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Spread of Whooping Cough Raises Concern - News





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> Spread of Whooping Cough Raises Concern - News


> http://news./s/hsn/20100804/hl_hsn/spreadofwhoopingcoughraisesconcern

Yes. This is a necessary consequence of the criminality of our vaccine

holocaust, committing genocide against smart kids.

Because it is far too hard for liberal arts majors to actually do legitimate

research and figure out the safest way to make vaccines, and what the proper

contraindications are so that vulnerable children don't get them, we have the

horrendous epidemic of iatrogenic brain damage AND all the old diseases are

going to make a come-back.

In theory we only need to have one or the other if any significant number of

MD " s can behave responsibly and not vaccinate kids who truly are at risk of

vaccine reactions.

Ideally some effort would be made to identify the risk factors clearly so this

number not vaccinated could be kept low enough that epidemics would not occur.

BTW, for those who might not appreciate me talking about the liberal arts degree

of MD, here is a link showing further evolution towards a profession where pills

will be prescribed based on which comes in the prettiest capsule:

http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/30/nyregion/30medschools.html?_r=1 & src=me & ref=gen\


My issue isn't with liberal arts per se, but with the idea of having doctors who

simply take someone else's word that giving, say, poisonous amounts of mercury

to little babies is a good idea because they are unable to check. This approach

already led to the current catastrophe, and now technical standards are being

further loosened.

So for practical purposes I do suggest people accept that all the old disease

are going to come back, that the amount of gyrating the medical profession does

to get people to vaccinate is going to go up dramatically, and that tens of

thousands more children are going to be turned autistic, and hundreds of

thousands given other disaiblities by their doctor before anything remotely

resembling sanity sets in.

Should make for an interesting world. As in the chinese curse " may you live in

interesting times. "

Guess I gotta get cracking to write that book on how to decide whether and when

to vaccinate based on individualized risk factors for each kid and each vaccine!



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