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got her braces in May. She had the wires put on the same time she had the

brackets put on. She has had a couple of sores in her mouth, but they have gone

away. She did drool a lot when they were first put on, but that has slowly


She also was very cautious when eating. Cut everything into very small bites.

Would not bite at all with her front teeth. She has gradually gotten better

with that. She wouldn't even eat her favorite cereal, Cheerios, until recently.

I started using a mouth rinse with for awhile. Something as simple as

warm salt water rinse will help her mouth sores. Also, used the wax quite

frequently at first, now hardly ever uses it.

It has taken a couple of months for to adjust to this point to having the

braces, now is much better.

Sharon H.

Mom to , (14, DS) and , (11)

South Carolina

" Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of

battle. "



just got her braces this past monday. It is something that I had

been putting off because i just didnt want her to go through one more thing.

she is trying to be strong about it, but not doing very well.

she doesnt even have the wires in yet and needs 3 teeth pulled tomorrow.

shes having trouble eating, shes got bad sores in her mouth, she is drooling a

lot and she eats likes she forgot how to eat. she looks and is acting

miserable. her blood sugars are also very very low- probably cuz shes not



she has camp on the 23 and I wanted her to be used to all this by then. I

dont think thats gonna happen. I feel bad- she is going through so much. My

son also got his today and he's doing OK.

Any body with any thoughts on how to make this a little easier for amanda

and me too?

,u Mom to age 15, DS and Diabletes, and age 12

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  • 2 weeks later...
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, this is a puzzle to me, because I believe he did order braces for a couple of our members. He told me no brace, saying that the only brace that would actually help would have a leg extension. I would find that hard to deal with, I think. I haven't asked for a brace, though. I can see how it might help me to remember not to bend over. But I think I'll try to go it braceless, as I do have some traumatic memories.

Looking forward to meeting you gals!



Hey everyone. I was reading all the talk about braces and I was just wondering. is practically begging Rand to put her in a brace after the surgery, but he keeps saying he does not use braces on his revision patients because it causes too much trauma. She has been trying to tell him that would not cause her trauma, but she is a klutz and if she screws up her fusion after surgery because she wanted a brace and he wouldnt give her one she is going to be very upset. She feels the brace would give her more of a comfort feeling because she knows she will be more stable with it and she has been in pain for so long that it will also help her to not bend and stretch when she shouldnt. What should we do?Has anyone else ran into this that had Dr Rand? Does anyone have any suggestions what we can do to convince him to go ahead and brace her since that is what she wants?

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I personally feel one should either go along with what the surgeon

prescribes, or find a new doctor. I think that one can probably

convince a surgeon to do something like put you in a brace despite

their recommendations, but what if there's a bad outcome? Will you

ever know that it's not BECAUSE of the brace?



> Hey everyone. I was reading all the talk about braces and I was just

> wondering. is practically begging Rand to put her in a brace

> after the surgery, but he keeps saying he does not use braces on his

> revision patients because it causes too much trauma.


> She has been trying to tell him that would not cause her trauma, but

> she is a klutz and if she screws up her fusion after surgery because

> she wanted a brace and he wouldnt give her one she is going to be very

> upset. She feels the brace would give her more of a comfort feeling

> because she knows she will be more stable with it and she has been in

> pain for so long that it will also help her to not bend and stretch

> when she shouldnt. What should we do?


> Has anyone else ran into this that had Dr Rand? Does anyone have any

> suggestions what we can do to convince him to go ahead and brace her

> since that is what she wants?


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I had no idea whether I'd need a brace when I had my revision, and suspect that neither did the docs. When they were finally setting a date for me to be released, it was largely being handled by an SHO who had just totally rubbed me up the wrong way with how pompous and all knowing he was. I asked him if I was going to be fitted for a brace as I'd had one after my first surgery, and got a rather stuffy " well no " , and as I was curious asked why not - in an unguarded moment, he blurted " Well, we did a much better job " then stood there shuffling his feet, opening and closing his mouth and generally looking very embarrassed that he'd actually said it :o) It was the best laugh I had all the time I was in there, and he was so much more relaxed after I just found it funny that he was lovely to deal with after that. I think the poor guy must have only just been promoted and have been going round with a major attack of nerves.

titch-- The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it's just sort of a tired feeling - a Poundstone

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I had no idea whether I'd need a brace when I had my revision, and suspect that neither did the docs. When they were finally setting a date for me to be released, it was largely being handled by an SHO who had just totally rubbed me up the wrong way with how pompous and all knowing he was. I asked him if I was going to be fitted for a brace as I'd had one after my first surgery, and got a rather stuffy " well no " , and as I was curious asked why not - in an unguarded moment, he blurted " Well, we did a much better job " then stood there shuffling his feet, opening and closing his mouth and generally looking very embarrassed that he'd actually said it :o) It was the best laugh I had all the time I was in there, and he was so much more relaxed after I just found it funny that he was lovely to deal with after that. I think the poor guy must have only just been promoted and have been going round with a major attack of nerves.

titch-- The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it's just sort of a tired feeling - a Poundstone

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Dr. Boachie did my revision surgery and I did not have a brace. I considered myself braced on the inside by the rods, screws and cages. It was just a mental game I played with myself, but it helped me get over the fear of not being braced.



Hey everyone. I was reading all the talk about braces and I was just wondering. is practically begging Rand to put her in a brace after the surgery, but he keeps saying he does not use braces on his revision patients because it causes too much trauma. She has been trying to tell him that would not cause her trauma, but she is a klutz and if she screws up her fusion after surgery because she wanted a brace and he wouldnt give her one she is going to be very upset. She feels the brace would give her more of a comfort feeling because she knows she will be more stable with it and she has been in pain for so long that it will also help her to not bend and stretch when she shouldnt. What should we do?Has anyone else ran into this that had Dr Rand? Does anyone have any suggestions what we can do to convince him to go ahead and brace her since that is what she wants?

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all: Yes, the Summerhills are still here. Just taking things one day at a

time - some good some bad.

I am inquiring about anyone who's child had braces. ne got hers on almost

two months ago - a little sore but nothing really. Then the day she had her

bands changed she started complaining of a head ache - sore mouth. Well, I had

braces at 23 yrs old so I knew what she was going through. The next day I got a

call from the school stating that she was sick and I needed to come get her.

She was very pale, felt nauseous, had a horrible headache and her ear and jaw

hurt. She said that a few kids in school were complaining of the same thing so

I didn't think twice about it until my 16 year old came home from work and said

" mom, she just had adjustments made to her teeth yesterday. I felt like that

the next day every time "

So I am wondering if any of you went through this with your kids and if so how

was it handled. I called the ortho/dentist who is a very good friend of ours

and is familiar with JRA. He said at her next appoint which is 10/24 he will

explain how he will do things differently for her and slow down the process. I

would just like to be a little more educated once I go to that visit.

thanks for all your help and especially thanks for all of your support. You are

all great friends to the Summerhill's and we feel blessed everyday to have all

of you to help when needed.

God Bless and I hope this week can be a good week for everyone - we all need it.

Kim & Summerhill - ne 12 yrs JRA

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Hi Kim,

Braces adjust and shift the Jaw and Teeth as you know. It also works

with the Joint's. always had the good Dental report after her Dental

Surgery. But last year she didn't get a good one as within 6 months her Teeth

and Jaw had shifted. Which caused a odd bite.

I looked at the xrays and seen 1 from the prior 6 months and this one. The

Dentist recommended Braces for her for 4 yrs. Then a retainer for so many other

years. I asked the question If she has the braces on and then when it's

taken off Will the teeth stay lined up? He said well due to the Shifting it

would be 2 to 5 years but she would still get out of line.

Ok my thinking is even spending the money for braces with in 10 yrs she

would be told she needed more braces. So it was a situation that we will sit

on for now. As he said it's not going to get worse quick just that the Jaw

bone will set back and the Teeth will shift alittle. So far since the year the

Teeth have stayed about the same. She has complained her Jaw hurt's every

once in a while.

Now as for the pain the Adjustment's do hurt. As the braces have to

reset the mouth. Doing so you look at the Jaw and the setting of the Teeth. So


may be normal but also can aggravate the Arthritis. The Dentist don't need

to adjust as often though. Like you said a slow down. Go in and let him tell

you exactly what the braces are doing. Since in a short 2 or 3 months see if

there's been much of a position change. Not sure if ne has ever had

mouth ulcer's. and others with JRA it is something also to keep a eye

on. They come and they go but can be very sore.

I would also consult the Rhuemy as well. Just to let him know about this.


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Hi Kim, Tell Adrienne that said hello and best of luck with the

braces. About the braces I wore them many years ago and they were a tremendous

pain, especially when I had them adjusted. Its been many years but I recall them

so well. Like so many with JRA there is jaw involvement and that made

matters worse for me when I had them adjusted. I wore them 3 and 1/2 years and


the most beautiful teeth and bite when I had them removed. Unfortunately, a

few years after getting them off my jaw shifted, as Robbin spoke of and now

there is a possibility of needing them again due to jaw issues. I could care

less about the crooked tooth in the front but the jaw gives me enough grief to

consider them again but it is a very serious consideration that at this time

I am still saying " no " to.....good luck!


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Our dentist has said that Elaney needs braces, but she also told me that braces

sometimes do not work as well on kids with JRA. Especially when they take a lot

of antiinflammatories. It slows growth and the bracing takes longer. She had one

JRA patient who needed her braces off before they were " done " . That is all I

really know. Let me know how things go.--- & Elaney(12 poly)

Kim Summerhill <kimsumm@...> wrote: Hi all: Yes, the

Summerhills are still here. Just taking things one day at a time - some good

some bad.

I am inquiring about anyone who's child had braces. ne got hers on almost

two months ago - a little sore but nothing really. Then the day she had her

bands changed she started complaining of a head ache - sore mouth. Well, I had

braces at 23 yrs old so I knew what she was going through. The next day I got a

call from the school stating that she was sick and I needed to come get her. She

was very pale, felt nauseous, had a horrible headache and her ear and jaw hurt.

She said that a few kids in school were complaining of the same thing so I

didn't think twice about it until my 16 year old came home from work and said

" mom, she just had adjustments made to her teeth yesterday. I felt like that the

next day every time "

So I am wondering if any of you went through this with your kids and if so how

was it handled. I called the ortho/dentist who is a very good friend of ours and

is familiar with JRA. He said at her next appoint which is 10/24 he will explain

how he will do things differently for her and slow down the process. I would

just like to be a little more educated once I go to that visit.

thanks for all your help and especially thanks for all of your support. You are

all great friends to the Summerhill's and we feel blessed everyday to have all

of you to help when needed.

God Bless and I hope this week can be a good week for everyone - we all need it.

Kim & Summerhill - ne 12 yrs JRA

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  • 3 years later...
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My daughter is getting bracers on her teeth next week. I'm currently doing A/C

chelation with her.

Cany anyone please confirm if it is safe to keep chelating while she has the

bracers on?

Thank you


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I think that it should be OK providing that there are no amalgam fillings. I

believe Andy has said that if there is a sensitivity to nickel then this may be

a problem.



> Hi,


> My daughter is getting bracers on her teeth next week. I'm currently doing

A/C chelation with her.


> Cany anyone please confirm if it is safe to keep chelating while she has the

bracers on?


> Thank you

> Brighid


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Make sure they don't plan to move the teeth too fast. Years ago they did that

to my brother an dI (2 years with braces)

breaking off the roots of the upper front teeth. When I wrote to the

Orthodontics Association to complain they basically replied that they know it's

happening and don't care. Any dentist who sees my x-rays immediately says, " Oh,

you had braces " .

To answer your question, I believe Andy has said it's ok to chelate with braces.



Posted by: " Brighid " brighid@... brighid@...

Mon May 3, 2010 2:30 am (PDT)


My daughter is getting bracers on her teeth next week. I'm currently doing A/C

chelation with her.

Cany anyone please confirm if it is safe to keep chelating while she has the

bracers on?

Thank you


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There are colored or clear plastic braces, but they still have to use wires to

tighten them.

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > My daughter is getting bracers on her teeth next week. I'm currently doing

A/C chelation with her.

> >

> > Cany anyone please confirm if it is safe to keep chelating while she has the

bracers on?

> >

> > Thank you

> > Brighid

> >


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  • 1 month later...
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I want to know the same thing! I'm sure someone will tell us. Thanks for

asking this!

carriedonahoe@... wrote:

>Hello I have kept up on all the messages and was wondering if it is mandatory

to follow casting with bracing or if we could just keep casting instead of

bracing, being bracing seems far more difficult? Thanks

>Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


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Bracing is much easier than casting! You can do so much more--and it is SUCH a comfort knowing you can take the thing off if you need to.  Many docs transition to a night-time-only brace, so that is even easier than a full-time brace.  We have had a year of casting and are in our second year of bracing.

, mommy to Todd

On Jun 7, 2010 10:01 PM, " " <missikay10@...> wrote:



I want to know the same thing! I'm sure someone will tell us. Thanks for asking this!

carriedonahoe@... wrote:>Hello I have kept up on all the messages and was wondering if it ...

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Thanks for the info! Did you find it harder for bracing being you can remove it? I feel like I give in so easily and I'm afraid I would give in if he were to let me know it bothered him. I feel that it would be an emotional roller coaster for the simple fact that it can be removedSent via BlackBerry from T-MobileFrom: D <dew.writes@...>Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2010 22:18:08 -0400<infantile scoliosis treatment >Subject: Re: Braces Bracing is much easier than casting! You can do so much more--and it is SUCH a comfort knowing you can take the thing off if you need to.  Many docs transition to a night-time-only brace, so that is even easier than a full-time brace.  We have had a year of casting and are in our second year of bracing., mommy to Todd On Jun 7, 2010 10:01 PM, " " <missikay10 > wrote: ,I want to know the same thing! I'm sure someone will tell us. Thanks for asking this!carriedonahoeymail wrote:>Hello I have kept up on all the messages and was wondering if it ...

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Dr Mehta recommends 6-12 months of brace-wear after casting to hold the child's spine in their newly corrected position. Our doc in SLC varies that a bit depending on the case.

We liked the brace better than the cast : ) The key is to not take it off simply because they ask you too. We always told Noah exactly why we were taking it off "the doc said that we can have the brace off for excersize, bath," etc.)

Is Tucker nearing a brace? That's wonderful : )~Noah 4 1/2 years old9 months of casting in SLC; 2 1/2 years of bracing; Currently treatment-free at 8*And Mariella 16 months old - resolved Infantile Scoliosis

infantile scoliosis treatment From: carriedonahoe@...Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2010 00:55:17 +0000Subject: Braces

Hello I have kept up on all the messages and was wondering if it is mandatory to follow casting with bracing or if we could just keep casting instead of bracing, being bracing seems far more difficult? ThanksSent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy.

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Dr Mehta recommends 6-12 months of brace-wear after casting to hold the child's spine in their newly corrected position. Our doc in SLC varies that a bit depending on the case. We liked the brace better than the cast : ) The key is to not take it off simply because they ask you too. We always told Noah exactly why we were taking it off "the doc said that we can have the brace off for excersize, bath," etc.) Is Tucker nearing a brace? That's wonderful : )~Noah 4 1/2 years old9 months of casting in SLC; 2 1/2 years of bracing; Currently treatment-free at 8*And Mariella 16 months old - resolved Infantile Scoliosis

infantile scoliosis treatment From: carriedonahoe@...Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2010 00:55:17 +0000Subject: Braces

Hello I have kept up on all the messages and was wondering if it is mandatory to follow casting with bracing or if we could just keep casting instead of bracing, being bracing seems far more difficult? ThanksSent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy. The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get busy.

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Thanks for the input! He is nearing a brace real soon!!Sent via BlackBerry from T-MobileFrom: Borlik <christina_borlik@...>Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2010 09:17:21 -0500infantile scoliosis<infantile scoliosis treatment >Subject: RE: Braces Dr Mehta recommends 6-12 months of brace-wear after casting to hold the child's spine in their newly corrected position. Our doc in SLC varies that a bit depending on the case. We liked the brace better than the cast : ) The key is to not take it off simply because they ask you too. We always told Noah exactly why we were taking it off "the doc said that we can have the brace off for excersize, bath," etc.) Is Tucker nearing a brace? That's wonderful : )~Noah 4 1/2 years old9 months of casting in SLC; 2 1/2 years of bracing; Currently treatment-free at 8*And Mariella 16 months old - resolved Infantile Scoliosis infantile scoliosis treatment From: carriedonahoeymailDate: Tue, 8 Jun 2010 00:55:17 +0000Subject: Braces Hello I have kept up on all the messages and was wondering if it is mandatory to follow casting with bracing or if we could just keep casting instead of bracing, being bracing seems far more difficult? ThanksSent via BlackBerry from T-MobileThe New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy. The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get busy.

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Hello, this might be completely late, but I wanted to just chime in and say, we prefer the brace over the cast any day! Hadley had 8 casts and is now in a brace. You can't even tell she is wearing anything, its so light and thin compared to a cast and best of all, you can take it off when needed. It is recommended to wear a brace after casting according to Dr. Mehta. :) ShaunaMother of Hadley(2 1/2 years). Hadley started with a 74 degree curve and 8 casts later is down to 12 degrees and is now in her first brace. *With God, all things are possible* Mathew 19:26From: carriedonahoe@... <carriedonahoe@...>Subject: Bracesinfantile scoliosis treatment Date: Monday, June 7, 2010, 7:55 PM

Hello I have kept up on all the messages and was wondering if it is mandatory to follow casting with bracing or if we could just keep casting instead of bracing, being bracing seems far more difficult? Thanks

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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