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Re: Turning a corner: thoughts on amazing gains and the AC protocol

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Thanks for posting this Irene. It is still amazing to me to hear about such

great recoveries! This post was especially needed here, as we have had to hold

on chelation due to what I believe are adrenal issues. I feel more than ever

that we need to get back to it as soon as we can get both kids' adrenals

functioning better.

Congrats on your son's tremendous gains.


> I posted on this on another forum. I apologize for the length. But I think my

experience with my son, bears posting here as well, to give hope and

encouragement to those just starting out and to those perhaps further along who

are in a stall or have hit a bump with the AC protocol.


> My son is 5 now. We are coming up on round 96. We have been doing the AC

protocol for 2 years. My son got 26 shots in his first 18 months of life,

including several flu shots and one in utero. My boy lost his skills starting

with a Hep A shot at age one, and with all the ensuing shots down to age 18

months, before we stopped the madness. My boy was loaded with metals, needless

to say and was in a terrible way. Early Intervention in our state came in at 19

months and intimated we were dealing with a case of severe autism. We got an

appt with a neurodevelopmental ped - but that appt we had to wait 6 months for.

During this time we discovered biomed - started gfcf, omega 3 oils, yeast

fighters and probiotics. By the time of our appt, we got a dx of high

functioning PDD-nos. Whatever, labels meant nothing - my boy was vax injured.

His gut was still a mess and he could not function or communicate properly. For

the first several rounds of dmsa we saw lots of gains. Then we added ALA - this

was very tough, stressed his adrenals out, and we could only give him 3mg or so

for half a year. At 25 rounds we hit a stall, that lasted 8 months, 8 long,

long months where there was even regression. We tried everything people tout

here as miraculous - Enhansa, high dose vitamin A, antivirals, vinpocetine,

gingko,, b vites, you name it. Nothing worked or mattered. We persevered. By

round 50 we were able to up ALA and were at more weight appropriate doses. We

saw some satisfying gains, then nothing for a few months. At round 66 we saw

some good gains again, then nothing.


> At this time my son's gut was basically healing - no more yeast or parasites

for months, formed stools, he could eat many things, corn eggs, some dairy, etc,

and he loved to try lots of new foods. His seasonal allergies were gone and food

allergies starting to abate. Still he spoke like a cave man and had limited

receptive understanding. Cognition lagged way behind. We just kept chelating.

My dh and I went round and round on whether an EEG was necessary. My dh said

no, no EEGS or Pharma rx meds, lets just chelate and eventually we will have

enough rounds and it will get better. He prevailed and we waited.


> In the last 2 weeks it is like someone flipped a switch. My son talks, and

talks and talks, and seems to understand everything. He plays word games, makes

jokes. He seems to be 100% present for the first time in his life. The teacher

reports he greets peers and plays with them on the playground instead of merely

running around the perimeter as is his habit. He is by no means recovered or

age appropriate yet - but he is starting to be on his way there. It is like he

can't tell me enough things - like he is uncorked or something. The other night

he would not go to sleep, it was 11 pm and he is a good sleeper. He had a place

mat with the presidents on it and he was hell bent on showing me that he knew

all their names from Washington onward. He even told me, " you know,

Washington even has his own bridge. " I almost fell over laughing. I finally

uttered words I thought I would never say, but I had to... " sweetie, please be

quiet, stop talking, it is time to go to sleep. " We have done nothing really,

other than what we have for the last 2 years. In fact, we have recently lowered

all of his supplements considerably. He takes nothing but the most basic mins

and vites, a few amino acids, liver support, fish oils, antioxidants, and

probiotics. I even hesitated to post this, for fear of jinxing it somehow.


> I posted this basically to say, there is one miracle supplement only in my

view: AC chelation - dmsa and ala, week after week, after tedious sleepless

week. To anyone doubting it or having a hard time of it, do not give up! We

have had stall after stall and regression, and at times I wanted to throw in the

towel, thinking my boy is damaged beyond repair. But with the support of people

here on the boards and Andy, and my spouse, we just forged on, and on and on.

And I believe we have another 200 rounds to go, for full recovery. But I

believe in my heart it is truly possible. We have only one child, and for the

first time, I feel his presence, his true presence as another person with

opinions and ideas, fully present living in our house. It is a beautiful thing.


> I want to close my post with an inspirational saying my late mother, a

relentless optimist, kept by her bed side even as she lay dying of breast



> Keep your heart open to dreams, for as long as there is a dream, there is

hope, and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living.


> She lived this and believed this, and she was very right. I have hope, and

joy now.


> Irene

> 5 year old, 95 rounds


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Great to hear the success story. We are always working on problems here, it's

good to hear about progress.

I think this is why Andy says to keep a video journal of our children to

understand the progress. It's easy to stop too soon.

It's a marathon, not a sprint.



From: iflow97 <iflow97@...>

Sent: Wed, August 18, 2010 12:07:28 PM

Subject: [ ] Turning a corner: thoughts on amazing gains and the AC


I posted on this on another forum. I apologize for the length. But I think my

experience with my son, bears posting here as well, to give hope and

encouragement to those just starting out and to those perhaps further along who

are in a stall or have hit a bump with the AC protocol.

My son is 5 now. We are coming up on round 96. We have been doing the AC

protocol for 2 years. My son got 26 shots in his first 18 months of life,

including several flu shots and one in utero. My boy lost his skills starting

with a Hep A shot at age one, and with all the ensuing shots down to age 18

months, before we stopped the madness. My boy was loaded with metals, needless

to say and was in a terrible way. Early Intervention in our state came in at 19

months and intimated we were dealing with a case of severe autism. We got an

appt with a neurodevelopmental ped - but that appt we had to wait 6 months for.

During this time we discovered biomed - started gfcf, omega 3 oils, yeast

fighters and probiotics. By the time of our appt, we got a dx of high

functioning PDD-nos. Whatever, labels meant nothing - my boy was vax injured.

His gut was still a mess and he could not function or communicate properly. For

the first several rounds of dmsa we saw lots of gains. Then we added ALA - this

was very tough, stressed his adrenals out, and we could only give him 3mg or so

for half a year. At 25 rounds we hit a stall, that lasted 8 months, 8 long,

long months where there was even regression. We tried everything people tout

here as miraculous - Enhansa, high dose vitamin A, antivirals, vinpocetine,

gingko,, b vites, you name it. Nothing worked or mattered. We persevered. By

round 50 we were able to up ALA and were at more weight appropriate doses. We

saw some satisfying gains, then nothing for a few months. At round 66 we saw

some good gains again, then nothing.

At this time my son's gut was basically healing - no more yeast or parasites for

months, formed stools, he could eat many things, corn eggs, some dairy, etc, and

he loved to try lots of new foods. His seasonal allergies were gone and food

allergies starting to abate. Still he spoke like a cave man and had limited

receptive understanding. Cognition lagged way behind. We just kept chelating.

My dh and I went round and round on whether an EEG was necessary. My dh said

no, no EEGS or Pharma rx meds, lets just chelate and eventually we will have

enough rounds and it will get better. He prevailed and we waited.

In the last 2 weeks it is like someone flipped a switch. My son talks, and

talks and talks, and seems to understand everything. He plays word games, makes

jokes. He seems to be 100% present for the first time in his life. The teacher

reports he greets peers and plays with them on the playground instead of merely

running around the perimeter as is his habit. He is by no means recovered or

age appropriate yet - but he is starting to be on his way there. It is like he

can't tell me enough things - like he is uncorked or something. The other night

he would not go to sleep, it was 11 pm and he is a good sleeper. He had a place

mat with the presidents on it and he was hell bent on showing me that he knew

all their names from Washington onward. He even told me, " you know,

Washington even has his own bridge. " I almost fell over laughing. I finally

uttered words I thought I would never say, but I had to... " sweetie, please be

quiet, stop talking, it is time to go to sleep. " We have done nothing really,

other than what we have for the last 2 years. In fact, we have recently lowered

all of his supplements considerably. He takes nothing but the most basic mins

and vites, a few amino acids, liver support, fish oils, antioxidants, and

probiotics. I even hesitated to post this, for fear of jinxing it somehow.

I posted this basically to say, there is one miracle supplement only in my view:

AC chelation - dmsa and ala, week after week, after tedious sleepless week. To

anyone doubting it or having a hard time of it, do not give up! We have had

stall after stall and regression, and at times I wanted to throw in the towel,

thinking my boy is damaged beyond repair. But with the support of people here

on the boards and Andy, and my spouse, we just forged on, and on and on. And I

believe we have another 200 rounds to go, for full recovery. But I believe in

my heart it is truly possible. We have only one child, and for the first time, I

feel his presence, his true presence as another person with opinions and ideas,

fully present living in our house. It is a beautiful thing.

I want to close my post with an inspirational saying my late mother, a

relentless optimist, kept by her bed side even as she lay dying of breast


Keep your heart open to dreams, for as long as there is a dream, there is hope,

and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living.

She lived this and believed this, and she was very right. I have hope, and joy



5 year old, 95 rounds

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Thank you for your post. You have worked so hard! Your persistance is


We also have an only and a boy and had committed (and still are) to a pharma

free recovery if at all possible. So far, for us, it has been.

We don't have in as many rounds as you do, but we have seen good results so far.

In the past 6 months my son graduated from his behavioral therapy, his OT

program, and his sensory therapy. He met all the goals in those programs and was

functioning in those assessments at 'within a normal range'. Low on some things,

but close enough to normal to not qualify for those therapies anymore. We still

work on residual issues or weak areas with those therapies on our own at home of


In the past few months my son also learned to sit and ride a big kid bike (at

age 7) with training wheels, and now he's been 2.5 months without the training


He has friends he plays with daily. My doorbell rings and kids ask to play with

him. If they aren't outside collecting bugs and frogs or building stuff, or at

another family's house, I invite the kids in to play, serve up drinks and

snacks, and then sneak into the next room to have my little happy dance

celebration. It just doesn't get old.

I took him to the toy store today, and he was excited about toys, admired things

he wanted, and was planning his list for Santa. It was pure joy! I can remember

when he regressed and he was about 4 yrs old and my dad took him to the toy

store and my dad could not get over how weird it was to take a little kid to a

toy store and have that child just aimless wander through the store, not really

looking at or playing with any toys, and how he had offered to buy him ANYTHING

he wanted, and my child just stood there, not wanting anything, no interest in

anything and just wanted to leave.

We still have some minor speech issues with processing and articulation, and

frustration tolerance is an issue at times, but with practice and encouragement

and more chelation those issues are improving rapidly. We too have had jumps and

stalls, and a few periods of regression or even just small backslides. It is

hard during those times to not be scared witless that we'll lose him back down

the autism abyss again, but by keeping on, tweaking supplements or even taking a

supplement break or doing a few months of antivirals or something while we

continue to chelate, things still keep getting better, little by little. We've

also done a lot of NAET, herbals, supplements, and some " out there " energy

healing type stuff. Just in the past few weeks we added classical homeopathy to

the mix for general healing of emotions and body.

Sometimes even those of us who have been doing biomed for awhile, and seeing

improvements get tired and burnt out and want to just stop for awhile, so your

post is wonderful because we ALL need some inspiration sometimes!

Thanks for that!


> I posted on this on another forum. I apologize for the length. But I think my

experience with my son, bears posting here as well, to give hope and

encouragement to those just starting out and to those perhaps further along who

are in a stall or have hit a bump with the AC protocol.


> My son is 5 now. We are coming up on round 96. We have been doing the AC

protocol for 2 years. My son got 26 shots in his first 18 months of life,

including several flu shots and one in utero. My boy lost his skills starting

with a Hep A shot at age one, and with all the ensuing shots down to age 18

months, before we stopped the madness. My boy was loaded with metals, needless

to say and was in a terrible way. Early Intervention in our state came in at 19

months and intimated we were dealing with a case of severe autism. We got an

appt with a neurodevelopmental ped - but that appt we had to wait 6 months for.

During this time we discovered biomed - started gfcf, omega 3 oils, yeast

fighters and probiotics. By the time of our appt, we got a dx of high

functioning PDD-nos. Whatever, labels meant nothing - my boy was vax injured.

His gut was still a mess and he could not function or communicate properly. For

the first several rounds of dmsa we saw lots of gains. Then we added ALA - this

was very tough, stressed his adrenals out, and we could only give him 3mg or so

for half a year. At 25 rounds we hit a stall, that lasted 8 months, 8 long,

long months where there was even regression. We tried everything people tout

here as miraculous - Enhansa, high dose vitamin A, antivirals, vinpocetine,

gingko,, b vites, you name it. Nothing worked or mattered. We persevered. By

round 50 we were able to up ALA and were at more weight appropriate doses. We

saw some satisfying gains, then nothing for a few months. At round 66 we saw

some good gains again, then nothing.


> At this time my son's gut was basically healing - no more yeast or parasites

for months, formed stools, he could eat many things, corn eggs, some dairy, etc,

and he loved to try lots of new foods. His seasonal allergies were gone and food

allergies starting to abate. Still he spoke like a cave man and had limited

receptive understanding. Cognition lagged way behind. We just kept chelating.

My dh and I went round and round on whether an EEG was necessary. My dh said

no, no EEGS or Pharma rx meds, lets just chelate and eventually we will have

enough rounds and it will get better. He prevailed and we waited.


> In the last 2 weeks it is like someone flipped a switch. My son talks, and

talks and talks, and seems to understand everything. He plays word games, makes

jokes. He seems to be 100% present for the first time in his life. The teacher

reports he greets peers and plays with them on the playground instead of merely

running around the perimeter as is his habit. He is by no means recovered or

age appropriate yet - but he is starting to be on his way there. It is like he

can't tell me enough things - like he is uncorked or something. The other night

he would not go to sleep, it was 11 pm and he is a good sleeper. He had a place

mat with the presidents on it and he was hell bent on showing me that he knew

all their names from Washington onward. He even told me, " you know,

Washington even has his own bridge. " I almost fell over laughing. I finally

uttered words I thought I would never say, but I had to... " sweetie, please be

quiet, stop talking, it is time to go to sleep. " We have done nothing really,

other than what we have for the last 2 years. In fact, we have recently lowered

all of his supplements considerably. He takes nothing but the most basic mins

and vites, a few amino acids, liver support, fish oils, antioxidants, and

probiotics. I even hesitated to post this, for fear of jinxing it somehow.


> I posted this basically to say, there is one miracle supplement only in my

view: AC chelation - dmsa and ala, week after week, after tedious sleepless

week. To anyone doubting it or having a hard time of it, do not give up! We

have had stall after stall and regression, and at times I wanted to throw in the

towel, thinking my boy is damaged beyond repair. But with the support of people

here on the boards and Andy, and my spouse, we just forged on, and on and on.

And I believe we have another 200 rounds to go, for full recovery. But I

believe in my heart it is truly possible. We have only one child, and for the

first time, I feel his presence, his true presence as another person with

opinions and ideas, fully present living in our house. It is a beautiful thing.


> I want to close my post with an inspirational saying my late mother, a

relentless optimist, kept by her bed side even as she lay dying of breast



> Keep your heart open to dreams, for as long as there is a dream, there is

hope, and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living.


> She lived this and believed this, and she was very right. I have hope, and

joy now.


> Irene

> 5 year old, 95 rounds


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Your post means a lot to me and it was difficult to trim. We've recently stepped

up chelation here too. All else seems to be a temporary fix for my DD. Thanks

for sharing.

> I posted this basically to say, there is one miracle supplement only in my

view: AC chelation - dmsa and ala, week after week, after tedious sleepless

week. To anyone doubting it or having a hard time of it, do not give up!

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Congrats to you too on your hard work. Sounds like your child is doing

great as well. Very happy for you. Success one step at a time I say.

I will say that we have done some therapy as well - and it has helped, we did a

listening therapy - The Listening Program this summer. But I feel if we did not

do the chelation and move metals that our kids brains would not be open so to

speak, to the benefits of the therapy. But alternative therapies can be a

helpful adjunct to chelation no doubt. Just so long as one never gives up

chelation in favor of these others.


> >

> > I posted on this on another forum. I apologize for the length. But I think

my experience with my son, bears posting here as well, to give hope and

encouragement to those just starting out and to those perhaps further along who

are in a stall or have hit a bump with the AC protocol.

> >

> > My son is 5 now. We are coming up on round 96. We have been doing the AC

protocol for 2 years. My son got 26 shots in his first 18 months of life,

including several flu shots and one in utero. My boy lost his skills starting

with a Hep A shot at age one, and with all the ensuing shots down to age 18

months, before we stopped the madness. My boy was loaded with metals, needless

to say and was in a terrible way. Early Intervention in our state came in at 19

months and intimated we were dealing with a case of severe autism. We got an

appt with a neurodevelopmental ped - but that appt we had to wait 6 months for.

During this time we discovered biomed - started gfcf, omega 3 oils, yeast

fighters and probiotics. By the time of our appt, we got a dx of high

functioning PDD-nos. Whatever, labels meant nothing - my boy was vax injured.

His gut was still a mess and he could not function or communicate properly. For

the first several rounds of dmsa we saw lots of gains. Then we added ALA - this

was very tough, stressed his adrenals out, and we could only give him 3mg or so

for half a year. At 25 rounds we hit a stall, that lasted 8 months, 8 long,

long months where there was even regression. We tried everything people tout

here as miraculous - Enhansa, high dose vitamin A, antivirals, vinpocetine,

gingko,, b vites, you name it. Nothing worked or mattered. We persevered. By

round 50 we were able to up ALA and were at more weight appropriate doses. We

saw some satisfying gains, then nothing for a few months. At round 66 we saw

some good gains again, then nothing.

> >

> > At this time my son's gut was basically healing - no more yeast or parasites

for months, formed stools, he could eat many things, corn eggs, some dairy, etc,

and he loved to try lots of new foods. His seasonal allergies were gone and food

allergies starting to abate. Still he spoke like a cave man and had limited

receptive understanding. Cognition lagged way behind. We just kept chelating.

My dh and I went round and round on whether an EEG was necessary. My dh said

no, no EEGS or Pharma rx meds, lets just chelate and eventually we will have

enough rounds and it will get better. He prevailed and we waited.

> >

> > In the last 2 weeks it is like someone flipped a switch. My son talks, and

talks and talks, and seems to understand everything. He plays word games, makes

jokes. He seems to be 100% present for the first time in his life. The teacher

reports he greets peers and plays with them on the playground instead of merely

running around the perimeter as is his habit. He is by no means recovered or

age appropriate yet - but he is starting to be on his way there. It is like he

can't tell me enough things - like he is uncorked or something. The other night

he would not go to sleep, it was 11 pm and he is a good sleeper. He had a place

mat with the presidents on it and he was hell bent on showing me that he knew

all their names from Washington onward. He even told me, " you know,

Washington even has his own bridge. " I almost fell over laughing. I finally

uttered words I thought I would never say, but I had to... " sweetie, please be

quiet, stop talking, it is time to go to sleep. " We have done nothing really,

other than what we have for the last 2 years. In fact, we have recently lowered

all of his supplements considerably. He takes nothing but the most basic mins

and vites, a few amino acids, liver support, fish oils, antioxidants, and

probiotics. I even hesitated to post this, for fear of jinxing it somehow.

> >

> > I posted this basically to say, there is one miracle supplement only in my

view: AC chelation - dmsa and ala, week after week, after tedious sleepless

week. To anyone doubting it or having a hard time of it, do not give up! We

have had stall after stall and regression, and at times I wanted to throw in the

towel, thinking my boy is damaged beyond repair. But with the support of people

here on the boards and Andy, and my spouse, we just forged on, and on and on.

And I believe we have another 200 rounds to go, for full recovery. But I

believe in my heart it is truly possible. We have only one child, and for the

first time, I feel his presence, his true presence as another person with

opinions and ideas, fully present living in our house. It is a beautiful thing.

> >

> > I want to close my post with an inspirational saying my late mother, a

relentless optimist, kept by her bed side even as she lay dying of breast


> >

> > Keep your heart open to dreams, for as long as there is a dream, there is

hope, and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living.

> >

> > She lived this and believed this, and she was very right. I have hope, and

joy now.

> >

> > Irene

> > 5 year old, 95 rounds

> >


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Thank you so much for your post. We are on round 38 and I feel like we're

stalled. I know from others that this can happen and we may not see another

significant gain for awhile so we keep going. I look forward to each weekend as

much as I dread it. I don't want to be a slave to alarm every 3 hours but at the

same time I get excited hoping that this round will bring something new. Maybe

he's a little less toxic and we're a step closer to recovery. I have an amazing

husband who is right there with me which makes all the difference, especially

when I need a reminder of how far we've come.

I really appreciate you sharing your story. My son is still considered severe

but his speech really started to emerge around round 20 so I look forward to the

next breakthrough. Thanks for the inspiration!

Elise in San


> I posted on this on another forum. I apologize for the length. But

> ....(trimmed to save space)


> 5 year old, 95 rounds


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I'm so happy for you and your family. I think it is especially helpful for you

to write about " the stall. " We are basically there too. Noticeable

cognition/behavioral gains in the first dozen rounds or so, followed by not

much. We have had improvement in physical things like amounts of supplements

needed, yeast getting so much better etc. during the stall.

Because my son was basically NT before we started, I haven't been as dedicated

as you have as far as chelating...but you've inspired me to keep on " keeping on "


> I posted on this on another forum. I apologize for the length. But I think my

experience with my son, bears posting here as well, to give hope and

encouragement to those just starting out and to those perhaps further along who

are in a stall or have hit a bump with the AC protocol.


> My son is 5 now. We are coming up on round 96. We have been doing the AC

protocol for 2 years. My son got 26 shots in his first 18 months of life,

including several flu shots and one in utero. My boy lost his skills starting

with a Hep A shot at age one, and with all the ensuing shots down to age 18

months, before we stopped the madness. My boy was loaded with metals, needless

to say and was in a terrible way. Early Intervention in our state came in at 19

months and intimated we were dealing with a case of severe autism. We got an

appt with a neurodevelopmental ped - but that appt we had to wait 6 months for.

During this time we discovered biomed - started gfcf, omega 3 oils, yeast

fighters and probiotics. By the time of our appt, we got a dx of high

functioning PDD-nos. Whatever, labels meant nothing - my boy was vax injured.

His gut was still a mess and he could not function or communicate properly. For

the first several rounds of dmsa we saw lots of gains. Then we added ALA - this

was very tough, stressed his adrenals out, and we could only give him 3mg or so

for half a year. At 25 rounds we hit a stall, that lasted 8 months, 8 long,

long months where there was even regression. We tried everything people tout

here as miraculous - Enhansa, high dose vitamin A, antivirals, vinpocetine,

gingko,, b vites, you name it. Nothing worked or mattered. We persevered. By

round 50 we were able to up ALA and were at more weight appropriate doses. We

saw some satisfying gains, then nothing for a few months. At round 66 we saw

some good gains again, then nothing.


> At this time my son's gut was basically healing - no more yeast or parasites

for months, formed stools, he could eat many things, corn eggs, some dairy, etc,

and he loved to try lots of new foods. His seasonal allergies were gone and food

allergies starting to abate. Still he spoke like a cave man and had limited

receptive understanding. Cognition lagged way behind. We just kept chelating.

My dh and I went round and round on whether an EEG was necessary. My dh said

no, no EEGS or Pharma rx meds, lets just chelate and eventually we will have

enough rounds and it will get better. He prevailed and we waited.


> In the last 2 weeks it is like someone flipped a switch. My son talks, and

talks and talks, and seems to understand everything. He plays word games, makes

jokes. He seems to be 100% present for the first time in his life. The teacher

reports he greets peers and plays with them on the playground instead of merely

running around the perimeter as is his habit. He is by no means recovered or

age appropriate yet - but he is starting to be on his way there. It is like he

can't tell me enough things - like he is uncorked or something. The other night

he would not go to sleep, it was 11 pm and he is a good sleeper. He had a place

mat with the presidents on it and he was hell bent on showing me that he knew

all their names from Washington onward. He even told me, " you know,

Washington even has his own bridge. " I almost fell over laughing. I finally

uttered words I thought I would never say, but I had to... " sweetie, please be

quiet, stop talking, it is time to go to sleep. " We have done nothing really,

other than what we have for the last 2 years. In fact, we have recently lowered

all of his supplements considerably. He takes nothing but the most basic mins

and vites, a few amino acids, liver support, fish oils, antioxidants, and

probiotics. I even hesitated to post this, for fear of jinxing it somehow.


> I posted this basically to say, there is one miracle supplement only in my

view: AC chelation - dmsa and ala, week after week, after tedious sleepless

week. To anyone doubting it or having a hard time of it, do not give up! We

have had stall after stall and regression, and at times I wanted to throw in the

towel, thinking my boy is damaged beyond repair. But with the support of people

here on the boards and Andy, and my spouse, we just forged on, and on and on.

And I believe we have another 200 rounds to go, for full recovery. But I

believe in my heart it is truly possible. We have only one child, and for the

first time, I feel his presence, his true presence as another person with

opinions and ideas, fully present living in our house. It is a beautiful thing.


> I want to close my post with an inspirational saying my late mother, a

relentless optimist, kept by her bed side even as she lay dying of breast



> Keep your heart open to dreams, for as long as there is a dream, there is

hope, and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living.


> She lived this and believed this, and she was very right. I have hope, and

joy now.


> Irene

> 5 year old, 95 rounds


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Hi Irene,

How are you? I was so glad to see this message. I have been thinking about you

guys queit often. Its amazing the progress you guys have made. We are on our 66

round and we still have a full blown autistic child but we have come a long way.

Rimaan is talking but only to communicate his needs and nowhere an age

appropriate conversation. Teaching him things is a big challenge. I am so tired

but one thing that keeps me going is chealation. I hope he makes progress.

Thanks for the update. Always good to hear from you !




> I posted on this on another forum. I apologize for the length. But I think my

experience with my son, bears posting here as well, to give hope and

encouragement to those just starting out and to those perhaps further along who

are in a stall or have hit a bump with the AC protocol.


> My son is 5 now. We are coming up on round 96. We have been doing the AC

protocol for 2 years. My son got 26 shots in his first 18 months of life,

including several flu shots and one in utero. My boy lost his skills starting

with a Hep A shot at age one, and with all the ensuing shots down to age 18

months, before we stopped the madness. My boy was loaded with metals, needless

to say and was in a terrible way. Early Intervention in our state came in at 19

months and intimated we were dealing with a case of severe autism. We got an

appt with a neurodevelopmental ped - but that appt we had to wait 6 months for.

During this time we discovered biomed - started gfcf, omega 3 oils, yeast

fighters and probiotics. By the time of our appt, we got a dx of high

functioning PDD-nos. Whatever, labels meant nothing - my boy was vax injured.

His gut was still a mess and he could not function or communicate properly. For

the first several rounds of dmsa we saw lots of gains. Then we added ALA - this

was very tough, stressed his adrenals out, and we could only give him 3mg or so

for half a year. At 25 rounds we hit a stall, that lasted 8 months, 8 long,

long months where there was even regression. We tried everything people tout

here as miraculous - Enhansa, high dose vitamin A, antivirals, vinpocetine,

gingko,, b vites, you name it. Nothing worked or mattered. We persevered. By

round 50 we were able to up ALA and were at more weight appropriate doses. We

saw some satisfying gains, then nothing for a few months. At round 66 we saw

some good gains again, then nothing.


> At this time my son's gut was basically healing - no more yeast or parasites

for months, formed stools, he could eat many things, corn eggs, some dairy, etc,

and he loved to try lots of new foods. His seasonal allergies were gone and food

allergies starting to abate. Still he spoke like a cave man and had limited

receptive understanding. Cognition lagged way behind. We just kept chelating.

My dh and I went round and round on whether an EEG was necessary. My dh said

no, no EEGS or Pharma rx meds, lets just chelate and eventually we will have

enough rounds and it will get better. He prevailed and we waited.


> In the last 2 weeks it is like someone flipped a switch. My son talks, and

talks and talks, and seems to understand everything. He plays word games, makes

jokes. He seems to be 100% present for the first time in his life. The teacher

reports he greets peers and plays with them on the playground instead of merely

running around the perimeter as is his habit. He is by no means recovered or

age appropriate yet - but he is starting to be on his way there. It is like he

can't tell me enough things - like he is uncorked or something. The other night

he would not go to sleep, it was 11 pm and he is a good sleeper. He had a place

mat with the presidents on it and he was hell bent on showing me that he knew

all their names from Washington onward. He even told me, " you know,

Washington even has his own bridge. " I almost fell over laughing. I finally

uttered words I thought I would never say, but I had to... " sweetie, please be

quiet, stop talking, it is time to go to sleep. " We have done nothing really,

other than what we have for the last 2 years. In fact, we have recently lowered

all of his supplements considerably. He takes nothing but the most basic mins

and vites, a few amino acids, liver support, fish oils, antioxidants, and

probiotics. I even hesitated to post this, for fear of jinxing it somehow.


> I posted this basically to say, there is one miracle supplement only in my

view: AC chelation - dmsa and ala, week after week, after tedious sleepless

week. To anyone doubting it or having a hard time of it, do not give up! We

have had stall after stall and regression, and at times I wanted to throw in the

towel, thinking my boy is damaged beyond repair. But with the support of people

here on the boards and Andy, and my spouse, we just forged on, and on and on.

And I believe we have another 200 rounds to go, for full recovery. But I

believe in my heart it is truly possible. We have only one child, and for the

first time, I feel his presence, his true presence as another person with

opinions and ideas, fully present living in our house. It is a beautiful thing.


> I want to close my post with an inspirational saying my late mother, a

relentless optimist, kept by her bed side even as she lay dying of breast



> Keep your heart open to dreams, for as long as there is a dream, there is

hope, and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living.


> She lived this and believed this, and she was very right. I have hope, and

joy now.


> Irene

> 5 year old, 95 rounds


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Hi Maya - I can't believe you are at round 66- I remember when you were posting

and were worried about starting round 1! Do not despair - we did not have

conversation beyond wants and needs until recently. Same with understanding. My

son just turned a corner all of a sudden in these two areas. Just keep plugging

away - you never know when the next round will be the ONE, where you will turn

that corner as well. Whenever I would get tired and depressed and consider other

interventions or EEGs or whatever, my husband would say, just keep going, he

just needs more chelation.(easy for him to say since I am the one getting up at

night every weekend for the last two years of course) Wouldn't you know though,

he had to be right....


5 year old, 97 rounds

> >

> > I posted on this on another forum. I apologize for the length. But I think

my experience with my son, bears posting here as well, to give hope and

encouragement to those just starting out and to those perhaps further along who

are in a stall or have hit a bump with the AC protocol.

> >

> > My son is 5 now. We are coming up on round 96. We have been doing the AC

protocol for 2 years. My son got 26 shots in his first 18 months of life,

including several flu shots and one in utero. My boy lost his skills starting

with a Hep A shot at age one, and with all the ensuing shots down to age 18

months, before we stopped the madness. My boy was loaded with metals, needless

to say and was in a terrible way. Early Intervention in our state came in at 19

months and intimated we were dealing with a case of severe autism. We got an

appt with a neurodevelopmental ped - but that appt we had to wait 6 months for.

During this time we discovered biomed - started gfcf, omega 3 oils, yeast

fighters and probiotics. By the time of our appt, we got a dx of high

functioning PDD-nos. Whatever, labels meant nothing - my boy was vax injured.

His gut was still a mess and he could not function or communicate properly. For

the first several rounds of dmsa we saw lots of gains. Then we added ALA - this

was very tough, stressed his adrenals out, and we could only give him 3mg or so

for half a year. At 25 rounds we hit a stall, that lasted 8 months, 8 long,

long months where there was even regression. We tried everything people tout

here as miraculous - Enhansa, high dose vitamin A, antivirals, vinpocetine,

gingko,, b vites, you name it. Nothing worked or mattered. We persevered. By

round 50 we were able to up ALA and were at more weight appropriate doses. We

saw some satisfying gains, then nothing for a few months. At round 66 we saw

some good gains again, then nothing.

> >

> > At this time my son's gut was basically healing - no more yeast or parasites

for months, formed stools, he could eat many things, corn eggs, some dairy, etc,

and he loved to try lots of new foods. His seasonal allergies were gone and food

allergies starting to abate. Still he spoke like a cave man and had limited

receptive understanding. Cognition lagged way behind. We just kept chelating.

My dh and I went round and round on whether an EEG was necessary. My dh said

no, no EEGS or Pharma rx meds, lets just chelate and eventually we will have

enough rounds and it will get better. He prevailed and we waited.

> >

> > In the last 2 weeks it is like someone flipped a switch. My son talks, and

talks and talks, and seems to understand everything. He plays word games, makes

jokes. He seems to be 100% present for the first time in his life. The teacher

reports he greets peers and plays with them on the playground instead of merely

running around the perimeter as is his habit. He is by no means recovered or

age appropriate yet - but he is starting to be on his way there. It is like he

can't tell me enough things - like he is uncorked or something. The other night

he would not go to sleep, it was 11 pm and he is a good sleeper. He had a place

mat with the presidents on it and he was hell bent on showing me that he knew

all their names from Washington onward. He even told me, " you know,

Washington even has his own bridge. " I almost fell over laughing. I finally

uttered words I thought I would never say, but I had to... " sweetie, please be

quiet, stop talking, it is time to go to sleep. " We have done nothing really,

other than what we have for the last 2 years. In fact, we have recently lowered

all of his supplements considerably. He takes nothing but the most basic mins

and vites, a few amino acids, liver support, fish oils, antioxidants, and

probiotics. I even hesitated to post this, for fear of jinxing it somehow.

> >

> > I posted this basically to say, there is one miracle supplement only in my

view: AC chelation - dmsa and ala, week after week, after tedious sleepless

week. To anyone doubting it or having a hard time of it, do not give up! We

have had stall after stall and regression, and at times I wanted to throw in the

towel, thinking my boy is damaged beyond repair. But with the support of people

here on the boards and Andy, and my spouse, we just forged on, and on and on.

And I believe we have another 200 rounds to go, for full recovery. But I

believe in my heart it is truly possible. We have only one child, and for the

first time, I feel his presence, his true presence as another person with

opinions and ideas, fully present living in our house. It is a beautiful thing.

> >

> > I want to close my post with an inspirational saying my late mother, a

relentless optimist, kept by her bed side even as she lay dying of breast


> >

> > Keep your heart open to dreams, for as long as there is a dream, there is

hope, and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living.

> >

> > She lived this and believed this, and she was very right. I have hope, and

joy now.

> >

> > Irene

> > 5 year old, 95 rounds

> >


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Irene I want to thank you for thsi email I have it on my files and read it over

and over again in times like present ones when my son is going to turn 7 he has

some language he sings a little but progressing very slowly... And of course

regressing as well

When I read you email I get the strenght to keep chelating and trying

everything. Hope is there some days some other is not... But what is important

is to know that it is possibe! It has happened to others!

Thanks again Irene for your inspiration and support you have no idea how

impoertant is your mail in my life...



- [ ] Turning a corner: thoughts on amazing gains and the AC



I posted on this on another forum. I apologize for the length. But I think my

experience with my son, bears posting here as well, to give hope and

encouragement to those just starting out and to those perhaps further along who

are in a stall or have hit a bump with the AC protocol.

My son is 5 now. We are coming up on round 96. We have been doing the AC

protocol for 2 years. My son got 26 shots in his first 18 months of life,

including several flu shots and one in utero. My boy lost his skills starting

with a Hep A shot at age one, and with all the ensuing shots down to age 18

months, before we stopped the madness. My boy was loaded with metals, needless

to say and was in a terrible way. Early Intervention in our state came in at 19

months and intimated we were dealing with a case of severe autism. We got an

appt with a neurodevelopmental ped - but that appt we had to wait 6 months for.

During this time we discovered biomed - started gfcf, omega 3 oils, yeast

fighters and probiotics. By the time of our appt, we got a dx of high

functioning PDD-nos. Whatever, labels meant nothing - my boy was vax injured.

His gut was still a mess and he could not function or communicate properly. For

the first several rounds of dmsa we saw lots of gains. Then we added ALA - this

was very tough, stressed his adrenals out, and we could only give him 3mg or so

for half a year. At 25 rounds we hit a stall, that lasted 8 months, 8 long, long

months where there was even regression. We tried everything people tout here as

miraculous - Enhansa, high dose vitamin A, antivirals, vinpocetine, gingko,, b

vites, you name it. Nothing worked or mattered. We persevered. By round 50 we

were able to up ALA and were at more weight appropriate doses. We saw some

satisfying gains, then nothing for a few months. At round 66 we saw some good

gains again, then nothing.

At this time my son's gut was basically healing - no more yeast or parasites

for months, formed stools, he could eat many things, corn eggs, some dairy, etc,

and he loved to try lots of new foods. His seasonal allergies were gone and food

allergies starting to abate. Still he spoke like a cave man and had limited

receptive understanding. Cognition lagged way behind. We just kept chelating. My

dh and I went round and round on whether an EEG was necessary. My dh said no, no

EEGS or Pharma rx meds, lets just chelate and eventually we will have enough

rounds and it will get better. He prevailed and we waited.

In the last 2 weeks it is like someone flipped a switch. My son talks, and

talks and talks, and seems to understand everything. He plays word games, makes

jokes. He seems to be 100% present for the first time in his life. The teacher

reports he greets peers and plays with them on the playground instead of merely

running around the perimeter as is his habit. He is by no means recovered or age

appropriate yet - but he is starting to be on his way there. It is like he can't

tell me enough things - like he is uncorked or something. The other night he

would not go to sleep, it was 11 pm and he is a good sleeper. He had a place mat

with the presidents on it and he was hell bent on showing me that he knew all

their names from Washington onward. He even told me, " you know,

Washington even has his own bridge. " I almost fell over laughing. I finally

uttered words I thought I would never say, but I had to... " sweetie, please be

quiet, stop talking, it is time to go to sleep. " We have done nothing really,

other than what we have for the last 2 years. In fact, we have recently lowered

all of his supplements considerably. He takes nothing but the most basic mins

and vites, a few amino acids, liver support, fish oils, antioxidants, and

probiotics. I even hesitated to post this, for fear of jinxing it somehow.

I posted this basically to say, there is one miracle supplement only in my

view: AC chelation - dmsa and ala, week after week, after tedious sleepless

week. To anyone doubting it or having a hard time of it, do not give up! We have

had stall after stall and regression, and at times I wanted to throw in the

towel, thinking my boy is damaged beyond repair. But with the support of people

here on the boards and Andy, and my spouse, we just forged on, and on and on.

And I believe we have another 200 rounds to go, for full recovery. But I believe

in my heart it is truly possible. We have only one child, and for the first

time, I feel his presence, his true presence as another person with opinions and

ideas, fully present living in our house. It is a beautiful thing.

I want to close my post with an inspirational saying my late mother, a

relentless optimist, kept by her bed side even as she lay dying of breast


Keep your heart open to dreams, for as long as there is a dream, there is hope,

and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living.

She lived this and believed this, and she was very right. I have hope, and joy



5 year old, 95 rounds

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Thank you so much for sharing your amazing story. It does give our family

hope. We just started with the first round last weekend and was petrified for

it. Our doctor recommended using the DMSA suppositories for 6 months 3 days

yes and 11 days off. I asked about ALA and she said to only do this now to

take away metal from his body and then we would do both to take away from his

brain. Does this make sense?

I would love to hear from anyone's suggestions and recommendations. My son is

4.5 y/o and 44lbs.

T. Zapata

[ ] Turning a corner: thoughts on amazing gains and the AC



I posted on this on another forum. I apologize for the length. But I think my

experience with my son, bears posting here as well, to give hope and

encouragement to those just starting out and to those perhaps further along who

are in a stall or have hit a bump with the AC protocol.

My son is 5 now. We are coming up on round 96. We have been doing the AC

protocol for 2 years. My son got 26 shots in his first 18 months of life,

including several flu shots and one in utero. My boy lost his skills starting

with a Hep A shot at age one, and with all the ensuing shots down to age 18

months, before we stopped the madness. My boy was loaded with metals, needless

to say and was in a terrible way. Early Intervention in our state came in at 19

months and intimated we were dealing with a case of severe autism. We got an

appt with a neurodevelopmental ped - but that appt we had to wait 6 months for.

During this time we discovered biomed - started gfcf, omega 3 oils, yeast

fighters and probiotics. By the time of our appt, we got a dx of high

functioning PDD-nos. Whatever, labels meant nothing - my boy was vax injured.

His gut was still a mess and he could not function or communicate properly. For

the first several rounds of dmsa we saw lots of gains. Then we added ALA - this

was very tough, stressed his adrenals out, and we could only give him 3mg or so

for half a year. At 25 rounds we hit a stall, that lasted 8 months, 8 long, long

months where there was even regression. We tried everything people tout here as

miraculous - Enhansa, high dose vitamin A, antivirals, vinpocetine, gingko,, b

vites, you name it. Nothing worked or mattered. We persevered. By round 50 we

were able to up ALA and were at more weight appropriate doses. We saw some

satisfying gains, then nothing for a few months. At round 66 we saw some good

gains again, then nothing.

At this time my son's gut was basically healing - no more yeast or parasites

for months, formed stools, he could eat many things, corn eggs, some dairy, etc,

and he loved to try lots of new foods. His seasonal allergies were gone and food

allergies starting to abate. Still he spoke like a cave man and had limited

receptive understanding. Cognition lagged way behind. We just kept chelating. My

dh and I went round and round on whether an EEG was necessary. My dh said no, no

EEGS or Pharma rx meds, lets just chelate and eventually we will have enough

rounds and it will get better. He prevailed and we waited.

In the last 2 weeks it is like someone flipped a switch. My son talks, and

talks and talks, and seems to understand everything. He plays word games, makes

jokes. He seems to be 100% present for the first time in his life. The teacher

reports he greets peers and plays with them on the playground instead of merely

running around the perimeter as is his habit. He is by no means recovered or age

appropriate yet - but he is starting to be on his way there. It is like he can't

tell me enough things - like he is uncorked or something. The other night he

would not go to sleep, it was 11 pm and he is a good sleeper. He had a place mat

with the presidents on it and he was hell bent on showing me that he knew all

their names from Washington onward. He even told me, " you know,

Washington even has his own bridge. " I almost fell over laughing. I finally

uttered words I thought I would never say, but I had to... " sweetie, please be

quiet, stop talking, it is time to go to sleep. " We have done nothing really,

other than what we have for the last 2 years. In fact, we have recently lowered

all of his supplements considerably. He takes nothing but the most basic mins

and vites, a few amino acids, liver support, fish oils, antioxidants, and

probiotics. I even hesitated to post this, for fear of jinxing it somehow.

I posted this basically to say, there is one miracle supplement only in my

view: AC chelation - dmsa and ala, week after week, after tedious sleepless

week. To anyone doubting it or having a hard time of it, do not give up! We have

had stall after stall and regression, and at times I wanted to throw in the

towel, thinking my boy is damaged beyond repair. But with the support of people

here on the boards and Andy, and my spouse, we just forged on, and on and on.

And I believe we have another 200 rounds to go, for full recovery. But I believe

in my heart it is truly possible. We have only one child, and for the first

time, I feel his presence, his true presence as another person with opinions and

ideas, fully present living in our house. It is a beautiful thing.

I want to close my post with an inspirational saying my late mother, a

relentless optimist, kept by her bed side even as she lay dying of breast


Keep your heart open to dreams, for as long as there is a dream, there is hope,

and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living.

She lived this and believed this, and she was very right. I have hope, and joy



5 year old, 95 rounds

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on amazing gains and the AC protocol> |

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I want to spread the hope. Ethan's story is a little different and we just

recently started AC, but are so glad we did.

We have been " lucky. " Our son regressed immediately following his fifteen

month shots. He was normally developing: walking, running, pointing at

things, and talking. His favorite word was " shoes. "

I was adamant he NOT get vaccines containing thimerosal, and his

pediatrician and I went round and round about it. come to find out, in the

end, she just flat out lied to me and gave them to him anyway -- all the

while knowing she lied to me about the ingredients.

After the shots (4 of them) he screamed inconsolably for a long time. he

was listless and " off " the rest of the day.

The following morning I woke with a start as he had not wakened me early as

he usually did. He would wake me and be reaching for me to get him out of

the crib. That morning --eerie quiet. I ran into his room and there he sat

awkwardly with his legs behind him staring blankly into space. I said his

name -- nothing. I scooped him up, and he went limp like a rag doll. I

called the pediatrician who went on and on about how I was over reacting and

to just " Give Tylenol. "

Then week after week and call after call we were always blown off " Lots of

boys lose speech at this age. " Say what? No speech -- not one single word

he had known before. No pointing, no eye contact, but when we went to the

ped, she would say, " You're overreacting. He's fine. "

Then he started to get sick ALL the time, and I mean an infection every two

weeks with a fever. One ear infection after another. Twice his ear drum

burst. Finally the next December our regular ped was out and Ethan had

another infection. This doctor said it was very significant that he was

talking and then stopped and she sent us to Callier Center. They suggested

to us he had autism.

They told us about ECI and we signed up. The ECI therapists told us about

the gf/cf diet. We were skeptical but we decided to give it a try. Then I

found this group on the Internet, and our eyes began to open. I called the

ped and asked her if the vaccines she gave my son did indeed contain

thimerosal. She LAUGHED and said, " Well, yes but.... " like it made no


When we demanded mercury poisoning testing we were treated abominably. We

were abandoned and there solution is just to make the reactions go away to

another doctor so the new sheep can't her their stories.

The following March -one year after regression, our son came down with his

first bout of pneumonia. He was treated IM for two days with Rocephin and

followed by ten days of Omnicef. On the fourth day of treatment, he sat up

and said every worked he had known before regression. We were ecstatic. I

rant o the Internet and found a study where children with autism were given

Vancomycin and improved, but then it said once the broad spectrum antibiotic

was stopped, the children all regressed to baseline. I cried. I felt like

we were losing our son all over again! Only Ethan didn't regress all the

way to baseline.

He retained some one syllable sounds like " Ca. " the only problem was that

" CA " could mean anything from cookie to cake to colors, and if I didn't know

which one he meant, then he had a major melt down.

When we started the diet, we took gluten away first. He had withdrawal and

his behavior was horrible. He screamed, hit, kicked, and bit me at every

turn. I cried every day for three weeks. The ECI therapists urged me on.

I researched and researched and gathered information. We went from doctor

to doctor who all told us it was hopeless. I found this group and Moria and

Andy gave me lost of info and urged me to chelate AC, but we were so

scared. We had been raised to trust MD's and now everything we had been

taught to believe was called into question.

A few months later we removed casein and things started getting better. for

a while, we used compounded tryptophan to get him to sleep, but later

switched to melatonin and we all finally began to get some sleep. We found

out about supplements and through trial and error we wound up sticking with

some very basic supplements.

At age three we took him to Children's and he received a diagnosis of Heavy

Metal Intoxication. " It was creepy and all very hush hush and we were told

not to implicate vaccines because " That's not well accepted here. " The

neurologist said, " Gee, I'm so sorry. I thought they took that stuff out

of vaccines. But you've just got to understand, by mass vaccinating, WE (as

if he were god) are saving so many, but there are going to be losses. Your

child is one of them, and you just need to go home and accept it. "

I said, 'Could you accept that if he were YOUR only child? "

Then he wanted to admit our son to the hospital and do IV chelation, but he

admitted he knew little about it. I told him he had to get a toxicologist

on board ( I actually thought there were some toxicologist MD's at the time!

-- there needs to be!). Anyone he didn't do that and he was just going to

experiment on our child and we got into a nasty tete a tete and parted ways.

Then we got a break and got into see Dr. Amy Holmes in Baton Rouge, and she

gave us hop and pointed us int eh right direction, but we did not agree with

everything she said such as using MT promoter.

We did find out at that time that our son's neutrophil count was too low to

chelate. Then we found a wonderful DO (who sadly has retried), and she

helped us immensely. She found our son's copper levels were very high, and

we had to rule out 's and start supplementing zinc.

At age four she retested opiate peptides and they were found to have come

down but were still high, so she suggested the removal of soy protein as

well. We removed soy, and four days later, our son said his first sentence,

" I want more. " He wouldn't talk a lot or often, but he was using short

sentences to tell me what he wanted.

Then we found a DAN and Ethan was put on Methyl B 12. He had not gained any

weight in months. This worked for a while and then it made him hyper and

too hungry. For those WHO think it won't make one gain weight, B 12 is a

staple in the show horse industry to make horses gain weight and eat more.

It has been used for this purpose in this industry for a very long time (and

in a few other areas of the horse industry where is shouldn't be being


We stopped the B12. We were scared to chelate. Then we wound up with a DAN

who threw one expensive supplement at us after another and ran test after

test, and our son made slow, steady progress but in many areas had reached a

stall. The sitmming had all but ceased. We had the OCD and SID down to a

minimum, and then the Dan finally convinced us to do IV chelation, and I had

gotten so busy, I hardly ever had time to get on the group and we just got

caught up int he day to day living. The infections persisted and our lives

were still ruled by having to plan in an infection with fever every two

weeks. this of course, impeded his education, as well.

We took him to a developmental pediatrician and we thought the report would

be great as we had seen his progress, so I want in alone for the results.

Actually this woman spent very little time actually evaluating our son and

basically just used a a parent rating sheet. I went in and she said my son

was severe and he would never: really talk meaningfully again -- that his

speech would probably not improve any more, that he would probably never be

potty trained " Well, maybe at age twelve or thirteen, but I doubt it. " She

said he would never make a friend or be able to be in a regular classroom.

She said that he would never be able to leave home and he would never go to

college. She told me I needed to find an institution " NOW " to put him.

She put her hand on my shoulder and said, " But if you can just wait until he

is a little older, I have drugs I can give him that will make your life

easier. "

I took her lovely little hand off my shoulder and told her she could keep

her dope. " I am not interested in making my life easier, " I said, " I am

interested in making the quality of my son's life better. "

I had a good cry in the car, but then I just got angry, and when I get

angry, I get going to prove people wrong.

We stayed with DAN and our son still continued to slowly improve, but after

a while there was just this stall. Our main concern was his health. He had

constant respiratory problems: bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma. then he

started getting strep and then he started developing staph every time and

insect bit him. He broke bones twice after seemingly innocuous falls. His

baby teeth had demineralized and he had to go to the OR for extensive dental

work. $10,000 of it not covered by insurance -- Thank God we found out

about the Grotto's Foundation.

Then we finally got talked into doing IV. I was scared every time. It

seemed to help temporarily, but I noticed his stimming came back and then

his OCD and then his SID. And then he had a delayed respiratory reaction.

the DAN said it was a coincidence. Where had I heard that before? We went

back again, and again he had a delayed respiratory reaction and this time it

snowballed into pneumonia and we wound up at the hospital again.

Then he got hives after eating broccoli and got hives after being given

Bactrim. We stopped IV. However, our son continued to slowly improve with

speech. When I got him put in inclusion, reciprocal speech began to emerge

at the age of nine.

We had been going less and less to the DAN as we were now fairly broke.

When we went in, he admonished us for not coming every week. Then he

started trying to talk me into putting him on Prozac for the stimming. I

said NO. then he said he was high in lead and we needed to try chelation

again, but only using EDTA. so last summer we did, thinking it was the

sulfur that had caused the problem. But on the fourth round, our son had a

severe delayed respiratory reaction. We had waited almost forty-five

minutes before leaving the doctor's office, but then there we were stuck in

traffic, and suddenly our son was having trouble breathing. We were

frantic. We manged to pull off and administer asthma meds which helped, but

we knew we would NEVER again do this form of chelation.

We tried to get the DAN on board with AC, but he insisted we do IV and just

give oral prednisone before each treatment. He knew that the one time our

son had oral steroids he suffered a psychotic episode. We said no, and he

said. " Well, just leave the metals in there, then. " And we silently said

" We are through with you. " There were some other reasons, too, but we knew

we were done with that.

Well, I felt like an idiot! There I had been when my son was two, and Andy

and Moria had given me the right answers and I was just too dense to

listen. So back to this group I came and started learning again. From here

I learned about the RFA group and learned even more.

I learned about GSE and ACE, which have greatly helped my son. I got a good

kick in the pants from another mom to stop putting off doing AC chelation

and just do it. We are only on round 8, but my son is improving again. The

ACE has dramatically reduced his need for any asthma meds. We had been on

the verge of starting steroids again, but there has been no indication that

we need to. After years of at least one infection a month, our son has not

had one illness since we started AC. His reciprocal language is just taking

off. He has started initiating conversations now. He is more self

starting. He will say, " Time to do my chores now. " He asks me lots of


When we started home schooling last September, his present level of

performance in reading comprehension was the first percentile. His math was

in the 0.02 percentile. In September it was like pulling teeth to get him

to stay focused and do his work. Now he reads a story aloud to me, I hand

him the reading packet, and he prefers to work independently and call me if

he needs me to re-explain something, and he is scoring above 83 percent

(prompted answer don't count as correct.) He is now comprehending at second

grade level and his math is now at third grade level, and of course spelling

is fourth grade level or higher.

The stimming, OCD, and SID are slowly reducing. I am having to get used to

the long periods of there being no stimming. I had forgotten what quiet


His social skills are improving. He talks about going to college and

becoming an architect. He long ago taught himself to design things on

Sketch Up. He talked about going to RIT where one of his aunts works. Then

he told me he had changed his mind. I asked him why. He said, " That's too

far from you and Daddy. " I said, " Ethan, if you decide that is where you

want to go to college, and you feel you still need Mommy and Daddy to be

close by, we will pack up and move there too. " He is our only child. My

goal has always been to move him toward independence and health, and finally

I know we are on the right track. But I don't hope he will want his parents

to live close. I want grandchildren to spoil! I never before allowed

myself to think that might be possible, but he talks about getting married

someday. I said, " Boy you'd better because you hate to sleep alone in room

all by yourself. "

I look forward to each new round. It doesn't matter if there are stalls

along the way. We are committed to 300 rounds before we would even think of

quitting. I cannot beat myself up for waiting so long, though I wish we

hadn't, but I am so glad we came back here and got back on the right track.

My bucket list consists of a lot of names. The day my son gets into an

institution (of higher learning), there are a lot of people we will say a

word or two to before he enters college.

Be very wary of anyone who ever tells you what your child will never do. My

son was potty trained completely at the age of five, and it only took three

days to teach him. All I needed to know was the right method to use and a


If I had listened to those mainstream doctors and just took their pompous

predictions as gospel truth and done nothing....my son would still be

non-verbal and pooping on the floor. I have no doubt of that. Today, I

expect my son may well become the next Lloyd .

Never let anyone take hope away from you.

They said he wouldn't talk, but he talks, They said he would not be potty

trained; he is. They said he would not make friends; he does. They said he

couldn't learn, but he is very smart. Someday, he will impact the world in

a positive way, and no one will remember who " they " were.


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Thanks Haven and to the other posters. I am glad this post of mine from last

summer continues to give people hope - that is why I posted. We are now at round

121. We have hit some issues of bacteria and low neutrophils and low white blood

count, necessitating a hiatus from DMSA. (we will return to it when his numbers

are up due to lead) But the work horse chelator of ALA is still on board, doing

the work of clearing metals from my boy's brain. He continues to make great

strides and has much more language and is more connected. Some blips in the road

with bacteria etc caused some hurdles - but now we are back on track. And

tackling anti virals along the way. We have also started to work with him on

acquiring language in a different way- thanks to your great reference Haven to

" Learning with a visual brain in an auditory world. " A wonderful book that has

helped us to help him acquire a wider vocabulary and to give meaning and context

to language for hiim.

To those of you just starting out-and perhaps whose kids have little or no

language- know that your child is in there, never stop chelating, don't give up,

never stop talking to them, explaining things as if they are NT. AC chelation

helps to lift the veil and someday - maybe not today, tomorrow - maybe months or

even a year or two from now you will find out that they were taking in what you

were saying but did not yet have the means to communicate this. Just today my

son related events from almost 3 and 4 years ago - when I had yelled at him at

certain family events for certain behaviors. He let me know that he remembered

the events in vivid detail - and how upset he was that I had admonished him

repeatedly not to do something. At the time I thought he did not hear or

understand me. He understood just fine at the time, but could not tell me so, or

explain that his stimm was calming to him at a noisy event, and that he felt sad

that I was disappointed in him. My heart was broken for him -

thinking of the silence he was trapped in back then. But I felt a sense of

satisfaction, purpose if you will - that all of these sleepless weekends are for

a purpose and have empowered him.

Like Haven, I too was told all sorts of things about my boy could and could not

do because of his autism, and to have no expectations. But we all have the hope

and the reality of AC chelation. We know better - and no one knows the great

things our kids may be capable of in the future because of it. When I think of

my son and autism in

general the old saying " still waters run deep " comes to mind.


> Wow! Irene that is wonderful! You give hope to many!




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Thank you Irene! Needed to read that. We're in our stall too. But, I don't doubt

for one minute that AC is bringing my son back day by day. We went out to a

restauraunt last night. What a relief to give my son foods without total utter

fear and hesitation. He still can't eat lots of stuff my daughters can, but, boy

is life much better now! LOVE IT!!!!


4yr DS ASD #43

2nt Girls


> I posted on this on another forum. I apologize for the length. But I think my

experience with my son, bears posting here as well, to give hope and

encouragement to those just starting out and to those perhaps further along who

are in a stall or have hit a bump with the AC protocol.


> My son is 5 now. We are coming up on round 96. We have been doing the AC

protocol for 2 years. My son got 26 shots in his first 18 months of life,

including several flu shots and one in utero. My boy lost his skills starting

with a Hep A shot at age one, and with all the ensuing shots down to age 18

months, before we stopped the madness. My boy was loaded with metals, needless

to say and was in a terrible way. Early Intervention in our state came in at 19

months and intimated we were dealing with a case of severe autism. We got an

appt with a neurodevelopmental ped - but that appt we had to wait 6 months for.

During this time we discovered biomed - started gfcf, omega 3 oils, yeast

fighters and probiotics. By the time of our appt, we got a dx of high

functioning PDD-nos. Whatever, labels meant nothing - my boy was vax injured.

His gut was still a mess and he could not function or communicate properly. For

the first several rounds of dmsa we saw lots of gains. Then we added ALA - this

was very tough, stressed his adrenals out, and we could only give him 3mg or so

for half a year. At 25 rounds we hit a stall, that lasted 8 months, 8 long,

long months where there was even regression. We tried everything people tout

here as miraculous - Enhansa, high dose vitamin A, antivirals, vinpocetine,

gingko,, b vites, you name it. Nothing worked or mattered. We persevered. By

round 50 we were able to up ALA and were at more weight appropriate doses. We

saw some satisfying gains, then nothing for a few months. At round 66 we saw

some good gains again, then nothing.


> At this time my son's gut was basically healing - no more yeast or parasites

for months, formed stools, he could eat many things, corn eggs, some dairy, etc,

and he loved to try lots of new foods. His seasonal allergies were gone and food

allergies starting to abate. Still he spoke like a cave man and had limited

receptive understanding. Cognition lagged way behind. We just kept chelating.

My dh and I went round and round on whether an EEG was necessary. My dh said

no, no EEGS or Pharma rx meds, lets just chelate and eventually we will have

enough rounds and it will get better. He prevailed and we waited.


> In the last 2 weeks it is like someone flipped a switch. My son talks, and

talks and talks, and seems to understand everything. He plays word games, makes

jokes. He seems to be 100% present for the first time in his life. The teacher

reports he greets peers and plays with them on the playground instead of merely

running around the perimeter as is his habit. He is by no means recovered or

age appropriate yet - but he is starting to be on his way there. It is like he

can't tell me enough things - like he is uncorked or something. The other night

he would not go to sleep, it was 11 pm and he is a good sleeper. He had a place

mat with the presidents on it and he was hell bent on showing me that he knew

all their names from Washington onward. He even told me, " you know,

Washington even has his own bridge. " I almost fell over laughing. I finally

uttered words I thought I would never say, but I had to... " sweetie, please be

quiet, stop talking, it is time to go to sleep. " We have done nothing really,

other than what we have for the last 2 years. In fact, we have recently lowered

all of his supplements considerably. He takes nothing but the most basic mins

and vites, a few amino acids, liver support, fish oils, antioxidants, and

probiotics. I even hesitated to post this, for fear of jinxing it somehow.


> I posted this basically to say, there is one miracle supplement only in my

view: AC chelation - dmsa and ala, week after week, after tedious sleepless

week. To anyone doubting it or having a hard time of it, do not give up! We

have had stall after stall and regression, and at times I wanted to throw in the

towel, thinking my boy is damaged beyond repair. But with the support of people

here on the boards and Andy, and my spouse, we just forged on, and on and on.

And I believe we have another 200 rounds to go, for full recovery. But I

believe in my heart it is truly possible. We have only one child, and for the

first time, I feel his presence, his true presence as another person with

opinions and ideas, fully present living in our house. It is a beautiful thing.


> I want to close my post with an inspirational saying my late mother, a

relentless optimist, kept by her bed side even as she lay dying of breast



> Keep your heart open to dreams, for as long as there is a dream, there is

hope, and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living.


> She lived this and believed this, and she was very right. I have hope, and

joy now.


> Irene

> 5 year old, 95 rounds


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Life Solutions makes a liquid ALA, but read the ingredients and make sure that

what's in it is okay with you and any diet your child is on. It has flavoring,

so you may want to call the company to find out exactly what that consists of --

unless someone on here already knows and would please share the info.


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Thanks for your post! We are on round 60 with our (nearly) 5 yo son. The past

month has been frustrating as his speech has slowed quite a bit and his head

banging has increased. We are forging ahead in hope that more rounds, time,

patience, therapy..will help him to work through this and allow a break through

like your son has had.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Elise in San


> I posted on this on another forum. I apologize for the length. But I think my

experience with my son, bears posting here as well, to give hope and

encouragement to those just starting out and to those perhaps further along who

are in a stall or have hit a bump with the AC protocol.

> ***cropped****


> Irene

> 5 year old, 95 rounds


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Just a heads-up! My son will graduate from college this May. He did over 100

rounds of AC chelation as well as lots of other stuff. He didn't start until he

was 20, though. He still has a long ways to go--he attends college with an aide

and communicates mostly through typing--but he definitely has the smarts to do


We were like you--we wouldn't listen to the supposed MR diagnosis they tried to

lay on him long ago.

He is a published poet. His book is on amazon.com and was published in London.

Never give up.


Re: [ ] Turning a corner: thoughts on amazing gains and

the AC protocol

I want to spread the hope. Ethan's story is a little different and we just

recently started AC, but are so glad we did.

We have been " lucky. " Our son regressed immediately following his fifteen

month shots. He was normally developing: walking, running, pointing at

things, and talking. His favorite word was " shoes. "

I was adamant he NOT get vaccines containing thimerosal, and his

pediatrician and I went round and round about it. come to find out, in the

end, she just flat out lied to me and gave them to him anyway -- all the

while knowing she lied to me about the ingredients.

After the shots (4 of them) he screamed inconsolably for a long time. he

was listless and " off " the rest of the day.

The following morning I woke with a start as he had not wakened me early as

he usually did. He would wake me and be reaching for me to get him out of

the crib. That morning --eerie quiet. I ran into his room and there he sat

awkwardly with his legs behind him staring blankly into space. I said his

name -- nothing. I scooped him up, and he went limp like a rag doll. I

called the pediatrician who went on and on about how I was over reacting and

to just " Give Tylenol. "

Then week after week and call after call we were always blown off " Lots of

boys lose speech at this age. " Say what? No speech -- not one single word

he had known before. No pointing, no eye contact, but when we went to the

ped, she would say, " You're overreacting. He's fine. "

Then he started to get sick ALL the time, and I mean an infection every two

weeks with a fever. One ear infection after another. Twice his ear drum

burst. Finally the next December our regular ped was out and Ethan had

another infection. This doctor said it was very significant that he was

talking and then stopped and she sent us to Callier Center. They suggested

to us he had autism.

They told us about ECI and we signed up. The ECI therapists told us about

the gf/cf diet. We were skeptical but we decided to give it a try. Then I

found this group on the Internet, and our eyes began to open. I called the

ped and asked her if the vaccines she gave my son did indeed contain

thimerosal. She LAUGHED and said, " Well, yes but.... " like it made no


When we demanded mercury poisoning testing we were treated abominably. We

were abandoned and there solution is just to make the reactions go away to

another doctor so the new sheep can't her their stories.

The following March -one year after regression, our son came down with his

first bout of pneumonia. He was treated IM for two days with Rocephin and

followed by ten days of Omnicef. On the fourth day of treatment, he sat up

and said every worked he had known before regression. We were ecstatic. I

rant o the Internet and found a study where children with autism were given

Vancomycin and improved, but then it said once the broad spectrum antibiotic

was stopped, the children all regressed to baseline. I cried. I felt like

we were losing our son all over again! Only Ethan didn't regress all the

way to baseline.

He retained some one syllable sounds like " Ca. " the only problem was that

" CA " could mean anything from cookie to cake to colors, and if I didn't know

which one he meant, then he had a major melt down.

When we started the diet, we took gluten away first. He had withdrawal and

his behavior was horrible. He screamed, hit, kicked, and bit me at every

turn. I cried every day for three weeks. The ECI therapists urged me on.

I researched and researched and gathered information. We went from doctor

to doctor who all told us it was hopeless. I found this group and Moria and

Andy gave me lost of info and urged me to chelate AC, but we were so

scared. We had been raised to trust MD's and now everything we had been

taught to believe was called into question.

A few months later we removed casein and things started getting better. for

a while, we used compounded tryptophan to get him to sleep, but later

switched to melatonin and we all finally began to get some sleep. We found

out about supplements and through trial and error we wound up sticking with

some very basic supplements.

At age three we took him to Children's and he received a diagnosis of Heavy

Metal Intoxication. " It was creepy and all very hush hush and we were told

not to implicate vaccines because " That's not well accepted here. " The

neurologist said, " Gee, I'm so sorry. I thought they took that stuff out

of vaccines. But you've just got to understand, by mass vaccinating, WE (as

if he were god) are saving so many, but there are going to be losses. Your

child is one of them, and you just need to go home and accept it. "

I said, 'Could you accept that if he were YOUR only child? "

Then he wanted to admit our son to the hospital and do IV chelation, but he

admitted he knew little about it. I told him he had to get a toxicologist

on board ( I actually thought there were some toxicologist MD's at the time!

-- there needs to be!). Anyone he didn't do that and he was just going to

experiment on our child and we got into a nasty tete a tete and parted ways.

Then we got a break and got into see Dr. Amy Holmes in Baton Rouge, and she

gave us hop and pointed us int eh right direction, but we did not agree with

everything she said such as using MT promoter.

We did find out at that time that our son's neutrophil count was too low to

chelate. Then we found a wonderful DO (who sadly has retried), and she

helped us immensely. She found our son's copper levels were very high, and

we had to rule out 's and start supplementing zinc.

At age four she retested opiate peptides and they were found to have come

down but were still high, so she suggested the removal of soy protein as

well. We removed soy, and four days later, our son said his first sentence,

" I want more. " He wouldn't talk a lot or often, but he was using short

sentences to tell me what he wanted.

Then we found a DAN and Ethan was put on Methyl B 12. He had not gained any

weight in months. This worked for a while and then it made him hyper and

too hungry. For those WHO think it won't make one gain weight, B 12 is a

staple in the show horse industry to make horses gain weight and eat more.

It has been used for this purpose in this industry for a very long time (and

in a few other areas of the horse industry where is shouldn't be being


We stopped the B12. We were scared to chelate. Then we wound up with a DAN

who threw one expensive supplement at us after another and ran test after

test, and our son made slow, steady progress but in many areas had reached a

stall. The sitmming had all but ceased. We had the OCD and SID down to a

minimum, and then the Dan finally convinced us to do IV chelation, and I had

gotten so busy, I hardly ever had time to get on the group and we just got

caught up int he day to day living. The infections persisted and our lives

were still ruled by having to plan in an infection with fever every two

weeks. this of course, impeded his education, as well.

We took him to a developmental pediatrician and we thought the report would

be great as we had seen his progress, so I want in alone for the results.

Actually this woman spent very little time actually evaluating our son and

basically just used a a parent rating sheet. I went in and she said my son

was severe and he would never: really talk meaningfully again -- that his

speech would probably not improve any more, that he would probably never be

potty trained " Well, maybe at age twelve or thirteen, but I doubt it. " She

said he would never make a friend or be able to be in a regular classroom.

She said that he would never be able to leave home and he would never go to

college. She told me I needed to find an institution " NOW " to put him.

She put her hand on my shoulder and said, " But if you can just wait until he

is a little older, I have drugs I can give him that will make your life

easier. "

I took her lovely little hand off my shoulder and told her she could keep

her dope. " I am not interested in making my life easier, " I said, " I am

interested in making the quality of my son's life better. "

I had a good cry in the car, but then I just got angry, and when I get

angry, I get going to prove people wrong.

We stayed with DAN and our son still continued to slowly improve, but after

a while there was just this stall. Our main concern was his health. He had

constant respiratory problems: bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma. then he

started getting strep and then he started developing staph every time and

insect bit him. He broke bones twice after seemingly innocuous falls. His

baby teeth had demineralized and he had to go to the OR for extensive dental

work. $10,000 of it not covered by insurance -- Thank God we found out

about the Grotto's Foundation.

Then we finally got talked into doing IV. I was scared every time. It

seemed to help temporarily, but I noticed his stimming came back and then

his OCD and then his SID. And then he had a delayed respiratory reaction.

the DAN said it was a coincidence. Where had I heard that before? We went

back again, and again he had a delayed respiratory reaction and this time it

snowballed into pneumonia and we wound up at the hospital again.

Then he got hives after eating broccoli and got hives after being given

Bactrim. We stopped IV. However, our son continued to slowly improve with

speech. When I got him put in inclusion, reciprocal speech began to emerge

at the age of nine.

We had been going less and less to the DAN as we were now fairly broke.

When we went in, he admonished us for not coming every week. Then he

started trying to talk me into putting him on Prozac for the stimming. I

said NO. then he said he was high in lead and we needed to try chelation

again, but only using EDTA. so last summer we did, thinking it was the

sulfur that had caused the problem. But on the fourth round, our son had a

severe delayed respiratory reaction. We had waited almost forty-five

minutes before leaving the doctor's office, but then there we were stuck in

traffic, and suddenly our son was having trouble breathing. We were

frantic. We manged to pull off and administer asthma meds which helped, but

we knew we would NEVER again do this form of chelation.

We tried to get the DAN on board with AC, but he insisted we do IV and just

give oral prednisone before each treatment. He knew that the one time our

son had oral steroids he suffered a psychotic episode. We said no, and he

said. " Well, just leave the metals in there, then. " And we silently said

" We are through with you. " There were some other reasons, too, but we knew

we were done with that.

Well, I felt like an idiot! There I had been when my son was two, and Andy

and Moria had given me the right answers and I was just too dense to

listen. So back to this group I came and started learning again. From here

I learned about the RFA group and learned even more.

I learned about GSE and ACE, which have greatly helped my son. I got a good

kick in the pants from another mom to stop putting off doing AC chelation

and just do it. We are only on round 8, but my son is improving again. The

ACE has dramatically reduced his need for any asthma meds. We had been on

the verge of starting steroids again, but there has been no indication that

we need to. After years of at least one infection a month, our son has not

had one illness since we started AC. His reciprocal language is just taking

off. He has started initiating conversations now. He is more self

starting. He will say, " Time to do my chores now. " He asks me lots of


When we started home schooling last September, his present level of

performance in reading comprehension was the first percentile. His math was

in the 0.02 percentile. In September it was like pulling teeth to get him

to stay focused and do his work. Now he reads a story aloud to me, I hand

him the reading packet, and he prefers to work independently and call me if

he needs me to re-explain something, and he is scoring above 83 percent

(prompted answer don't count as correct.) He is now comprehending at second

grade level and his math is now at third grade level, and of course spelling

is fourth grade level or higher.

The stimming, OCD, and SID are slowly reducing. I am having to get used to

the long periods of there being no stimming. I had forgotten what quiet


His social skills are improving. He talks about going to college and

becoming an architect. He long ago taught himself to design things on

Sketch Up. He talked about going to RIT where one of his aunts works. Then

he told me he had changed his mind. I asked him why. He said, " That's too

far from you and Daddy. " I said, " Ethan, if you decide that is where you

want to go to college, and you feel you still need Mommy and Daddy to be

close by, we will pack up and move there too. " He is our only child. My

goal has always been to move him toward independence and health, and finally

I know we are on the right track. But I don't hope he will want his parents

to live close. I want grandchildren to spoil! I never before allowed

myself to think that might be possible, but he talks about getting married

someday. I said, " Boy you'd better because you hate to sleep alone in room

all by yourself. "

I look forward to each new round. It doesn't matter if there are stalls

along the way. We are committed to 300 rounds before we would even think of

quitting. I cannot beat myself up for waiting so long, though I wish we

hadn't, but I am so glad we came back here and got back on the right track.

My bucket list consists of a lot of names. The day my son gets into an

institution (of higher learning), there are a lot of people we will say a

word or two to before he enters college.

Be very wary of anyone who ever tells you what your child will never do. My

son was potty trained completely at the age of five, and it only took three

days to teach him. All I needed to know was the right method to use and a


If I had listened to those mainstream doctors and just took their pompous

predictions as gospel truth and done nothing....my son would still be

non-verbal and pooping on the floor. I have no doubt of that. Today, I

expect my son may well become the next Lloyd .

Never let anyone take hope away from you.

They said he wouldn't talk, but he talks, They said he would not be potty

trained; he is. They said he would not make friends; he does. They said he

couldn't learn, but he is very smart. Someday, he will impact the world in

a positive way, and no one will remember who " they " were.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Haven,

I just read your inspiring story.

Can you please help me in here. What did you use as a chelator first and when

did you added ALA, how much?

When you thought he needs adrenal support and added ACE, what are we expected to

see on ACE? Didn't he stim more on starting ACE?




> I want to spread the hope. Ethan's story is a little different and we just

> recently started AC, but are so glad we did.


> We have been " lucky. " Our son regressed immediately following his fifteen

> month shots. He was normally developing: walking, running, pointing at

> things, and talking. His favorite word was " shoes. "


> I was adamant he NOT get vaccines containing thimerosal, and his

> pediatrician and I went round and round about it. come to find out, in the

> end, she just flat out lied to me and gave them to him anyway -- all the

> while knowing she lied to me about the ingredients.


> After the shots (4 of them) he screamed inconsolably for a long time. he

> was listless and " off " the rest of the day.


> The following morning I woke with a start as he had not wakened me early as

> he usually did. He would wake me and be reaching for me to get him out of

> the crib. That morning --eerie quiet. I ran into his room and there he sat

> awkwardly with his legs behind him staring blankly into space. I said his

> name -- nothing. I scooped him up, and he went limp like a rag doll. I

> called the pediatrician who went on and on about how I was over reacting and

> to just " Give Tylenol. "


> Then week after week and call after call we were always blown off " Lots of

> boys lose speech at this age. " Say what? No speech -- not one single word

> he had known before. No pointing, no eye contact, but when we went to the

> ped, she would say, " You're overreacting. He's fine. "


> Then he started to get sick ALL the time, and I mean an infection every two

> weeks with a fever. One ear infection after another. Twice his ear drum

> burst. Finally the next December our regular ped was out and Ethan had

> another infection. This doctor said it was very significant that he was

> talking and then stopped and she sent us to Callier Center. They suggested

> to us he had autism.


> They told us about ECI and we signed up. The ECI therapists told us about

> the gf/cf diet. We were skeptical but we decided to give it a try. Then I

> found this group on the Internet, and our eyes began to open. I called the

> ped and asked her if the vaccines she gave my son did indeed contain

> thimerosal. She LAUGHED and said, " Well, yes but.... " like it made no

> difference.


> When we demanded mercury poisoning testing we were treated abominably. We

> were abandoned and there solution is just to make the reactions go away to

> another doctor so the new sheep can't her their stories.


> The following March -one year after regression, our son came down with his

> first bout of pneumonia. He was treated IM for two days with Rocephin and

> followed by ten days of Omnicef. On the fourth day of treatment, he sat up

> and said every worked he had known before regression. We were ecstatic. I

> rant o the Internet and found a study where children with autism were given

> Vancomycin and improved, but then it said once the broad spectrum antibiotic

> was stopped, the children all regressed to baseline. I cried. I felt like

> we were losing our son all over again! Only Ethan didn't regress all the

> way to baseline.


> He retained some one syllable sounds like " Ca. " the only problem was that

> " CA " could mean anything from cookie to cake to colors, and if I didn't know

> which one he meant, then he had a major melt down.


> When we started the diet, we took gluten away first. He had withdrawal and

> his behavior was horrible. He screamed, hit, kicked, and bit me at every

> turn. I cried every day for three weeks. The ECI therapists urged me on.


> I researched and researched and gathered information. We went from doctor

> to doctor who all told us it was hopeless. I found this group and Moria and

> Andy gave me lost of info and urged me to chelate AC, but we were so

> scared. We had been raised to trust MD's and now everything we had been

> taught to believe was called into question.


> A few months later we removed casein and things started getting better. for

> a while, we used compounded tryptophan to get him to sleep, but later

> switched to melatonin and we all finally began to get some sleep. We found

> out about supplements and through trial and error we wound up sticking with

> some very basic supplements.


> At age three we took him to Children's and he received a diagnosis of Heavy

> Metal Intoxication. " It was creepy and all very hush hush and we were told

> not to implicate vaccines because " That's not well accepted here. " The

> neurologist said, " Gee, I'm so sorry. I thought they took that stuff out

> of vaccines. But you've just got to understand, by mass vaccinating, WE (as

> if he were god) are saving so many, but there are going to be losses. Your

> child is one of them, and you just need to go home and accept it. "


> I said, 'Could you accept that if he were YOUR only child? "


> Then he wanted to admit our son to the hospital and do IV chelation, but he

> admitted he knew little about it. I told him he had to get a toxicologist

> on board ( I actually thought there were some toxicologist MD's at the time!

> -- there needs to be!). Anyone he didn't do that and he was just going to

> experiment on our child and we got into a nasty tete a tete and parted ways.


> Then we got a break and got into see Dr. Amy Holmes in Baton Rouge, and she

> gave us hop and pointed us int eh right direction, but we did not agree with

> everything she said such as using MT promoter.


> We did find out at that time that our son's neutrophil count was too low to

> chelate. Then we found a wonderful DO (who sadly has retried), and she

> helped us immensely. She found our son's copper levels were very high, and

> we had to rule out 's and start supplementing zinc.


> At age four she retested opiate peptides and they were found to have come

> down but were still high, so she suggested the removal of soy protein as

> well. We removed soy, and four days later, our son said his first sentence,

> " I want more. " He wouldn't talk a lot or often, but he was using short

> sentences to tell me what he wanted.


> Then we found a DAN and Ethan was put on Methyl B 12. He had not gained any

> weight in months. This worked for a while and then it made him hyper and

> too hungry. For those WHO think it won't make one gain weight, B 12 is a

> staple in the show horse industry to make horses gain weight and eat more.

> It has been used for this purpose in this industry for a very long time (and

> in a few other areas of the horse industry where is shouldn't be being

> used).


> We stopped the B12. We were scared to chelate. Then we wound up with a DAN

> who threw one expensive supplement at us after another and ran test after

> test, and our son made slow, steady progress but in many areas had reached a

> stall. The sitmming had all but ceased. We had the OCD and SID down to a

> minimum, and then the Dan finally convinced us to do IV chelation, and I had

> gotten so busy, I hardly ever had time to get on the group and we just got

> caught up int he day to day living. The infections persisted and our lives

> were still ruled by having to plan in an infection with fever every two

> weeks. this of course, impeded his education, as well.


> We took him to a developmental pediatrician and we thought the report would

> be great as we had seen his progress, so I want in alone for the results.

> Actually this woman spent very little time actually evaluating our son and

> basically just used a a parent rating sheet. I went in and she said my son

> was severe and he would never: really talk meaningfully again -- that his

> speech would probably not improve any more, that he would probably never be

> potty trained " Well, maybe at age twelve or thirteen, but I doubt it. " She

> said he would never make a friend or be able to be in a regular classroom.

> She said that he would never be able to leave home and he would never go to

> college. She told me I needed to find an institution " NOW " to put him.


> She put her hand on my shoulder and said, " But if you can just wait until he

> is a little older, I have drugs I can give him that will make your life

> easier. "


> I took her lovely little hand off my shoulder and told her she could keep

> her dope. " I am not interested in making my life easier, " I said, " I am

> interested in making the quality of my son's life better. "


> I had a good cry in the car, but then I just got angry, and when I get

> angry, I get going to prove people wrong.


> We stayed with DAN and our son still continued to slowly improve, but after

> a while there was just this stall. Our main concern was his health. He had

> constant respiratory problems: bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma. then he

> started getting strep and then he started developing staph every time and

> insect bit him. He broke bones twice after seemingly innocuous falls. His

> baby teeth had demineralized and he had to go to the OR for extensive dental

> work. $10,000 of it not covered by insurance -- Thank God we found out

> about the Grotto's Foundation.


> Then we finally got talked into doing IV. I was scared every time. It

> seemed to help temporarily, but I noticed his stimming came back and then

> his OCD and then his SID. And then he had a delayed respiratory reaction.

> the DAN said it was a coincidence. Where had I heard that before? We went

> back again, and again he had a delayed respiratory reaction and this time it

> snowballed into pneumonia and we wound up at the hospital again.


> Then he got hives after eating broccoli and got hives after being given

> Bactrim. We stopped IV. However, our son continued to slowly improve with

> speech. When I got him put in inclusion, reciprocal speech began to emerge

> at the age of nine.


> We had been going less and less to the DAN as we were now fairly broke.

> When we went in, he admonished us for not coming every week. Then he

> started trying to talk me into putting him on Prozac for the stimming. I

> said NO. then he said he was high in lead and we needed to try chelation

> again, but only using EDTA. so last summer we did, thinking it was the

> sulfur that had caused the problem. But on the fourth round, our son had a

> severe delayed respiratory reaction. We had waited almost forty-five

> minutes before leaving the doctor's office, but then there we were stuck in

> traffic, and suddenly our son was having trouble breathing. We were

> frantic. We manged to pull off and administer asthma meds which helped, but

> we knew we would NEVER again do this form of chelation.


> We tried to get the DAN on board with AC, but he insisted we do IV and just

> give oral prednisone before each treatment. He knew that the one time our

> son had oral steroids he suffered a psychotic episode. We said no, and he

> said. " Well, just leave the metals in there, then. " And we silently said

> " We are through with you. " There were some other reasons, too, but we knew

> we were done with that.


> Well, I felt like an idiot! There I had been when my son was two, and Andy

> and Moria had given me the right answers and I was just too dense to

> listen. So back to this group I came and started learning again. From here

> I learned about the RFA group and learned even more.


> I learned about GSE and ACE, which have greatly helped my son. I got a good

> kick in the pants from another mom to stop putting off doing AC chelation

> and just do it. We are only on round 8, but my son is improving again. The

> ACE has dramatically reduced his need for any asthma meds. We had been on

> the verge of starting steroids again, but there has been no indication that

> we need to. After years of at least one infection a month, our son has not

> had one illness since we started AC. His reciprocal language is just taking

> off. He has started initiating conversations now. He is more self

> starting. He will say, " Time to do my chores now. " He asks me lots of

> questions.


> When we started home schooling last September, his present level of

> performance in reading comprehension was the first percentile. His math was

> in the 0.02 percentile. In September it was like pulling teeth to get him

> to stay focused and do his work. Now he reads a story aloud to me, I hand

> him the reading packet, and he prefers to work independently and call me if

> he needs me to re-explain something, and he is scoring above 83 percent

> (prompted answer don't count as correct.) He is now comprehending at second

> grade level and his math is now at third grade level, and of course spelling

> is fourth grade level or higher.


> The stimming, OCD, and SID are slowly reducing. I am having to get used to

> the long periods of there being no stimming. I had forgotten what quiet

> was.


> His social skills are improving. He talks about going to college and

> becoming an architect. He long ago taught himself to design things on

> Sketch Up. He talked about going to RIT where one of his aunts works. Then

> he told me he had changed his mind. I asked him why. He said, " That's too

> far from you and Daddy. " I said, " Ethan, if you decide that is where you

> want to go to college, and you feel you still need Mommy and Daddy to be

> close by, we will pack up and move there too. " He is our only child. My

> goal has always been to move him toward independence and health, and finally

> I know we are on the right track. But I don't hope he will want his parents

> to live close. I want grandchildren to spoil! I never before allowed

> myself to think that might be possible, but he talks about getting married

> someday. I said, " Boy you'd better because you hate to sleep alone in room

> all by yourself. "


> I look forward to each new round. It doesn't matter if there are stalls

> along the way. We are committed to 300 rounds before we would even think of

> quitting. I cannot beat myself up for waiting so long, though I wish we

> hadn't, but I am so glad we came back here and got back on the right track.


> My bucket list consists of a lot of names. The day my son gets into an

> institution (of higher learning), there are a lot of people we will say a

> word or two to before he enters college.


> Be very wary of anyone who ever tells you what your child will never do. My

> son was potty trained completely at the age of five, and it only took three

> days to teach him. All I needed to know was the right method to use and a

> plan.


> If I had listened to those mainstream doctors and just took their pompous

> predictions as gospel truth and done nothing....my son would still be

> non-verbal and pooping on the floor. I have no doubt of that. Today, I

> expect my son may well become the next Lloyd .


> Never let anyone take hope away from you.


> They said he wouldn't talk, but he talks, They said he would not be potty

> trained; he is. They said he would not make friends; he does. They said he

> couldn't learn, but he is very smart. Someday, he will impact the world in

> a positive way, and no one will remember who " they " were.


> Haven




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Guest guest

> where can we buy Thorne Ace

I have 5 bottles you can have. One expires next month, the others expire in

July. If you are interested, send me a private email [not to the list].


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