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Free copies of The Special Needs Parent Handbook - Special Edition

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Because of a very generous donation of $5000 from the parents of a child

with special needs, if you volunteer to distribute books to local

libraries you can receive a free copy of The Special Needs Parent

Handbook - SPECIAL EDITION <http://www.drive4rebecca.org/Ambassador.htm>

(the family that made the donation wanted to make sure that all parents

and caregivers have access to the book - and Authorhouse is providing

the books at their cost).

If you are not interested in volunteering, the regular edition of the

book is available in paperback on Amazon

<http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1452074461?ie=UTF8 & tag=driveforrebec-2\

0 & linkCode=as2 & camp=1789 & creative=9325 & creativeASIN=1452074461> . If

you are unable to afford the complete version of the book or if you

would like a preview without paying full price you can download the

SPECIAL EDITION for the Kindle on Amazon

<http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004HB1ACU?ie=UTF8 & tag=driveforrebec-2\

0 & linkCode=as2 & camp=1789 & creative=9325 & creativeASIN=B004HB1ACU> .

Happy holidays!

Jon Singer

Drive4 <http://www.drive4rebecca.org/>

P.S. Download Chapter 2 for free from The Special Needs Parent

Handbook (to help you find caregivers at no cost) and other resources

from The Special Needs Parent Zone

<http://www.drive4rebecca.org/SpecialNeeds.htm> .

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