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Re: Magnesium again

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gEorGE, :)

How do you know you are so desperate for magnesium? I've missed out on that

info in earlier posts.



> I am still feeling like death and still trying to find a way to get more

magnesium in my system.  I have taken all the supps that people have suggested

and still no success in reducing my symptoms.  Why frantically researching, I

came across this article that I am praying will help me to feel better.


> I just did my first magnesium nebulizer treatment and I don't know if it is

wishful thinking or what but I seem to feel a little bit better.  We will see

how things progress.  If anyone has any other pointers for me to help my lack of

magnesium situation it would be greatly appreciated.  






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The best source one can get:



[ ] Magnesium again

I am still feeling like death and still trying to find a way to get more

magnesium in my system. I have taken all the supps that people have suggested

and still no success in reducing my symptoms. Why frantically researching, I

came across this article that I am praying will help me to feel better.


I just did my first magnesium nebulizer treatment and I don't know if it is

wishful thinking or what but I seem to feel a little bit better. We will see

how things progress. If anyone has any other pointers for me to help my lack of

magnesium situation it would be greatly appreciated.

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I don't know all that's going on with you, I just know some of us are more

sensitive. That's why we got sick in the 1st place.

Some here may think this shouldn't be done, but I started reacting to D3 with

palpitations. The numbness & tingling can be a need for  B12, food additives,

or yeast. Try stopping D3 for now & take an omega 3.

An easy source of D to digest is cod liver oil.  But you need K2 to absorb D. 

Work on your yeast, as chelation ups yeast. Are you off of gluten? It feeds

yeast. Milk/casein feeds inflammation you have.  Do you notice more pain in

your chest & trouble breathing after eating a certain food? It might surprise

you that yeast can be there too. How about quitting calcium? Is your calcium in

the high range?


  article: vitamin D is necessary for the body to utilise magnesium.  

An easy source to digest. You'd need to add K2 to absorb it. Try stopping D3 &

stick to cod liver oil. Are you taking an omega 3?

 low red cell magnesium is a symptom of mitochondrial failure. It is

the job of mitochondria to produce ATP for cell metabolism and about 40%

of all mitochondrial output goes into maintaining calcium/magnesium and

sodium/potassium ion pumps. I suspect that when mitochondria fail,

these pumps malfunction and therefore calcium leaks into cells and

magnesium leaks out of cells. This, of course, compounds the underlying

mitochondrial failure because calcium is toxic to mitochondria and

magnesium necessary for normal mitochondrial function. This is just one

of the many vicious cycles we see in patients with fatigue syndromes.

The reason for giving magnesium by injection is in order to

reduce the work of the calcium/magnesium ion pump by reducing the

concentration gradient across cell membranes.

So, a low red cell magnesium is an indication for giving

magnesium by injection. Doing this makes the work of the ion pumps less

and therefore helps mitochondria to work better.

This explains why it is a waste of time measuring serum

magnesium. Serum levels are maintained at the expense of intracellular

levels. If serum levels change this causes heart irregularities and so

the body maintains serum levels at all cost. It will drain magnesium

from inside cells and indeed from bone in order to achieve this.

Hypochlorhydria – magnesium requires an acid environment for its

absorption and hypochlorhydria will result in poor magnesium absorption.

Magnesium is lost at times of stress. This also

includes hypoglycaemia, food allergy reactions and detoxification.  Is it worse

after carbs that feed yeast? 

Don't give up now. We're  praying for you. If anyone's near him, give him a





 Re: [ ] Re: Magnesium again


I just know from my symptoms.  This all started with a trip to the

hospital about 8 months ago because I was having chest pains really bad.  Tons

of tests on my heart and they say nothing is wrong.  Since that time I've made

two more trips to the ER.  They always say nothing is wrong.  When I started

taking magnesium malate, my symptoms got better but then over time it seemed

that my body stopped absorbing the magnesium and the symptoms returned.  Made

another trip to the er a few weeks ago and again nothing is wrong.  But now the

symptoms are worse than ever and I'm afraid I'm going to die.  No more money

for doctors and they havn't helped me anyway.  Chelation seems to have made

things worse but when I stop they are even worse than that.  

From: Pamela H <phaselowwi (DOT) rr.com>

Subject: [ ] Re: Magnesium again

Date: Saturday, February 20, 2010, 12:50 PM

gEorGE,  :)

How do you know you are so desperate for magnesium?  I've missed out on that

info in earlier posts.



> I am still feeling like death and still trying to find a way to get more

magnesium in my system.  I have taken all the supps that people have suggested

and still no success in reducing my symptoms.  Why frantically researching, I

came across this article that I am praying will help me to feel better.

 http://drmyhill. co.uk/wiki/ Magnesium

> I just did my first magnesium nebulizer treatment and I don't know if it is

wishful thinking or what but I seem to feel a little bit better.  We will see

how things progress.  If anyone has any other pointers for me to help my lack

of magnesium situation it would be greatly appreciated.  






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I'm sorry if someone else has mentioned this, but low stomach acid will reduce

the beneficial bacteria required for magnesium absorbtion. Working on

correcting any digestive issues to maximize the ability to absorb all nutrients.

Taurine is synergistic with magnesium and can also ease the effects on the

nervous system. Anxiety, which can be a symptom of defiency, can certainly lead

to heart pains/chest tightness/heart palps.

I have a long standing problem with rapid heart rate, low blood pressure, 'out

of body' feelings along with those of impending doom. I get where you are

coming from, and I know what it feels like to lie down and night and wonder if

you will wake up that next morning.

co-Q10 helped me, too. I'm not saying your issues are similar to mine nor will

my supplements work for you... but worth mentioning.

Good luck.


> >

> > I am still feeling like death and still trying to find a way to get more

magnesium in my system.  I have taken all the supps that people have suggested

and still no success in reducing my symptoms.  Why frantically researching, I

came across this article that I am praying will help me to feel better.


> > I just did my first magnesium nebulizer treatment and I don't know if it is

wishful thinking or what but I seem to feel a little bit better.  We will see

how things progress.  If anyone has any other pointers for me to help my lack of

magnesium situation it would be greatly appreciated.  

> >

> >

> >       

> >

> >

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Taurine &   co-Q10 is good. When you can can get copies of boodwork & those who

know more can help you figure it out. I haven't chelated yet, so can't comment

on how it feels. We'll move soon, so have been waiting. Have many of you tried


I understand symptoms can get worse when the body is detoxing.  You can

also try 5-HTP or GABA. Only go with 1.




 Re: Magnesium again



I'm sorry if someone else has mentioned this, but low stomach acid will

reduce the beneficial bacteria required for magnesium absorbtion. Working on

correcting any digestive issues to maximize the ability to absorb all nutrients.

Taurine is synergistic with magnesium and can also ease the effects on the

nervous system. Anxiety, which can be a symptom of defiency, can certainly lead

to heart pains/chest tightness/heart palps.

I have a long standing problem with rapid heart rate, low blood pressure, 'out

of body' feelings along with those of impending doom. I get where you are

coming from, and I know what it feels like to lie down and night and wonder if

you will wake up that next morning.

co-Q10 helped me, too. I'm not saying your issues are similar to mine nor will

my supplements work for you... but worth mentioning.

Good luck.


> >

> > I am still feeling like death and still trying to find a way to get more

magnesium in my system.  I have taken all the supps that people have suggested

and still no success in reducing my symptoms.  Why frantically researching, I

came across this article that I am praying will help me to feel better.

 http://drmyhill. co.uk/wiki/ Magnesium

> > I just did my first magnesium nebulizer treatment and I don't know if it is

wishful thinking or what but I seem to feel a little bit better.  We will see

how things progress.  If anyone has any other pointers for me to help my lack

of magnesium situation it would be greatly appreciated.  

> >

> >

> >       

> >

> >

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Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate.


Re: Magnesium again

Posted by: " gEOrGe mUStArD " george_mustard@... george_mustard

Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:57 pm (PST)

I havn't tried that but I do take magnesium baths


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As some of us have mentioned 100 mg is too high a staring dose for ALA unless

you weigh 400 lbs. Try a lower dose (25 mg) for a while and see if that helps.

EDTA is contraindicated for mercury toxic folks.


Re: Magnesium again

Posted by: " gEOrGe mUStArD " george_mustard@... george_mustard

Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:25 pm (PST)

Thats just what I'm telling you, magnesium DOES make it feel better. My body

has just stopped accepting it for some reason which makes me think even more

that its mercury. I've had about 25 on cycle days total of 100 mg ala and

tried kelatox last week and I thought it was gonna kill me. Started another on

cycle to try to clean up the edta mess and my dmsa came in the mail. Added that

in starting thursday. That made my heart pounding and pain much much worse.

I've stopped dmsa but still on cycle with ala.


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Ask your local library to purchase a copy of Amalgam Illness if they don't

already have one or can't interlibrary loan it for you. Safe chelation (AC

protocol) calls for 1/8-1/2 mg of chelator per lbs of person. Higher doses

don't escort more mercury out of the body they just dislodge more to float

around in the body and resettle elsewhere causing additional problems. Lugol's

solution is not a chelator.


Re: Magnesium again

Posted by: " gEOrGe mUStArD " george_mustard@... george_mustard

Sat Feb 20, 2010 7:29 pm (PST)

thanks for the info. Why is 100mg too much? I have been supporting while

chelating but as I mentioned, my body refuses magnesium by mouth. Its too early

to tell but I THINK I feel a little better after doing two treatments of

magnesium by nebulizer. This has me hopeful. I can't afford Andy's book right

now but sometime hopefully I'll get it. I've been reading about using Lugol's

solution for mercury. Any comments on this?


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