was in the high range 4366 mug/mg). It appears that the

sulphate indicates oxidative stress. According to Metametrix, he is under

oxidative stress. I did a little more digging and it looks like high rates of

glutathione production result high sulphate excretion. Well what I " m reading...

Autistic kids have messed up Glutathione pathways. Two years ago, we also ran

some neurotransmitters through NeuroScience. His pee epinophrine, dopamine,

serotonin, glycine, taurine, GABA, glutamine, PTa, and Histimimine were all high

and out of the normal range. I've got no idea but I've read somewhere that

autistic are " metaboic train wrecks). .

> >

> > We found a great doctor who is doing food analysis through neuro science.

He has sensitive to grain and milk products. We stopped cassen and gluton

products and I think I notice a difference. My understanding is one of the most

effective autism diets but non autisitic kids can be sensitive to mike and wheat

so... this don't really provide any conclusive evidence. One thought is that

the form casoporphene and glutomorphene in the gut and dope up the brain. The

doctor is also running a comprehensive cytokine analysis through neuroscience

and we should have the results shortly.

> >

> > bounces like a frog.... a lot. He doesn't' know why. I don't know

why. My wife was reading the other day and asked me if it could be stimming? I

wish i had it on video. Its like a leap frog. Anyone ever see this.

> >

> > Anyway, we have been waiting for 6 months to see another behavioral

pediatrician but we found out they may leave the hospital. Rats. Anyway,

insurance covers none of this so thank god for home equity lines of credit. I'd

happily die broke if i could help our little guy.

> >

> > If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

> >

> > best wishes 2 u all!

> >


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Thank you ,

I agree that the official labels don't mean anything particularly when you

consider in 20 years the criteria will probably be different. My understanding

is that cytokines should pint us to the various toxicity. We have been paying

for everything out of pocket. If we have immune indicators of metals, we are

going to ask the HMO physician to order standard labs. They don't want to do

anything and poo poo everything parents think of. I'm going to go through the

files. I've got to find out who Cutler is.

One of the nice things about an international community of parents is that many

folks are working with physicians all over the country.... and ideas can really

travel fast... probably good and bad ideas.... and assessments of those ideas.

Thank God for the Internet. Well at least some aspects of it.

> >

> > Greetings, I'm 's Dad and am new to the group. I don't know if my son

has Autism but I'm trying to figure this out.

> >

> > Long ago we suspected that he may be autistic because of minor hand

flapping, poor eye contact, and freaking out to fire alarms and inability to

hold a reasonable conversation. We have two older ones that were our

references. However, but a behavioral pediatrician told me after asking a

couple of questions (that he didn't respond to) that there is no way he is

autistic. So we put this aside and focused on another medical condition

(Microtia repair) which was a year and a half process. I didn't stop suspecting

but I was quite about it because the lady made us feel like dumb aXXes.

> >

> > Anyway, Dave has had some issues in school. His preschool teacher wanted

him to go to a " triple board certified " psychologist who told discouraged us

from visiting with him because he probably couldn't make a diagnosis till he was

.. His second grade school therapist told us he needed to be drugged for adhd.

The ADHD doctor was all to willing to give us Ridalin but we said no. This

year his 3rd grade teacher has been freaking out. So we found an OT that a

friend recommended and the OT told us that he has sensory processing disorder

(SPD). is under stimulated visually (probably associated with strabismus)

and overstimulated with sound (may be in part due to unilateral profound hearing

loss associated with microtia). As I read a book on SPD, i found that about 90%

autistic have SPD. So this made me suspicious again about some kind of high

functioning autism or aspburgers.

> >

> > I forgot to mention that 2 years ago before Davie's surgeries, he had some

Metametrix test (0091 comprehensive profile). At the time, I didn't really

digest them. His Pyroglutamate in his pee was almost in the high range (69

ug/mg) and the Sulfate was in the high range 4366 mug/mg). It appears that the

sulphate indicates oxidative stress. According to Metametrix, he is under

oxidative stress. I did a little more digging and it looks like high rates of

glutathione production result high sulphate excretion. Well what I " m reading...

Autistic kids have messed up Glutathione pathways. Two years ago, we also ran

some neurotransmitters through NeuroScience. His pee epinophrine, dopamine,

serotonin, glycine, taurine, GABA, glutamine, PTa, and Histimimine were all high

and out of the normal range. I've got no idea but I've read somewhere that

autistic are " metaboic train wrecks). .

> >

> > We found a great doctor who is doing food analysis through neuro science.

He has sensitive to grain and milk products. We stopped cassen and gluton

products and I think I notice a difference. My understanding is one of the most

effective autism diets but non autisitic kids can be sensitive to mike and wheat

so... this don't really provide any conclusive evidence. One thought is that

the form casoporphene and glutomorphene in the gut and dope up the brain. The

doctor is also running a comprehensive cytokine analysis through neuroscience

and we should have the results shortly.

> >

> > bounces like a frog.... a lot. He doesn't' know why. I don't know

why. My wife was reading the other day and asked me if it could be stimming? I

wish i had it on video. Its like a leap frog. Anyone ever see this.

> >

> > Anyway, we have been waiting for 6 months to see another behavioral

pediatrician but we found out they may leave the hospital. Rats. Anyway,

insurance covers none of this so thank god for home equity lines of credit. I'd

happily die broke if i could help our little guy.

> >

> > If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

> >

> > best wishes 2 u all!

> >


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Thanks TJ,

You must be talking about this test. http://www.autism.com/ind_atec_survey.asp

I'll go through it. I will bet he will test negative. I think the problem is

that this is all a continuum and discrete boundaries only exist in the minds of

diagnosticians to help insurance companies.




> You can take an ATEC test for free online to determine if he's Autistic. Just

> answer a few questions.

> In my opinion, most Autism is caused by heavy metals, like mercury and lead.

> Myself and many people on this list are recovering our children using the Andy

> Cutler protocol of chelation. Please read about it in the files section here


> the list.

> A GFCF diet is helpful in the beginning as well and you can see some results

> usually in about two weeks.

> TJ





> ________________________________

> From: " davidsdad@... " <davidsdad@...>


> Sent: Wed, September 29, 2010 5:53:07 PM

> Subject: [ ] I'm new to the group. Anyone got any ideas?



> Greetings, I'm 's Dad and am new to the group. I don't know if my son has

> Autism but I'm trying to figure this out.


> Long ago we suspected that he may be autistic because of minor hand flapping,

> poor eye contact, and freaking out to fire alarms and inability to hold a

> reasonable conversation. We have two older ones that were our references.

> However, but a behavioral pediatrician told me after asking a couple of

> questions (that he didn't respond to) that there is no way he is autistic. So


> put this aside and focused on another medical condition (Microtia repair)


> was a year and a half process. I didn't stop suspecting but I was quite about


> because the lady made us feel like dumb aXXes.



> Anyway, Dave has had some issues in school. His preschool teacher wanted him


> go to a " triple board certified " psychologist who told discouraged us from

> visiting with him because he probably couldn't make a diagnosis till he was .

> His second grade school therapist told us he needed to be drugged for adhd.


> ADHD doctor was all to willing to give us Ridalin but we said no. This year


> 3rd grade teacher has been freaking out. So we found an OT that a friend

> recommended and the OT told us that he has sensory processing disorder (SPD).

> is under stimulated visually (probably associated with strabismus) and

> overstimulated with sound (may be in part due to unilateral profound hearing

> loss associated with microtia). As I read a book on SPD, i found that about


> autistic have SPD. So this made me suspicious again about some kind of high

> functioning autism or aspburgers.



> I forgot to mention that 2 years ago before Davie's surgeries, he had some

> Metametrix test (0091 comprehensive profile). At the time, I didn't really

> digest them. His Pyroglutamate in his pee was almost in the high range (69

> ug/mg) and the Sulfate was in the high range 4366 mug/mg). It appears that the

> sulphate indicates oxidative stress. According to Metametrix, he is under

> oxidative stress. I did a little more digging and it looks like high rates of

> glutathione production result high sulphate excretion. Well what I " m


> Autistic kids have messed up Glutathione pathways. Two years ago, we also ran

> some neurotransmitters through NeuroScience. His pee epinophrine, dopamine,

> serotonin, glycine, taurine, GABA, glutamine, PTa, and Histimimine were all


> and out of the normal range. I've got no idea but I've read somewhere that

> autistic are " metaboic train wrecks). .



> We found a great doctor who is doing food analysis through neuro science. He


> sensitive to grain and milk products. We stopped cassen and gluton products


> I think I notice a difference. My understanding is one of the most effective

> autism diets but non autisitic kids can be sensitive to mike and wheat so...

> this don't really provide any conclusive evidence. One thought is that the


> casoporphene and glutomorphene in the gut and dope up the brain. The doctor is

> also running a comprehensive cytokine analysis through neuroscience and we

> should have the results shortly.



> bounces like a frog.... a lot. He doesn't' know why. I don't know why.


> wife was reading the other day and asked me if it could be stimming? I wish i

> had it on video. Its like a leap frog. Anyone ever see this.


> Anyway, we have been waiting for 6 months to see another behavioral


> but we found out they may leave the hospital. Rats. Anyway, insurance covers

> none of this so thank god for home equity lines of credit. I'd happily die


> if i could help our little guy.


> If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.


> best wishes 2 u all!









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Many of us here have had ZERO luck with doctors, and have figured things out

with the help of PhD's like Andy and other parents who have healed their kids.

Insurance for this kind of testing, supplements, etc. was nonexistent for us.

Even for " standard " care for autism - psychiatry and OT and behavior therapy -

we had no coverage. The day my son was diagnosed I was informed that our

insurance would NOT be covering anything related to this issue for him. In fact,

it was on the way OUT the door from being diagnosed! Nothing like kicking you

when you are down. And I'm in PA - the new insurance law? A joke. We fall

through the cracks of that one and therapists write goals now to get you out of

therapy ASAP.

We payed all the traditional stuff out of pocket, and then on to the DAN's. I

think the totals were over $25,000 that first year. My son did not improve.

Cutler's books cost me less than $100. The hair test was less than a $100, and a

bottle of ALA to pull the metals out of my kid is about $8. The other supps he

needs run about $150 a month, now that I know where to order and he is far

enough along to need less of them. He no longer needs any traditional autism

therapies: behavioral, speech, OT. He's highly gifted so that we have to

homeschool, and has a gaggle of little boys he runs around with after school

every day - collecting frogs, riding bikes, digging in the mud, building forts.

Read as much as you can here. This group gave me my son back.

> > >

> > > Greetings, I'm 's Dad and am new to the group. I don't know if my

son has Autism but I'm trying to figure this out.

> > >

> > > Long ago we suspected that he may be autistic because of minor hand

flapping, poor eye contact, and freaking out to fire alarms and inability to

hold a reasonable conversation. We have two older ones that were our

references. However, but a behavioral pediatrician told me after asking a

couple of questions (that he didn't respond to) that there is no way he is

autistic. So we put this aside and focused on another medical condition

(Microtia repair) which was a year and a half process. I didn't stop suspecting

but I was quite about it because the lady made us feel like dumb aXXes.

> > >

> > > Anyway, Dave has had some issues in school. His preschool teacher wanted

him to go to a " triple board certified " psychologist who told discouraged us

from visiting with him because he probably couldn't make a diagnosis till he was

.. His second grade school therapist told us he needed to be drugged for adhd.

The ADHD doctor was all to willing to give us Ridalin but we said no. This

year his 3rd grade teacher has been freaking out. So we found an OT that a

friend recommended and the OT told us that he has sensory processing disorder

(SPD). is under stimulated visually (probably associated with strabismus)

and overstimulated with sound (may be in part due to unilateral profound hearing

loss associated with microtia). As I read a book on SPD, i found that about 90%

autistic have SPD. So this made me suspicious again about some kind of high

functioning autism or aspburgers.

> > >

> > > I forgot to mention that 2 years ago before Davie's surgeries, he had some

Metametrix test (0091 comprehensive profile). At the time, I didn't really

digest them. His Pyroglutamate in his pee was almost in the high range (69

ug/mg) and the Sulfate was in the high range 4366 mug/mg). It appears that the

sulphate indicates oxidative stress. According to Metametrix, he is under

oxidative stress. I did a little more digging and it looks like high rates of

glutathione production result high sulphate excretion. Well what I " m reading...

Autistic kids have messed up Glutathione pathways. Two years ago, we also ran

some neurotransmitters through NeuroScience. His pee epinophrine, dopamine,

serotonin, glycine, taurine, GABA, glutamine, PTa, and Histimimine were all high

and out of the normal range. I've got no idea but I've read somewhere that

autistic are " metaboic train wrecks). .

> > >

> > > We found a great doctor who is doing food analysis through neuro science.

He has sensitive to grain and milk products. We stopped cassen and gluton

products and I think I notice a difference. My understanding is one of the most

effective autism diets but non autisitic kids can be sensitive to mike and wheat

so... this don't really provide any conclusive evidence. One thought is that

the form casoporphene and glutomorphene in the gut and dope up the brain. The

doctor is also running a comprehensive cytokine analysis through neuroscience

and we should have the results shortly.

> > >

> > > bounces like a frog.... a lot. He doesn't' know why. I don't know

why. My wife was reading the other day and asked me if it could be stimming? I

wish i had it on video. Its like a leap frog. Anyone ever see this.

> > >

> > > Anyway, we have been waiting for 6 months to see another behavioral

pediatrician but we found out they may leave the hospital. Rats. Anyway,

insurance covers none of this so thank god for home equity lines of credit. I'd

happily die broke if i could help our little guy.

> > >

> > > If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

> > >

> > > best wishes 2 u all!

> > >

> >


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The test was developed by people outside the establishment, I think. If your

child is autistic, he will get a high score.

It's pretty simple once you open your eyes.



From: " davidsdad@... " <davidsdad@...>

Sent: Thu, September 30, 2010 5:55:35 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: I'm new to the group. Anyone got any ideas?

Thanks TJ,

You must be talking about this test. http://www.autism.com/ind_atec_survey.asp

I'll go through it. I will bet he will test negative. I think the problem is

that this is all a continuum and discrete boundaries only exist in the minds of

diagnosticians to help insurance companies.




> You can take an ATEC test for free online to determine if he's Autistic. Just

> answer a few questions.

> In my opinion, most Autism is caused by heavy metals, like mercury and lead.

> Myself and many people on this list are recovering our children using the Andy

> Cutler protocol of chelation. Please read about it in the files section here



> the list.

> A GFCF diet is helpful in the beginning as well and you can see some results

> usually in about two weeks.

> TJ





> ________________________________

> From: " davidsdad@... " <davidsdad@...>


> Sent: Wed, September 29, 2010 5:53:07 PM

> Subject: [ ] I'm new to the group. Anyone got any ideas?


> Â

> Greetings, I'm 's Dad and am new to the group. I don't know if my son has

> Autism but I'm trying to figure this out.


> Long ago we suspected that he may be autistic because of minor hand flapping,

> poor eye contact, and freaking out to fire alarms and inability to hold a

> reasonable conversation. We have two older ones that were our references.

> However, but a behavioral pediatrician told me after asking a couple of

> questions (that he didn't respond to) that there is no way he is autistic. So



> put this aside and focused on another medical condition (Microtia repair)



> was a year and a half process. I didn't stop suspecting but I was quite about



> because the lady made us feel like dumb aXXes.



> Anyway, Dave has had some issues in school. His preschool teacher wanted him



> go to a " triple board certified " psychologist who told discouraged us from

> visiting with him because he probably couldn't make a diagnosis till he was .

> His second grade school therapist told us he needed to be drugged for adhd.



> ADHD doctor was all to willing to give us Ridalin but we said no. This year



> 3rd grade teacher has been freaking out. So we found an OT that a friend

> recommended and the OT told us that he has sensory processing disorder (SPD).

> is under stimulated visually (probably associated with strabismus) and

> overstimulated with sound (may be in part due to unilateral profound hearing

> loss associated with microtia). As I read a book on SPD, i found that about



> autistic have SPD. So this made me suspicious again about some kind of high

> functioning autism or aspburgers.



> I forgot to mention that 2 years ago before Davie's surgeries, he had some

> Metametrix test (0091 comprehensive profile). At the time, I didn't really

> digest them. His Pyroglutamate in his pee was almost in the high range (69

> ug/mg) and the Sulfate was in the high range 4366 mug/mg). It appears that the

> sulphate indicates oxidative stress. According to Metametrix, he is under

> oxidative stress. I did a little more digging and it looks like high rates of

> glutathione production result high sulphate excretion. Well what I " m



> Autistic kids have messed up Glutathione pathways. Two years ago, we also ran

> some neurotransmitters through NeuroScience. His pee epinophrine, dopamine,

> serotonin, glycine, taurine, GABA, glutamine, PTa, and Histimimine were all



> and out of the normal range. I've got no idea but I've read somewhere that

> autistic are " metaboic train wrecks). .



> We found a great doctor who is doing food analysis through neuro science. He



> sensitive to grain and milk products. We stopped cassen and gluton products



> I think I notice a difference. My understanding is one of the most effective

> autism diets but non autisitic kids can be sensitive to mike and wheat so...

> this don't really provide any conclusive evidence. One thought is that the



> casoporphene and glutomorphene in the gut and dope up the brain. The doctor is

> also running a comprehensive cytokine analysis through neuroscience and we

> should have the results shortly.



> bounces like a frog.... a lot. He doesn't' know why. I don't know why.



> wife was reading the other day and asked me if it could be stimming? I wish i

> had it on video. Its like a leap frog. Anyone ever see this.


> Anyway, we have been waiting for 6 months to see another behavioral



> but we found out they may leave the hospital. Rats. Anyway, insurance covers

> none of this so thank god for home equity lines of credit. I'd happily die



> if i could help our little guy.


> If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.


> best wishes 2 u all!









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I feel obligated to respond to you and as a mom share my story. I was in the

same situation as you are right now when my son was 6 he is now 11. When I think

about all the doctors that we saw and his ped who would say " he is fine, he is

just a boy acting up " but teachers were saying different things. I was in denial

and kind of happy that the doctors were telling me he has ADHD and not autism.

To me labeling does not matter any more, I knew something was wrong with my son

and started taking things in my own hands. I believe that I will heal my son. I

am glad you are reading doc Bock's book that book made me realize that yes, my

son has autism and I should research and read, and that's what I have been doing

for the past two years. Sarted AC chelation 5 months ago, and am educating

myself everyday. I have found a pediatrician who is open to alternatives and

shares with me the reality that doctors face today-they feel imprisonned by

insurance and pharma corporation. The whole system is corroptude but we can not

afford to wait until is fixed, we are forced to do it ourselves.

Best of luck-you are in the right place here. Just read, read and order the hair

test that's the first step!


> Neither or Dr Bock understand the Counting Rules, you get better

> chelation advise here, a link to get you started


> _http://home.earthlink.net/~moriam/_ (http://home.earthlink.net/~moriam/)


> In a hair test you look not for the metals but for the damage Hg causes,

> Disordered Mineral Transport, all explained in Link above and in Andy Cutlers

> books


> _http://www.noamalgam.com/_ (http://www.noamalgam.com/)


> Good luck


> Mandi in UK



> In a message dated 30/09/2010 03:01:54 GMT Daylight Time,

> davidsdad@... writes:


> We have been reading the new McCarthy book and another book by

> Bock. Wow. These are really good.

> Our understanding is that Hg is very difficult to detect ... because if

> its trapped in fatty tissue.... then its not gonna be oin the blood.

> But u might be right about the hair. Thanks for the tip.





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  • 1 month later...

Wow this all sounds pretty familiar to me. I've been through many docs and no

one wants to dx our kids. They all keep saying " they will grow out of it " . But

as they approach first and second grade that doesn't happen. So now you're where

we are, third grade and having problems in school.

The bouncing sounds like our jumping issue. Some kids do this to calm their

nervous system. Stimming it can be called but it's a way to over-ride the

sensory overload they experience. It's pretty common in SPD and SPD is part of


I did not find a behavioral ped to be very helpful at all and we saw two of

them. We finally were able to get a dx from a child psychologist. What did help

was that I had all the testing and evaluations done by our school district. She

read through those and then spent some time with my son and us and had no

problem giving a dx. She said it's pitiful that they withold dx's for so long on

these kids when all that does is rob them of the services they need.

You're story is so familiar to me because it's our story too. I would find a

child psyc who specializes in ASD. Without and ASD dx, he won't get much from

school. This is what happened to us. We were not able to get much help at all

without a dx of being on the spectrum. He's had the SPD dx since he was 3 and

that got us nothing from school.

Have you requested in writing to your districts Committee on Special Education

that he have a evaluation done through your school district? this costs you

nothing but may help get him some of the support he needs. I would request a

speech eval, an OT eval, an educational eval..the works.

We were able to get the evaluations covered by going through the district, and

the psychologist covered with a referral from the pediatrician. Look into state

insurance coverage for him if your private insurance is inadequate. I would also

try to connect with some other ASD parents in your city and see who they take

their kids too.

From what we've been through the past four years....it's a matter of finding the

right doctor who is not afraid to give a dx where a dx should be given. It seems

the clinic at the hospital where they kept sending us would only dx clearly

autistic kids and not PDD or high functioning kids. The just kept saying how my

son could talk, which as we know has nothing to do with it. Most ASD kids talk.

When we finally insisted on them sending us to a child behavioral health

facility we met with a nice child psych and that worked out.

Keep pushing....ask for a CSE evaluation.



> Greetings, I'm 's Dad and am new to the group. I don't know if my son

has Autism but I'm trying to figure this out.


> Long ago we suspected that he may be autistic because of minor hand flapping,

poor eye contact, and freaking out to fire alarms and inability to hold a

reasonable conversation. We have two older ones that were our references.

However, but a behavioral pediatrician told me after asking a couple of

questions (that he didn't respond to) that there is no way he is autistic. So

we put this aside and focused on another medical condition (Microtia repair)

which was a year and a half process. I didn't stop suspecting but I was quite

about it because the lady made us feel like dumb aXXes.


> Anyway, Dave has had some issues in school. His preschool teacher wanted him

to go to a " triple board certified " psychologist who told discouraged us from

visiting with him because he probably couldn't make a diagnosis till he was .

His second grade school therapist told us he needed to be drugged for adhd. The

ADHD doctor was all to willing to give us Ridalin but we said no. This year

his 3rd grade teacher has been freaking out. So we found an OT that a friend

recommended and the OT told us that he has sensory processing disorder (SPD).

is under stimulated visually (probably associated with strabismus) and

overstimulated with sound (may be in part due to unilateral profound hearing

loss associated with microtia). As I read a book on SPD, i found that about 90%

autistic have SPD. So this made me suspicious again about some kind of high

functioning autism or aspburgers.


> I forgot to mention that 2 years ago before Davie's surgeries, he had some

Metametrix test (0091 comprehensive profile). At the time, I didn't really

digest them. His Pyroglutamate in his pee was almost in the high range (69

ug/mg) and the Sulfate was in the high range 4366 mug/mg). It appears that the

sulphate indicates oxidative stress. According to Metametrix, he is under

oxidative stress. I did a little more digging and it looks like high rates of

glutathione production result high sulphate excretion. Well what I " m reading...

Autistic kids have messed up Glutathione pathways. Two years ago, we also ran

some neurotransmitters through NeuroScience. His pee epinophrine, dopamine,

serotonin, glycine, taurine, GABA, glutamine, PTa, and Histimimine were all high

and out of the normal range. I've got no idea but I've read somewhere that

autistic are " metaboic train wrecks). .


> We found a great doctor who is doing food analysis through neuro science. He

has sensitive to grain and milk products. We stopped cassen and gluton products

and I think I notice a difference. My understanding is one of the most

effective autism diets but non autisitic kids can be sensitive to mike and wheat

so... this don't really provide any conclusive evidence. One thought is that

the form casoporphene and glutomorphene in the gut and dope up the brain. The

doctor is also running a comprehensive cytokine analysis through neuroscience

and we should have the results shortly.


> bounces like a frog.... a lot. He doesn't' know why. I don't know why.

My wife was reading the other day and asked me if it could be stimming? I wish

i had it on video. Its like a leap frog. Anyone ever see this.


> Anyway, we have been waiting for 6 months to see another behavioral

pediatrician but we found out they may leave the hospital. Rats. Anyway,

insurance covers none of this so thank god for home equity lines of credit. I'd

happily die broke if i could help our little guy.


> If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.


> best wishes 2 u all!


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