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anyone experience appetite increase/night hunger with enzymes?

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Dear all:

We introduced Houston's Enzymes about a month ago. Took a lot of trial and error

to get dosage right. We use a teeny bit of Trienza and 1/2 to 3/4 cap of NoFenol

per smoothie meal (17 month old eating only breastmilk and fruit/veggie/hemp

seed smoothies with fish oil/butter oil). First thing that happened was he went

from teeny bird size meals to demanding twice as much per meal, then twice as

many meals. Constipation ensued--too much Trienza. Then nofenol added and fab

regular easy pooping, better appetite, bags under eyes gone, definite show of

fab new motor skills/chattiness (Trisomy 21 diagnosis, tho we have our

doubts--baby is a mastermind). He took his first steps alone the other day.

Climbing on everything. EVERYTHING. He and his dad bargain over iphone air

time--baby loves his kids' songs on it. Yesterday conversation went: " okay, if

you're gonna throw it, you're not gonna have it. Are you gonna throw it? " Baby's

response: " Noooooo " . This morning I swear he said " I want iphone " .

Question: our latest result has been him waking at 1, 2, 3, or 4am and demanding

smoothie! He's up for an hour or two, including smoothie time, then goes back to

sleep. Is this a result of nofenol? Too much nofenol? Anyone else with this

experience? I'm wondering if I should start giving him some other form of

protein. He's had wicked food sensitivities till now--and also rejects pretty

much all cooked food. But apparently breastmilk is just a snack at night now,

and eventually he just wants smoothie.

best wishes and thanks so much for the enzyme advice! It's definitely our best

result in a while. We tried homeopathic enzymes--no result. We tried

probiotics--no result. We also like the changes we see with the fish oil/Green

Pastures butter oil. Seems like he grew more muscle and an extra inch of height



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