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Re: DMSA / ALA dosage amounts/ FIR sauna

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The problem with re-distribution is that the metals damage the cells where

they settle. This can be really bad in the brain.

So, the first time you are exposed to say mercury you get a certain amount of

brain damage. Then, due to bad chelation methods, large amounts of

re-distribution happens and you get more brain damage. Now you can see that if

you do this too much it could be a real problem.

We can all recover from a certain amount of brain damage, but I think there is a

threshhold that you don't want to cross.

I would think less is better, wouldn't you? The AC protocol keeps the damage to

the organs and brain caused by re-distribution of metals to a minimum. 



From: Margaret <shavers3@...>

Sent: Thu, February 11, 2010 10:03:06 AM

Subject: [ ] DMSA / ALA dosage amounts/ FIR sauna


Hi all,

I have just been asked a question by a friend. I don't have the answer and I am

not sure where to find the answer without asking here. She asks why does the

dosage matter if the long term objective is to chelate all the metal. If it

redistributes won't it only be there for a short time until it is chelated?

Also, she asked about FIR sauna. Is there any reason not to do FIR saunas? I

think it may be an issue in doing both chelation and FIR sauna because too many

minerals may be eliminated from the body. How about doing FIR as a sole mode of

chelation or doing a combo of chelation and FIR sauna with the chelation spread

out to a longer off time? ex: chelating for 3 days off for 11. In the off time

doing some FIR sauna? Would this be a problem as long as she is giving lots of

mineral supplements?

Sorry it is so long. I just need to get answers ASAP to let her know what you

all know.



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I don't think a FIR sauna is contradictory to chelation. From what I've read the

FIR saunas don't cause a loss of minerals, only toxins.

I also don't think you can use a sauna as the sole method of removing metals

from the body. I think it would be complimentary.

We bought one, but we can't seem to get the kids to sit in it, even after

putting a video in there.



From: Margaret <shavers3@...>

Sent: Thu, February 11, 2010 10:03:06 AM

Subject: [ ] DMSA / ALA dosage amounts/ FIR sauna


Hi all,

I have just been asked a question by a friend. I don't have the answer and I am

not sure where to find the answer without asking here. She asks why does the

dosage matter if the long term objective is to chelate all the metal. If it

redistributes won't it only be there for a short time until it is chelated?

Also, she asked about FIR sauna. Is there any reason not to do FIR saunas? I

think it may be an issue in doing both chelation and FIR sauna because too many

minerals may be eliminated from the body. How about doing FIR as a sole mode of

chelation or doing a combo of chelation and FIR sauna with the chelation spread

out to a longer off time? ex: chelating for 3 days off for 11. In the off time

doing some FIR sauna? Would this be a problem as long as she is giving lots of

mineral supplements?

Sorry it is so long. I just need to get answers ASAP to let her know what you

all know.



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