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What is a natural medicine provider and how do I find one?



From: Nancie Barnett <deifspirit@...>


Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 7:17:33 PM

Subject: Re: Confused


i don't why the insurance won't cover an another lab test, that sound crazy

to me. I don't think that is correct. Most insurances will cover repeated

lab tests along as we write a diagnosis on the chart. Since she already

suspected you of having thyroid related issues, there shouldn't be any issue

with the insurance company. I would call you insurance company yourself and

ask them.

As far as waiting 6 months, well that is controversial. Some believe in

waiting 6 months and some re check in 3 months. I think if she is not going

to biopsy for another 6 months, she should at least see you every 3 to

physically palpate the thyroid and if you are having symptoms of hypo T you

should at least try you on some hormones to see if they help.

Maybe it is time to find a natural medicine provider.


-- Confused


I went to the Endo today and she said the biopsy came back undiagnostic. So

now she wants to wait six months to see if it grows so she can get a good

sample then. Is this normal?

She wanted to redo my thryoid blood test but can't because insurance won't

pay for it again. Last one is in Feb. My styptoms are getting worse but

she won't put me on anything until the blood work shows more. Is this


Vitamin D is los so she is putting me on 1000 units of it. One test, I

think it was tyroid antibioties if that sounds right was 394 and the normal

range she said was to 30. She said this is the reason for my fatigue and

hair loss etc. I guess I get to go bald. She did order some other blood test

that wasn't ran before and of course another 24 hour urine test for

something else. I feel so confused right now. She told me I am at the

begining of hypo and it will get full blown at some point. So I am going to

feel worse?

I mentioned the swelling and she said thyroid won't cause it but maybe

arthritis or congestive heart failure but she doubts it is with my heart

because last June I had a stress test and it was normal. So she can't

figure out why the edema is so bad. I will see her again on April 30th and

then she will discuss the plan for six months from now. August these nodules

will have been there a year and so I just wait.....UGH! I just want to feel

normal again.


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A friend of mind said I should go and get a second opinion too. She said my

insurance should pay for it.  The only problem is I don't have all the medical

tests to take with me. Next problem will be trying to find a Endo doctor.  It

will take months to get another one here. I only got this one quicker because my

primary care physician called them and that was still a month a way.



From: Roni Molin <matchermaam@...>


Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 8:00:04 PM

Subject: Re: Confused

I can only give my opinion on what you just posted according to what I would do

for myself. I would get another doctor in the first place. I would try to have

them do an MRI in the second place and I would be talking to someone who knows

what they're talking about instead of someone who is taking stabs in the dark.



<>Just because something

isn't seen doesn't mean it's

not there<>

From: Joy Ruoff <joyruoff (DOT) com>

Subject: Confused


Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 3:59 PM


I went to the Endo today and she said the biopsy came back undiagnostic. So now

she wants to wait six months to see if it grows so she can get a good sample

then.  Is this normal? 

She wanted to redo my thryoid blood test but can't because insurance won't pay

for it again.  Last one is in Feb.  My styptoms are getting worse but she won't

put me on anything until the blood work shows more.  Is this normal?

Vitamin D is los so she is putting me on 1000 units of it.  One test, I think it

was tyroid antibioties if that sounds right was 394 and the normal range she

said was to 30.  She said this is the reason for my fatigue and hair loss etc. I

guess I get to go bald. She did order some other blood test that wasn't ran

before and of course another 24 hour urine test for something else.  I feel so

confused right now. She told me I am at the begining of hypo and it will get

full blown at some point.  So I am going to feel worse?

I mentioned the swelling and she said thyroid won't cause it but maybe arthritis

or congestive heart failure but she doubts it is with my heart because last June

I had a stress test and it was normal.  So she can't figure out why the edema is

so bad. I will see her again on April 30th and then she will discuss the plan

for six months from now. August these nodules will have been there a year and so

I just wait.....UGH! I just want to feel normal again.



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Google Naturopathic doctors near and give your zip code. You should get plenty

of material to go through. Naturopaths treat people with several different types

of modalities, and you can google that too by putting in what is a naturopathic



<>Just because something

isn't seen doesn't mean it's

not there<>

From: Joy Ruoff <joyruoff@...>

Subject: Re: Confused


Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 5:14 PM


What is a natural medicine provider and how do I find one?



From: Nancie Barnett <deifspirit@...>


Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 7:17:33 PM

Subject: Re: Confused


i don't why the insurance won't cover an another lab test, that sound crazy

to me. I don't think that is correct. Most insurances will cover repeated

lab tests along as we write a diagnosis on the chart. Since she already

suspected you of having thyroid related issues, there shouldn't be any issue

with the insurance company. I would call you insurance company yourself and

ask them.

As far as waiting 6 months, well that is controversial. Some believe in

waiting 6 months and some re check in 3 months. I think if she is not going

to biopsy for another 6 months, she should at least see you every 3 to

physically palpate the thyroid and if you are having symptoms of hypo T you

should at least try you on some hormones to see if they help.

Maybe it is time to find a natural medicine provider.


-- Confused


I went to the Endo today and she said the biopsy came back undiagnostic. So

now she wants to wait six months to see if it grows so she can get a good

sample then. Is this normal?

She wanted to redo my thryoid blood test but can't because insurance won't

pay for it again. Last one is in Feb. My styptoms are getting worse but

she won't put me on anything until the blood work shows more. Is this


Vitamin D is los so she is putting me on 1000 units of it. One test, I

think it was tyroid antibioties if that sounds right was 394 and the normal

range she said was to 30. She said this is the reason for my fatigue and

hair loss etc. I guess I get to go bald. She did order some other blood test

that wasn't ran before and of course another 24 hour urine test for

something else. I feel so confused right now. She told me I am at the

begining of hypo and it will get full blown at some point. So I am going to

feel worse?

I mentioned the swelling and she said thyroid won't cause it but maybe

arthritis or congestive heart failure but she doubts it is with my heart

because last June I had a stress test and it was normal. So she can't

figure out why the edema is so bad. I will see her again on April 30th and

then she will discuss the plan for six months from now. August these nodules

will have been there a year and so I just wait.....UGH! I just want to feel

normal again.


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You are entitled to your medical test results. Just call the office and ask the

one who answers the phone to send you all the test results because you have

trouble remembering what is on them. If they want a signature, give them a



<>Just because something

isn't seen doesn't mean it's

not there<>

From: Joy Ruoff <joyruoff (DOT) com>

Subject: Confused


Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 3:59 PM


I went to the Endo today and she said the biopsy came back undiagnostic. So now

she wants to wait six months to see if it grows so she can get a good sample

then.  Is this normal? 

She wanted to redo my thryoid blood test but can't because insurance won't pay

for it again.  Last one is in Feb.  My styptoms are getting worse but she won't

put me on anything until the blood work shows more.  Is this normal?

Vitamin D is los so she is putting me on 1000 units of it.  One test, I think it

was tyroid antibioties if that sounds right was 394 and the normal range she

said was to 30.  She said this is the reason for my fatigue and hair loss etc. I

guess I get to go bald. She did order some other blood test that wasn't ran

before and of course another 24 hour urine test for something else.  I feel so

confused right now. She told me I am at the begining of hypo and it will get

full blown at some point.  So I am going to feel worse?

I mentioned the swelling and she said thyroid won't cause it but maybe arthritis

or congestive heart failure but she doubts it is with my heart because last June

I had a stress test and it was normal.  So she can't figure out why the edema is

so bad. I will see her again on April 30th and then she will discuss the plan

for six months from now. August these nodules will have been there a year and so

I just wait.....UGH! I just want to feel normal again.



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I really suggest iodine.



On Apr 10, 2009, at 3:59 PM, Joy Ruoff wrote:



> Hi,


> I went to the Endo today and she said the biopsy came back

> undiagnostic. So now she wants to wait six months to see if it grows

> so she can get a good sample then. Is this normal?


> She wanted to redo my thryoid blood test but can't because insurance

> won't pay for it again. Last one is in Feb. My styptoms are

> getting worse but she won't put me on anything until the blood work

> shows more. Is this normal?


> Vitamin D is los so she is putting me on 1000 units of it. One

> test, I think it was tyroid antibioties if that sounds right was 394

> and the normal range she said was to 30. She said this is the

> reason for my fatigue and hair loss etc. I guess I get to go bald.

> She did order some other blood test that wasn't ran before and of

> course another 24 hour urine test for something else. I feel so

> confused right now. She told me I am at the begining of hypo and it

> will get full blown at some point. So I am going to feel worse?


> I mentioned the swelling and she said thyroid won't cause it but

> maybe arthritis or congestive heart failure but she doubts it is

> with my heart because last June I had a stress test and it was

> normal. So she can't figure out why the edema is so bad. I will see

> her again on April 30th and then she will discuss the plan for six

> months from now. August these nodules will have been there a year

> and so I just wait.....UGH! I just want to feel normal again.


> Joy



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Hi Joy!

Hashimotoes antibodies attack...they cause autoimmune thyroiditis. TPOab attack

the thyroid itself and TgAb antibodies attack the conversion process (I believe

I've got which does which straight). It's a progressive process, but from what

I've seen in my family, when treated, it has been relatively stable (for us),

but from what I've read, for some people there can be lots of variation. The

Hashis causes swings between hypO and hypEr states usually, during the

progression process, until it finally becomes a full-blown case of hypO. It

really disturbs me when doctors take a 'wait-n-see' attitude. Why should any of

us want to wait for these antibodies to destroy our thyroids, and as the disease

progresses, other organs in our bodies? At the very least, slow or stop that

degradation please!, is my thought regarding this.

I think you'll find the book very informative...I was amazed at what I

learned...oh to have had it when my kids were young...so many of the indicators

that could have prevented many of their existing health problems today had we

only known sooner!

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > I went to the Endo today and she said the biopsy came back undiagnostic. So

now she wants to wait six months to see if it grows so she can get a good sample

then.  Is this normal? 

> >

> > She wanted to redo my thryoid blood test but can't because insurance won't

pay for it again.  Last one is in Feb.  My styptoms are getting worse but she

won't put me on anything until the blood work shows more.  Is this normal?

> >

> > Vitamin D is los so she is putting me on 1000 units of it.  One test, I

think it was tyroid antibioties if that sounds right was 394 and the normal

range she said was to 30.  She said this is the reason for my fatigue and hair

loss etc. I guess I get to go bald. She did order some other blood test that

wasn't ran before and of course another 24 hour urine test for something else. 

I feel so confused right now. She told me I am at the begining of hypo and it

will get full blown at some point.  So I am going to feel worse?

> >

> > I mentioned the swelling and she said thyroid won't cause it but maybe

arthritis or congestive heart failure but she doubts it is with my heart because

last June I had a stress test and it was normal.  So she can't figure out why

the edema is so bad. I will see her again on April 30th and then she will

discuss the plan for six months from now. August these nodules will have been

there a year and so I just wait.....UGH! I just want to feel normal again.

> >

> > Joy

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Well that explains why my symptoms are mixed.  The heart palpations she said are

not hypo. I gained lots of weight and then I lost some.  My hair suddenly got

really thick and then I lost it.  It has been a rollarcoaster for me for the

past year with things just getting worse.  The swelling of my feet right now I

feel is the worst. Also the chronic sore throat. Really why wait for it to

destroy the thyroid?



From: cindy.seeley <cindy.seeley@...>


Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 9:34:03 PM

Subject: Re: Confused

Hi Joy!

Hashimotoes antibodies attack...they cause autoimmune thyroiditis. TPOab attack

the thyroid itself and TgAb antibodies attack the conversion process (I believe

I've got which does which straight). It's a progressive process, but from what

I've seen in my family, when treated, it has been relatively stable (for us),

but from what I've read, for some people there can be lots of variation. The

Hashis causes swings between hypO and hypEr states usually, during the

progression process, until it finally becomes a full-blown case of hypO. It

really disturbs me when doctors take a 'wait-n-see' attitude. Why should any of

us want to wait for these antibodies to destroy our thyroids, and as the disease

progresses, other organs in our bodies? At the very least, slow or stop that

degradation please!, is my thought regarding this.

I think you'll find the book very informative. ..I was amazed at what I

learned...oh to have had it when my kids were young...so many of the indicators

that could have prevented many of their existing health problems today had we

only known sooner!

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > I went to the Endo today and she said the biopsy came back undiagnostic. So

now she wants to wait six months to see if it grows so she can get a good sample

then.  Is this normal? 

> >

> > She wanted to redo my thryoid blood test but can't because insurance won't

pay for it again.  Last one is in Feb.  My styptoms are getting worse but she

won't put me on anything until the blood work shows more.  Is this normal?

> >

> > Vitamin D is los so she is putting me on 1000 units of it.  One test, I

think it was tyroid antibioties if that sounds right was 394 and the normal

range she said was to 30.  She said this is the reason for my fatigue and hair

loss etc. I guess I get to go bald. She did order some other blood test that

wasn't ran before and of course another 24 hour urine test for something else. 

I feel so confused right now. She told me I am at the begining of hypo and it

will get full blown at some point.  So I am going to feel worse?

> >

> > I mentioned the swelling and she said thyroid won't cause it but maybe

arthritis or congestive heart failure but she doubts it is with my heart because

last June I had a stress test and it was normal.  So she can't figure out why

the edema is so bad. I will see her again on April 30th and then she will

discuss the plan for six months from now. August these nodules will have been

there a year and so I just wait.....UGH! I just want to feel normal again.

> >

> > Joy

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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<>Just because something

isn't seen doesn't mean it's

not there<>

From: Joy Ruoff <joyruoff@...>

Subject: Re: Re: Confused


Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 6:49 PM


Well that explains why my symptoms are mixed.  The heart palpations she said are

not hypo. I gained lots of weight and then I lost some.  My hair suddenly got

really thick and then I lost it.  It has been a rollarcoaster for me for the

past year with things just getting worse.  The swelling of my feet right now I

feel is the worst. Also the chronic sore throat. Really why wait for it to

destroy the thyroid?



From: cindy.seeley <cindy.seeley@...>


Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 9:34:03 PM

Subject: Re: Confused

Hi Joy!

Hashimotoes antibodies attack...they cause autoimmune thyroiditis. TPOab attack

the thyroid itself and TgAb antibodies attack the conversion process (I believe

I've got which does which straight). It's a progressive process, but from what

I've seen in my family, when treated, it has been relatively stable (for us),

but from what I've read, for some people there can be lots of variation. The

Hashis causes swings between hypO and hypEr states usually, during the

progression process, until it finally becomes a full-blown case of hypO. It

really disturbs me when doctors take a 'wait-n-see' attitude. Why should any of

us want to wait for these antibodies to destroy our thyroids, and as the disease

progresses, other organs in our bodies? At the very least, slow or stop that

degradation please!, is my thought regarding this.

I think you'll find the book very informative. ..I was amazed at what I

learned...oh to have had it when my kids were young...so many of the indicators

that could have prevented many of their existing health problems today had we

only known sooner!

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > I went to the Endo today and she said the biopsy came back undiagnostic. So

now she wants to wait six months to see if it grows so she can get a good sample

then.  Is this normal? 

> >

> > She wanted to redo my thryoid blood test but can't because insurance won't

pay for it again.  Last one is in Feb.  My styptoms are getting worse but she

won't put me on anything until the blood work shows more.  Is this normal?

> >

> > Vitamin D is los so she is putting me on 1000 units of it.  One test, I

think it was tyroid antibioties if that sounds right was 394 and the normal

range she said was to 30.  She said this is the reason for my fatigue and hair

loss etc. I guess I get to go bald. She did order some other blood test that

wasn't ran before and of course another 24 hour urine test for something else. 

I feel so confused right now. She told me I am at the begining of hypo and it

will get full blown at some point.  So I am going to feel worse?

> >

> > I mentioned the swelling and she said thyroid won't cause it but maybe

arthritis or congestive heart failure but she doubts it is with my heart because

last June I had a stress test and it was normal.  So she can't figure out why

the edema is so bad. I will see her again on April 30th and then she will

discuss the plan for six months from now. August these nodules will have been

there a year and so I just wait.....UGH! I just want to feel normal again.

> >

> > Joy

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I had all of the symptoms you've just listed and more. The 'edema', the

palpataions & chest pains, cholesterol, etc. have all improved or gone away

entirely with adequate thyroid replacement...my eyebrows are almost entirely

filled in again, finally! This fall (my Sept appt.) I plan to ask my doctor to

run another ECG to see if mine turns out normal now because I've read case

studies where what the cardiologist explained is happening with me have been

reversed...I'd like to know if that's true for me.

It's been a long hard road to travel, but I believe it is possible to avoid many

of the difficulties and complications if the thyroid issues are addressed

sooner, rather than later. I've read it takes about a month of adequate

treatment for every year of neglect or inadequate treatment to reverse the

damage that is incurred...hence my philosophy of dealing with it ASAP...

> > >

> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > I went to the Endo today and she said the biopsy came back undiagnostic.

So now she wants to wait six months to see if it grows so she can get a good

sample then.  Is this normal? 

> > >

> > > She wanted to redo my thryoid blood test but can't because insurance won't

pay for it again.  Last one is in Feb.  My styptoms are getting worse but she

won't put me on anything until the blood work shows more.  Is this normal?

> > >

> > > Vitamin D is los so she is putting me on 1000 units of it.  One test, I

think it was tyroid antibioties if that sounds right was 394 and the normal

range she said was to 30.  She said this is the reason for my fatigue and hair

loss etc. I guess I get to go bald. She did order some other blood test that

wasn't ran before and of course another 24 hour urine test for something else. 

I feel so confused right now. She told me I am at the begining of hypo and it

will get full blown at some point.  So I am going to feel worse?

> > >

> > > I mentioned the swelling and she said thyroid won't cause it but maybe

arthritis or congestive heart failure but she doubts it is with my heart because

last June I had a stress test and it was normal.  So she can't figure out why

the edema is so bad. I will see her again on April 30th and then she will

discuss the plan for six months from now. August these nodules will have been

there a year and so I just wait.....UGH! I just want to feel normal again.

> > >

> > > Joy

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Try searching the web for

naturalpathic OR naturalpath OR naturalpaths

And also perhaps add your state both the full name and the two digit

code. If utah, one could do a search at google like this:

naturalpathic OR naturalpath OR naturalpaths utah OR ut




Joy Ruoff wrote:

> ,


> What is a natural medicine provider and how do I find one?


> Joy


Steve - dudescholar4@...

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


" If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford

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The word is Naturopathic.


<>Just because something

isn't seen doesn't mean it's

not there<>

> ,


> What is a natural medicine provider and how do I find one?


> Joy


Steve - dudescholar4@...

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


" If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford


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Thank you, Roni,

But, most of us probably 'understood.'

Dr. Dan

On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Roni Molin <matchermaam@...> wrote:



> The word is Naturopathic.


> Roni

> <>Just because something

> isn't seen doesn't mean it's

> not there<>



> > ,

> >

> > What is a natural medicine provider and how do I find one?

> >

> > Joy


> --


> Steve - dudescholar4@... <dudescholar4%40basicmail.net>


> Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at

> http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz.html


> " If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

> to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford


> ------------------------------------



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With an autoimmune system condition such as Hashimoto's your body is

attacking itself. You can't just shoot the attacker because the

attacker is your own body. We have not developed a treatment that will

cure Hashimoto's, although IMHO sometimes it goes into remission. But

the typical case is that over time Hashimoto's destroys your thyroid

gland and then you can be titrated to a correct dose and typically live

a totally normal life. But before that happens the Hashimoto's episodes

can wax and wan so that keeping your hormone levels normal is a

difficult process that may have to be changed often.




> Posted by: " Joy Ruoff " joyruoff@...

> <mailto:joyruoff@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Confused>

> joyruoff <joyruoff>



> Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:24 pm (PDT)




> Hi ,


> No I have no idea what the antibodies mean? Thanks for the book

> information I will definitely order it? So why can't they stop this

> from getting worse?


> ____________

> ____________________

> From: cindy.seeley <cindy.seeley@...

> <mailto:cindy.seeley%40gmail.com>>

> hypothyroidism

> <mailto:hypothyroidism%40>

> Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 7:09:15 PM

> Subject: Re: Confused


> Hi Joy!

> I'm sorry to hear all of this... :-(


> Apparently the antibodies are 1 of the 2 Hashis since your endo says

> you are going to go full-blown hypo eventually. Do you already know

> what each of the antibodies do? If not, let us know and one of us can

> explain.


> Also, it sounds like you could really use some of what you could learn

> from Dr. Mark Starr's book, 'Hypothyroidism Type 2' right now. This

> book went a long way for me in understanding more of what is happening

> and convincing my doctor to try some different alternatives.


> Dr. Starr also has Hashis, so he's 'been there' if you will...


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Reasonable explanation, but it doesn't go far enough.

There are at least several ways, now, to rejuvenate your body's own immune

system, and theoretically, at least, 'end' Hashimoto's Disease, among

'other' so-called, dread diseases.

One must NEVER give in to the medicos who tell their patients, " I'm sorry,

there's nothing more that CAN be done! " when what they really mean is there

is nothing more that THE ORGANIZED MEDICAL COMMUNITY (OMC) 'endorses,' even

though many, within the OMC, have knowledge OF Alternative procedures, and

techniques -- which have repeatedly shown themselves to be restorative of

even the MOST tenacious illnesses.

But, it can 'take' up to 264 YEARS for so-called 'medical advances' to break

down the prejudices exhibited within the 'not invented here' philosophy

under which we currently suffer -- largely AT THE HANDS OF the American

Pharmaceutical Industry, which today, is THE MOST PROFITABLE SEGMENT OF THE



Lots of profit, MEANS " don't rock the boat, " even if our people are dying as

an effect of the complacency and corruption of the pharma people.

Dr. Dan

On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 11:46 AM, <res075oh@...> wrote:



> With an autoimmune system condition such as Hashimoto's your body is

> attacking itself. You can't just shoot the attacker because the

> attacker is your own body. We have not developed a treatment that will

> cure Hashimoto's, although IMHO sometimes it goes into remission. But

> the typical case is that over time Hashimoto's destroys your thyroid

> gland and then you can be titrated to a correct dose and typically live

> a totally normal life. But before that happens the Hashimoto's episodes

> can wax and wan so that keeping your hormone levels normal is a

> difficult process that may have to be changed often.


> Luck,


> .

> .


> > Posted by: " Joy Ruoff " joyruoff@... <joyruoff%40>

> > <mailto:joyruoff@...



> > joyruoff <joyruoff>

> >

> >

> > Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:24 pm (PDT)

> >

> >

> >

> > Hi ,

> >

> > No I have no idea what the antibodies mean? Thanks for the book

> > information I will definitely order it? So why can't they stop this

> > from getting worse?

> >

> > ____________

> > ____________________

> > From: cindy.seeley <cindy.seeley@... <cindy.seeley%40gmail.com>

> > <mailto:cindy.seeley%40gmail.com <cindy.seeley%2540gmail.com>>>

> > hypothyroidism <hypothyroidism%40>

> >



> > Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 7:09:15 PM

> > Subject: Re: Confused

> >

> > Hi Joy!

> > I'm sorry to hear all of this... :-(

> >

> > Apparently the antibodies are 1 of the 2 Hashis since your endo says

> > you are going to go full-blown hypo eventually. Do you already know

> > what each of the antibodies do? If not, let us know and one of us can

> > explain.

> >

> > Also, it sounds like you could really use some of what you could learn

> > from Dr. Mark Starr's book, 'Hypothyroidism Type 2' right now. This

> > book went a long way for me in understanding more of what is happening

> > and convincing my doctor to try some different alternatives.

> >

> > Dr. Starr also has Hashis, so he's 'been there' if you will...

> >




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I don't think there's a reliable and effective method known to do that.

What seems to help you one time may seem to harm another. What seems to

help you now may seem to harm you at another time.




> Posted by: " cindy.seeley " cindy.seeley@...

> <mailto:cindy.seeley@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Confused>

> cindy.seeley <cindy.seeley>



> Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:35 pm (PDT)




> Hi Joy!

> Hashimotoes antibodies attack...they cause autoimmune thyroiditis.

> TPOab attack the thyroid itself and TgAb antibodies attack the

> conversion process (I believe I've got which does which straight).

> It's a progressive process, but from what I've seen in my family, when

> treated, it has been relatively stable (for us), but from what I've

> read, for some people there can be lots of variation. The Hashis

> causes swings between hypO and hypEr states usually, during the

> progression process, until it finally becomes a full-blown case of

> hypO. It really disturbs me when doctors take a 'wait-n-see' attitude.

> Why should any of us want to wait for these antibodies to destroy our

> thyroids, and as the disease progresses, other organs in our bodies?

> At the very least, slow or stop that degradation please!, is my

> thought regarding this.


> I think you'll find the book very informative.

> ..I was amazed at what I learned...oh to have had it when my kids were

> young...so many of the indicators that could have prevented many of

> their existing health problems today had we only known sooner!


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We know about your " consulting " practice, " DOCTOR " Dan. Your web site

contains the utterly typical boiler plate and disclaimers of the typical

medical con artist. If that is not you why don't you correct the web

page to reflect the proper image? Your offers to cure everything from

cancer to hang nail are a bit much.



> Posted by: " Dan Kukulka " enemaguy@...

> <mailto:enemaguy@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Confused>

> dophilemup <dophilemup>



> Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:45 am (PDT)




> Reasonable explanation, but it doesn't go far enough.


> There are at least several ways, now, to rejuvenate your body's own immune

> system, and theoretically, at least, 'end' Hashimoto's Disease, among

> 'other' so-called, dread diseases.


> One must NEVER give in to the medicos who tell their patients, " I'm sorry,

> there's nothing more that CAN be done! " when what they really mean is

> there

> is nothing more that THE ORGANIZED MEDICAL COMMUNITY (OMC) 'endorses,'

> even

> though many, within the OMC, have knowledge OF Alternative procedures, and

> techniques -- which have repeatedly shown themselves to be restorative of

> even the MOST tenacious illnesses.


> But, it can 'take' up to 264 YEARS for so-called 'medical advances' to

> break

> down the prejudices exhibited within the 'not invented here' philosophy

> under which we currently suffer -- largely AT THE HANDS OF the American

> Pharmaceutical Industry, which today, is THE MOST PROFITABLE SEGMENT




> Hmmmmm


> Lots of profit, MEANS " don't rock the boat, " even if our people are

> dying as

> an effect of the complacency and corruption of the pharma people.


> Dr. Dan


> On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 11:46 AM, <res075oh@...

> <mailto:res075oh%40verizon.net>> wrote:


> >

> >

> > With an autoimmune system condition such as Hashimoto's your body is

> > attacking itself. You can't just shoot the attacker because the

> > attacker is your own body. We have not developed a treatment that will

> > cure Hashimoto's, although IMHO sometimes it goes into remission. But

> > the typical case is that over time Hashimoto's destroys your thyroid

> > gland and then you can be titrated to a correct dose and typically live

> > a totally normal life. But before that happens the Hashimoto's episodes

> > can wax and wan so that keeping your hormone levels normal is a

> > difficult process that may have to be changed often.

> >

> > Luck,

> >

> > .

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Hi !

Yes, it is possible...have you been tested for antibodies?


> Hi everyone,


> I have joined and rejoined this group since 2003. I read a lot but there some

things I didn't understand but now I do. Like why my doctor needed to check my

thyroid numbers every 3 to 6 months. I thought only the tsh numbers were

important. I didn't know why you all would ask about the free t4. Two months

ago, I went to the doctor and was told my tsh was about .45 which is a little

below there range of .5 up to about 6 I think. But my free t4 was about 2.1. My

cholesterol was up also. My doctor decreased my levothyroxine and put me

on zocor. I am also taking 150 effexor twice a day. I teach and I have been

under a lot of stress . Last month I lost it and got suspended from my job for

the first time ever in my life and I have worked since I was 14. I am 39 now.

Before going to the doctor I was and still am somewhat very irritable,

depressed, bad nervous. My freet4 is still up a little. I am also seeing a

therapist and psychologist. I have read about

> hpyerthyroidism some. Could this be causing some of my problems?



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Yes, I have and I was told that my antinuclear antibodies were up and that they

were going to find me rhumetologists. What does the antibodies have to do with


From: cindy.seeley <cindy.seeley@...>

Subject: Re: confused


Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 2:05 AM

Hi !

Yes, it is possible...have you been tested for antibodies?


> Hi everyone,


> I have joined and rejoined this group since 2003. I read a lot but there some

things I didn't understand but now I do. Like why my doctor needed to check my

thyroid numbers every 3 to 6 months. I thought only the tsh numbers were

important. I didn't know why you all would ask about the free t4. Two months

ago, I went to the doctor and was told my tsh was about .45 which is a little

below there range of .5 up to about 6 I think. But my free t4 was about 2.1. My

cholesterol was up also. My doctor decreased my levothyroxine and put me

on zocor. I am also taking 150 effexor twice a day. I teach and I have been

under a lot of stress . Last month I lost it and got suspended from my job for

the first time ever in my life and I have worked since I was 14. I am 39 now.

Before going to the doctor I was and still am somewhat very irritable,

depressed, bad nervous. My freet4 is still up a little. I am also seeing a

therapist and psychologist. I have read about

> hpyerthyroidism some. Could this be causing some of my problems?



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One of the antibodies (TgAb) interferes with the conversion process (attacks

thyroglobulin process), which could effectively result in an elevated freeT4

while freeT3 could be lower because the freeT4 (the storage hormone) isn't

getting converted to freeT3 (the active hormone). Another antibody, TPOab

(thyroid peroxidase antibody) attacks the thyroid, which can cause swings

between hyper and hypo, as the thyroid's ability to produce is assaulted.



> Yes, I have and I was told that my antinuclear antibodies were up and that

they were going to find me rhumetologists. What does the antibodies have to do

with this?

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I have not researched the antinuclear antibodies, or the antibodies that cause

Graves as Hashimotoes antibodies are the ones that my family are all afflicted


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<>Just because something

isn't seen doesn't mean it's

not there<>

From: cindy.seeley <cindy.seeley@...>

Subject: Re: confused


Date: Monday, April 20, 2009, 8:28 AM

I have not researched the antinuclear antibodies, or the antibodies that cause

Graves as Hashimotoes antibodies are the ones that my family are all afflicted



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Thanks for the website. I had read it earlier. Doctors don't seem to get it. I

am miserable.

From: cindy.seeley <cindy.seeley@ gmail.com>

Subject: Re: confused


Date: Monday, April 20, 2009, 8:28 AM

I have not researched the antinuclear antibodies, or the antibodies that cause

Graves as Hashimotoes antibodies are the ones that my family are all afflicted


------------ --------- --------- ------

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She meant thyroid antibodies. You need to have your thyroid antibodies

tested which can rule out hashi's.

-- Re: confused


Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 2:05 AM

Hi !

Yes, it is possible...have you been tested for antibodies?


> Hi everyone,


> I have joined and rejoined this group since 2003. I read a lot but there

some things I didn't understand but now I do. Like why my doctor needed to

check my thyroid numbers every 3 to 6 months. I thought only the tsh numbers

were important. I didn't know why you all would ask about the free t4. Two

months ago, I went to the doctor and was told my tsh was about .45 which is

a little below there range of .5 up to about 6 I think. But my free t4 was

about 2.1. My cholesterol was up also. My doctor decreased my levothyroxine

and put me on zocor. I am also taking 150 effexor twice a day. I teach and I

have been under a lot of stress . Last month I lost it and got suspended

from my job for the first time ever in my life and I have worked since I was

14. I am 39 now. Before going to the doctor I was and still am somewhat very

irritable, depressed, bad nervous. My freet4 is still up a little. I am also

seeing a therapist and psychologist. I have read about

> hpyerthyroidism some. Could this be causing some of my problems?



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Thanks Roni! Maybe I should ask my doctor about this...my middle daughter has

been diagnosed with Raynaulds, my sister has Chrones, my paternal grandfather

had Scleroderma (my dad once told me that he thought I have Scleroderma and for

the past couple years whenever I've had to have a blood draw, the lab techs have

all commented on how hard/thick my skin is compared to 'normal'--it often causes

the techs to shoot right on through the vein when they pierce the skin--meaning

I end up having multiple sticks quite frequently)...then there's the Hashis and

several other related autoimmune medical conditions that I and my family all




> From: cindy.seeley <cindy.seeley@...>

> Subject: Re: confused

> hypothyroidism

> Date: Monday, April 20, 2009, 8:28 AM



> I have not researched the antinuclear antibodies, or the antibodies that cause

Graves as Hashimotoes antibodies are the ones that my family are all afflicted



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Yes...TPOab and TgAb!

> ..

> > Hi everyone,

> >

> > I have joined and rejoined this group since 2003. I read a lot but there

> some things I didn't understand but now I do. Like why my doctor needed to

> check my thyroid numbers every 3 to 6 months. I thought only the tsh numbers

> were important. I didn't know why you all would ask about the free t4. Two

> months ago, I went to the doctor and was told my tsh was about .45 which is

> a little below there range of .5 up to about 6 I think. But my free t4 was

> about 2.1. My cholesterol was up also. My doctor decreased my levothyroxine

> and put me on zocor. I am also taking 150 effexor twice a day. I teach and I

> have been under a lot of stress . Last month I lost it and got suspended

> from my job for the first time ever in my life and I have worked since I was

> 14. I am 39 now. Before going to the doctor I was and still am somewhat very

> irritable, depressed, bad nervous. My freet4 is still up a little. I am also

> seeing a therapist and psychologist. I have read about

> > hpyerthyroidism some. Could this be causing some of my problems?

> ..

> >



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