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Traveling for the Holidays? TSA pat-downs could spread

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TSA pat-downs could spread sexually-transmitted disease and contribute to


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

by Mike , the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) There's a startling fact about the TSA pat-downs that most of us

have not realized: TSA agents often do not change their latex gloves between

pat-downs! With these pat-down reaching into your pants, feeling your genitals,

and sweeping bare armpits and buttocks, those latex gloves being worn by the TSA

agents are obviously teeming with germs.

And yet TSA agents often don't change gloves between patting down passengers.

They're often using the same gloves on you and your crotch as they were using on

the previous passenger's exploratory crotch feel.

This means, of course, that the TSA is now engaged in extremely risky behavior

that could spread sexually-transmitted disease, cold viruses, skin fungi (such

as ringworm), and even contribute to a pandemic outbreak.

So now, while the TSA claims to be protecting your safety, they could actually

be infecting you with pandemic disease at the same time.

New aggressive pat-downs do not meet medical standards for sterility

None of this was a problem when the TSA pat-downs were merely touching the

outside of peoples' clothing. But in the last few weeks, the TSA changed its

pat-down procedure to include feeling down your pants and inside your underwear.

Air travel passengers across America have been complaining of the TSA fingering

their genitalia and touching their sex organs. Just this week, an ABC News

employee was fingered by a TSA agent who felt around inside her underwear

(http://www.naturalnews.com/030492_T...). This process of touching traveler's

genitals without consistently changing latex gloves means the TSA is involved in

extremely risky behavior that could spread disease.

TSA agents are not trained as medical personnel. Just as they don't seem to

grasp the Bill of Rights, they also may not understand how infectious disease is

spread. They aren't medical personnel; they're Big Brother enforcers who have

likely never been taught the principles of how to conduct a sterile body search.

For example, do they follow a specific order for touching your body parts? If

not, they could actually spread an infection.

For example, if an athlete with jock itch (a fungal infection) undergoes a TSA

pat-down, that TSA agent could spread the passenger's jock itch from his crotch

to his armpits and neck. The same is true for a person suffering from ringworm

or other skin fungal infections: Merely touching them and then touching another

body part can cause them to spread.

Even worse, if that same TSA agent does not change his or her gloves between

pat-downs, they could be spreading jock itch, ringworm or other infections from

traveler to traveler. So traveler #2 could end up with the jock itch picked up

from traveler #1.

TSA agents don't understand medical devices

Evidence has already emerged that TSA agents fail medical common sense. They

recently dislodged a urostomy bag belonging to a bladder cancer survivor, for

example, causing him to be soaked in his own urine


They also required one woman to remove her breast prosthesis and show it to

them, claiming it might be a bomb. Aside from the lack of sensitivity to medical

patients, TSA agents also demonstrate a disturbing lack of medical knowledge.

They may be just ignorant enough to think that wearing a pair of gloves somehow

protects everyone from germ transmission, but the reality is that the gloves

only protect the TSA agent from germs, not YOU! In fact, these gloves may be

harboring germs, fungal infections and even sexually-transmitted diseases.

This is a whole new reason to stand up against Big Brother tyranny at airport

security checkpoints. TSA agents are not merely violating your Constitutional

protections against unreasonable searches; they may also be subjecting you to

disease and spreading pandemics that could threaten your health safety.


Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.

Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you.

Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

Ben lin

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