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Dear Ellenelle,

Antimony is used by alchemists. Are you holding out on us? (tee hee).

It used to be added to some medicines and in some eyemakeup, but not very


Metals are held in the organs and tissues until the are oxidized, allowing

their release, most

often in the sweat.

Tin is the metal used to make tooth paste containers, so that is a possible

source, especially

if it is fluoridated.

EDTA is a possible chelator for these metals. Algae, especially chlorella,

would be good too.

Ozone saunas would work too.

Best of Health!

Saul Pressman

URL: http://www.plasmafire.com

email: saul@...


> From: ellenelle@...


> I just received results from a hair analysis that showed a level of


> about ten times the acceptable limit! I've been unable to come up with


> useful info about this element in any search. Can anyone tell me how I


> have managed to be exposed to such high levels? (I do not do metalwork,


> in a mine, or own anything that is flame-retardant.) Also, could the

> exposure have been in the past and still be causing very high tissue


> And, if anyone knows, how difficult is it to chelate out? Other high


> include mercury (surely from dental amalgams, now removed), aluminum

> (deodorant), and tin (from -----?).



> Ellen


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Antimony has been used in many things. It is added to lead for the reason of

making it harder. Like for bullets. And then it has been used in making

brake liners if I am not mistaken. Like asbestos was used in the same

product. And we still see that showing up in people from earlier use. And I

am sure there are many more places that antimony was used. Sometimes these

are hard to find now for it may not be used that way now. Finding older

sources to check could reveal more on this.

Gene Downey

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Thanks Gene,

Do you have any idea when it was phased out of use?

Subject: Re: antimony

Antimony has been used in many things. It is added to lead for the reason


making it harder. Like for bullets. And then it has been used in making

brake liners if I am not mistaken. Like asbestos was used in the same

product. And we still see that showing up in people from earlier use. And


am sure there are many more places that antimony was used. Sometimes these

are hard to find now for it may not be used that way now. Finding older

sources to check could reveal more on this.

Gene Downey

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