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Re: chelating with ALA with risk of having amalgam under composite filli

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Stop chelating until you make sure there's no amalgam in your teeth. If you

have mercury in your teeth you're pumping it into your brain. What dose are you



chelating with ALA with risk of having amalgam under composite filli

Posted by: " christoph45@... " christoph45@... christoph45@...

Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:07 am (PST)

i am now on my 2nd round, and on my probably 10th dose (i take ALA every 2,5

hours). I read that there is a probability, that my fillings that i had

installed around 10 years ago may have amalgam under them (dentists use/used it

for several reasons - for ex. for ease of recognition on RTG test results).

Now, i am doing my best to find out about that as fast as i can (possibly ill

have an RTG scan tomorrow to find out if there's any amalgam), but if i am now

under chelation, is it worth stopping the chelation round, to not supposedly get

mercury from the maybe present (yet invisable) fillings into my body, counting

in my brain tissue...

After i started chelation (1.I.2010) i got worse in terms of speech,

concentration, focus, social anxety, and other things (i started treating myself

for asperger syndrome 11 months ago). I feel like i wouldnt be able to say a

single word if i was standing on the street.

If this is just some side-effects of chelation, thats fine. But if this is

happening because im pumping mercury from my fillings into my whole body, than i

am REALLY, REALLY scared...

So i guess the question would be - if potentially there is amalgam that is

totally sealed by composite fillings, is there a risk that with ALA it will be

transfered to other parts of my body? (and i mean probably transport through my

tooth, not vaporizing mercury from chewing and biting food, etc)

Thank you advance for some advice.

best regards,

Christoph Brzozowski


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