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Re: Cortisol / Puberty Help/Theodora

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Hi Theodora:


Have you used Neuroscience Calm?  Did you see benefits and/or side effects?



From: jeffnteddi <hopefulchild99-asd@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Cortisol / Puberty Help

Date: Monday, May 3, 2010, 3:58 PM


I find this subject very interesting. I have an eight year old (regressive form)

HF ASD son and am hoping to circumvent early puberty. According to Dr. Mark

Geier, my son does fit the profile of a child heading for early puberty. Can

someone please chime in with more information on this topic?

My son does have an increased stress base line. He is managing himself quite

well regardless. I use GABA and Theanine (as needed), magnesium + P5P, calcium,

omega 3 oils, zinc, and (preferably cold processed whey) proper protein levels

to help him remain in as minimal stress as possible.

I have searched and found Neuroscience Calm-PRT. It SEEMS to address the

precursors to the issues of high cortisol and early puberty. However I would

greatly value the input of my fellow list mates regarding this product and this


thank you in advance, Theodora

> > >

> > > Thank you for the response, but he's highly allergic to pork so I wouldn't

take a chance in giving Adrenal Cortex and the Liciore has alot of side effects

with high blood pressure, etc.

> > >  

> > > Has anyone use something else that can calm the body during puberty.  I

already tried Theanine (didn't do anything).

> > >  

> > > Thanks

> > > Jeanne

> >


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We saw Dr. Megson who was researching the affects of mercury and testosterone

causing precocious puberty. I believe she was also doing this with Dr. Geier

.... they were finding that using gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (in

their case Lupron Depot Ped - http://www.toosoon.com/ - pathetic that there are

donwloadable coloring books to teach your kids about puberty) was stimulating

the release of more metals that formed sheets in the bone when in reacted with

the mercury.

When we went to the endocrinologist, she said to let be. I was

astonished. She was 5 with breasts and pubic hair!! WTH??

We did one injection but we had to drive to Dr. Megson, pay for the office visit

out of pocket, pay for the shot out of pocket ($2200) and gas. I told Dr.

Megson I wanted to switch to the GRP

(http://www.maxamlabs.com/shopexd.asp?id=46 & bc=no) from Maxam Nutraceutics and

we experienced the same effects as what patients were experiencing on the

Lupron. We saw a resurgence in metal dumping (using the PCA-Rx), armpit hair

quit growing, moods evened out, breasts quit developing, acne cleared, she

started sleeping less, etc.

For high cortisol levels, we use the Anavone, also from Maxam. It only takes 10

minutes to 'kick in'. I use it more than any of the kids because I tend to pick

up other people's stress, and right now, I am dealing with a lot of parents that

can't continue DAN treatments due to job loss and no one is there to help them

because they have started treatments before.

Warm Regards,

Summer McFarland





Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and design.

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No, haven't used it but need to learn more about this subject. Thank you ALL

for responding to my query in addition to original.

Just as a side note I have started focusing specifically on ridding our brains

of aluminum and countering tartaric acid produced by candida albicans by using

malic acid. This seems to have cleared my son's mind a day or so after usage.

Very interesting and wondering if Andy or others can elaborate on relationship

between aluminum and mercury...such as can mercury elimination be sped up by

focusing on aluminum detox??? I am in the learning stage on this one. No

claims to scientific proficiency so please be gentle...;). Would be quiet the

wind fall to address so many topics with one supplement protocol. I'll stand

by, hoping.

Thank you all, Theodora

> > > >

> > > > Thank you for the response, but he's highly allergic to pork so I

wouldn't take a chance in giving Adrenal Cortex and the Liciore has alot of side

effects with high blood pressure, etc.

> > > >  

> > > > Has anyone use something else that can calm the body during puberty. 

I already tried Theanine (didn't do anything).

> > > >  

> > > > Thanks

> > > > Jeanne

> > >

> >












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Thank you so much, Summer.

I am also in that boat of not being able to afford a DAN! Dr any longer...not

that I'm missing it much. I can get tests and results from Great Plains, just

can't prescribe antifungals, etc. for OAT, etc...

Regarding Lupron: sooo glad I stayed on the fence regarding that and the

challenge test.

Endocrinologist off the rocker...I'm hardly surprised any more by the ignorance

and lacking judgment that surrounds us by our trusted 'professionals'. Just

resigned to feel like I'm in some sick episode of the Twilight Zone.

I hadn't looked at Maxam's GRP previously. All symptoms seem beneficial except

sleeping less: was this a good or bad effect? My son lays awake in bed just

staring until he finally nods off, which could be an hour or more later. (yes,


Anavone, again a useful product as long as it does as it says. Forgive my

skeptical tone. Just been around long enough to question everything.

Summer, without scouring the Maxam site, do any of these products use nano


I do find Maxam's pricing prohibitive. (Questioning why $7500 for a vibration


Would love to hear more from everyone who's tried these products. Particularly

interested in those who also have regressive form ASD, robust, tall, strong,

speech apraxic sons (who get goofier in the later hours of the day) who've tried

these products.

Thanks again,



> We saw Dr. Megson who was researching the affects of mercury and testosterone

causing precocious puberty. I believe she was also doing this with Dr. Geier

.... they were finding that using gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (in

their case Lupron Depot Ped - http://www.toosoon.com/ - pathetic that there are

donwloadable coloring books to teach your kids about puberty) was stimulating

the release of more metals that formed sheets in the bone when in reacted with

the mercury.


> When we went to the endocrinologist, she said to let be. I was

astonished. She was 5 with breasts and pubic hair!! WTH??


> We did one injection but we had to drive to Dr. Megson, pay for the office

visit out of pocket, pay for the shot out of pocket ($2200) and gas. I told Dr.

Megson I wanted to switch to the GRP

(http://www.maxamlabs.com/shopexd.asp?id=46 & bc=no) from Maxam Nutraceutics and

we experienced the same effects as what patients were experiencing on the

Lupron. We saw a resurgence in metal dumping (using the PCA-Rx), armpit hair

quit growing, moods evened out, breasts quit developing, acne cleared, she

started sleeping less, etc.


> For high cortisol levels, we use the Anavone, also from Maxam. It only takes

10 minutes to 'kick in'. I use it more than any of the kids because I tend to

pick up other people's stress, and right now, I am dealing with a lot of parents

that can't continue DAN treatments due to job loss and no one is there to help

them because they have started treatments before.


> Warm Regards,


> Summer McFarland

> 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> 1.224.325.5437




> Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and



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Andy has said in previous posts that to get rid of the aluminum you need to get

rid of the mercury. I believe he said that having the mercury causes the

retention of aluminum. VV

From: jeffnteddi <hopefulchild99-asd@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Cortisol / Puberty Help/Theodora

Date: Saturday, May 8, 2010, 4:23 PM


No, haven't used it but need to learn more about this subject. Thank you

ALL for responding to my query in addition to original.

Just as a side note I have started focusing specifically on ridding our brains

of aluminum and countering tartaric acid produced by candida albicans by using

malic acid. This seems to have cleared my son's mind a day or so after usage.

Very interesting and wondering if Andy or others can elaborate on relationship

between aluminum and mercury...such as can mercury elimination be sped up by

focusing on aluminum detox??? I am in the learning stage on this one. No

claims to scientific proficiency so please be gentle...;). Would be quiet the

wind fall to address so many topics with one supplement protocol. I'll stand

by, hoping.

Thank you all, Theodora

> > > >

> > > > Thank you for the response, but he's highly allergic to pork so I

wouldn't take a chance in giving Adrenal Cortex and the Liciore has alot of side

effects with high blood pressure, etc.

> > > >  

> > > > Has anyone use something else that can calm the body during

puberty.  I already tried Theanine (didn't do anything).

> > > >  

> > > > Thanks

> > > > Jeanne

> > >

> >












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Going to have a disclaimer -- Not saying that any detox method is any better

than the rest, and I am talking about products that can be used in

conjunction with the AC protocol, so please don't be nasty. I am trying to

help and this is a tough area because precocious puberty is not a topic that

gets a lot of support.

I see the Maxam products as quite inexpensive for the way they work. You

don't take them forever - you take them for the issue and then it is

resolved and you stop, unless you have continual exposure. They have much

more than nano-technology, using enzymatically bound microbes and adult

epithellial cells which makes them many years ahead of their time, for much

less. I am doing case studies with the products as part of my dissertation

for school developing an autism protocol, so I have learned much, much more

and have a greater appreciation for them than I did before. I do know the

owner quite well, and he is a wonderful man of integrity - he didn't raise

the price of the products for 14 years and actually just lowered them, he

truly *cares* about the kids and it isn't about the money for him. It is

just different. He has helped my family immensely through many issues

(autism and now pesticide poisoning, cancers, tumors and more). I could go

on, but I have great respect for the man.

That said, please do NOT buy anything from Awaken Nutrition. I don't know

what they are selling, but it is not Kosher by any means.

As for the vibration trainer, we have that one at home and I can't wait to

have it in my practice. This one weighs over 250 pounds and is gentle

enough for a very young child as well as the elderly -- I have no qualms

with a 1 year old 'playing' on it, or my 92 year old grandmother. It has a

resonating wave-type vibration that picks you up and puts you down, kind of

like waves in a lake for a lack of a better description. It does rebuild

bone, increases muscle and decreases fat. For detoxification, it is

fantastic, as it gets everything moving, but it is in such a gentle way. A

local clinic was using another popular one for detox, but it was so

powerful, it actually caused one of the patients to have a heart attack.

Not all products are created equally - this one is created for healing and

restoring the body.

Hope I haven't offended anyone. I try not to post these things, as it seems

to disrupt some people. :)

Warm Regards,

Summer McFarland





Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and


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Hi, Summer. Gee I hope you don't mean me when you say nasty. I know we all

have off days, maybe my matter of fact tone didn't set well. I hope you weren't

hurt by it. I question everything and am happy that I have since my previous

trust in doctors with me and my children has set us up for a lifetime of

unwelcome challenges.

I spend so much money on supplements that when I do find another to invest in I

REALLY check it out to make sure it's money well spent.



> Going to have a disclaimer -- Not saying that any detox method is any better

> than the rest, and I am talking about products that can be used in

> conjunction with the AC protocol, so please don't be nasty. I am trying to

> help and this is a tough area because precocious puberty is not a topic that

> gets a lot of support.


> I see the Maxam products as quite inexpensive for the way they work. You

> don't take them forever - you take them for the issue and then it is

> resolved and you stop, unless you have continual exposure. They have much

> more than nano-technology, using enzymatically bound microbes and adult

> epithellial cells which makes them many years ahead of their time, for much

> less. I am doing case studies with the products as part of my dissertation

> for school developing an autism protocol, so I have learned much, much more

> and have a greater appreciation for them than I did before. I do know the

> owner quite well, and he is a wonderful man of integrity - he didn't raise

> the price of the products for 14 years and actually just lowered them, he

> truly *cares* about the kids and it isn't about the money for him. It is

> just different. He has helped my family immensely through many issues

> (autism and now pesticide poisoning, cancers, tumors and more). I could go

> on, but I have great respect for the man.


> That said, please do NOT buy anything from Awaken Nutrition. I don't know

> what they are selling, but it is not Kosher by any means.


> As for the vibration trainer, we have that one at home and I can't wait to

> have it in my practice. This one weighs over 250 pounds and is gentle

> enough for a very young child as well as the elderly -- I have no qualms

> with a 1 year old 'playing' on it, or my 92 year old grandmother. It has a

> resonating wave-type vibration that picks you up and puts you down, kind of

> like waves in a lake for a lack of a better description. It does rebuild

> bone, increases muscle and decreases fat. For detoxification, it is

> fantastic, as it gets everything moving, but it is in such a gentle way. A

> local clinic was using another popular one for detox, but it was so

> powerful, it actually caused one of the patients to have a heart attack.

> Not all products are created equally - this one is created for healing and

> restoring the body.


> Hope I haven't offended anyone. I try not to post these things, as it seems

> to disrupt some people. :)


> Warm Regards,


> Summer McFarland

> 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> 1.224.325.5437




> Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and

> design.




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