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Fwd: FW: Autism and the immune system

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Dr Bock treat these issues as well, I do not know how much



---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: and Marcia Hinds

*This is a forward of information I send out to help parents start to learn

about medical treatment and how the immune system is involved with autism.

I’m sorry if I already sent this to you but I got such a huge response from

the list I’m not sure who I might have missed. Also, I revised it and added

videos of recovered kids. Please send it to anyone you think it may help. *

My son, is recovered as a result of a combination of medical,

behavioral and educational treatment. Please realize that all you read and

hear about autism is not necessarily true. What if autism isn’t what the

“so-called” experts have believed for over thirty years? What if it is not

a debilitating psychiatric “disorder,” but a treatable medical condition?

If someone says your child can’t be helped or to “wait and see,” then run,

do not pass go, and find another doctor. The doctor who helped us, believes

that what we are seeing is not truly autism in the classic sense but rather

a disease that can be treated medically. My son’s recovery is proof that he

was correct.

At four years of age, was diagnosed by the leading authority on autism

in Minnesota. This psychiatrist said my son would never be okay. According

to this “expert,” the best we could hope for is that someday could

possibly be running a computer in the basement of a company where he would

not have to deal directly with people. She went on to say most of the kids

like usually end up in an institution or group home.

Today my son, , is twenty-one. He currently attends a university on a

merit based academic scholarship and studies Mechanical Engineering.

does all the things the doctors told me he would never do. He joined the

Sigma Chi fraternity and is president of the Jewish Student Association.

drives and has a ton of friends (who would have seen that one coming?)

He excels academically and is a member of the Engineering Honor Society (top

10% GPA). But most importantly, is a good person with great values and

is happy. If anyone would have told me this was possible when he was

little, I never would have believed them. Unbelievable as it seems, this is

the same child who wanted to spend his days plugging in a portable radio

into every outlet in the house over and over again.

Here is a link to the videos on U tube of three of Dr. G’s recovered

kids? There are hundreds out there. My is among the three kids shown


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLhn1yfFh_g & feature=related

What most medical doctors are just starting to accept is that Autism, ADD,

ADHD are the result of a medical condition, an immune system that isn't

working properly. Dr. Goldberg even coined his own term for this

condition. He calls it --Neuroimmune Dysfunction Syndrome. It is very

complicated, but the way I understand it some children with autism have

immune systems that work overtime and produce too many disease fighters for

too long; while at other times their systems do not produce enough. This

results in some children having chronic infections and viruses in their

systems. That is why some of our children get ill easily and others seem

like they never catch anything. Some with overactive immune systems don’t

appear sick at all, but they are.

Unfortunately, each child with this immune issue or autism is different.

What works for one might not work for another. We started with Dr. Sidney

Baker who started the* *DAN protocol. He thought that autism was a result

of a leaky gut. Dr. Baker helped point us in the right direction, but it

wasn’t enough. Unlike the DAN doctors, Dr. Goldberg believes that the gut

problem is a secondary result of a bigger issue, a dysregulated immune

system that fires when it shouldn't or one that sometimes doesn’t fire when

it should. Dr. Goldberg makes only one change at a time to ensure that we

know what is and is not working. This infuriates parents who want to fire

all the canons at once to help their kids, but he does things very

systematically and scientifically.* *

All of our children have abnormal blood flow to areas of their brains which

can improve with treatment of the immune system. One test Dr. Goldberg uses

to measure is a Neuro spect. It measures blood flow to see if the brain is

functioning properly. By reading this test, specialists can tell if a child

will have a learning disability in math or reading. They can also tell if a

child is ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) or Autistic. For

most children correctly diagnosed with autism, the brain spect shows

decreased blood flow to the temporal (and parietal) areas of the brain.

Brain spects have documented that the blood flow to these areas of the brain

can be increased after alleviating the stress on the immune system. When

the blood flow is improved, kids get better.

In addition, the medical treatments must be complemented with suitable

rehabilitative and educational interventions. We had to teach

everything he missed while he was not really with us. As a result of

neurological dysfunction, our children did not develop normally. spent

too many years not speaking, not learning what he should, and learning weird

behaviors that helped him survive this hell. To correct these deficiencies

we used ABA (not one of Dr. G’s favorites) but I know this was what


In the beginning, it was how to tell which medical interventions were

working. How can you tell if medicine is working when your child has

limited verbal ability? It takes a “normal” child usually about three years

to learn language, even without medical issues. The hardest part was to keep

going, because gave us no indication one way or another that what were

doing was working. The thing that made me the angriest was that I had to

teach what other kids just learn naturally. It was like rehabilitating

a stroke victim. You don't wake up one morning and BAM they are better.

Even if one could wave a magic wand and make their bodies normal, they would

have to learn everything they missed while they were sick.

When my son entered kindergarten at almost six years old, he was in the

third percentile for speech. By that time we had been seeing Dr. Goldberg

for about a year. He needed a full-time aide in his classroom to help him

in school. By the third grade, my son tested in the 85th percentile for

speech and by fifth grade no longer received any services or assistance

at school.

Dr. Goldberg treated medically but only used hard science and medical

tests to treat my child. If you are even considering seeing him, you should

call the office (818) 343-1010 to get on the waiting list. There is a clinic

in New York who does things similar to Dr. G. Since it is so much closer

you might want to call there and ask about being seen. The director is

Kathy on and she is wonderful. The number of the clinic is

315-773-5405. The doctor they use is Bruce whose own child sees Dr.

Goldberg. Dr. also has a clinic in Texas. 361-749-1930 I don’t

know which would be closer for you. Once you go to Dr. or Dr. G for

an initial appointment, follow-up appointments are usually done by phone.

Check out the website for more detailed information. It is

http://www.nids.net It is hard to navigate but there is good info there.

Check out the section titled “For Families” Currently a new website is

being developed. http://stopcallingitautism.com/autismimmunedysfunction.php

We survived the autism diagnosis; but it wasn’t easy and there were many

times I thought we weren’t going to make it. In the beginning, most of what

I did was not because I believed my child could get better, but rather to

alleviate the guilt I knew I would have if I ever had to find permanent

placement for him in a group home. I wanted to be able to tell myself that

I did everything possible to help him. Getting well wasn't easy and it

wasn't overnight. It was a long haul and the hardest thing I have ever

done. It is ten steps forward and three steps back, but full recovery is


Attached to this email are several articles. I would read, “Let’s Just Stop

Calling it Autism” first. There are also several articles authored by Dr.

Goldberg. And one I wrote " One Cure Doesn't Fit All " when my son was almost

seven. In this I called my son, , to protect his privacy. I would

love to help any way I can. Please call if you need me.

Marcia Hinds

805 497-8202

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