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> On September 14, The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine, and a Manmade Epidemic

will be released--we need your help.


> Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill's groundbreaking book, The Age of Autism, traces

the autism epidemic by examining the first diagnosed cases of autism. Dan and

Mark's detailed research is impeccable and their conclusions are stunning. Their

book will revolutionize the way people think about autism and children's health.



> We need this book to make a big splash with the American public and you can

help. Here is what we need you to do:


> Buy the book (if you haven't already) at the SafeMinds site:


> Have your friends and relatives buy the book. Book purchases will drive up the

book's ratings, create media interest and educate people on what happened to our


> Forward this e-mail to your friends in the autism community.

> Arrange a book signing for the authors in your community. Contact Becky


> Join the SafeMinds mailing list to receive Age of Autism action alerts



> We must create change for all suffering with autism. Spread the word and join

The Age of Autism revolution. Please help this book become a national best

seller by forwarding the announcement below, and future advisories, to the media

as well as family and friends.


> Thank you!


> Announcing the NEW, Groundbreaking book, The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine

and a Manmade Epidemic


> Flu vaccines are already in the news with the latest public health

announcements urging adults and children to line up for shots. But did you know

that the shots still contain mercury, a potent neurotoxin? Dan Olmsted and Mark

Blaxill, the authors of an explosive new book on the autism epidemic, reveal

that there is a long dark side to mercury in the origins of autism and urge

caution to anyone considering getting the mercury-laced injections.


> In their new book, The Age of Autism, the authors claim that the CDC, just

like other well-meaning scientists and doctors, have put their faith in the

safety of Quicksilver (mercury) and America's citizens, mainly children, are

bearing the brunt of their foolhardy decisions. With the autism epidemic raging,

and as the Senate begins hearings on the environmental triggers to autism, the

authors make a ground-breaking and compelling case that autism is indeed

triggered by mercury, specifically the ethyl mercury compound, Thimerosal, found

in vaccines.


> Not since The River, a book that traced the origins of AIDS, has anyone looked

at the original cases of a modern disease for clues to its cause. What Olmsted

and Blaxill found in the origins of these cases will transform the autism

environmental debate. Their discoveries and connections, taken together, cannot

be easily ignored.


> Dan Olmsted is an Award-Winning Journalist and former UPI Investigative

Reporter. Mark Blaxill is a businessman, book author and writer of several

scientific papers on autism. Both are editors of the Age of Autism blog.


> The Age of Autism book will be published on September 14th and can be

preordered now through Amazon. For more information or to schedule an interview

with either or both authors, contact Estepp, Government and Media

Relations Manager, SafeMinds, 858-829-6454, .estepp@...






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