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FYI - The Importance of Reflexes in Developmental Delays

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The Importance of Reflexes in Developmental Delays

by Sally Goddard Blythe


Ever wonder why babies startle, grasp your ï¬nger or turn their heads

toward an out-stretched arm? These behaviors are primitive reflexes

that emerge as early as nine weeks in utero, and are fully present at

birth. Primitive reflexes are automatic movements, executed without

thinking. They assist in the birthing process, are essential for the

infant‘s survival in the ï¬rst months of life, and provide training for

many later skills.

Primitive reflexes are considered " aberrant, " however, if they remain

active beyond age 6 - 12 months. They should be inhibited by the

brain, allowing more sophisticated neural structures to develop. The

continued presence of any of twelve primitive and postural reflexes is

a sign of central nervous system (CNS) immaturity, which can have a

profound impact upon a child‘s development, learning and behavior.

What do reflexes have to do with learning and behavior?

Motor control lays the foundation for learning and self control. We

acquire new skills by moving our bodies intentionally. To track

visually left to right, to shape consonants in the mouth, and to form

letters, we need to have intentional control of the muscles involved.

When those muscles obey an unconscious reflex instead of responding to

our intention, then the activity is confusing and cannot become an

automatic learned skill.

Academic learning depends upon the automization of basic skills at a

physical level. If a child fails to develop this automatic motor

control, a teacher might observe such symptoms as reversals in reading

and writing, misarticulations, poor impulse control, difï¬culty reading

body language, or unsatisfactory peer relationships, despite good

intelligence. Change is unlikely unless the underlying

neuro-developmental problem is addressed.

What are some of the reflexes?

Three reflexes are so important in children with developmental

problems that they deserve special attention. These are the Moro,

Palmar and Asymmetrical Tonic Neck reflex (ATNR). These and others,

their development and long term effects are elaborated upon in my

book, A Teacher‘s Window into the Child‘s Mind: And Papers from the

Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology.A Teacher’s Window Into

The Child’s Mind.

The Moro reflex, the earliest to emerge, forms a cornerstone for life.

Characterized by rapid inhalation and sudden movement of the arms

upward, followed by a cry, it is an involuntary reaction to threat.

Normally inhibited by four months, it can be triggered in later life

in situations of extreme danger. Long-term effects of a retained moro

are vestibular-related problems such as motion sickness, poor balance

and coordination, oculomotor and visual perceptual problems and

hypersensitivity to light and sound. Psychological symptoms include

free-floating anxiety, mood swings and insecurity.

The palmar reflex, emerging at 11 weeks in utero, is characterized by

an involuntary grasp with light touch to the palm. This primitive

reflex goes back to past evolution, when neonates clung to their

mothers for safety. Normally the reflex fades as reï¬ned ï¬nger control

and the ability to release develop. It is replaced by the pincer grip

at age 36 weeks. Some long term effects of a retained palmar reflex are

poor manual dexterity and handwriting, with lack of independent thumb

and ï¬nger movements, no pincer grip, and hypersensitivity of the palm

to tactile stimulation.

The asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (ATNR) links turning of the baby’s

head to one side with extension of the arm and leg on that side and

flexion of the limbs on the opposite side. In utero the ATNR provides

continuous motion, stimulating balance mechanisms and increasing

neural connections. It ensures a free passage of air when the neonate

is prone, increases extensor muscle tone, and forms the basis for

later reaching movements. After age six months, a persistent ATNR

interferes with balance, crossing the midline, crawling, eye tracking,

and visual- and ï¬ne-motor control.

How are aberrant reflexes diagnosed and treated?

The Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology (INPP), Chester, UK

has devised a protocol of standard neurological tests to demonstrate

the presence or absence of primitive reflexes. On the basis of the

child’s reflex proï¬le, the Institute prescribes a daily ï¬ve to ten

minute home program of reflex stimulation or inhibition exercises,

spanning a period of 9 to 12 months. Fortunately, research shows that

the " wiring " of the CNS is changeable, particularly in the early

years. Follow-up studies conï¬rm progress in all areas of physical,

academic and behavioral development.

Sally Goddard Blythe is a researcher and therapist at The Institute

for Neuro-Physiological Psychology (INPP) in Chester, UK.

Interventions such as occupational therapy, optometry, sensory

integration training, and Brain Gym can help to inhibit aberrant

reflexes. For more information about reflexes and for training programs

in the speciï¬c techniques used at INPP, visit the INPP website at


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