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Young coconut kefir/strange behaviours/Mysuperteach(Anita)

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Hi I guess i wish to ask Anita this question....

I started making YCK using kefir grains for my 3 yr old son-I started slow but

he seemed to crave it so we upped his volume to 500ml over the day within a few

weeks.we saw diarrhoea which seemed like dieoff/clearout with nice general

improvements but as the time went by we started seeing him do strange PANDAS

like behaviours-stooping down to touch the ground every few minutes -strange

whale like noises with his mouth and saying mmmmm over and over .I stopped the

kefir as it seemed to be one of the possibilities for causing this new

behaviour. and as the week went by the behaviour subsided .During the time i

stopped the kefir my son started refusing juice requesting " water " meaning kefir

water . Well i started it back yesterday -again he was craving it all day -going

to get bottle himself so to satisfy him I put a splash in each cup- well the

behaviours are back exactly as before.could it be strep in the YCK that is

triggering this...Im not even certain what cultures with the grains.I know there

is so much research out there to say that strep therm.does not aggravate /cause

PANDAS. Hr did have 2+ of alpha haem strep in his CDSA 6 months ago. What advice

do you have Anita ?I see in a previous post that you give huge doses of probio

and i feel that my son needs it to heal his gut.when we have alot on board he's

much more connected /social but now he's actually more withdrawn.could it just

be Die off.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Joe's mom 3yrs old

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