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Transdermal ala-- ANDY-- what about if l make extra virgin coconut oil suppositories

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I have wondered whether I could produce each suppository (w the amount of ala/by

weight) and let them get firm in the fridge?? Would it be ok to use ala this

way? I know it might sound horrible to use one suppository every 3 hrs, but l

have been rehearsing and they can be really small..


Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

[ ] transdermal ala


when is a good time to start td ala, we are on round 14 or so on the dmps plus

glutathione td. would this be a good time..or i have to wait till the body

burden of mercury goes down ?

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For the life of me I cannot comprehend why you would need to use a suppository

every three hours, when plenty of people have used Td with success.

Oral is most effective and should be used accept in the few cases when it

absolutely can't be. Under these curcumstances you use Td. What kind of

condition could prevent this from being a viable alternative???



> Andy,

> I have wondered whether I could produce each suppository (w the amount of

ala/by weight) and let them get firm in the fridge?? Would it be ok to use ala

this way? I know it might sound horrible to use one suppository every 3 hrs,

but l have been rehearsing and they can be really small..

> Isa


> Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel


> [ ] transdermal ala



> when is a good time to start td ala, we are on round 14 or so on the dmps plus

> glutathione td. would this be a good time..or i have to wait till the body

> burden of mercury goes down ?









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For the life of me l can assure you that I wouldn't like to contemplate the

idea, if it wasn't. for the fact that the patient has a BAD ulcer right where

stomach and esophagus meet. I am just trying to find alternatives for children

w different needs. Transdermal? He is such way sensitive to touch that he

doesn't even has normal clothes on, his mom makes special clothes for him, when

we have tried rubbing cream on his skin, he cries for hours. I don't pretend to

know much, but l guide several families w autistic kids on the road for basic

stuff: what supplements to start with, a sensible diet, therapy, etc. I am

thinking this little one could be helped this way, alternatives are what this

so damaged kids need.


Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

[ ] transdermal ala



> when is a good time to start td ala, we are on round 14 or so on the dmps plus

> glutathione td. would this be a good time..or i have to wait till the body

> burden of mercury goes down ?









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I understand the need for alternatives, I had a sensory child who wouldn't

tolerate clothing when we began chelation. It is no fun.

I am wondering how the child eats? How he is getting the basic supps

recommended for chelation? How will you treat yeast?

Is everything being given via suppositories?


> >

> > Andy,

> > I have wondered whether I could produce each suppository (w the amount of

ala/by weight) and let them get firm in the fridge?? Would it be ok to use ala

this way? I know it might sound horrible to use one suppository every 3 hrs,

but l have been rehearsing and they can be really small..

> > Isa

> >

> > Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

> >

> > [ ] transdermal ala

> >

> >  

> > when is a good time to start td ala, we are on round 14 or so on the dmps


> > glutathione td. would this be a good time..or i have to wait till the body

> > burden of mercury goes down ?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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If he's sensitive to touch don't think he will appreciate being given a

suppository every 3 hours. Many of us not sensitive to touch might object to

that. Seriously think for a second which you'd choose, lotion in the arm or a


> >

> > Andy,

> > I have wondered whether I could produce each suppository (w the amount of

ala/by weight) and let them get firm in the fridge?? Would it be ok to use ala

this way? I know it might sound horrible to use one suppository every 3 hrs,

but l have been rehearsing and they can be really small..

> > Isa

> >

> > Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

> >

> > [ ] transdermal ala

> >

> >  

> > when is a good time to start td ala, we are on round 14 or so on the dmps


> > glutathione td. would this be a good time..or i have to wait till the body

> > burden of mercury goes down ?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Actually, his mom is giving all the supps ground w pear sauce in the blender. I

assume this is not making his ulcer any better either, but he is so

malnourished, he needs 'em. We tried ala 3 times and every time he vomited, so

that wouldn't allow a good absorption. I think he vomited because it was

irritating to his ulcer. He is gfcfsf since 2 mos ago. After how many rounds of

chelation was your kid able to tolerate clothes?

Maybe we could start him with the suppos (if Andy says it is doable from the

scientific point of view) and then he will start tolerating the TD? I don't

know, I am thinking out loud because it breaks my heart not to offer a chance

for this family and the mom getting so discouraged that she might decide to do

nothing... You know, it is very difficult to make people understand this might

be a possibility, when the word doesn't come from an MD, they generally don't

believe other ways of healing can do something for the child. I posted a couple

of months ago about a young man I found in a public place w his mom, he was very

deep in the spectrum, I offered the mom some help in explaining what chelation

and biomed could do for her boy, I spent 2 days talking to her for long hours,

(exhausting) and in the end she just decided that trying something new with her

heavily medicated son (diazepam, tegretol, zooloft, u name it, he takes all) was

too risky because at least he is " under control " with the neurologist meds (not

to use the word dopped). Of course l understand her reasons, only the person

wearing the shoe can tell where it hurts, but as Time goes by and it is not the

same treating for the 1st time a 19 yo boy than a 8 yo kid.... This little one

is not tolerating many things, CLO, E and Bs the least (I again believe the

stupid ulcer is highly responsible for it), the child is on zantac and antiacids

of different kind. It has gotten a little better w the diet, but not enough.

Mom reports this problem started when he was on risperidone.

I still believe this child could be helped, even if it implies more radical


Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

[ ] transdermal ala

> >

> >  

> > when is a good time to start td ala, we are on round 14 or so on the dmps


> > glutathione td. would this be a good time..or i have to wait till the body

> > burden of mercury goes down ?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I can second that...my kiddo didn't wear clothes for a long time, he was a very

sensory kid. But we kept working with him and trying different things. We never

used suppositories.

They need to pursue sensory integration therapy or at least OT therapy. Try some

dietary modifications too, so they can try to reduce his sensory defensiveness.

I would not use suppositories to get supplements in. You can't treat everything

via that route so you have to address this problem anyway, might as well be now.

Why put cream on him at all? Use oral supplements and chelators. Hide them in

food or drink that he likes.

Not to mention the emotional repercussions of giving so many suppositories.

I really think it would be better to address the severity of the sensory

dysfunction so he can at least tolerate oral supplements.

Have they tried treating yeast? Is he on any supplements? Any dietary

modifications? You can't chelate without supplements and yeast protocol anyway.

What about the Wilbarger Brushing protocol?

Many things to try before resorting to making suppositories.

> > >

> > > Andy,

> > > I have wondered whether I could produce each suppository (w the amount of

ala/by weight) and let them get firm in the fridge?? Would it be ok to use ala

this way? I know it might sound horrible to use one suppository every 3 hrs,

but l have been rehearsing and they can be really small..

> > > Isa

> > >

> > > Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

> > >

> > > [ ] transdermal ala

> > >

> > >  

> > > when is a good time to start td ala, we are on round 14 or so on the dmps


> > > glutathione td. would this be a good time..or i have to wait till the body

> > > burden of mercury goes down ?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Has anyone tested him for H. Pylori infection. Since that is often the cause of

ulcers. Parasites? Anyone looked into those yet? Ulcers are not usually high

stomach acid as they would have us believe. Usually they are bacteria. Stomach

acid is what kills those nasties and the medications most doctors give out to

people with ulcers under mines the job of stomach acid, which is to kill germs

as well as digest food. If you can't digest your food, you will have

malabsorption. It's a catch 22 with those stomach acid drugs.

has anyone tried goat's milk or making goat milk formula for him? That's dairy

free as it not containing any casein proteins. And can work well for children

who cannot have cow milk, and who lack nutrition.

I'd also make home made bone broths and feed him those.

Oh it took probably 30 rounds for tolerate some clothing. It's not a quick fix

for sure.

Andy will not approve suppositories for any kid. I've seem him post over the

years about this sort of thing. I can't see him every saying this would be a

good idea.

Doctors who treat adults with mercury sometimes use IV minerals, but I've not

heard of suppositories for them either with gut issues.

Mastic gum, aloe juice, many things to help the gut would be where I would


I don't know where this child is located (what country) or if there is anyway

they can reach a doctor familiar with the low dose chelation or not....or what

types of testing they have access too.

Are you a friend of the family? Or their doctor?

I am sure this child could be helped. I don't think using coconut oil as a

suppository is going to do much of anything but cause loose stools. While in

theory it might sound like it would get nutrients into him, it does nothing to

address his gut dysfunction...and I'm not sure he'd even get anything

nutritionally from doing that. Certainly medications can be absorbed into the

blood stream that way, but usually you need the small intestines to absorb

digested material into the blood.

I do understand about helping people with this and how reluctant they can be if

it's not an easy fix or if it's not something that seems like it will work.

That's pretty common when helping parents with ASD kids. I've got relatives who

were not receptive to help with this sort of thing. I've also had friends with

affected kids who were interested until they found out how much work is involved

in fixing their kids. They chose to just use drugs to " control " the situation

instead. Been there.

I would put coconut oil in whatever food he does take. If he's not allergic to

eggs I'd feed him organic eggs daily. Bone broth, kefir, and look at the things

I suggested for ulcer causes.

> > >

> > > Andy,

> > > I have wondered whether I could produce each suppository (w the amount of

ala/by weight) and let them get firm in the fridge?? Would it be ok to use ala

this way? I know it might sound horrible to use one suppository every 3 hrs,

but l have been rehearsing and they can be really small..

> > > Isa

> > >

> > > Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

> > >

> > > [ ] transdermal ala

> > >

> > >  

> > > when is a good time to start td ala, we are on round 14 or so on the dmps


> > > glutathione td. would this be a good time..or i have to wait till the body

> > > burden of mercury goes down ?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I think it's also important to point out that many ASD kids have messed up guts

and sensory problems. Suppositories are not used to get nutrients into them.

I think the child should see a doctor too. I think some cases are too complex

for us laymen to handle on our own with advice. Suggesting diets and supplements

is one thing, but making your own suppository is entirely different.

And I firmly think using coconut oil suppositories isn't the answer.

> > >

> > > Andy,

> > > I have wondered whether I could produce each suppository (w the amount of

ala/by weight) and let them get firm in the fridge?? Would it be ok to use ala

this way? I know it might sound horrible to use one suppository every 3 hrs,

but l have been rehearsing and they can be really small..

> > > Isa

> > >

> > > Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

> > >

> > > [ ] transdermal ala

> > >

> > >  

> > > when is a good time to start td ala, we are on round 14 or so on the dmps


> > > glutathione td. would this be a good time..or i have to wait till the body

> > > burden of mercury goes down ?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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the thought was making coconut oil suppos w ala ... Not as a nutrient. I think

u didn't read the original post.

Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

[ ] transdermal ala

> > >

> > >  

> > > when is a good time to start td ala, we are on round 14 or so on the dmps


> > > glutathione td. would this be a good time..or i have to wait till the body

> > > burden of mercury goes down ?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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It's a valid question and I'm sure you're not the only person who would consider

that method. I don't know the answer, but I think all people have a right to

treatment, no matter what others think about the delivery method. And I do know

someone who would prefer that over TD, but luckily he takes pills.

One thing that would worry me is whether the dose would be consistent. I know

with suppositories they melt fast so I'm not sure whether you could keep a

consistent dose in.

Personally we are seeing severe gastro issues getting much better after only 8

rounds. So do try to move forward if possible.


> > > >

> > > > Andy,

> > > > I have wondered whether I could produce each suppository (w the amount

of ala/by weight) and let them get firm in the fridge?? Would it be ok to use

ala this way? I know it might sound horrible to use one suppository every 3

hrs, but l have been rehearsing and they can be really small..

> > > > Isa

> > > >

> > > > Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

> > > >

> > > > [ ] transdermal ala

> > > >

> > > >  

> > > > when is a good time to start td ala, we are on round 14 or so on the

dmps plus

> > > > glutathione td. would this be a good time..or i have to wait till the


> > > > burden of mercury goes down ?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Yes, the topic of absorption and safety is boogling my mind, if doable at all.

Congratulations on the improvements after only 8 rounds!


Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

[ ] transdermal ala

> > > >

> > > >  

> > > > when is a good time to start td ala, we are on round 14 or so on the

dmps plus

> > > > glutathione td. would this be a good time..or i have to wait till the


> > > > burden of mercury goes down ?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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