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Ear Infection

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Dear ita,

Try hydrogen peroxide in your ears...just a few drops. Leave it in there for

five minutes or more. It'll likely pop and fizz if you have an infection.



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I have found that coconut oil is helpful. I just put it in my ear and let it

sit for a minute, then let the excess dribble out. Garlic infused coconut oil

is really good too, but do this right away before it progresses. I've found

it's not effective in more acute cases that have progressed.



San , CA

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----- Original Message ----

From: ita

My ear is starting to feel infected after returning from a holiday

where I was snorkeling and swimming and doing a bit of plane travel.

I'd like to avoid getting antibiotics... any suggestions? I had a look

in the archives and someone suggested coconut oil. Would it be safe to

dab a small amount inside the ear and leave it there?

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  • 4 months later...
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Try Wally's ear oil. It works great for ear infections.




From: candidiasis

[mailto:candidiasis ] On Behalf Of Jane

Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 5:41 PM


Subject: ear infection

I seem to have an ear infection in both ears. For a week I have

a feeling that there is water in my ears and am hard of hearing. I am

very leary of getting a antibiotic as I try to stear clear of this

source of so much poor health. Is it possible I have candidiasis in my

ears? I have just ordered Dr. 's Kidney Cleanse: 3 in 1

Colon-Bowel, Para, and Kidney Cleanse Kit.

Jane T.


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Thanks, I actually dosed my ears with Wally's ear oil when the problem first


It didn't do anything but ia might have done a wee bit. Anyway, it's not

hurting any more, so maybe it's getting better.

" Palmer, Terry {PBSG} " <terry.palmer2@...> wrote:


Try Wally's ear oil. It works great for ear infections.




From: candidiasis

[mailto:candidiasis ] On Behalf Of Jane

Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 5:41 PM


Subject: ear infection

I seem to have an ear infection in both ears. For a week I have

a feeling that there is water in my ears and am hard of hearing. I am

very leary of getting a antibiotic as I try to stear clear of this

source of so much poor health. Is it possible I have candidiasis in my

ears? I have just ordered Dr. 's Kidney Cleanse: 3 in 1

Colon-Bowel, Para, and Kidney Cleanse Kit.

Jane T.


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Hi Jane,

Has your doctor checked you ears or given you any drops to clear wax


If you don¹t want anti biotics have you tried old fashioned olive oil &

garlic drops?

We don¹t have it down here but that Wally¹s oil looks promising.


on 3/25/08 10:00 AM, Palmer, Terry {PBSG} at terry.palmer2@... wrote:




> Jane,


> Try Wally's ear oil. It works great for ear infections.

> http://www.wallysnatural.com/ear_oils.html




> Terry


> ________________________________


> From: candidiasis <mailto:candidiasis%40>

> [mailto:candidiasis <mailto:candidiasis%40> ]

> On Behalf Of Jane

> Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 5:41 PM

> candidiasis <mailto:candidiasis%40>

> Subject: ear infection




> I seem to have an ear infection in both ears. For a week I have a feeling

> that there is water in my ears and am hard of hearing. I am very leary of

> getting a antibiotic as I try to stear clear of this source of so much poor

> health. Is it possible I have candidiasis in my ears? I have just ordered

> Dr. 's Kidney Cleanse: 3 in 1 Colon-Bowel, Para, and Kidney Cleanse

> Kit.


> Jane T.


> ---------------------------------

> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with

> Search.


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I had Wally's oil on hand for my Mom. It helped her ears, but I don't have a

wax build up and it did nothing for me. I have a doctor's appointment today at

6:30 in the evening. I don't have garlic drops. I use a good deal of olive oil

and garlic, of course. I tried some olive oil in my ear since receiving the

email and nothing changed. Thanks very much. I joined this site yesterday

because of this issue and I'll try to repay it by answering something if I can.

e <tepaatu@...> wrote: Hi Jane,

Has your doctor checked you ears or given you any drops to clear wax


If you don¹t want anti biotics have you tried old fashioned olive oil &

garlic drops?

We don¹t have it down here but that Wally¹s oil looks promising.


on 3/25/08 10:00 AM, Palmer, Terry {PBSG} at terry.palmer2@... wrote:




> Jane,


> Try Wally's ear oil. It works great for ear infections.

> http://www.wallysnatural.com/ear_oils.html




> Terry


> ________________________________


> From: candidiasis <mailto:candidiasis%40>

> [mailto:candidiasis <mailto:candidiasis%40> ]

> On Behalf Of Jane

> Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 5:41 PM

> candidiasis <mailto:candidiasis%40>

> Subject: ear infection




> I seem to have an ear infection in both ears. For a week I have a feeling

> that there is water in my ears and am hard of hearing. I am very leary of

> getting a antibiotic as I try to stear clear of this source of so much poor

> health. Is it possible I have candidiasis in my ears? I have just ordered

> Dr. 's Kidney Cleanse: 3 in 1 Colon-Bowel, Para, and Kidney Cleanse

> Kit.


> Jane T.


> ---------------------------------

> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with

> Search.


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I find putting some hydrogen peroxide in my ears when they are

bothering me really helps. I saturate a Q-tip and lightly place in

my ear and press it against the side of my ear to squeeze it out.

> Jane,


> Try Wally's ear oil. It works great for ear infections.

> http://www.wallysnatural.com/ear_oils.html




> Terry


> ________________________________


> From: candidiasis

> [mailto:candidiasis ] On Behalf Of Jane

> Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 5:41 PM

> candidiasis

> Subject: ear infection




> I seem to have an ear infection in both ears. For a week I have

> a feeling that there is water in my ears and am hard of hearing. I


> very leary of getting a antibiotic as I try to stear clear of this

> source of so much poor health. Is it possible I have candidiasis in


> ears? I have just ordered Dr. 's Kidney Cleanse: 3 in 1

> Colon-Bowel, Para, and Kidney Cleanse Kit.


> Jane T.


> ---------------------------------

> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with

> Search.



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Some of the wax clearing ear drops are indeed comprised in part of hydrogen

peroxide, so if you use this please ensure the solution is no more than 3%.

Be aware that a stronger volume of peroxide can cause burning.


on 3/27/08 6:57 AM, wakkochicky at wakko1689@... wrote:




> I find putting some hydrogen peroxide in my ears when they are bothering me

> really helps. I saturate a Q-tip and lightly place in my ear and press it

> against the side of my ear to squeeze it out.


> Jane,

>> >

>> > Try Wally's ear oil. It works great for ear infections.

>> > http://www.wallysnatural.com/ear_oils.html

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > Terry

>> >

>> > ________________________________

>> >

>> > From: candidiasis <mailto:candidiasis%40>

>> > [mailto:candidiasis <mailto:candidiasis%40>

>> ]

>> > On Behalf Of Jane Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 5:41 PM To:

>> > candidiasis <mailto:candidiasis%40> Subject:

>> > ear infection

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > I seem to have an ear infection in both ears. For a week I have a feeling

>> that

>> > there is water in my ears and am hard of hearing. I am very leary of

>> getting a

>> > antibiotic as I try to stear clear of this source of so much poor health.

>> Is

>> > it possible I have candidiasis in my ears? I have just ordered Dr. 's

>> > Kidney Cleanse: 3 in 1 Colon-Bowel, Para, and Kidney Cleanse Kit.

>> >

>> > Jane T.

>> >

>> > ---------------------------------

>> > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with

>> > Search.

>> >

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thank you, most generous and informative of you.

pilgrim_mj@... wrote: Hi All,

Just a warning about H2O2 in the ears. I have used it for a long time, too, but

recently, had an infection (I thought), and used it, and later on that night,

was woken up with intense pain in my ear. Thought I had a lot of ear wax (felt

like water in there), and went to the docs for it, but was told I did not have

any at all, and to be careful when using H2O2, as it can cause the eardrum to

rupture, due to the fizzing and popping. Always dilute by half for the ears.

They could not find anything but a small spot on my eardrum, and told me that my

eardrum may have ruptured when I felt that bad pain...getting better but it can

take many weeks for a ruptured ear drum to heal.

Just an FYI...maryjo


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You are correct.

Dilute peroxide, no stronger than 3% volume should be used and once the

fizzing stops (after around 5 ­ 15 mins) turn your head to the side so that

it runs out of the ear.

on 3/28/08 2:22 AM, pilgrim_mj@... at pilgrim_mj@... wrote:




> Hi All,


> Just a warning about H2O2 in the ears. I have used it for a long time, too,

> but recently, had an infection (I thought), and used it, and later on that

> night, was woken up with intense pain in my ear. Thought I had a lot of ear

> wax (felt like water in there), and went to the docs for it, but was told I

> did not have any at all, and to be careful when using H2O2, as it can cause

> the eardrum to rupture, due to the fizzing and popping. Always dilute by half

> for the ears. They could not find anything but a small spot on my eardrum, and

> told me that my eardrum may have ruptured when I felt that bad pain...getting

> better but it can take many weeks for a ruptured ear drum to heal.


> Just an FYI...maryjo


> __________________________________________________________

> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

> http://mobile./;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ


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  • 1 year later...

A couple of days ago I had another ear infection develop. I haven't had for over

a year, so I suspect it is re-tracing. Unfortunately, is has spread to my inner

ear and is extremely painful. I have been drinking clove tea, using chopped

garlic in my ear and other suggestions on your website. I'm beginning to feel

quite discouraged.


Hi nia,

Did you try Bee's protocol for cold and flu? I felt like I was coming down with

a " bug " recently...it may have been detox/die-off. This protocol really zapped

my symptoms...within two days I was feeling almost normal.

I was praying for it to work well because my husband was watching me like a

hawk. I've been trying to get him to follow Bee's diet, and he's given in a

little. Well he started feeling bad and so he tried the protocol and it worked

like a charm for him too.

I think retracing is the most difficult part of Bee's program. You kind of know

what you're in for which can be depressing. Please try to keep your focus on

what lies Beyond your present symptoms. These will pass and we can look forward

to being one healthy old gal (or guy)! I have Colin here to thank for giving me

a good example of staying the course through a painful retrace. Thank you

Colin. :)


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> Hi, Bee,


> My name is and I have been on your diet for about 11 months. I started

your diet after suffering for years of external ear infections. The diet has

made a huge difference for my overall health. A couple of days ago I had another

ear infection develop. I haven't had for over a year, so I suspect it is

re-tracing. Unfortunately, is has spread to my inner ear and is extremely

painful. I have been drinking clove tea, using chopped garlic in my ear and

other suggestions on your website. I'm beginning to feel quite discouraged. I

don't want to take antibiotics, but I'm also afraid of causing lasting damage to

my ear. I am writing for encouragement from you and others in the group who may

have other suggestions for healing a bad ear infection.

+++Hi . This program (diet plus supplements) is your security that your

body won't deteriorate any more than it had while you were lacking proper

nutrients and consuming toxins, damaging foods, and foods that feed candida.

Now you are progressing towards health, and any symptoms you get are evidence

that your body is healing itself the way Nature intended.

In fact the dis-ease processes are exactly the same as the healing processes,

with the only difference being that you are now progressing towards health.

The medical field just takes advantage of the dis-ease process by labelling each

and every " sign " (which they decided were symptoms or diseases), instead of

calling them what they actually are, i.e. signs the body is working hard at

maintaining its health in spite of poor nutrition, toxins, etc. That's why

" they " vehemently deny the body can heal itself.

Antibiotics are toxic/poisonous to your body, so taking them will make candida

overgrow like crazy, and your body will have to detoxify them. Often your body

will create other kinds of bugs to also help detoxify the poisons in addition to

candida. Whereas natural antibiotics like garlic, unrefined coconut oil, etc.

are not toxic so they won't cause the damage that antibiotics do.

This article should put your mind at ease that you aren't getting worse, and

couldn't when you are completely on this healthy healing program - scroll down

to Healing Reactions Versus Disease Reactions:


All the best, Bee

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  • 1 year later...

Hello all,

I was posting to someone (?) about an ear infection I've had for 10

years. I'm on @ 45th round of chelation over 4 years and it's not gone away.

Someone mentioned that you might have to treat the nose and sinuses too. Can

someone give a description of what that would look like? I don't have a lot of

phlem or nasal problems - just the ear infection. I know I have it because

hydrogen peroxide always bubbles when I clean them. /Rosegvr

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> I was posting to someone (?) about an ear infection I've had for 10

years. I'm on @ 45th round of chelation over 4 years and it's not gone away.

At my house, ear infections were caused by yeast overgrowth in the ears and



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  • 2 months later...
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I'll keep her in my prayers. A warm moist compress may help.



> My daughter who has jia and an immune deficiency has a really bad ear

infection , and is being treated with 10 days of anti biotics.

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Thank you Audra !!

> >

> > My daughter who has jia and an immune deficiency has a really bad ear

infection , and is being treated with 10 days of anti biotics.


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My son is now almost 13 and has been off all meds for 6 short weeks,but that

was not always the case. He was diagnose 2 months before his 3rd b-day with

SoJRA. I remember when he was about 3 1/2 -4 yrs old and seemed just fine. We

went to my moms on a Sat. and all of a sudden he didn't feel good. He first fell

asleep then woke up crying that his head hurt.This happened a few more times but

he cried even worse every time he woke up. We took him to the ER and in the room

where they do height,weight and BP he threw up all aver the floor. He was put in

a room and we waited on the ER doc while he slept. We had to wake him up to be

examined and had to blow his nose.Extremely grean and diagnosed with a

severe sinus infection. The Prednisilone and 25mg MTX sub q and Plaquenil were

covering up all the symptoms until it got severe.He showed absolutely NO

symptoms until that day.That mean Arthur kid can pull some fast ones on you so

our ped recommends any temp of 100 bring him in.That episode there was no temp

and many cases of strep and Scarlet Fever with no temp while on the high doses

of pred and MTX and even before diagnoses.

Just keep a watchful eye out and if anything seems wrong go to the Dr.

Gentle hugs to your little one,

Becki and Systemic Onset


From: watt_melanie <melaniescott79@...>

Sent: Thu, March 24, 2011 7:52:35 PM

Subject: ear infection

My daughter who has jia and an immune deficiency has a really bad ear infection

, and is being treated with 10 days of anti biotics. She cried so bad last night

and she has a high tolerance for pain so I knew it was bad. If she misses

getting the next dose of tylenol by only a few minutes ( which is every 4 hrs)

she starts to cry in pain again, It is so hard to see your child suffer. She has

been through so much , I hate that when she gets sick is messes up her whole

body ... and it takes her so much longer to get better. Hoping for sleep tonight

, last night was spent in the er ...

Thanks for listening just needed to vent my frustrations

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