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Based on my medication list given in 2004, or 5, at the Virginia Division of

Motor Vehicles, as I honestly and for the first time listed all my psychiatric

drugs, I then had to have my doctor sign off on this each year. The last time

she did this in 2006, {she closed shop and left the area] I was disturbed

because though, she had all the forms she was late in filing, and a young woman

said she would extend it by 2 years, instead of each year. Well, I was notified

via mail that I had to get yet another form done by the 20th of March, and

called and spoke to a representative who when I explained that I no longer took

psychiatric medications, and could prove this by a CVS, print out and my

representation of CCHR, my U Peen association and a congratulatory letter after

having written my past governor after the April 16th event at Virginia Tech,

and several print outs on Neurition, which I thought was their red flag, because

of the association with

Epileptic , I was therefore taken aback when I received a letter on Tuesday

stating that my permit had been suspended UNTIL I have amongst other things a

Psychiatric evaluation!, with someone who knows my medical history.

Now what psychiatrist would not like to evaluate someone who beat the system?

Is this not discrimination? I have never had an incident or accident relation

to my past use of medications. I currently do not see a psychiatrist, and have

not since 2006. And why in the heck do they have the ability to do this and no

one I have contacted thus far, want or know what to do about this. I called the

DMV today, and she said I had failed to comply and send in this form in 2009,

but if that were the case, would have not my permit to drive in my great state

of Virginia, already have been revoked? HELLO???

Oh I have contacted My state representative, but throughout my recovery

contact after contact , lawyer after lawyer said they could not help me. Is this

because I am a single woman, not a child, and as such have no rights? Even

healed totally, am I disposable? Are you?

Is anybody listening? Just who helps in this situation?

I called a lawyer whom I have used and explained that I have the Living Will

and asked if I put his name on it and he say no way, he would not have his name

attached to anything of that nature except for his wife and kids., and he did

not know me that well. The doctor of alternative medicine is an hour and a half

away, and lawyer suggested I call a cab to drive me there, as I have no

relations in my new area. I moved here in September 09 to leave the stigma of

the past " treatment " behind me and start over, and have not discussed this with

anyone in my new area, so I am loath to ask for assistance. I am not assisted by

any public services and never have been So does anyone know when this is finally

over for the professionals who, can stick it to you and accept nothing provided

as truth? DMV again asked for a prescription list and I take no prescriptive

medication, NONE. Guilty until proven innocent.

How do we recover, and help others heal, when we ourselves are dogged, by pre

existing , in the world of files and red tape. Is it EVER over?

I must pay for a consult with my doctor a former psychiatrist [12 years in

practice] who now is a natrapath, and told me in an evaluation in 2006, that I

was not Bipolar, but did not document this for me ;and 5 days of not being able

to buy food, or necessities like a criminal under house arrest. My Dad, 80 miles

away with COPD, and I his only helper. I wonder what if he needed me and I got

arrested on my way to him, then what.

Why is there not a check and balance system for adults? Why is this so darn

difficult? I recovered, in extreme difficulty alone, all alone and now council

others, and why do I still have to experience this?

Any answers to this? Is anybody out there? Does this ever stop?



" Healers do not heal; love heals. Healers are essentially lovers-those with the

courage to live with an open heart and mind ;allowing love to work through

them. " ~ White Dove

Dona L Wheeler www.ChironLightMuse.com



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