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Re: News Story - Americans immunity to mumps less than ideal -

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Hi Andy -


Question: Do you believe vaccines work?

PT 2: Do you believe the RISK of vaccines is justified? Or are there better

alternatives, such as a healthy immune system?



>> > Americans & #39; immunity to mumps less than ideal - News

> > > http://news./s/nm/20100804/hl_nm/us_immunity_mumps

> > Which is actually more because of people who had the vaccine and can still

get mumps than it is due to those who don't get vaccinated.

> > Really, the vaccine genocide is perpetrated because it is necessary in order

to run the public schools. If everyone homeschooled, there would be much less

of a problem.

> > It's collecting hundreds or thousands of kids together every day that makes

epidemics propagate so readily that we need very high vaccination rates.

> > Andy


> http://www.noamalgam.com/index.html

> Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


> http://www.noamalgam.com/hairtestbook.html

> Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


> http://www.noamalgam.com/nourishinghope.html

> Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


> http://www.noamalgam.com/biologicaltreatments.html

> Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD


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This is a great question - I was wondering that as well.

> >> > Americans & #39; immunity to mumps less than ideal - News

> > > > http://news./s/nm/20100804/hl_nm/us_immunity_mumps

> > > Which is actually more because of people who had the vaccine and can still

get mumps than it is due to those who don't get vaccinated.

> > > Really, the vaccine genocide is perpetrated because it is necessary in

order to run the public schools. If everyone homeschooled, there would be much

less of a problem.

> > > It's collecting hundreds or thousands of kids together every day that

makes epidemics propagate so readily that we need very high vaccination rates.

> > > Andy

> >

> > http://www.noamalgam.com/index.html

> > Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment

> >

> > http://www.noamalgam.com/hairtestbook.html

> > Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities

> >

> > http://www.noamalgam.com/nourishinghope.html

> > Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children

> >

> > http://www.noamalgam.com/biologicaltreatments.html

> > Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD

> >


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This is a great question - I was wondering that as well.

> >> > Americans & #39; immunity to mumps less than ideal - News

> > > > http://news./s/nm/20100804/hl_nm/us_immunity_mumps

> > > Which is actually more because of people who had the vaccine and can still

get mumps than it is due to those who don't get vaccinated.

> > > Really, the vaccine genocide is perpetrated because it is necessary in

order to run the public schools. If everyone homeschooled, there would be much

less of a problem.

> > > It's collecting hundreds or thousands of kids together every day that

makes epidemics propagate so readily that we need very high vaccination rates.

> > > Andy

> >

> > http://www.noamalgam.com/index.html

> > Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment

> >

> > http://www.noamalgam.com/hairtestbook.html

> > Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities

> >

> > http://www.noamalgam.com/nourishinghope.html

> > Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children

> >

> > http://www.noamalgam.com/biologicaltreatments.html

> > Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD

> >


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I too am wondering what Andy thinks about this. I do not personally believe

they do. Can anyone really prove they have worked or staved off a single

epidemic? Polio was already on the decline when the vaccine was

introduced. My aunt contracted polio as an infant in 1913 before there was

a vaccine. It left her deaf, mute, and neurologically damaged.

I can see the benefit of a vaccine in the presence of a clear and present

danger. If my son were bit by a rabid animal --though I would hate to be in

that situation, given the alternative, I would have to choose for him to

have the series of rabies shots. (These still contain a full complement of

thimerosal, but rabies is almost certain death [one girl survived by being

placed in a deep coma]).

But my own theory regarding the present number of vaccinations given to

children is that it robs their bodies of developing natural immunity and

then prevents their immune systems from becoming stronger to fight off more

serious diseases. It is a " butterfly effect. "

Think of the human immune system as a butterfly in its development: egg,

larva, pupa, adult. If the egg is genetically designed to survive (given

whatever immunity is passed on to it from previous generations), it has a

good start. Then it moves to the larva stage. In the butterfly's case this

is a caterpillar. Nature weeds out any defective specimens at this point in

order to insure propagation of a healthy species. Then it moves into the

the pupa stage (the cocoon). Think of this stage and compare it to when a

human baby is born. If the cocoon is allowed to mature on its own, it will

turn into a butterfly and live to reproduce etc... and should have by this

time a good natural immunity but will catch things and overcome them and be

stronger for it. In fact the MORE things it catches and survives will make

its immune system stronger! It will pass whatever it has gained onto its

young. But lets say some outside force intervenes.

In humans, at this stage, the outside forces say, " We will help it. We will

give it thirty-six vaccines because its own immune system is incapable of

doing it on its own. But this is really only true for a small percentage of

individuals who have survived to this stage. For the rest, their systems are

already at optimum and now it is getting messed with. (If it ain't broke;

don't try to fix it) would be a good idea, but this gets ignored.

So then what happens to the human immune system? Think of it like this: A

grandfather is walking through the woods with his grandchildren when they

come upon a cocoon. The butterfly is struggling to emerge. The children

feel sorry to see it struggling. So the grandfather says, " We will

*help*it. " Think of the grandfather as the vaccine, and the struggle


butterfly is going through is the immune system doing what it *NEEDS* to do

to become strong. What emerges from the cocoon is the end result.

They break open the cocoon, and the butterfly falls to the ground. It's

body is too big and its wings are too small to allow it to fly, and so the

butterfly cannot survive. It falls to the ground and dies. It* needed the

struggle to become strong!* So children get sick a lot in order to become

strong adults.

Some studies suggest that by getting chicken pox, a child will be less

susceptible to certain cancers when it is older. The immune system builds

upon each thing it survives.

How long did the evolution take to get the human immune system to this point

to insure survival of the species? Human beings are highly adaptable and

evolution played its roll to make it so. We know now that in extremely cold

environments, the body will place itself into a diabetic state so as to ward

off hypothermia. We know that those who survived the Bubonic Plague did so

because their bodies placed themselves in a state of hematomacrosis. We

know that Sickle Cell Anemia came about in an effort to protect and defend

against Malaria.

The problem is that in some (and I can't explain why), these defenses have

failed to shut off, so then these defenses themselves become a problem.

Diabetes in the absence of extreme cold is a life threatening condition.

Hematomacrosis in the absence of the Bubonic Plague is life threatening.

Sickle Cell Anemia in the absence of Malaria is a life threatening


We know also, that the over use of antibiotics has caused more virulent

strains of bacteria to emerge. Hey! Bacteria and viruses want to live and

propagate as much as we do! They, too, have an innate fear (though it may

not be a sentient one) of becoming extinct, and " Nature " or evolution or

whatever force it is that rules the universe is doing the SAME THING for

them -creating a means or a genetic change that will allow them to overcome

what is attacking them so that they become stronger and not become extinct.

So now MAN is now at a disadvantage. He is losing natural immunity and

being forced to survive " addicted " to synthetic immunity. Nature hates

being tricked. There are consequences. When our vaccines wear off, and we

don't keep re-vaccinating like the monkey hitting the bar to get his

cocaine, what diseases have we opened ourselves up to? We were denied the

right to gain natural immunity. I believe this makes us weaker as a

species. We are NOT a healthier species.

Obesity is rampant not only because we eat CRAP, but our bodies have become

acidic. The body creates fat in order to protect the organs from acid.

Hence the reason why so many of us are getting fat around the middle. I

doubt anyone can lose this belly fat without first making their bodies less


What is the point of vaccinating against measles, mumps, rubella if we are

only trading these diseases for diabetes, asthma, cancer, MS, ALS, lupus,

autism, and other auto-immune diseases? I believe over vaccination is the

cause of the proliferation of auto-immune disease.

I am not anti-vaccination. I can see the possible hope it may hold in the

presence of a real epidemic or rabies and the like, but not in the event of

a contrived one to generate profit, and it sickens me how fear is used to

get people to comply. How on earth did humanity survive for so long without

vaccination? To hear the fear mongers, our species should have been extinct

long ago.

I am not so convinced about tetanus. It needs an anaerobic environment to

survive, so if wounds are allowed to heal from the inside out, and one

practices good hygiene and such, I think it would be rare to contract it,

but each person must decide the risks versus the benefits for himself. The

tetanus shot is still filled with thimerosal last I checked.

It all comes down to determining the true probability of catching a

particular disease, the severity of the disease, and deciding the risks

versus the benefits of taking a vaccine. But in the end, I believe this is

a personal decision and not one which any government should have the right

to force upon an individual. If the parents are the ones who will be held

accountable for for fallout regarding the damage done by a vaccine, then it

should be the parents' right to decide if they are willing to take the risks

or to accept the natural course of their children's lives.

There are many other ways, and I think better ways to insure health, and if

the powers that so fervently PUSH vaccinations would put half as much effort

into insuring clean water, air, food, and hygiene, our children would be


Just my long-winded two cents.


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I too am wondering what Andy thinks about this. I do not personally believe

they do. Can anyone really prove they have worked or staved off a single

epidemic? Polio was already on the decline when the vaccine was

introduced. My aunt contracted polio as an infant in 1913 before there was

a vaccine. It left her deaf, mute, and neurologically damaged.

I can see the benefit of a vaccine in the presence of a clear and present

danger. If my son were bit by a rabid animal --though I would hate to be in

that situation, given the alternative, I would have to choose for him to

have the series of rabies shots. (These still contain a full complement of

thimerosal, but rabies is almost certain death [one girl survived by being

placed in a deep coma]).

But my own theory regarding the present number of vaccinations given to

children is that it robs their bodies of developing natural immunity and

then prevents their immune systems from becoming stronger to fight off more

serious diseases. It is a " butterfly effect. "

Think of the human immune system as a butterfly in its development: egg,

larva, pupa, adult. If the egg is genetically designed to survive (given

whatever immunity is passed on to it from previous generations), it has a

good start. Then it moves to the larva stage. In the butterfly's case this

is a caterpillar. Nature weeds out any defective specimens at this point in

order to insure propagation of a healthy species. Then it moves into the

the pupa stage (the cocoon). Think of this stage and compare it to when a

human baby is born. If the cocoon is allowed to mature on its own, it will

turn into a butterfly and live to reproduce etc... and should have by this

time a good natural immunity but will catch things and overcome them and be

stronger for it. In fact the MORE things it catches and survives will make

its immune system stronger! It will pass whatever it has gained onto its

young. But lets say some outside force intervenes.

In humans, at this stage, the outside forces say, " We will help it. We will

give it thirty-six vaccines because its own immune system is incapable of

doing it on its own. But this is really only true for a small percentage of

individuals who have survived to this stage. For the rest, their systems are

already at optimum and now it is getting messed with. (If it ain't broke;

don't try to fix it) would be a good idea, but this gets ignored.

So then what happens to the human immune system? Think of it like this: A

grandfather is walking through the woods with his grandchildren when they

come upon a cocoon. The butterfly is struggling to emerge. The children

feel sorry to see it struggling. So the grandfather says, " We will

*help*it. " Think of the grandfather as the vaccine, and the struggle


butterfly is going through is the immune system doing what it *NEEDS* to do

to become strong. What emerges from the cocoon is the end result.

They break open the cocoon, and the butterfly falls to the ground. It's

body is too big and its wings are too small to allow it to fly, and so the

butterfly cannot survive. It falls to the ground and dies. It* needed the

struggle to become strong!* So children get sick a lot in order to become

strong adults.

Some studies suggest that by getting chicken pox, a child will be less

susceptible to certain cancers when it is older. The immune system builds

upon each thing it survives.

How long did the evolution take to get the human immune system to this point

to insure survival of the species? Human beings are highly adaptable and

evolution played its roll to make it so. We know now that in extremely cold

environments, the body will place itself into a diabetic state so as to ward

off hypothermia. We know that those who survived the Bubonic Plague did so

because their bodies placed themselves in a state of hematomacrosis. We

know that Sickle Cell Anemia came about in an effort to protect and defend

against Malaria.

The problem is that in some (and I can't explain why), these defenses have

failed to shut off, so then these defenses themselves become a problem.

Diabetes in the absence of extreme cold is a life threatening condition.

Hematomacrosis in the absence of the Bubonic Plague is life threatening.

Sickle Cell Anemia in the absence of Malaria is a life threatening


We know also, that the over use of antibiotics has caused more virulent

strains of bacteria to emerge. Hey! Bacteria and viruses want to live and

propagate as much as we do! They, too, have an innate fear (though it may

not be a sentient one) of becoming extinct, and " Nature " or evolution or

whatever force it is that rules the universe is doing the SAME THING for

them -creating a means or a genetic change that will allow them to overcome

what is attacking them so that they become stronger and not become extinct.

So now MAN is now at a disadvantage. He is losing natural immunity and

being forced to survive " addicted " to synthetic immunity. Nature hates

being tricked. There are consequences. When our vaccines wear off, and we

don't keep re-vaccinating like the monkey hitting the bar to get his

cocaine, what diseases have we opened ourselves up to? We were denied the

right to gain natural immunity. I believe this makes us weaker as a

species. We are NOT a healthier species.

Obesity is rampant not only because we eat CRAP, but our bodies have become

acidic. The body creates fat in order to protect the organs from acid.

Hence the reason why so many of us are getting fat around the middle. I

doubt anyone can lose this belly fat without first making their bodies less


What is the point of vaccinating against measles, mumps, rubella if we are

only trading these diseases for diabetes, asthma, cancer, MS, ALS, lupus,

autism, and other auto-immune diseases? I believe over vaccination is the

cause of the proliferation of auto-immune disease.

I am not anti-vaccination. I can see the possible hope it may hold in the

presence of a real epidemic or rabies and the like, but not in the event of

a contrived one to generate profit, and it sickens me how fear is used to

get people to comply. How on earth did humanity survive for so long without

vaccination? To hear the fear mongers, our species should have been extinct

long ago.

I am not so convinced about tetanus. It needs an anaerobic environment to

survive, so if wounds are allowed to heal from the inside out, and one

practices good hygiene and such, I think it would be rare to contract it,

but each person must decide the risks versus the benefits for himself. The

tetanus shot is still filled with thimerosal last I checked.

It all comes down to determining the true probability of catching a

particular disease, the severity of the disease, and deciding the risks

versus the benefits of taking a vaccine. But in the end, I believe this is

a personal decision and not one which any government should have the right

to force upon an individual. If the parents are the ones who will be held

accountable for for fallout regarding the damage done by a vaccine, then it

should be the parents' right to decide if they are willing to take the risks

or to accept the natural course of their children's lives.

There are many other ways, and I think better ways to insure health, and if

the powers that so fervently PUSH vaccinations would put half as much effort

into insuring clean water, air, food, and hygiene, our children would be


Just my long-winded two cents.


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I agree with you, twitched medicine based on profits by big pharma companies is

just making all of us sick and sicker with each new generation passing by. The

only vaccine I would allow to be given to my baby if I was to deliver him today,

would be polio, because I also had an auntie who suffered terrible damage from

that sickness. Outside of that, I wouldn't give any vaccines to my baby, none.

My husband was bitten by a mad sharpei dog 3 years ago, it was so bad that after

91 stitches and 1 month of taking care of the wound, it wouldn't heal and a skin

transplant had to be considered. He received all rabies shots and 3 iu

gamma-globulin. One month later, this man who never ever gets sick, fell ill

with a bad case of herpes zoster....obvÍoußly his IS was at loss...

Too many Vaccines in too little time on too little patients, the recipe for



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Re: [ ] Re: News Story - Americans immunity to

mumps less than ideal -

I too am wondering what Andy thinks about this. I do not personally believe

they do. Can anyone really prove they have worked or staved off a single

epidemic? Polio was already on the decline when the vaccine was

introduced. My aunt contracted polio as an infant in 1913 before there was

a vaccine. It left her deaf, mute, and neurologically damaged.

I can see the benefit of a vaccine in the presence of a clear and present

danger. If my son were bit by a rabid animal --though I would hate to be in

that situation, given the alternative, I would have to choose for him to

have the series of rabies shots. (These still contain a full complement of

thimerosal, but rabies is almost certain death [one girl survived by being

placed in a deep coma]).

But my own theory regarding the present number of vaccinations given to

children is that it robs their bodies of developing natural immunity and

then prevents their immune systems from becoming stronger to fight off more

serious diseases. It is a " butterfly effect. "

Think of the human immune system as a butterfly in its development: egg,

larva, pupa, adult. If the egg is genetically designed to survive (given

whatever immunity is passed on to it from previous generations), it has a

good start. Then it moves to the larva stage. In the butterfly's case this

is a caterpillar. Nature weeds out any defective specimens at this point in

order to insure propagation of a healthy species. Then it moves into the

the pupa stage (the cocoon). Think of this stage and compare it to when a

human baby is born. If the cocoon is allowed to mature on its own, it will

turn into a butterfly and live to reproduce etc... and should have by this

time a good natural immunity but will catch things and overcome them and be

stronger for it. In fact the MORE things it catches and survives will make

its immune system stronger! It will pass whatever it has gained onto its

young. But lets say some outside force intervenes.

In humans, at this stage, the outside forces say, " We will help it. We will

give it thirty-six vaccines because its own immune system is incapable of

doing it on its own. But this is really only true for a small percentage of

individuals who have survived to this stage. For the rest, their systems are

already at optimum and now it is getting messed with. (If it ain't broke;

don't try to fix it) would be a good idea, but this gets ignored.

So then what happens to the human immune system? Think of it like this: A

grandfather is walking through the woods with his grandchildren when they

come upon a cocoon. The butterfly is struggling to emerge. The children

feel sorry to see it struggling. So the grandfather says, " We will

*help*it. " Think of the grandfather as the vaccine, and the struggle


butterfly is going through is the immune system doing what it *NEEDS* to do

to become strong. What emerges from the cocoon is the end result.

They break open the cocoon, and the butterfly falls to the ground. It's

body is too big and its wings are too small to allow it to fly, and so the

butterfly cannot survive. It falls to the ground and dies. It* needed the

struggle to become strong!* So children get sick a lot in order to become

strong adults.

Some studies suggest that by getting chicken pox, a child will be less

susceptible to certain cancers when it is older. The immune system builds

upon each thing it survives.

How long did the evolution take to get the human immune system to this point

to insure survival of the species? Human beings are highly adaptable and

evolution played its roll to make it so. We know now that in extremely cold

environments, the body will place itself into a diabetic state so as to ward

off hypothermia. We know that those who survived the Bubonic Plague did so

because their bodies placed themselves in a state of hematomacrosis. We

know that Sickle Cell Anemia came about in an effort to protect and defend

against Malaria.

The problem is that in some (and I can't explain why), these defenses have

failed to shut off, so then these defenses themselves become a problem.

Diabetes in the absence of extreme cold is a life threatening condition.

Hematomacrosis in the absence of the Bubonic Plague is life threatening.

Sickle Cell Anemia in the absence of Malaria is a life threatening


We know also, that the over use of antibiotics has caused more virulent

strains of bacteria to emerge. Hey! Bacteria and viruses want to live and

propagate as much as we do! They, too, have an innate fear (though it may

not be a sentient one) of becoming extinct, and " Nature " or evolution or

whatever force it is that rules the universe is doing the SAME THING for

them -creating a means or a genetic change that will allow them to overcome

what is attacking them so that they become stronger and not become extinct.

So now MAN is now at a disadvantage. He is losing natural immunity and

being forced to survive " addicted " to synthetic immunity. Nature hates

being tricked. There are consequences. When our vaccines wear off, and we

don't keep re-vaccinating like the monkey hitting the bar to get his

cocaine, what diseases have we opened ourselves up to? We were denied the

right to gain natural immunity. I believe this makes us weaker as a

species. We are NOT a healthier species.

Obesity is rampant not only because we eat CRAP, but our bodies have become

acidic. The body creates fat in order to protect the organs from acid.

Hence the reason why so many of us are getting fat around the middle. I

doubt anyone can lose this belly fat without first making their bodies less


What is the point of vaccinating against measles, mumps, rubella if we are

only trading these diseases for diabetes, asthma, cancer, MS, ALS, lupus,

autism, and other auto-immune diseases? I believe over vaccination is the

cause of the proliferation of auto-immune disease.

I am not anti-vaccination. I can see the possible hope it may hold in the

presence of a real epidemic or rabies and the like, but not in the event of

a contrived one to generate profit, and it sickens me how fear is used to

get people to comply. How on earth did humanity survive for so long without

vaccination? To hear the fear mongers, our species should have been extinct

long ago.

I am not so convinced about tetanus. It needs an anaerobic environment to

survive, so if wounds are allowed to heal from the inside out, and one

practices good hygiene and such, I think it would be rare to contract it,

but each person must decide the risks versus the benefits for himself. The

tetanus shot is still filled with thimerosal last I checked.

It all comes down to determining the true probability of catching a

particular disease, the severity of the disease, and deciding the risks

versus the benefits of taking a vaccine. But in the end, I believe this is

a personal decision and not one which any government should have the right

to force upon an individual. If the parents are the ones who will be held

accountable for for fallout regarding the damage done by a vaccine, then it

should be the parents' right to decide if they are willing to take the risks

or to accept the natural course of their children's lives.

There are many other ways, and I think better ways to insure health, and if

the powers that so fervently PUSH vaccinations would put half as much effort

into insuring clean water, air, food, and hygiene, our children would be


Just my long-winded two cents.


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