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Please help this cause along by adding your voices every time opportunity

arises. Like now. Please see Polly's article at;



There's lots of articles coming out agaist Dr. Wakefield in this witch hunt

that's been going on. They hope to stop the freight train that's running all

deception over that they hope will stop us from connecting autism to

vaccinations, if there is one.

I finally found one on his behalf. How about you good people here adding your

voices of reason for a little moral support for the author who has been

threatened that her magazine will be shut down should she publish or associate

with Dr. Wakefield as she has done in the past.

She tells of others who have been threatened in the same manner.

Polly's very brave to speak on behalf of our children at risk of the threats

she's received. She won't be bullied by political embargo and deserves to be

commended. My comment is the only one there. Hope to see yours there, too.


By the way. If you have time we could use some help here at Huffingtonpost.com

which is the best online newspaper there is. There's always articles of interest

for this group there in the " Living " section.

HuffPo has a massive number of readers & if enough of us get in the habit of

checking in there to add our voices when we can, we sure could get on the road

to recovery much quicker.

The world is watching us there including influentaul people who have familes &

children to worry about, too. Once we open their eyes they will help us.

The bad guys out number us there & lay wait to drown us & truth out as they gang

up on everyone who tries to have their say.

Many times, it's hard to get the truth out for the readers to see for the shills

that are in the pocket of greedy men who want everything to stay as it is.

They don't care about the sick & injured children who go by the wayside. They

have an agenda & so should we have. We should be recruiting everyone we can to

help, too.

Please help the author of the following if you can.

" The Censorship of Autism Treatment "

By Kim Stagliano



Kim who is a mom with autistic children did well on CNN recently as you can see

at the following link in the short video. The sad excuse for a doctor that

followed her was as evil as they come because he's a liar and he knows it. Why

is it when people " lie " some get a half smirk that can't be denied on their

face? Bush used to have that look a lot, didn't he?



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