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Re: Anti-viral protocol while chelating?

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> I am using OLE for yeast while chelating. I think it is stirring up some

latent virus's based on my kids' reactions.

If your child has viruses, the OLE will *increase* yeast.

> I am curious as to how others are going about anti-viral protocols while


I did anti-virals after chelation was completed. I should have started earlier

tho, because of the massive gains that the anti-virals caused for my kids. But,

both chelation and anti-virals do tend to increase yeast [viral die off caused

much more yeast than chelation did here], so you can only do them together if

you can control the yeast.

> Treating virus's while off-round?

If you take a few days off from the anti-virals, the viruses just start

increasing again. So I would not take any days off. It took me four years to

eliminate viruses at my house, altho if I had known a few more facts when I

started, I could have reduced the time to 2 to 2-1/2 years.

>>Is it advisable to use Vira-stop/OLE while chelating or is that too much for a

child's sytem to handle?

Depends on the child, and whether you can keep yeast under control.

How is he handling the chelation aspect?


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> > I am using OLE for yeast while chelating. I think it is stirring up some

latent virus's based on my kids' reactions.


> > I am curious as to how others are going about anti-viral protocols while



During some rounds I have given my oldest son OLE and/or lysine (not together)

2-3 times a day. But we used GSE or NOW Candida Clear for yeast. This was fine

and the yeast was manageable. He has not yet done a comprehensive viral


My 3yo takes lysine everyday; he requests it (I'm not sure if he likes the taste

or his body just wants it).


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> > I am using OLE for yeast while chelating. I think it is stirring up some

latent virus's based on my kids' reactions.



> If your child has viruses, the OLE will *increase* yeast.

Dana, I have been making observations for several days to confirm this. I

believe you are correct that this is what has happened. The OLE helped for a

few days (immensely), but the yeast is back.

I went to the store and bought biotin and GSE today and started with that.

I have two questions. One, knowing what you know now, if you were going to do

both chelation and a viral protocol simultaniously, how would you do it? some

combo of OLE, GSE, biotin, and virastop (plus recommended sups)?

Also....when you give the biotin, do you give it in one lump dose or do you

divide the 5000 mcg's throughout the day?



> > I am curious as to how others are going about anti-viral protocols while




> I did anti-virals after chelation was completed. I should have started

earlier tho, because of the massive gains that the anti-virals caused for my

kids. But, both chelation and anti-virals do tend to increase yeast [viral die

off caused much more yeast than chelation did here], so you can only do them

together if you can control the yeast.



> > Treating virus's while off-round?



> If you take a few days off from the anti-virals, the viruses just start

increasing again. So I would not take any days off. It took me four years to

eliminate viruses at my house, altho if I had known a few more facts when I

started, I could have reduced the time to 2 to 2-1/2 years.



> >>Is it advisable to use Vira-stop/OLE while chelating or is that too much for

a child's sytem to handle?



> Depends on the child, and whether you can keep yeast under control.


> How is he handling the chelation aspect?

Very well.

> Dana


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> I have two questions. One, knowing what you know now, if you were going to do

both chelation and a viral protocol simultaniously, how would you do it? some

combo of OLE, GSE, biotin, and virastop (plus recommended sups)?

I would chelate until round 50 when the gut yeast disappeared, then keep

chelating and add the anti-virals and deal with the brain yeast. I would not

use OLE/Virastop for as long as I did, but would move more quickly to the high

doses of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, and lysine. Those were what restored

my son's immune system and eliminated the viruses.

> Also....when you give the biotin, do you give it in one lump dose or do you

divide the 5000 mcg's throughout the day?

The most I gave my son was 20mg 3x per day. So if you are giving 5mg per dose,

try giving it 3x per day.


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