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We are ready to stop with the DAN!'s & try this chelating on our own.

I have several questions though, if anyone can?

First, we just finished a 2 week " Challenge " with DMSA suppositories. 3 days on

& 11 off then 3 & first urine this am. Well son is severe & will ONLY go in the

shower. He had been holding it for 3 hrs & the only 2x he tried to pee & saw Mom

w/ the cup, he stopped & water would get in it. I finally called Dr's Data Lab &

the Dr. said this isn't a good way to get an accurate test (the suppositories)

she said only IV or oral. DAN! on vacation all week so now we will have to wait

til next week, no urine & not a good chelator to TEST on, (good way to chelate

just not to challenge test with she says).

SO we have read about ALA chelating & think we are just going to go that route.

Our son is 8.5 yrs & is about 60lbs. Completly NON VERBAL & SEVERLY BAD

BEHAVIORS, HIGH YEAST too!!! Just had CBC & liver & kidney blood work came back


He has been g/c free, soy & beef free for 4 yrs & Now tests come back that all

allergies have gone away??? Anyone have any experience with this??

We really need help here!!!

I have also read about celantro chelating???

We want to get started as soon as it's safe for him after this challenge test

gets out of his system, HOW LONG SHOULD BE OK???

How much ALA for 60lb child???

What kind of suppliments does he need?? (He is ONLY on .75mg of Respierdol at


Please help, time is wasting & we have been through several DAN'S through the

yrs that only take A LOT of our $ & he is NO BETTER OFF! One DAN! after I told

him what AC said about challenge testing, etc. Told me that he knew of AC & that

he was a Chemist Not an MD & isn't certified to know what kinds of effects this

stuff has on the BODY so we agreed that we weren't good for each, never saw him

again. BUT we really do need help now...




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