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Unsafe bedding and crib death

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Do crib mattresses cause infant deaths?

Randall Neustaedter OMD

Alarming research suggests that the gases emitted from mattresses treated with

various chemicals, including most adult, bassinet, and crib mattresses, may be

associated with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). When naturally occurring

fungi grow in the mattress they react with these chemicals producing a toxic gas

cloud that hovers just above the baby's bed. Turning babies onto their backs to

sleep has resulted in a dramatic decrease in deaths, because the babies' noses

are no longer stuffed into the mattress where the concentration of gases is

highest, claims New Zealand researcher Sprott. His solution? Wrap all

mattresses in polyethylene sheeting (at least 5 mil in thickness), available at

hardware stores, to seal the gases into the mattress. Since a mattress-wrapping

campaign was initiated in 1994, the rate of SIDS has dropped by 48 percent in

New Zealand and no infants sleeping on mattresses that were wrapped in

polyethylene have died.

A study published in the British Medical Journal * confirmed that crib

mattresses contribute to SIDS. This study sought to examine whether infants who

died without obvious cause were more likely to sleep on a used mattress. Dr.

Sprott contends that older, used mattresses will contain more fungus growth and

release more toxic gas.

This new study, conducted in Scotland, lends further credence to Dr. Sprott's

findings. This research study investigated whether infants who slept on a

previously used mattress were more likely to die of SIDS. In this study

conducted between 1996 and 2000, these researchers confirmed their previous

findings from 1997. They discovered that, " Routine use of an infant mattress

previously used by another child was significantly associated with an increased

risk of sudden infant death syndrome. "

The authors of this new study do not assert a cause and effect relationship

between SIDS and used infant mattresses, nor do they discuss the toxic gas

theory. An accompanying editorial in the same issue of the British Medical

Journal discusses the possible role of bacterial accumulation in the mattresses.

Toxic bacteria could grow on saliva, urine or milk that have soaked into the

mattress from a previous child. However, the editorial reviews no evidence that

these infants have died of any bacterial infections.

This new evidence should reinforce every parent's resolve to wrap their infant's

mattress with polyethylene. This includes the bassinet, the crib, or the

parents' own mattress if they sleep with their baby.

* Tappin, D., et al. Used infant mattresses and sudden infant death syndrome in

Scotland: case-control study, British Medical Journal, 2002;325:1007 (2

November). www.bmj.com


Instructions written by Sprott

The advice to wrap mattresses applies to every mattress on which a baby sleeps

(except a BabeSafe mattress) and includes: adults' mattresses; mattresses of

other children; and all mattresses made of or containing natural products such

as sheepfleeces, goatskins, kapok, tree bark, coconut fibre, etc.

The most convenient way to wrap a baby's mattress is by means of a BabeSafe

mattress cover. As an alternative, parents can purchase polyethylene sheeting

to make their own mattress wraps. If they select this option, the following

instructions apply:

1. Use thick, clear (not colored) polyethylene sheeting, available in the paint

section of your local hardware store. The thickness of the polyethylene must be

at least 125 microns, or 5 mil. On no account should PVC be used for wrapping


2. Place the polyethylene over the top of the mattress and down the ends and

sides, and then secure it firmly beneath the mattress with strong adhesive or

duct tape.

3. The polyethylene should not be airtight on the underside of the mattress.

It must be airtight on the top and sides of the mattress.

4. It is imperative to use the correct bedding with a BabeSafe mattress or

BabeSafe mattress cover or polyethylene-covered mattress. On top of the

polyethylene place a fleecy pure cotton underblanket and tuck this in securely.

Then make the bed using sheets and pure woollen or pure cotton overblanket/s.

5. Do not use any of the following items in your baby's bed:


Sheepfleece underlay

Any form of moisture-resistant mattress protector

Acrylic blanket

Sleeping bag


6. Proprietary mattresses and mattress covers must not be used unless they

carry the Campaign against Cot Death logo or are accompanied by a certificate of

analysis showing that they contain no detectable phosphorus, arsenic or antimony

(lower limit of detection 0.001% = 10mg/kg = 10ppm).

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