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Re: oil of oregano -

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Wow ,

How much vitamin A did you take during that 2 year period you were clearing

things (and how much E and OLE?) You say you took them daily. Why not

multiple times a day (A and E are not water soluble so I guess daily might

be enough?)

Did you do this after chelation? Do you feel upping the dosages would have

cleared them sooner? Of course you were already feeling pretty ill (rashes

and sleeping a lot) during much of that time so I don't think you would

have wanted to endure much worse.

Was there a difference in how you felt after clearing those viruses? Can

you describe it?


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I really don't know exactly how much I took. I would do the research and buy the

supplements but, for a long time, my oldest son would make me a plate of about

50 or 60 pills when I got home from work. I was working the evening shift and

got off at 11pm. I was still real sick and I would sit and zone out in front of

the computer and try to eat a little something and spend anywhere from 30

minutes to two hours trying to get down all my supplements. My son was the one

who decided how much to give me, based in part on smell. I took a few things

in the morning, like co-q-10, and if I was battling an acute exacerbation I

sometimes took OLE or OoO (and sometimes other stuff) through out the day to

avoid needing antibiotics. But most of my supplements were taken in the

evening, just before bedtime.

I did make an effort to keep iron and calcium supplements apart if I was taking

both and I took co-q-10 in the morning because it chemically wakes the brain up

and can cause insomnia if taken too late in the day.

My story is that I was diagnosed late in life with a genetic disorder and was

very, very ill by the time I was diagnosed. So I had a huge backlog of

infections, in part from years and years of being underprescribed antibiotics.

For many years, it was routine for me to go to the ER with a sinus infection,

get prescribed some normal dose of some normal antibiotic, tell the doctor " If

you don't give me something stronger, I will be back " , and get treated like a

hypochondriac. So I would go to the doctor two to four times with every

infection before someone would have the brilliant idea that I needed something

stronger. They were basically breeding antibiotic-resistant infections in my

already compromised immune system. Sigh.

So I had a lot to clear.

I am partially chelated and did that before I did the two years of A, E and OLE.

I still have dental work. Folks on this list sometimes get pretty upset with

me/critical of me for talking about that. It wasn't planned or anything. I

just happened to be eating cilantro every day with no knowledge it was a

chelator (I don't think I even knew the word) when I joined this list and soon

learned it moved metals. That was an Aha! moment for me. I continued eating

cilantro until I began having problems from it. I have a crumbling gold

bridge. After it falls out, I might do more chelation.

As for how I feel: I feel better than I have ever felt in my life and I have

managed to reverse or reduce a lot of the symptoms of my genetic disorder. I

have stopped being chronically, severely anemic, I am more heat tolerant, more

cold tolerant, I don't dehydrate like I used to, and I am able to eat a little

bit more of a 'normal' diet, which makes it easier to go to the cafeteria at

work and things like that. I still have substantial restrictions, but it sure

feels " unburdened " and easy compared to what I have lived with in the past. I

have lost several dress sizes, my appetite has shrunk, and I live without a car

so I do a lot of walking and it no longer exhausts me like it used to.

I am still clearing some things from my system, so my journey isn't over. I

waffle between saying " I am getting well " and " I am well " . I am off all

medication and I am the healthiest I have been in my life. So I don't know at

what point to say " I'm well " . There is still clearly room for improvement but in

many ways I have a much fuller life than I've had in the past.

I couldn't have pushed any harder than I was already pushing and still been able

to show up for my job. As it was, I still had days where I had to leave early

to go home and throw up and things like that. For quite some time, I was

skating on pretty thin ice at work in terms of how much sick leave I had

available. If I had lost my job, the house of cards would have come crashing

down so we had to make sure we didn't push it too hard.







> Wow ,


> How much vitamin A did you take during that 2 year period you were clearing

> things (and how much E and OLE?) You say you took them daily. Why not

> multiple times a day (A and E are not water soluble so I guess daily might

> be enough?)


> Did you do this after chelation? Do you feel upping the dosages would have

> cleared them sooner? Of course you were already feeling pretty ill (rashes

> and sleeping a lot) during much of that time so I don't think you would

> have wanted to endure much worse.


> Was there a difference in how you felt after clearing those viruses? Can

> you describe it?


> Rosegvr/




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Wow ,

That was some story. Thank you for sharing it.

It's great to hear that you are so much better. I think the Vitamin A

protocol would be good for many of us that have been on anti-biotics. I've only

done so a handful of times in life but it's enough to cause problems. Once

I'm more chelated (maybe at say 75 rounds), I will start to consider that

as well. I'm guessing I'll need a full 100+ (I'm at about 45 currently).

I can't wait to try it. I do wonder if the cilantro helped you clear or

contributed to redistribution. I suppose that would be hard to speculate on

since the half-life of it isn't known. It seems like your body might have

been craving it (since you could eat and tolerate it) and who am I to

question that.

Glad to hear you are recovering - thanks again.


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