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Re: High Doses of Antioxidant Supplements Induce Stem Cell Genetic Abnormalities

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Guest guest

I think he's nuts.


> Given the abundant supplements used to assist in metals detoxification, I'm

wondering what people on this list make of this new study (cut-and-pasted below

from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/05/100504173821.htm)?

Eye-catching quote: " If you are taking 10 or 100 times the amount in a daily

multivitamin, you may be predisposing your cells to developing cancer " .


> Thank you,



> --


> ScienceDaily (May 4, 2010) — High doses of antioxidant nutritional

supplements, such as vitamins C and E, can increase genetic abnormalities in

cells, which may predispose supplement-takers to developing cancer, according to

a new study from the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute.


> The study, led by Marbán, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Cedars-Sinai

Heart Institute, was published online in the medical journal Stem Cells. The

study also will appear in the journal's July printed edition.


> Marbán and his team accidentally discovered the danger of excessive

antioxidant doses while seeking a way to reduce the genetic abnormalities that

occurred naturally when the scientists sought to multiply human cardiac stem



> Marbán stressed that the study's finding applies only to excessive nutritional

supplements and not to foods that are rich in antioxidants, such as milk,

oranges, blueberries and peanuts. In recent years, multiple studies have touted

the benefits of foods rich in antioxidants.


> " Taking one multivitamin daily is fine, but a lot of people take way too much

because they think if a little is good, a lot must be better, " said Marbán, who

is also the Mark Siegel Family Professor at Cedars-Sinai. " That is just not the

case. If you are taking 10 or 100 times the amount in a daily multivitamin, you

may be predisposing your cells to developing cancer, therefore doing yourself

more harm than good. "


> In laboratories, stem cells are often grown in a Petri dish culture than is

composed of 20 percent oxygen, whereas cells growing inside human tissue are

exposed to just 3 to 5 percent oxygen. But Marbán's team of researchers became

frustrated because the higher concentration of oxygen in lab-grown stem cells

resulted in 9 percent of the cells being rejected because of genetic



> " We sought to counter that oxidation problem by adding high doses of

antioxidants directly to the cells, " Marbán said. " That's when we made the

serendipitous discovery that there is a danger zone for the cells exposed to

antioxidants to develop genetic abnormalities that predispose to cancer. "


> Marbán is leading an ongoing, groundbreaking clinical trial in which heart

attack patients undergo two minimally-invasive procedures in an effort to repair

and re-grow healthy muscle in a heart injured by a heart attack. First, a biopsy

of each patient's own heart tissue is used to grow specialized heart stem cells.

About a month later, the multiplied stem cells are then injected back into the

patient's heart via a coronary artery.


> The two-step procedure was completed on the first patient in June 2009. The

results of the trial are expected in early 2011.

> Recently, Marbán received a $5.5 million grant from the California Institute

for Regenerative Medicine to continue developing cardiac stem cell therapies.


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Guest guest

I can't review the information now, but remember that most studies use

synthetic vitamin supplements and also that one study doesn't prove

anything. In addition, many studies are altered to prove the author's (or

whoever is paying for the study to be done) point.

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 3:15 AM, its_the_mercury <

its_the_mercury@...> wrote:



> Given the abundant supplements used to assist in metals detoxification, I'm

> wondering what people on this list make of this new study (cut-and-pasted

> below from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/05/100504173821.htm)?

> Eye-catching quote: " If you are taking 10 or 100 times the amount in a daily

> multivitamin, you may be predisposing your cells to developing cancer " .


> Thank you,



> --


> ScienceDaily (May 4, 2010) — High doses of antioxidant nutritional

> supplements, such as vitamins C and E, can increase genetic abnormalities in

> cells, which may predispose supplement-takers to developing cancer,

> according to a new study from the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute.


> The study, led by Marbán, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Cedars-Sinai

> Heart Institute, was published online in the medical journal Stem Cells. The

> study also will appear in the journal's July printed edition.


> Marbán and his team accidentally discovered the danger of excessive

> antioxidant doses while seeking a way to reduce the genetic abnormalities

> that occurred naturally when the scientists sought to multiply human cardiac

> stem cells.


> Marbán stressed that the study's finding applies only to excessive

> nutritional supplements and not to foods that are rich in antioxidants, such

> as milk, oranges, blueberries and peanuts. In recent years, multiple studies

> have touted the benefits of foods rich in antioxidants.


> " Taking one multivitamin daily is fine, but a lot of people take way too

> much because they think if a little is good, a lot must be better, " said

> Marbán, who is also the Mark Siegel Family Professor at Cedars-Sinai. " That

> is just not the case. If you are taking 10 or 100 times the amount in a

> daily multivitamin, you may be predisposing your cells to developing cancer,

> therefore doing yourself more harm than good. "


> In laboratories, stem cells are often grown in a Petri dish culture than is

> composed of 20 percent oxygen, whereas cells growing inside human tissue are

> exposed to just 3 to 5 percent oxygen. But Marbán's team of researchers

> became frustrated because the higher concentration of oxygen in lab-grown

> stem cells resulted in 9 percent of the cells being rejected because of

> genetic abnormalities.


> " We sought to counter that oxidation problem by adding high doses of

> antioxidants directly to the cells, " Marbán said. " That's when we made the

> serendipitous discovery that there is a danger zone for the cells exposed to

> antioxidants to develop genetic abnormalities that predispose to cancer. "


> Marbán is leading an ongoing, groundbreaking clinical trial in which heart

> attack patients undergo two minimally-invasive procedures in an effort to

> repair and re-grow healthy muscle in a heart injured by a heart attack.

> First, a biopsy of each patient's own heart tissue is used to grow

> specialized heart stem cells. About a month later, the multiplied stem cells

> are then injected back into the patient's heart via a coronary artery.


> The two-step procedure was completed on the first patient in June 2009. The

> results of the trial are expected in early 2011.

> Recently, Marbán received a $5.5 million grant from the California

> Institute for Regenerative Medicine to continue developing cardiac stem cell

> therapies.





God's blessings in Christ,

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N. Rydland, M.D.

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Guest guest

I am not a scientist but just as taking more vitamin can be harmful,taking less

can too.If our bodies don't absorb it well,we need to take it more.........and

let the body decide.If we feel better that means the body actually needs it.

From: its_the_mercury <its_the_mercury@...>

Subject: [ ] High Doses of Antioxidant Supplements Induce Stem Cell

Genetic Abnormalities

Received: Saturday, May 15, 2010, 3:15 AM


Given the abundant supplements used to assist in metals detoxification,

I'm wondering what people on this list make of this new study (cut-and-pasted

below from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/05/100504173821.htm)?

Eye-catching quote: " If you are taking 10 or 100 times the amount in a daily

multivitamin, you may be predisposing your cells to developing cancer " .

Thank you,


ScienceDaily (May 4, 2010) — High doses of antioxidant nutritional

supplements, such as vitamins C and E, can increase genetic abnormalities in

cells, which may predispose supplement-takers to developing cancer, according to

a new study from the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute.

The study, led by Marbán, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Cedars-Sinai

Heart Institute, was published online in the medical journal Stem Cells. The

study also will appear in the journal's July printed edition.

Marbán and his team accidentally discovered the danger of excessive antioxidant

doses while seeking a way to reduce the genetic abnormalities that occurred

naturally when the scientists sought to multiply human cardiac stem cells.

Marbán stressed that the study's finding applies only to excessive nutritional

supplements and not to foods that are rich in antioxidants, such as milk,

oranges, blueberries and peanuts. In recent years, multiple studies have touted

the benefits of foods rich in antioxidants.

" Taking one multivitamin daily is fine, but a lot of people take way too much

because they think if a little is good, a lot must be better, " said Marbán, who

is also the Mark Siegel Family Professor at Cedars-Sinai. " That is just not the

case. If you are taking 10 or 100 times the amount in a daily multivitamin, you

may be predisposing your cells to developing cancer, therefore doing yourself

more harm than good. "

In laboratories, stem cells are often grown in a Petri dish culture than is

composed of 20 percent oxygen, whereas cells growing inside human tissue are

exposed to just 3 to 5 percent oxygen. But Marbán's team of researchers became

frustrated because the higher concentration of oxygen in lab-grown stem cells

resulted in 9 percent of the cells being rejected because of genetic


" We sought to counter that oxidation problem by adding high doses of

antioxidants directly to the cells, " Marbán said. " That's when we made the

serendipitous discovery that there is a danger zone for the cells exposed to

antioxidants to develop genetic abnormalities that predispose to cancer. "

Marbán is leading an ongoing, groundbreaking clinical trial in which heart

attack patients undergo two minimally-invasive procedures in an effort to repair

and re-grow healthy muscle in a heart injured by a heart attack. First, a biopsy

of each patient's own heart tissue is used to grow specialized heart stem cells.

About a month later, the multiplied stem cells are then injected back into the

patient's heart via a coronary artery.

The two-step procedure was completed on the first patient in June 2009. The

results of the trial are expected in early 2011.

Recently, Marbán received a $5.5 million grant from the California Institute

for Regenerative Medicine to continue developing cardiac stem cell therapies.

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I recently posed this question on FDC - is there such a thing as too many

antioxidants? - after my holistic doc told me that the fact I was taking

multiple antioxidants could in fact be harmful to me. I found this odd - since

there is such oxidative distress and damage in an Hg toxic person. Someone on

FDC posted a link to an article which explained things very well about


http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?+name=george & dbid=143

It seems as long as you use an array of different antioxidants and eat a

healthy, organic whole foods type diet as much as possible the dangers that are

touted are much less. And as Hg toxic adults and kids we have to worry much

less about this than those who might not be toxic.



> Given the abundant supplements used to assist in metals detoxification, I'm

wondering what people on this list make of this new study (cut-and-pasted below

from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/05/100504173821.htm)?

Eye-catching quote: " If you are taking 10 or 100 times the amount in a daily

multivitamin, you may be predisposing your cells to developing cancer " .


> Thank you,



> --


> ScienceDaily (May 4, 2010) — High doses of antioxidant nutritional

supplements, such as vitamins C and E, can increase genetic abnormalities in

cells, which may predispose supplement-takers to developing cancer, according to

a new study from the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute.


> The study, led by Marbán, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Cedars-Sinai

Heart Institute, was published online in the medical journal Stem Cells. The

study also will appear in the journal's July printed edition.


> Marbán and his team accidentally discovered the danger of excessive

antioxidant doses while seeking a way to reduce the genetic abnormalities that

occurred naturally when the scientists sought to multiply human cardiac stem



> Marbán stressed that the study's finding applies only to excessive nutritional

supplements and not to foods that are rich in antioxidants, such as milk,

oranges, blueberries and peanuts. In recent years, multiple studies have touted

the benefits of foods rich in antioxidants.


> " Taking one multivitamin daily is fine, but a lot of people take way too much

because they think if a little is good, a lot must be better, " said Marbán, who

is also the Mark Siegel Family Professor at Cedars-Sinai. " That is just not the

case. If you are taking 10 or 100 times the amount in a daily multivitamin, you

may be predisposing your cells to developing cancer, therefore doing yourself

more harm than good. "


> In laboratories, stem cells are often grown in a Petri dish culture than is

composed of 20 percent oxygen, whereas cells growing inside human tissue are

exposed to just 3 to 5 percent oxygen. But Marbán's team of researchers became

frustrated because the higher concentration of oxygen in lab-grown stem cells

resulted in 9 percent of the cells being rejected because of genetic



> " We sought to counter that oxidation problem by adding high doses of

antioxidants directly to the cells, " Marbán said. " That's when we made the

serendipitous discovery that there is a danger zone for the cells exposed to

antioxidants to develop genetic abnormalities that predispose to cancer. "


> Marbán is leading an ongoing, groundbreaking clinical trial in which heart

attack patients undergo two minimally-invasive procedures in an effort to repair

and re-grow healthy muscle in a heart injured by a heart attack. First, a biopsy

of each patient's own heart tissue is used to grow specialized heart stem cells.

About a month later, the multiplied stem cells are then injected back into the

patient's heart via a coronary artery.


> The two-step procedure was completed on the first patient in June 2009. The

results of the trial are expected in early 2011.

> Recently, Marbán received a $5.5 million grant from the California Institute

for Regenerative Medicine to continue developing cardiac stem cell therapies.


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I know the brain has to maintain an oxidant/antioxidant balance. I would think

a healthy body would rid Vit C antioxidants because they are water soluble if

they weren't needed. He mentions Vitamin E, which is a different story because

it is an oil based supplement, IT definitely can cause toxicity in high amounts,

in fact, I have heard anecdotal stories of kids having seizures after taking

" Speak " , a multivitamin formulated for speech that has a very high Vit E


" If you are taking 10 or 100 times the amount in a daily multivitamin, you may

be predisposing your cells to developing cancer " .

If who is taking it? A healthy person, or one of us or our kids? I would

imagine that high dose Vit E without good reason would maybe harm someone.


> Given the abundant supplements used to assist in metals detoxification, I'm

wondering what people on this list make of this new study (cut-and-pasted below

from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/05/100504173821.htm)?

Eye-catching quote: " If you are taking 10 or 100 times the amount in a daily

multivitamin, you may be predisposing your cells to developing cancer " .


> Thank you,



> --


> ScienceDaily (May 4, 2010) — High doses of antioxidant nutritional

supplements, such as vitamins C and E, can increase genetic abnormalities in

cells, which may predispose supplement-takers to developing cancer, according to

a new study from the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute.


> The study, led by Marbán, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Cedars-Sinai

Heart Institute, was published online in the medical journal Stem Cells. The

study also will appear in the journal's July printed edition.


> Marbán and his team accidentally discovered the danger of excessive

antioxidant doses while seeking a way to reduce the genetic abnormalities that

occurred naturally when the scientists sought to multiply human cardiac stem



> Marbán stressed that the study's finding applies only to excessive nutritional

supplements and not to foods that are rich in antioxidants, such as milk,

oranges, blueberries and peanuts. In recent years, multiple studies have touted

the benefits of foods rich in antioxidants.


> " Taking one multivitamin daily is fine, but a lot of people take way too much

because they think if a little is good, a lot must be better, " said Marbán, who

is also the Mark Siegel Family Professor at Cedars-Sinai. " That is just not the

case. If you are taking 10 or 100 times the amount in a daily multivitamin, you

may be predisposing your cells to developing cancer, therefore doing yourself

more harm than good. "


> In laboratories, stem cells are often grown in a Petri dish culture than is

composed of 20 percent oxygen, whereas cells growing inside human tissue are

exposed to just 3 to 5 percent oxygen. But Marbán's team of researchers became

frustrated because the higher concentration of oxygen in lab-grown stem cells

resulted in 9 percent of the cells being rejected because of genetic



> " We sought to counter that oxidation problem by adding high doses of

antioxidants directly to the cells, " Marbán said. " That's when we made the

serendipitous discovery that there is a danger zone for the cells exposed to

antioxidants to develop genetic abnormalities that predispose to cancer. "


> Marbán is leading an ongoing, groundbreaking clinical trial in which heart

attack patients undergo two minimally-invasive procedures in an effort to repair

and re-grow healthy muscle in a heart injured by a heart attack. First, a biopsy

of each patient's own heart tissue is used to grow specialized heart stem cells.

About a month later, the multiplied stem cells are then injected back into the

patient's heart via a coronary artery.


> The two-step procedure was completed on the first patient in June 2009. The

results of the trial are expected in early 2011.

> Recently, Marbán received a $5.5 million grant from the California Institute

for Regenerative Medicine to continue developing cardiac stem cell therapies.


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Guest guest

Interesting and there might be some validity to it. I was sick with Asthma and

allergies when I was pregnant with my now 6 year-old. I took high doses of

Vitamin C to help combat the allergies, etc... The midwife cautioned me, but I

was not clear why. (From what I know, excess vitamin c is excreted in the

urine.) Anyway, my son was born with a genetic anomaly. Could be true!

> >

> > Given the abundant supplements used to assist in metals detoxification, I'm

wondering what people on this list make of this new study (cut-and-pasted below

from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/05/100504173821.htm)?

Eye-catching quote: " If you are taking 10 or 100 times the amount in a daily

multivitamin, you may be predisposing your cells to developing cancer " .

> >

> > Thank you,

> >

> >

> > --

> >

> > ScienceDaily (May 4, 2010) — High doses of antioxidant nutritional

supplements, such as vitamins C and E, can increase genetic abnormalities in

cells, which may predispose supplement-takers to developing cancer, according to

a new study from the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute.

> >

> > The study, led by Marbán, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Cedars-Sinai

Heart Institute, was published online in the medical journal Stem Cells. The

study also will appear in the journal's July printed edition.

> >

> > Marbán and his team accidentally discovered the danger of excessive

antioxidant doses while seeking a way to reduce the genetic abnormalities that

occurred naturally when the scientists sought to multiply human cardiac stem


> >

> > Marbán stressed that the study's finding applies only to excessive

nutritional supplements and not to foods that are rich in antioxidants, such as

milk, oranges, blueberries and peanuts. In recent years, multiple studies have

touted the benefits of foods rich in antioxidants.

> >

> > " Taking one multivitamin daily is fine, but a lot of people take way too

much because they think if a little is good, a lot must be better, " said Marbán,

who is also the Mark Siegel Family Professor at Cedars-Sinai. " That is just not

the case. If you are taking 10 or 100 times the amount in a daily multivitamin,

you may be predisposing your cells to developing cancer, therefore doing

yourself more harm than good. "

> >

> > In laboratories, stem cells are often grown in a Petri dish culture than is

composed of 20 percent oxygen, whereas cells growing inside human tissue are

exposed to just 3 to 5 percent oxygen. But Marbán's team of researchers became

frustrated because the higher concentration of oxygen in lab-grown stem cells

resulted in 9 percent of the cells being rejected because of genetic


> >

> > " We sought to counter that oxidation problem by adding high doses of

antioxidants directly to the cells, " Marbán said. " That's when we made the

serendipitous discovery that there is a danger zone for the cells exposed to

antioxidants to develop genetic abnormalities that predispose to cancer. "

> >

> > Marbán is leading an ongoing, groundbreaking clinical trial in which heart

attack patients undergo two minimally-invasive procedures in an effort to repair

and re-grow healthy muscle in a heart injured by a heart attack. First, a biopsy

of each patient's own heart tissue is used to grow specialized heart stem cells.

About a month later, the multiplied stem cells are then injected back into the

patient's heart via a coronary artery.

> >

> > The two-step procedure was completed on the first patient in June 2009. The

results of the trial are expected in early 2011.

> > Recently, Marbán received a $5.5 million grant from the California Institute

for Regenerative Medicine to continue developing cardiac stem cell therapies.

> >


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