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That used to happen to me all the time. Now I don't let them do anything else

but use a baby butterfly needle in my hand or side of the wrist and I insist

they put it in flat against my skin instead of at an angle. It goes right in, no

pain, no bleeding, no phlebitis - magic.

The ones that know what they are doing never even raise an objection. The ones

that tell me how much experience they have, I just tell them well you've not

come across an oddball like me, and I'm old enough to know what works and

doesn't work with my body, so please, we really need to do this my way.


<>Just because something

isn't seen doesn't mean it's

not there<>

From: cindy.seeley <cindy.seeley@...>

Subject: Re: confused


Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 5:04 AM

Thanks Roni!  Maybe I should ask my doctor about this...my middle daughter has

been diagnosed with Raynaulds, my sister has Chrones, my paternal grandfather

had Scleroderma (my dad once told me that he thought I have Scleroderma and for

the past couple years whenever I've had to have a blood draw, the lab techs have

all commented on how hard/thick my skin is compared to 'normal'--it often causes

the techs to shoot right on through the vein when they pierce the skin--meaning

I end up having multiple sticks quite frequently)...then there's the Hashis and

several other related autoimmune medical conditions that I and my family all




> From: cindy.seeley <cindy.seeley@...>

> Subject: Re: confused

> hypothyroidism

> Date: Monday, April 20, 2009, 8:28 AM



> I have not researched the antinuclear antibodies, or the antibodies that cause

Graves as Hashimotoes antibodies are the ones that my family are all afflicted




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I'll have to try this...thanks Roni!


> That used to happen to me all the time. Now I don't let them do anything else

but use a baby butterfly needle in my hand or side of the wrist and I insist

they put it in flat against my skin instead of at an angle. It goes right in, no

pain, no bleeding, no phlebitis - magic.

> The ones that know what they are doing never even raise an objection. The ones

that tell me how much experience they have, I just tell them well you've not

come across an oddball like me, and I'm old enough to know what works and

doesn't work with my body, so please, we really need to do this my way.



> Roni

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Andy,

It's unfortunate that most GPs don't recognize that candida exists. They are so


You say you've been on " the diet " for 3 weeks now, but are you on Bee's diet?

The reason I ask is because Bee's diet is very different from a lot out there.

And if you are following Bee's diet, then you shouldn't be taking oil of oregano

3 times a day just yet since it is one of the last steps in her program. The

oil of oregano along with the nystatin is probably causing a lot of die-off for

you which is why you feel so awful. Remember that more is not better!

What I would suggest is that you read these articles from Bee's website and back

up a bit with what you are doing. You need to add coconut oil and her

recommended supplements to your diet. All of these work together to help heal

the candida.

Candida is not cured by " killing it off. " It just doesn't work that way.

Candida is only cured by building up the immune system, which is done by:

1) Consuming " proper nutrients " (diet plus supplements),

2) Eliminating toxins and foods that feed candida (they also feed bacteria and


3) Eliminating damaging foods, and

4) Eliminating toxins in general.

Please ensure you read two important articles, so you understand candida, and

know what you need to do and why:

How to Successfully Overcome Candida


Curing Candida, How to Get Started


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

After you've read, get back to us with any questions.

Good luck!


> Hi,



Anyway I forced the docter tp give me a script for Nystatin and have been on the

diet for 3 weeks. Initially i felt great i now feel as bad as i did prior to

starting any treatment. im taking oregano oil 3 times daily, but essentilally im

self medicatingg, and i dont know what im doing. how long im i suposed to be on

the diet? how long should i be taking Nyastin? what other supplyments should i

be taking?


> Any help or advice greatly apreciated.


> kind regards,


> Andy


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  • 1 year later...

What is your yeast protocol, sounds like yeast or gut bugs to me, the gains

are still there, you just can;t see them right now

Mandi in UK

In a message dated 02/11/2010 21:58:35 GMT Standard Time,

olive.ginger@... writes:

first 5 rounds my son was doing so well that his teacher complimented him

so many times......last 2 weeks he was participating in regular activities

with peers for 1/2 day but last 2 days he seems to have lost all what he


Im worried,Any help

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Hello All

We do Ac chelation for our son with 8.3mg dmsa , After our sons 6th round,he is

lost and confused and scripting like he used about a year ago.We started using

mb12 and all this reduced,diet made things better and yeast treatment and first

5 rounds of chelation bought great results.

Just after this last round............nothing has changed except his bowels are

loose,they got softer with gse but during this round they are loose,he seems

lost,loss in receptive language and inattentive.

Is it common to notice negative reaction after a round

first 5 rounds my son was doing so well that his teacher complimented him so

many times......last 2 weeks he was participating in regular activities with

peers for 1/2 day but last 2 days he seems to have lost all what he gained

Im worried,Any help


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More than likely a yeast flare up. Increase the yeast protocol.



From: olive.ginger <olive.ginger@...>

Sent: Tue, November 2, 2010 2:58:09 PM

Subject: [ ] Confused

Hello All

We do Ac chelation for our son with 8.3mg dmsa , After our sons 6th round,he is

lost and confused and scripting like he used about a year ago.We started using

mb12 and all this reduced,diet made things better and yeast treatment and first

5 rounds of chelation bought great results.

Just after this last round............nothing has changed except his bowels are

loose,they got softer with gse but during this round they are loose,he seems

lost,loss in receptive language and inattentive.

Is it common to notice negative reaction after a round

first 5 rounds my son was doing so well that his teacher complimented him so

many times......last 2 weeks he was participating in regular activities with

peers for 1/2 day but last 2 days he seems to have lost all what he gained

Im worried,Any help


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I agree with the others, this sounds like yeast to me. What is your yeast


Also, you might try decreasing his dose the next round and seeing if that helps.



> Hello All


> We do Ac chelation for our son with 8.3mg dmsa , After our sons 6th round,he

is lost and confused and scripting like he used about a year ago.We started

using mb12 and all this reduced,diet made things better and yeast treatment and

first 5 rounds of chelation bought great results.


> Just after this last round............nothing has changed except his bowels

are loose,they got softer with gse but during this round they are loose,he seems

lost,loss in receptive language and inattentive.

> Is it common to notice negative reaction after a round


> first 5 rounds my son was doing so well that his teacher complimented him so

many times......last 2 weeks he was participating in regular activities with

peers for 1/2 day but last 2 days he seems to have lost all what he gained


> Im worried,Any help


> Kara


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