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Yeast? Allergy? Mercury?

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I am in desperate need of help. My son is only 9 months old and he does not

have autism, but I do believe he has mercury toxicity. (Thanks to his loving


A bit of history: I conceived my son 6 months after having my 8 amalgam

fillings removed (which I have since read from posts and links here that that is

the absolute worst time to conceive).

My son has been " Colicky " since he was born. I breastfed him for 2 months and

it seemed that every time he ate he screamed after. I just couldn't take it

anymore and figured I was just poisoning him more, so I stopped breastfeeding

and started feeding him pasteruized goats milk. My daughter drank it from 4

months on and had no problems with it.

The goats milk helped him a bit and he was about 50% better after switching. He

was fussy over the summer, but manageable. In September that all changed. He

started getting sores on him mouth, teething, and drooling incessantly. One day

it looked like his stool had blood in it, so I took it to his doctor for

testing. They proceeded to make me feel horrible about feeding him goats milk

and did some tests (I think to prove to me that he was malnourished), but the

blood work came back perfect (according to them) and his stool had no blood in

it. They referred me to a GI doctor for a consult.

The GI doctor didn't think he had reflux, but allergies and recommended I put

him on Alimentum or Nutramigen. We tried both and he would not drink either.

So, I just continued with regular goats milk.

His doctor told me the sores on his mouth were some long word and that they were

viral and would go away. Six weeks later they were not gone and they were

worse. They look like canker sores on his lip and his tongue is red. There

were no white patches. He sneezed green snot while we were there and she

convinced me to put him on an antibiotic (to which I am totally against, but I

thought if it would get rid of the sores, I would give it a try). Well,

needless to say the antibiotic made everything WORSE.

The week of Thanksgiving (6 weeks of severe suffering on all of our parts) I

decided this must be thrush and I started candex 1/3 capsule AM and PM as well

as acidophilus. (I had been giving him a probiotic supplement, but realized it

had milk in it and they had told me not to give him any regular milk, so I

stopped it, although I think it was starting to help). The candex/acidophilus

was not working, so I filled a prescription for Nystatin that his doctor had

given me when he was just weeks old. That made it much better. BUT, everytime

I run out of a bottle, it comes back with a vengeance. I am on my third bottle

in 4 weeks.

They also told me to add rice cereal to his bottles to hold the goats milk down

and give him more nutrients. He is a small baby for his age and they are very

concerned he is not thriving. He lost about 1.5 lbs during the 6 weeks of

torturous thrush and weighed only 14 lbs 7 oz at 8 months. Last week I weighed

him and he had gained 1 lb since being on the nystatin.

The rice cereal made him extremely congested and he would vomit up mucous

because of coughing. It was terrible. Every time I try to feed him anything

other than milk, this happens. We have tried oatmeal, rice, bananas, green

beans, applesauce. As a last resort we decided to try raw goats milk. For 2

weeks he was like another baby! It was really shocking. But yesterday and

today his mouth is redder and I think the thrush is back. I don't think the

nystatin is working anymore. I called and asked for Diflucan, but they didn't

seem interested in giving it to us. I am waiting for a call back from them.

Here are my questions:

1. I am wondering if this sounds like thrush to you all? I saw one patch that

was whitish under his tongue, but no where else. He now has trouble swallowing.

2. If it is thrush, is my approach okay, what else should I be doing. Should I

do GSE on a 9 month old?

3. Do you think it could be a milk allergy? Goats milk is different than cows

milk and the incidence of allergy is much less. It just seems unlikely to me

since there are times when he is much better if the sores are gone in his mouth.

4. How do I know if he is mercury toxic? He has NO hair to test. I guess I

could assume that he is because I am and I conceived him when I did. If that is

the case, how would I proceed with chelation if he does have a yeast issue? (My

hair test is #422 on livingnetwork)

5. How should I proceed with introducing foods. If I get the yeast issue under

control will the foods issue go away?

6. Any supplement recommendations? He only drinks goats milk with Karo syrup

for constipation. I think I need to eliminate the Karo, but when I do he is

constipated and screams and screams. I was giving him blackstrap molasses for

iron and constipation, but that stopped working.

ANY help/suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated!


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