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Re: Dana, advice on vit A protocol repeat

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> Hi Dana, I have been wanted to repeat the vitamin A protocol again for my son,

his visual stimms are back.

I did high dose protocol twice before measles virus was eliminated


That did not eliminate all of his visual stims tho. He also required high doses

of vitamin C, vitamin D, and lysine [to eliminate other viruses], plus B

vitamins and yeast control, before his visual stims were gone for good.

>>He is spitting in the air soo much !!

Spitting was carnitine deficiency at my house.


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Hello from me

dana if im not shure about measles virus what i can expect from A protocol ?if

you know ofcorce as i dont have idea if my son have measles virus.

About vit Cand D how high you went I do C palmitate 500 a day is that enough and

D 1000IU a day would you recomend higher on D or C daily .

I do have Lysine but dont know the dose for it my son is 50lb .

Can i do all together A,D,C and Lysine or i have to do separetly ?

Visual steems are steel here leeking steel here i add zing over 50mg a day but

hi become sleepy but leeking never gone i did high A 10000 3 times a day steel

visual steems .

spitting on fingers was lessen but back again and i didnt change the supps.

verbal steems never gone away even i add aminos i do aminos 7days in 3days out

for 3months 1months break but im in 2week so im steel watting.

I steel have problem with stronger yeast protocol i cant control yeast yet even

worst on helating days.

So any advises are welcome i will try everything you can suggest .

Thank you all for your current help

best regards Ralitsa Dimitrova

From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Dana, advice on vit A protocol repeat

Date: Thursday, 30 December, 2010, 14:57


> Hi Dana, I have been wanted to repeat the vitamin A protocol again for my son,

his visual stimms are back.

I did high dose protocol twice before measles virus was eliminated


That did not eliminate all of his visual stims tho. He also required high doses

of vitamin C, vitamin D, and lysine [to eliminate other viruses], plus B

vitamins and yeast control, before his visual stims were gone for good.

>>He is spitting in the air soo much !!

Spitting was carnitine deficiency at my house.


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For Dana......What is the difference between Solubilized Vit A and

Micellized Vit A? Can either be used for the Measles protocol?


On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 9:34 AM, Ralitsa Dimitrova <ralitsa76@...>wrote:



> Hello from me

> dana if im not shure about measles virus what i can expect from A protocol

> ?if you know ofcorce as i dont have idea if my son have measles virus.

> About vit Cand D how high you went I do C palmitate 500 a day is that

> enough and D 1000IU a day would you recomend higher on D or C daily .

> I do have Lysine but dont know the dose for it my son is 50lb .

> Can i do all together A,D,C and Lysine or i have to do separetly ?

> Visual steems are steel here leeking steel here i add zing over 50mg a day

> but hi become sleepy but leeking never gone i did high A 10000 3 times a day

> steel visual steems .

> spitting on fingers was lessen but back again and i didnt change the supps.

> verbal steems never gone away even i add aminos i do aminos 7days in 3days

> out for 3months 1months break but im in 2week so im steel watting.

> I steel have problem with stronger yeast protocol i cant control yeast yet

> even worst on helating days.

> So any advises are welcome i will try everything you can suggest .

> Thank you all for your current help

> best regards Ralitsa Dimitrova



> From: danasview <danasview@... <danasview%40>>

> Subject: [ ] Re: Dana, advice on vit A protocol repeat

> < %40>

> Date: Thursday, 30 December, 2010, 14:57






> > Hi Dana, I have been wanted to repeat the vitamin A protocol again for my

> son, his visual stimms are back.


> I did high dose protocol twice before measles virus was eliminated


> http://www.danasview.net/vitamina.htm


> That did not eliminate all of his visual stims tho. He also required high

> doses of vitamin C, vitamin D, and lysine [to eliminate other viruses], plus

> B vitamins and yeast control, before his visual stims were gone for good.


> >>He is spitting in the air soo much !!


> Spitting was carnitine deficiency at my house.


> Dana



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> dana if im not shure about measles virus what i can expect from A protocol ?

I had to do it twice, but it eliminated measles virus for my son


> About vit Cand D how high you went I do C palmitate 500 a day is that enough

and D 1000IU a day would you recomend higher on D or C daily .

For vitamin C [which required carnitine for proper absorption here], at one

point my son needed 50,000mg per day [split over 3 doses]. Most kids don't need

that much tho.

I did not have to go as high on vitamin D as some people do. I gave my son 1600

IU 3x per day for about a month.

I started at lower doses than these, and worked up to what my son needed.

> I do have Lysine but dont know the dose for it my son is 50lb .

I started at 250mg and worked up to 3000mg 3x per day.

> Can i do all together A,D,C and Lysine or i have to do separetly ?

Viral die off causes a lot of yeast, so you might have difficulty controlling

the yeast if you do them together. I did vitamin A protocol first, then the

others one at a time.

> Visual steems are steel here leeking steel here i add zing over 50mg a day but

hi become sleepy but leeking never gone i did high A 10000 3 times a day steel

visual steems .

That dose is not the high dose vitamin A protocol. See my link above.

> spitting on fingers was lessen but back again and i didnt change the supps.

At my house, spitting was caused by carnitine deficiency.

> I steel have problem with stronger yeast protocol i cant control yeast yet

even worst on helating days.

What products and doses have you tried?


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> For Dana......What is the difference between Solubilized Vit A and

> Micellized Vit A?

I have never heard the term " solubilized " .

>>Can either be used for the Measles protocol?

So far as I know, you can use anything that is straight vitamin A, not a



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Hello Dana I realy apreciate your replay and thank you for your help over and

over to me.

Probably im stupid or yeast is something i cant realy undurstand  I need to

realy undurstand this issue with yeast so i can bateled better .

From few days i start biotin 6g 3 times a day will go higher later so i can do

it slowly.From biotin his stools become more formed but when i check it in side

they are steel mushy wich is steel yeast i presumed as the stools were all mushy

before.I did nistatin before but later wasent working anymore and i dont know

how long to keep him on it.I did 7 drops of GSE before but stools become loose

even more i do naw 1drop planing to go high again but im afraid that his stools

will loose again.Beside that i think hi doesent absorb his fats as his stools

become fats coating i actualy see that well formed with shiny film of grees and

when i check inside mushy and color is far from brown depends on the food hi

take red dark yellow and bit green but not brown.I tried tuarin but didnt help

but bring me hiperactivitie.Hi doesnt have shugar at all i cut on frutes not too

carb aswell most meat and veg .I give no-fenol with GSE with bit help.So im

shure i need

stronger yeast protocol but how to implement something i dont realy

undurstand.I can do diflucan and flagil but im not so keen in pils i rather have

natural first and then .

I know about A protocol from your site i have been reeding it for months but i

steel afraid to do it as im not realy shure hi has measles and i have all A on

bord ready to do it but is this danger to liver that was my concearn as will

take me weeks to test his liver if something happened i know it is for 2 days

but how to recognise that measle virus is gone what is your expiriance.

Thank you from my heart

From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Dana, advice on vit A protocol repeat

Date: Sunday, 2 January, 2011, 16:16


> dana if im not shure about measles virus what i can expect from A protocol ?

I had to do it twice, but it eliminated measles virus for my son


> About vit Cand D how high you went I do C palmitate 500 a day is that enough

and D 1000IU a day would you recomend higher on D or C daily .

For vitamin C [which required carnitine for proper absorption here], at one

point my son needed 50,000mg per day [split over 3 doses]. Most kids don't need

that much tho.

I did not have to go as high on vitamin D as some people do. I gave my son 1600

IU 3x per day for about a month.

I started at lower doses than these, and worked up to what my son needed.

> I do have Lysine but dont know the dose for it my son is 50lb .

I started at 250mg and worked up to 3000mg 3x per day.

> Can i do all together A,D,C and Lysine or i have to do separetly ?

Viral die off causes a lot of yeast, so you might have difficulty controlling

the yeast if you do them together. I did vitamin A protocol first, then the

others one at a time.

> Visual steems are steel here leeking steel here i add zing over 50mg a day but

hi become sleepy but leeking never gone i did high A 10000 3 times a day steel

visual steems .

That dose is not the high dose vitamin A protocol. See my link above.

> spitting on fingers was lessen but back again and i didnt change the supps.

At my house, spitting was caused by carnitine deficiency.

> I steel have problem with stronger yeast protocol i cant control yeast yet

even worst on helating days.

What products and doses have you tried?


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> From few days i start biotin 6g 3 times a day will go higher later so i can do

it slowly.

6 grams?! That is more than I ever used, and I used a lot. I used 20mg 3x per


>>From biotin his stools become more formed but when i check it in side they are

steel mushy wich is steel yeast i presumed as the stools were all mushy before.

Quite a few things can cause " mushy " , not just yeast. What are his other yeast


>>I did 7 drops of GSE before but stools become loose even more i do naw 1drop

planing to go high again but im afraid that his stools will loose again.

When I was using GSE, loose bm meant the GSE dose was too high.

>>Beside that i think hi doesent absorb his fats as his stools become fats

coating i actualy see that well formed with shiny film of grees

My son did not property digest and absorb fats until I corrected his

mitochondrial dysfunction. I wrote what he needed here


>>and when i check inside mushy and color is far from brown depends on the food

hi take red dark yellow and bit green but not brown.

My son did not properly digest carotene foods [orange and green foods, some reds

and yellows] until I corrected his carotene conversion problem, which required

vitamin C, zinc, selenium, iodine, and tyrosine.

> I know about A protocol from your site i have been reeding it for months but i

steel afraid to do it as im not realy shure hi has measles and i have all A on

bord ready to do it but is this danger to liver that was my concearn as will

take me weeks to test his liver if something happened i know it is for 2 days

but how to recognise that measle virus is gone what is your expiriance.

I wrote my son's experience at the bottom of that page. He reached toxicity

with the second high dose protocol. My son has reached toxicity three times,

and all three times, I just had to stop the vitamin A and the toxicity symptoms

were resolved within a week.



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Sorry Dana I ment 6mg of biotin 3 times a day.

Yeast or bad stools simptoms are separetion screeming poore eye contact and

alots of leeking not posibel to redirect verbal steems at all time but leeking

make me go mad mad mad poore undurstanding but as this is most of his condition

it is getting worst more or lessen but this is what hi is at all time only 1

think is gone for naw and it is spitting on heands and tuching his hair so his

hair is not wet at the moment but leeking and visual verbal steems are in place

i cant say if it is yeast or virus as this condition is at all time for naw .

I will do first A protocol to see is anything going to be changed and after that

i will do anty east antybacterial to see what happened for naw i do not realy

make difrents in the simptoms sorry if im not clear but it is realy not easy i


From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Dana, advice on vit A protocol repeat

Date: Monday, 3 January, 2011, 14:38


> From few days i start biotin 6g 3 times a day will go higher later so i can do

it slowly.

6 grams?! That is more than I ever used, and I used a lot. I used 20mg 3x per


>>From biotin his stools become more formed but when i check it in side they are

steel mushy wich is steel yeast i presumed as the stools were all mushy before.

Quite a few things can cause " mushy " , not just yeast. What are his other yeast


>>I did 7 drops of GSE before but stools become loose even more i do naw 1drop

planing to go high again but im afraid that his stools will loose again.

When I was using GSE, loose bm meant the GSE dose was too high.

>>Beside that i think hi doesent absorb his fats as his stools become fats

coating i actualy see that well formed with shiny film of grees

My son did not property digest and absorb fats until I corrected his

mitochondrial dysfunction. I wrote what he needed here


>>and when i check inside mushy and color is far from brown depends on the food

hi take red dark yellow and bit green but not brown.

My son did not properly digest carotene foods [orange and green foods, some reds

and yellows] until I corrected his carotene conversion problem, which required

vitamin C, zinc, selenium, iodine, and tyrosine.

> I know about A protocol from your site i have been reeding it for months but i

steel afraid to do it as im not realy shure hi has measles and i have all A on

bord ready to do it but is this danger to liver that was my concearn as will

take me weeks to test his liver if something happened i know it is for 2 days

but how to recognise that measle virus is gone what is your expiriance.

I wrote my son's experience at the bottom of that page. He reached toxicity with

the second high dose protocol. My son has reached toxicity three times, and all

three times, I just had to stop the vitamin A and the toxicity symptoms were

resolved within a week.



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> Sorry Dana I ment 6mg of biotin 3 times a day.

Try increasing this.

>>spitting on heands and tuching his hair

When my son was spitting, it was caused by carnitine deficiency.


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