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Re: Hubby and DAN! doc forcing DTAP....HELP!

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This is madness - ever have a I heard of a DA recommedig vacc's, did he

already have a course when he was youger?

Mandi in UK

In a message dated 23/09/2010 15:58:03 GMT Daylight Time,

erinjwilliams@... writes:

We had a followup with my son's DAN! yesterday. She had really urged us to

get the DTAP when we were there last December and now, with " him in school

and playing like a big boy " she is adamant that we get it.

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Just say NO.  If the doc continues to give you grief, CHANGE DOCTORS.  Your

son is a loaded gun, the vaccine will pull the trigger.  Don't take that

chance!!  Dtap is a nasty one.  Get the book " What Your Doctor May Not Be

Telling You About Vaccines " and read it and have your husband read it.  It will

open your eyes to vaccines.  It's even in the library.

nancy j

working towards recovery

searching for a cure

From: <erinjwilliams@...>

Subject: [ ] Hubby and DAN! doc forcing DTAP....HELP!

, GFCFKids ,

BioRaynaturaldetox ,


Cc: " ICE - Phil (hubby) " <philliprwilliams@...>

Date: Thursday, September 23, 2010, 7:49 AM


Hi listmates

We had a followup with my son's DAN! yesterday. She had really urged us to

get the DTAP when we were there last December and now, with " him in school

and playing like a big boy " she is adamant that we get it. This is a major

concern of my husband's, as every time he falls or gets a cut, he worries

terribly that he will get tetanus. I worry too, but there were 10 tetanus

deaths in the US in 2009. The DAN! says 10 is too many, and that the DTAP

isn't the vax of major concern, nor do I have to worry as much because my

son is unvaxed at this point. Chase is NT except for a touch of SPD. He's

not ASD, but food allergies, MTHFR hetero, low tone, gut issues, and still

at 2 does not STTN.

Looking for all of your inputs. Any links to articles and science would be

great so I can share with the hubby. Thanks!




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sorry, I'm confused, I thought the whole point of dan drs was that they

recovered children from autism, of which 'vaccine damage' plays a big part, or

at least exposure to heavy metals plus a combo of virus' that the body isn't

able to assimilate, why on earth then would they be trying to force something

which they are in many cases, trying to undo the harm from.

wild, tell them no, if the eventful day comes that he hurts himself seriously,

and then requires a single tetnus jab not a full whammy of vaccine combo, cross

that bridge then, until then i'd not worry.

good luck with whatever you decide

emma x

mum to 3 with asd


> From: <erinjwilliams@...>

> Subject: [ ] Hubby and DAN! doc forcing DTAP....HELP!

> , GFCFKids ,

BioRaynaturaldetox ,


> Cc: " ICE - Phil (hubby) " <philliprwilliams@...>

> Date: Thursday, September 23, 2010, 7:49 AM


















> Hi listmates


> We had a followup with my son's DAN! yesterday. She had really urged us to


> get the DTAP when we were there last December and now, with " him in school


> and playing like a big boy " she is adamant that we get it. This is a major


> concern of my husband's, as every time he falls or gets a cut, he worries


> terribly that he will get tetanus. I worry too, but there were 10 tetanus


> deaths in the US in 2009. The DAN! says 10 is too many, and that the DTAP


> isn't the vax of major concern, nor do I have to worry as much because my


> son is unvaxed at this point. Chase is NT except for a touch of SPD. He's


> not ASD, but food allergies, MTHFR hetero, low tone, gut issues, and still


> at 2 does not STTN.




> Looking for all of your inputs. Any links to articles and science would be


> great so I can share with the hubby. Thanks!




> --


> ~


> J.





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My Dan has not vaccinated any of his 3 kids,although they are NT,he did

biomedical treatment for them,even chelation.He said if my children were smart

they are now smarter and more focused.He said if i was serious about vaccinating

that it should not be in canada or usa.

try homeopathic route

From: <erinjwilliams@...>

Subject: [ ] Hubby and DAN! doc forcing DTAP....HELP!

, GFCFKids ,

BioRaynaturaldetox ,


Cc: " ICE - Phil (hubby) " <philliprwilliams@...>

Received: Thursday, September 23, 2010, 10:49 AM


Hi listmates

We had a followup with my son's DAN! yesterday. She had really urged us to

get the DTAP when we were there last December and now, with " him in school

and playing like a big boy " she is adamant that we get it. This is a major

concern of my husband's, as every time he falls or gets a cut, he worries

terribly that he will get tetanus. I worry too, but there were 10 tetanus

deaths in the US in 2009. The DAN! says 10 is too many, and that the DTAP

isn't the vax of major concern, nor do I have to worry as much because my

son is unvaxed at this point. Chase is NT except for a touch of SPD. He's

not ASD, but food allergies, MTHFR hetero, low tone, gut issues, and still

at 2 does not STTN.

Looking for all of your inputs. Any links to articles and science would be

great so I can share with the hubby. Thanks!




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Your child already has issues. Why risk it with a vaccine right now? Let his

body and brain develop. He is only 2. From what I read, lots of parents report

DTaP being one of those trigger vaccines (causing problems) in the infant


Were any of the tetanus deaths in children (not newborn)? My guess is no

(elderly are at highest risk of developing the more serious form of the disease)

but I'm not sure.

Suprised your DAN! is so adamant about a vaccine.

I have the same pressure from my spouse and our regular MD. I feel for you. Do

your research and come to the table prepared.

You can look at the data yourself at www.hrsa.gov, but since 1988 there have

been 101 compensated injuries to TDaP via the National Vaccine Injury

Compensation Program (out of 365 petitions filed; 74 claimed TDaP resulted in

death but I don't know if any were compensated).

At that rate, it looks like the risk of REPORTED and FILED complications for

this vaccine outnumber the risk of death from tetanus in children. Compensated

claims average about 5 per year if you use that data (DTaP introduced in 1991)

and I doubt 5 children per year die from tetanus in the USA.

I know that isn't a really great arguement, but I found it interesting to note.

Didn't bother to look at pertussis deaths in 2 years old and I think there have

been 4 diptheria deaths in adults/children over the last 16 yrs in the US.



> Hi listmates

> We had a followup with my son's DAN! yesterday. She had really urged us to

> get the DTAP when we were there last December and now, with " him in school

> and playing like a big boy " she is adamant that we get it. This is a major

> concern of my husband's, as every time he falls or gets a cut, he worries

> terribly that he will get tetanus. I worry too, but there were 10 tetanus

> deaths in the US in 2009. The DAN! says 10 is too many, and that the DTAP

> isn't the vax of major concern, nor do I have to worry as much because my

> son is unvaxed at this point. Chase is NT except for a touch of SPD. He's

> not ASD, but food allergies, MTHFR hetero, low tone, gut issues, and still

> at 2 does not STTN.


> Looking for all of your inputs. Any links to articles and science would be

> great so I can share with the hubby. Thanks!


> --

> ~

> J.




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Not all DANs are anti-vaccine. Many are for alternative vaccinations schedules,

or just not taking the Flu and MMR. My sons DAN is vaccinate on a case-by-case

basis, with some exceptions. No MMR, No Flu, no HPV. The rest can be evalauted

based on the situation.


> >

> > From: <erinjwilliams@>

> > Subject: [ ] Hubby and DAN! doc forcing DTAP....HELP!

> > , GFCFKids ,

BioRaynaturaldetox ,


> > Cc: " ICE - Phil (hubby) " <philliprwilliams@>

> > Date: Thursday, September 23, 2010, 7:49 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Hi listmates

> >

> > We had a followup with my son's DAN! yesterday. She had really urged us to

> >

> > get the DTAP when we were there last December and now, with " him in school

> >

> > and playing like a big boy " she is adamant that we get it. This is a major

> >

> > concern of my husband's, as every time he falls or gets a cut, he worries

> >

> > terribly that he will get tetanus. I worry too, but there were 10 tetanus

> >

> > deaths in the US in 2009. The DAN! says 10 is too many, and that the DTAP

> >

> > isn't the vax of major concern, nor do I have to worry as much because my

> >

> > son is unvaxed at this point. Chase is NT except for a touch of SPD. He's

> >

> > not ASD, but food allergies, MTHFR hetero, low tone, gut issues, and still

> >

> > at 2 does not STTN.

> >

> >

> >

> > Looking for all of your inputs. Any links to articles and science would be

> >

> > great so I can share with the hubby. Thanks!

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> >

> > ~

> >

> > J.

> >

> >

> >

> >

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this is a another way for him to insure your child stays ill and you keep coming

back to cure him.

Get someone else. This guy has NO idea how to cure autism or he'd would not be

putting more metals and viruses into these children.

No one can make you vaccinate your child.

This shot is linked with seizures. I know that and I'm not a DAN. It's int he

package insert for the shot. No way would I ever allow another DTp in my son.

I think your husband would benefit from learning how you really get tetanus. It

does not come from rusty nails or basic cuts. you have to get a deep wound,

usually deep enough to require stitches and you must get that wound contaminated

with dirt that has feces in it from animals who had tetanus. Then NOT wash the


If you live in any part of the civilized world it is very hard to get tetanus as

most of our children do not play in feces laden soil And most of us wash cuts

and use ointments on them. If the cut is severe enough to require stitches and

become at risk for tetanus you're at the hospital getting stitches anyway. And

while you're there they irrigate the wound and send you home with antibiotics

which insures you don't get tetanus.

If it were that easy to get it, most people would have it in the U.S. In some

countries the rates are higher but this is usually in men who are not wearing

shoes and are working farmland or living in rural areas where clean water, shoes

and antibiotics are not available.

I think when people don't vaccinate it is really important to do some reading

about disease that are supposed to be prevented with vaccines, so you know the

real risks of these diseases and how to protect your kids from getting them. And

whether or not they are even a real threat to your kids. Most of them aren't.

But you need this information so you can answer these " professionals " and be

confident in your decisions.

What your Doctor may not tell you about Vaccines was helpful.

But I'd run from a DAN who thought it was ok to vaccinate these kids.

I've found studies that demonstrate the aluminum increase sensory symptoms in

infant monkeys. I would not let a sensory child get a vaccine. A sensory child

is not NT. I know, I have one. Every symptoms you mentioned tells me he's got

metals already. No way I'd put more.

Go here and find some ammunition to convince dad this is a horrible idea. It

even has information about the real risks of tetanus.




> Hi listmates

> We had a followup with my son's DAN! yesterday. She had really urged us to

> get the DTAP when we were there last December and now, with " him in school

> and playing like a big boy " she is adamant that we get it. This is a major

> concern of my husband's, as every time he falls or gets a cut, he worries

> terribly that he will get tetanus. I worry too, but there were 10 tetanus

> deaths in the US in 2009. The DAN! says 10 is too many, and that the DTAP

> isn't the vax of major concern, nor do I have to worry as much because my

> son is unvaxed at this point. Chase is NT except for a touch of SPD. He's

> not ASD, but food allergies, MTHFR hetero, low tone, gut issues, and still

> at 2 does not STTN.


> Looking for all of your inputs. Any links to articles and science would be

> great so I can share with the hubby. Thanks!


> --

> ~

> J.




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Plus, if he hurts himself seriously, the tetanus shot would not be appropriate

because it is not used to treat an injury but as a preventative vaccine.

> > >

> > > From: <erinjwilliams@>

> > > Subject: [ ] Hubby and DAN! doc forcing DTAP....HELP!

> > > , GFCFKids ,

BioRaynaturaldetox ,


> > > Cc: " ICE - Phil (hubby) " <philliprwilliams@>

> > > Date: Thursday, September 23, 2010, 7:49 AM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >  

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Hi listmates

> > >

> > > We had a followup with my son's DAN! yesterday. She had really urged us


> > >

> > > get the DTAP when we were there last December and now, with " him in school

> > >

> > > and playing like a big boy " she is adamant that we get it. This is a


> > >

> > > concern of my husband's, as every time he falls or gets a cut, he worries

> > >

> > > terribly that he will get tetanus. I worry too, but there were 10 tetanus

> > >

> > > deaths in the US in 2009. The DAN! says 10 is too many, and that the DTAP

> > >

> > > isn't the vax of major concern, nor do I have to worry as much because my

> > >

> > > son is unvaxed at this point. Chase is NT except for a touch of SPD.


> > >

> > > not ASD, but food allergies, MTHFR hetero, low tone, gut issues, and still

> > >

> > > at 2 does not STTN.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Looking for all of your inputs. Any links to articles and science would


> > >

> > > great so I can share with the hubby. Thanks!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --

> > >

> > > ~

> > >

> > > J.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I assume you are claiming religious exemption. Why start vaccinating now if you

don't believe in them? We will never give my son any vaccinations.


> Hi listmates

> We had a followup with my son's DAN! yesterday. She had really urged us to

> get the DTAP when we were there last December and now, with " him in school

> and playing like a big boy " she is adamant that we get it. This is a major

> concern of my husband's, as every time he falls or gets a cut, he worries

> terribly that he will get tetanus. I worry too, but there were 10 tetanus

> deaths in the US in 2009. The DAN! says 10 is too many, and that the DTAP

> isn't the vax of major concern, nor do I have to worry as much because my

> son is unvaxed at this point. Chase is NT except for a touch of SPD. He's

> not ASD, but food allergies, MTHFR hetero, low tone, gut issues, and still

> at 2 does not STTN.


> Looking for all of your inputs. Any links to articles and science would be

> great so I can share with the hubby. Thanks!


> --

> ~

> J.




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Before you agree to anything, ask to take the package insert (a copy) home to

study. LOOK UP the possible adverse reactions and side effects to see what they

mean. How can a DAN doctor recommend such a thing? 10 tetanus cases are " too

many " ? More kids than that have died in America related to autism and seizures

this year.

I was (sort of) in your shoes in fall 2008. The DAN we had at that time insisted

on giving my son a tetanus jab. My husband fortunately would NEVER, ever allow

my son to get another vax. We fired the DAN. My IL's were beside themselves,

until I pointed out how many Amish people I grew up around who never had a

vaccine, and they muck around barefoot in horsecrap. They aren't dropping over

left and right from tetanus. We had to tell the IL's that we would never vax our

kid, and they would just have to deal. Period. Hubby took a bit of time at first

- until he started reading through the big pharma co's profit statements. Then

he started reading package inserts and looking up all the medical terms he

didn't understand. He was as shocked as I was to realize that they are not

tested to prove they don't cause cancer or fertility issues, and sometimes

AUTISM (and brain sweling and seizures, etc) are listed AS A POSSIBLE REACTION!

Did the DAN tell you that he might step on a " rusty nail " and get tetanus, too?

That's a myth, I believe. Not the main way to get tetanus.

I was bitten by a dog a few years ago. I didn't deal with it through allopathic

medicine at the time. I treated it with herbs (orally) and essential oils

topically. It healed up just fine, I don't even have a scar! A week later I saw

my MD acupuncturist who was happy to see how beautiful it was healing and said

that the " western allopathic " way to treat such a thing is a tetanus shot and

antibiotics. I wouldn't have had either anyway so glad I didn't go to the doctor

about it.

And I lived to tell the tale. Shocking, no? (and I don't turn into a black lab

at full moon, either, though I have been called a B----).

Do the math: 10 deaths vs. how many kids nationwide? Worry about getting in hit

when you are driving in the car - that is FAR more likely to happen. He's

probably more likely to get cancer!

I know plenty of adults who have NEVER had a single vaccine. Ever. And they are

perfectly fine and VERY healthy.

Dr. Shaw has some sort of theory about gut issues and tetanus in " Biological

Treatmens for Autism & PDD " if I recall correctly. Clostridium Tetani possibly

creating an effect like C. diff (don't quote me, I'm going on memory). As your

child has sensory issues, this line is of HUGE importance:

" There are some interesting parallels between autism and tetanus. Individuals

with tetanus (*or perhaps with Clostridium Tetani overgrowth in the intestinal

tract - from the vaccine* - I added this part*), like many with autism have

extreme sensory sensitivity and often need to be placed in dimly lit rooms and

avoid loud noises. "

If you avoid casein, you should be aware that part of the vaccine is derived

from casein. I believe that is where my child got his severe milk allergy - that

popped up within 48 hours of his first DTaP(now resolved after years of

avoidance and NAET).




You can't undo this decision. What is the rush?

ly, if it were me, I'd fire the DAN doctor immediately.


> Hi listmates

> We had a followup with my son's DAN! yesterday. She had really urged us to

> get the DTAP when we were there last December and now, with " him in school

> and playing like a big boy " she is adamant that we get it. This is a major

> concern of my husband's, as every time he falls or gets a cut, he worries

> terribly that he will get tetanus. I worry too, but there were 10 tetanus

> deaths in the US in 2009. The DAN! says 10 is too many, and that the DTAP

> isn't the vax of major concern, nor do I have to worry as much because my

> son is unvaxed at this point. Chase is NT except for a touch of SPD. He's

> not ASD, but food allergies, MTHFR hetero, low tone, gut issues, and still

> at 2 does not STTN.


> Looking for all of your inputs. Any links to articles and science would be

> great so I can share with the hubby. Thanks!


> --

> ~

> J.




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I'd do some research on alternative remedies for if a kid gets exposed and might

" need a tetanus shot " . I know colloidal silver is a common one used, but I'm

guessing garlic and large doses of echinacea wd be a pretty easy remedy for

preventing tetanus. I tend to do the ech and garlic route if any possible

infection. I also use a drawing salve on any cuts/scrapes/wounds on anyone in

the family. I make my own, but people sell drawing salve or black salve on the

net. I usu pack wound with the salve or flush with colloidal silver, then pack

with cayenne and fresh rubbed sage, then plaster rubbed sage leaves over the

wound like a bandaid. Forearmed is a great way to go. In terms of the doc, it's

an exercise in being self-referencing! How to follow your own rules when others

try to impose their own. No-one can put you in jail for not vaccinating. 10

deaths per entire US is pretty darn low risk anyway. Just my 5 cents worth.

Mostly i'm just reading and listening at the moment here.

best wishes,



> Hi listmates

> We had a followup with my son's DAN! yesterday. She had really urged us to

> get the DTAP when we were there last December and now, with " him in school

> and playing like a big boy " she is adamant that we get it. This is a major

> concern of my husband's, as every time he falls or gets a cut, he worries

> terribly that he will get tetanus. I worry too, but there were 10 tetanus

> deaths in the US in 2009. The DAN! says 10 is too many, and that the DTAP

> isn't the vax of major concern, nor do I have to worry as much because my

> son is unvaxed at this point. Chase is NT except for a touch of SPD. He's

> not ASD, but food allergies, MTHFR hetero, low tone, gut issues, and still

> at 2 does not STTN.


> Looking for all of your inputs. Any links to articles and science would be

> great so I can share with the hubby. Thanks!


> --

> ~

> J.




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I agree, don't do it. I know it was a trigger for my son. I have a picture

of my son right after that dreadful vaccine and the impact it had on his

little body is obvious.


On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 10:03 AM, Pamela H <phaselow@...> wrote:



> ,


> Your child already has issues. Why risk it with a vaccine right now? Let

> his body and brain develop. He is only 2. From what I read, lots of parents

> report DTaP being one of those trigger vaccines (causing problems) in the

> infant schedule.


> Were any of the tetanus deaths in children (not newborn)? My guess is no

> (elderly are at highest risk of developing the more serious form of the

> disease) but I'm not sure.


> Suprised your DAN! is so adamant about a vaccine.


> I have the same pressure from my spouse and our regular MD. I feel for you.

> Do your research and come to the table prepared.


> You can look at the data yourself at www.hrsa.gov, but since 1988 there

> have been 101 compensated injuries to TDaP via the National Vaccine Injury

> Compensation Program (out of 365 petitions filed; 74 claimed TDaP resulted

> in death but I don't know if any were compensated).


> At that rate, it looks like the risk of REPORTED and FILED complications

> for this vaccine outnumber the risk of death from tetanus in children.

> Compensated claims average about 5 per year if you use that data (DTaP

> introduced in 1991) and I doubt 5 children per year die from tetanus in the

> USA.


> I know that isn't a really great arguement, but I found it interesting to

> note. Didn't bother to look at pertussis deaths in 2 years old and I think

> there have been 4 diptheria deaths in adults/children over the last 16 yrs

> in the US.


> Pam




> >

> > Hi listmates

> > We had a followup with my son's DAN! yesterday. She had really urged us

> to

> > get the DTAP when we were there last December and now, with " him in

> school

> > and playing like a big boy " she is adamant that we get it. This is a

> major

> > concern of my husband's, as every time he falls or gets a cut, he worries

> > terribly that he will get tetanus. I worry too, but there were 10 tetanus

> > deaths in the US in 2009. The DAN! says 10 is too many, and that the DTAP

> > isn't the vax of major concern, nor do I have to worry as much because my

> > son is unvaxed at this point. Chase is NT except for a touch of SPD. He's

> > not ASD, but food allergies, MTHFR hetero, low tone, gut issues, and

> still

> > at 2 does not STTN.

> >

> > Looking for all of your inputs. Any links to articles and science would

> be

> > great so I can share with the hubby. Thanks!

> >

> > --

> > ~

> > J.

> >

> >

> >

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Wow! Our DAN! advised us to write a letter and get it notarized to claim an

exemption for religion. Definitely did not want him to have any more vaccines.


> Hi listmates

> We had a followup with my son's DAN! yesterday. She had really urged us to

> get the DTAP when we were there last December and now, with " him in school

> and playing like a big boy " she is adamant that we get it. This is a major

> concern of my husband's, as every time he falls or gets a cut, he worries

> terribly that he will get tetanus. I worry too, but there were 10 tetanus

> deaths in the US in 2009. The DAN! says 10 is too many, and that the DTAP

> isn't the vax of major concern, nor do I have to worry as much because my

> son is unvaxed at this point. Chase is NT except for a touch of SPD. He's

> not ASD, but food allergies, MTHFR hetero, low tone, gut issues, and still

> at 2 does not STTN.


> Looking for all of your inputs. Any links to articles and science would be

> great so I can share with the hubby. Thanks!


> --

> ~

> J.




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This was posted on the GFCF Kids group and thought it might be helpful. Gotta

say it has my husband rethinking his stance on the TDaP Vaccine.


Re: [GFCFKids] Hubby and DAN! doc forcing DTAP....HELP!

Dear ,

Cannot comment about the " 10 " tetanus deaths in 2009

since you provided no source for the validity of this

number or the ages of htose who purportedly died

(historically, in recent years, most of those who

have died from tetanus in years where that information

has been published by the CDC are typically over 50

years of age and the numbers have been 5 or less

deaths a year in the period 2002-2006).

However, in the 2008 (last CDC-official) report, the

number of notifiable CASES of tetanus in the US by

age group was as follows:

>1 year of age: 0

1-4 years of age: 0

5-14 years of age: 1

15-24 years of age: 1

25-39 years of age: 3

40-64 years of age: 6

>65 years of age: 2

age not specified: 6

Total 2008 CASES: 19

Source: CDC's MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report)

June 25, 2010; volume 57(issue number 54): pages 1-94

Summary of Notifiable Diseases --- United States, 2008

Moreover, that MMWR report's Table 12 - list for deaths

shows the following for Tetanus

Year Tetanus Deaths

2002 5

2003 4

2004 4

2005 1

2006 4

avg/year = 18/5 = 3.6 deaths per year

Based on the available data, the risk for getting tetanus

in the USA for all people vaccinated and unvaccinated is

on the order of 19 cases on 300+ million people or

< 1 in 15.79 million people and the risk of death from

tetanus for all Americans is < 1 in 75 million.

For children under 5, the 2008 risk was ZERO because there

were no cases in this group in 2008.

For children 5-14 (about 40,000,000+ children), the 2008

risk of getting tetanus was < 1 in 40 million).

Moreover, if your child were to step on a rusty nail AND

suffer a DEEP puncture wound in which tetanus (a faculative

anaerobe [only grows where the oxygen level is very low

compared to the normal level in healthy tissues]) might be

able to multiply, there is a Tetanus Antiserum that should

be, and can be, given that would minimize the risk of any

serious adverse effect without any need for a tetanus shot

and then the appropriate antibiotic regimen should be

started to kill off the tetanus (personally, there are

dietary supplements that would be preferable to me instead

of the systemic oral antibiotic drugs that MAY have serious

side effects and will upset the normal gastrointestinal

microbial balance that then promotes yeast and fungal


I will leave it up to you to research the risks for a serious

adverse reaction to a DTaP vaccine for yourself but will tell

you that the risk of some serious reaction is on the order of

>1 on 10,000 to >1 in 100,000 -- or much higher, by orders of

magnitude, than the risk of an unvaccinated person's getting

a tetanus infection in the USA today!

Further, for diphtheria, the risk is about zero BECAUSE no

infectious cases of diphtheria have been reported in the USA

since about 2005 and the last official death was in 2003.

Finally, for pertussis, the vaccine is NOT effective and

actually MAY increase your child's risk of getting pertussis

as most (>75%) of the cases in documented outbreaks are in

children who have been vaccinated.

However, rather than wasting my time by telling you information

that you can look up online, I would STRONGLY suggest that you

and everyone else who reads this posting and has any concerns

about vaccines and vaccination BUY (<$20.00 with shipping from

Amazon.com) the book " Vaccine Safety Manual For Concerned Parents

and Health Practitioners " , second edition, by Neil Z.

[iSBN 978-18821737-4] and CAREFULLY read, STUDY and VERIFY the

validity of the information provided for yourselves so that each

of you will then KNOW the approximate " truth " about our vaccine

and vaccination programs. [NOTE: There are also articles posted

on my personal web site (listed below my name) that address some

of the issues concerning vaccines. In my 2008 review of a Florida

report, you will find a short discussion about many of today's

vaccines, their safety, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness based

on my understanding of the facts at that time.]

Then, you and others can make an informed decision about which

vaccines to give and when to give them rather that relying on

others, including myself, whose true motives MAY be other than

protecting the health of you and your children.

Hopefully, the information provided will cause many of you to

stop trusting other than the factual evidence that has been

published by independent sources who have no faith that blinds

them to the scientific truths about most of today's vaccines

and vaccination programs.


*The information provided in this email *

*and any attachment thereto is just that *

* -- information. *

* *

*It is not medical advice and it does not *

*require any specific action or actions. *

* *

*While the information is thought to be *

*accurate, no representation is made as *

*to the accuracy of the information posted*

*other than it is my best understanding of*

*the facts on the date that this email and*

*any attachments thereto are posted. *

* *

*Everyone should verify the accuracy of *

*the information provided for themselves *

*before acting on it. *



G. King, PhD


PS: Please forward this message to:

BioRaynaturaldetox ,

Biomedical-Intervention-Group ,

, and

any other group of which any of you are a

member that is not on the " Cc: " list above.

If you want more articles then the CCD's

MMWR web site has most of the unbiased

official morbidity and mortality data that

readily available on notifiable infectious

diseases in the USA -- visit it and search

to your heart's content (just ignore the

rhetoric in some of the articles that attempt

to " spin " the factual data): www.cdc.gov/mmwr/


Quoting <erinjwilliams@...>:

> Hi listmates

> We had a followup with my son's DAN! yesterday. She had really urged us to

> get the DTAP when we were there last December and now, with " him in school

> and playing like a big boy " she is adamant that we get it. This is a major

> concern of my husband's, as every time he falls or gets a cut, he worries

> terribly that he will get tetanus. I worry too, but there were 10 tetanus

> deaths in the US in 2009. The DAN! says 10 is too many, and that the DTAP

> isn't the vax of major concern, nor do I have to worry as much because my

> son is unvaxed at this point. Chase is NT except for a touch of SPD. He's

> not ASD, but food allergies, MTHFR hetero, low tone, gut issues, and still

> at 2 does not STTN.


> Looking for all of your inputs. Any links to articles and science would be

> great so I can share with the hubby. Thanks!


> --

> ~

> J.

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If your child gets cut badly enough that tetanus is a concern, he can get the

DTAP at the hospital. That's what happened to my son, he got a bad cut and they

gave him the DTAP at the hospital. Maggied.


> Hi listmates

> We had a followup with my son's DAN! yesterday. She had really urged us to

> get the DTAP when we were there last December and now, with " him in school

> and playing like a big boy " she is adamant that we get it. This is a major

> concern of my husband's, as every time he falls or gets a cut, he worries

> terribly that he will get tetanus. I worry too, but there were 10 tetanus

> deaths in the US in 2009. The DAN! says 10 is too many, and that the DTAP

> isn't the vax of major concern, nor do I have to worry as much because my

> son is unvaxed at this point. Chase is NT except for a touch of SPD. He's

> not ASD, but food allergies, MTHFR hetero, low tone, gut issues, and still

> at 2 does not STTN.


> Looking for all of your inputs. Any links to articles and science would be

> great so I can share with the hubby. Thanks!


> --

> ~

> J.




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Another remedy for almost anything. From http://www.libertytreeradio.4mg.com/

The Detox Formula. Is great for any type of illness.

Recipe for De-tox Mix

1 tsp. Mixed into 4 oz. Tomato or vegetable juice. One or two times a day for

maintenance. Acute take every 2 hours for the first 24 hours, then three times

a day, as needed. Do Not exceed the tolerance of your body! Note; take a

non-dairy Acidolplious as described for thirty days.

1 cup Curry Powder

1 lb. Fresh Jalapeno/(or if preferred) Habenaro _Peppers chopped fine.

3 cups 80,000 BTU Cayenne Pepper.

3-head garlic, fresh chopped fine.

1 cup Red Hot Pepper seeds.

2 cups Myrrh Gum Powder- Dissolved.

2 gallons (Vodka should work as well it must be at least 80 proof)

½ gallon (2 bottles) Water OZ silver mineral water

¼ cup Celtic Salt (Sea salt was recommended by a local health food store for a


Stir and marinate 14 days, turn daily.

Yields 3 gallons

As with all Home remedies the quality of the end product is the sum of the

quality of the ingredients you use. Try to get the best quality ingredient for

the best results. The results may vary from person to person and from batch to


Water OZ mineral waters can be purchased through PBN send a SASE to PBN for

more information on this new product line.

Contact Koernke at (734)-424-9335 if you need futher info. 8 to 9 pm EST.

She can also get you the Water Oz mineral water. A great product.

We have used this to combat the H1N1 and all other viruses that the NWO is

trying to defeat us with.


> From: fionam3875@...

> Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 22:26:51 +0000

> Subject: [ ] Re: Hubby and DAN! doc forcing DTAP....HELP!


> I'd do some research on alternative remedies for if a kid gets exposed and

might " need a tetanus shot " . I know colloidal silver is a common one used, but

I'm guessing garlic and large doses of echinacea wd be a pretty easy remedy for

preventing tetanus. I tend to do the ech and garlic route if any possible

infection. I also use a drawing salve on any cuts/scrapes/wounds on anyone in

the family. I make my own, but people sell drawing salve or black salve on the

net. I usu pack wound with the salve or flush with colloidal silver, then pack

with cayenne and fresh rubbed sage, then plaster rubbed sage leaves over the

wound like a bandaid. Forearmed is a great way to go. In terms of the doc, it's

an exercise in being self-referencing! How to follow your own rules when others

try to impose their own. No-one can put you in jail for not vaccinating. 10

deaths per entire US is pretty darn low risk anyway. Just my 5 cents worth.

Mostly i'm just reading and listening at the moment here.


> best wishes,

> Fiona



> >

> > Hi listmates

> > We had a followup with my son's DAN! yesterday. She had really urged us to

> > get the DTAP when we were there last December and now, with " him in school

> > and playing like a big boy " she is adamant that we get it. This is a major

> > concern of my husband's, as every time he falls or gets a cut, he worries

> > terribly that he will get tetanus. I worry too, but there were 10 tetanus

> > deaths in the US in 2009. The DAN! says 10 is too many, and that the DTAP

> > isn't the vax of major concern, nor do I have to worry as much because my

> > son is unvaxed at this point. Chase is NT except for a touch of SPD. He's

> > not ASD, but food allergies, MTHFR hetero, low tone, gut issues, and still

> > at 2 does not STTN.

> >

> > Looking for all of your inputs. Any links to articles and science would be

> > great so I can share with the hubby. Thanks!

> >

> > --

> > ~

> > J.

> >

> >

> >

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That TDaP he was given at the hospital likely did nothing for that particular

injury. It takes maybe 2 weeks for antibodies to form. What you did was offer

a preventative measure for the next injury.


> >

> > Hi listmates

> > We had a followup with my son's DAN! yesterday. She had really urged us to

> > get the DTAP when we were there last December and now, with " him in school

> > and playing like a big boy " she is adamant that we get it. This is a major

> > concern of my husband's, as every time he falls or gets a cut, he worries

> > terribly that he will get tetanus. I worry too, but there were 10 tetanus

> > deaths in the US in 2009. The DAN! says 10 is too many, and that the DTAP

> > isn't the vax of major concern, nor do I have to worry as much because my

> > son is unvaxed at this point. Chase is NT except for a touch of SPD. He's

> > not ASD, but food allergies, MTHFR hetero, low tone, gut issues, and still

> > at 2 does not STTN.

> >

> > Looking for all of your inputs. Any links to articles and science would be

> > great so I can share with the hubby. Thanks!

> >

> > --

> > ~

> > J.

> >

> >

> >

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60 out of 100 boys getting toxic encephalopathy is way too many cases too, but

they don't appear too concerned about that. You of course have to make the

final decision. Ten cases a year in the US is very low. Did these people

ignore the cut and fail ti employ good sanitation practices regarding the wound?

All conditions must be just right for the tetanus bacteria to cause the disease.

I use the following analogy only to show how hard it is to get it. There are

thousands and thousands o wild mustangs roaming US open lands. No one feeds

them, vaccinated them, nor cares for them. These animals get hurt, cut, and

bitten all the time. If tetanus were easy to catch, the horse would have become

extinct long ago as they forage and eat where tetanus bacteria exist -- off the

ground. In twenty years of horse breeding, my father never vaccinated:

twenty-two mares a year and usually twenty foals per year, and in all those

years only one horse had to be euthanized due to tetanus. The germ needs an

anaerobic (without oxygen) in order to cause the disease. This past summer my

son fell and cut his leg pretty bad. We cleaned the wound well each day,

allowing the wound to heal from the inside out. Allow oxygen to get to a wound

at all times. Do not cover a wound and cut off the oxygen.

My last tetanus was given against my will (they didn't even give me a choice),

in 1992. I get cuts all the time working with horses. If you forget to stop and

clean and disinfect the wound, the you may be at risk. If your immune system is

already compromised, the you are at higher risk. I wonder of the ten cases who

died, how many of those already had AIDS or cancer etc... How many were healthy

children who had nothing else going on?

I am pretty sure it was the DTaP which contributed to my son's toxic

encephalopathy. I ran into several other parents and we compared notes and

found that our children had all received the same lot number of the DTaP, and

all our children regressed into autism.

No one can tell you the right thing to do for your child. Either way, YOU are

the one who has to live with the choice of whether to vaccinate or not. The

above is just my opinion based on what I have read and studied since the

reaction happened to my child, and based on that, if I had it to do all over

again, knowing what I now know, I would have vaccinated him only if he'd been

bitten by a rabid animal or had come into close physical contact with another

child who had bacterial meningitis.

If we truly want our children to be healthy and be able to ward of serious

disease, then we should allow them to contract benign diseases because getting

and surviving these will strengthen the immune system. Then we need to put our

energies into securing that our children have clean air to breathe, clean water

to drink, and a food supply free of hormones and other crap. Refined sugar

ought to be banned (it really is poison to us and our children). Lastly, we

need good sanitation practices and practice healing practices for the cuts and

scrapes children get. What you might want to look at are the numbers of deaths

from tetanus before there ever was a vaccine. If it was still ten a year, then

what has changed due to mass vaccination with shot that has many adverse


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  • 2 weeks later...

I would get a different DAN doctor because DTaP is a very concerning vaccine as

that is the one that caused my son 3 grand mal seizures and then the displaying

of autistic symptoms immediately following seizure #3. He is now 7 and IS on the

autism spectrum. Like I said, get a different doctor. This doctor doesn't

sound informed.



> From: <erinjwilliams@...>

> Subject: [ ] Hubby and DAN! doc forcing DTAP....HELP!

> , GFCFKids ,

BioRaynaturaldetox ,


> Cc: " ICE - Phil (hubby) " <philliprwilliams@...>

> Received: Thursday, September 23, 2010, 10:49 AM


















> Hi listmates


> We had a followup with my son's DAN! yesterday. She had really urged us to


> get the DTAP when we were there last December and now, with " him in school


> and playing like a big boy " she is adamant that we get it. This is a major


> concern of my husband's, as every time he falls or gets a cut, he worries


> terribly that he will get tetanus. I worry too, but there were 10 tetanus


> deaths in the US in 2009. The DAN! says 10 is too many, and that the DTAP


> isn't the vax of major concern, nor do I have to worry as much because my


> son is unvaxed at this point. Chase is NT except for a touch of SPD. He's


> not ASD, but food allergies, MTHFR hetero, low tone, gut issues, and still


> at 2 does not STTN.




> Looking for all of your inputs. Any links to articles and science would be


> great so I can share with the hubby. Thanks!




> --


> ~


> J.





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You have to make the decision, but given the issues he is already having?

the vaccine you speak of contains mercury STILL.

My son fell a while back while running down the driveway. We cleaned it

thoroughly and cleaned it each day, allowing it to heal from the inside

out. He's fine. In my opinion, they need to come up with a safe tetanus

that is all by itself and not with the diphtheria or pertussis, and it needs

to be the kind you can give only when there is a deep wound that has been

filled with debris, but I have heard from some people here who are more

knowledgeable, and they say that doesn't even work, but I would be more

inclined if it were a " just after a deep cut " single dose shot without


I strongly believe it was the DTaP in the mix that triggered my son's toxic

encephalopathy. I met other parents whose children received the same lot

number, and they too had changed dramatically after this shot.

Last but not least, the drug companies, government, and medical mainstream

all have a very monetary symbiotic relationship with one another. It is a

dangerous combination with no checks and balances and this includes both

the CDC and FDA. If your child is damaged, YOU will be the one to bear the

burden of the consequences. YOU will be the one who gets to spend all the

money you worked hard for and hock everything you worked hard for to try and

heal your child again. YOU alone have to bear the responsibility, so you

have to consider the pros and cons of vaccinating and not vaccinating and

decide which you can live with. If you don't vaccinate he may get a cut and

you clean it properly, debride it daily, pack it with antibiotic cream and

DO COVER it as tetanus needs an anaerobic environment in which to thrive. OR

perhaps he gets a cut and no one notices, and he gets it, that's a problem.

However, many believe the shot is worthless in tetanus prevention. One of

the biggest problems is that usually with deep wounds the medical community

will stitch the wound, which creates an anaerobic environment and thus can

aid the tetanus to thrive. If you clean the wound thoroughly, allow it to

bleed each day --if it it bleeding, it is getting oxygen, and tetanus cannot

thrive there.

Tetanus is rare in the US with about 43 -45 cases reported each year and

most of these are in older patients. After what happened with my son, I

decided to trust GOD and I check my son often for cuts and clean them

appropriately. Thanks to vaccines, my son can no longer fight the bacteria

that is introduced when he is bitten by any insect. He is just now

recovering from his umpteenth bout of cellulitis. This one was getting so

bad that had the antibiotics not worked by the next morning, he was going to

have to be admitted to the hospital. I have to live in fear that

eventually, he will become so resistant to the frequent use of antibiotics

he has to be put on that a day will come when they won't work. Had I not

vaccinated, his body would have been able to fight off such bacteria.

My own theory is that mass vaccination makes species weaker as a whole. If

a real pandemic comes along, those whose shots have expired will be the

perfect targets for disease as their immune systems were never truly

challenged and therefore weak. Read the book, " Survival of the Sickest. "

If you choose to vaccinate, you must be4 willing to accept the possibility

of autism, toxic encephalopathy, heavy metal intoxication, post vaccinal

seizure disorder, diabetes, Guillain-Barre', MS, Lou Gehrig's disease,

scleroderma, and/or lupus and many other auto-immune disorders. I beleive

tricking the immune system is a bad idea, and the above mentioned diseases

have their root cause in immune systems gone awry. This of course is an

unprofessinal opinion. I am just a mom who trusted, wound up being lied to

about the vacs ingredients, and have had to watch everything we worked for

get sucked away by treatment --not so much the " autism " part, but sucked

away by his damged immune system which has cost lots of trips to the

hospital, doctor's office and meds insurance wouldn't pay for added to

therapies, special diets, supplements etc... In my " spare " time I

researched- actually looking for evidence that would convince me to ever

vaccinate again, but what I found said " Hell no. "

All the things we did helped our son and brought him back to us and I am

thankful we had the assets at that time to spend, but now e are on our final

cache --my husband retirement in order to fund appropriate education. I

will probably have to teach all day now and then go work a night job. All

told, it cost us about half a million dollars to get our son back.

Thanks to four shots (and one was the DTaP) my son lost all speech, became

litstless and had staring spells resembling catatonia, sleep distrubance,

severe3 and debilitating intestinal problems and severe constipation, OCD,

SID, APD, a non-specified immune disorder, a non-specified metabolic

disorder, and anxiety disorder.

I NEVER tell parents not to vaccinate. I simply tell them to get all the

real facts. Research --especially independent research and read lots of

books and make an educated decision that is right for you and your family.

The big question is how you are going to feel towards a spouse who pushed it

and the child winds up with any of the above? Can your marriage survive


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Where do you get the statistic 60 out of 100? Do you mean one in 60?

On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 2:55 PM, Haven DeLay <hdelay@...> wrote:



> 60 out of 100 boys getting toxic encephalopathy is way too many cases too,

> but they don't appear too concerned about that. You of course have to make

> the final decision. Ten cases a year in the US is very low. Did these people

> ignore the cut and fail ti employ good sanitation practices regarding the

> wound?


> All conditions must be just right for the tetanus bacteria to cause the

> disease. I use the following analogy only to show how hard it is to get it.

> There are thousands and thousands o wild mustangs roaming US open lands. No

> one feeds them, vaccinated them, nor cares for them. These animals get hurt,

> cut, and bitten all the time. If tetanus were easy to catch, the horse would

> have become extinct long ago as they forage and eat where tetanus bacteria

> exist -- off the ground. In twenty years of horse breeding, my father never

> vaccinated: twenty-two mares a year and usually twenty foals per year, and

> in all those years only one horse had to be euthanized due to tetanus. The

> germ needs an anaerobic (without oxygen) in order to cause the disease. This

> past summer my son fell and cut his leg pretty bad. We cleaned the wound

> well each day, allowing the wound to heal from the inside out. Allow oxygen

> to get to a wound at all times. Do not cover a wound and cut off the oxygen

> .


> My last tetanus was given against my will (they didn't even give me a

> choice), in 1992. I get cuts all the time working with horses. If you forget

> to stop and clean and disinfect the wound, the you may be at risk. If your

> immune system is already compromised, the you are at higher risk. I wonder

> of the ten cases who died, how many of those already had AIDS or cancer

> etc... How many were healthy children who had nothing else going on?


> I am pretty sure it was the DTaP which contributed to my son's toxic

> encephalopathy. I ran into several other parents and we compared notes and

> found that our children had all received the same lot number of the DTaP,

> and all our children regressed into autism.


> No one can tell you the right thing to do for your child. Either way, YOU

> are the one who has to live with the choice of whether to vaccinate or not.

> The above is just my opinion based on what I have read and studied since the

> reaction happened to my child, and based on that, if I had it to do all over

> again, knowing what I now know, I would have vaccinated him only if he'd

> been bitten by a rabid animal or had come into close physical contact with

> another child who had bacterial meningitis.


> If we truly want our children to be healthy and be able to ward of serious

> disease, then we should allow them to contract benign diseases because

> getting and surviving these will strengthen the immune system. Then we need

> to put our energies into securing that our children have clean air to

> breathe, clean water to drink, and a food supply free of hormones and other

> crap. Refined sugar ought to be banned (it really is poison to us and our

> children). Lastly, we need good sanitation practices and practice healing

> practices for the cuts and scrapes children get. What you might want to look

> at are the numbers of deaths from tetanus before there ever was a vaccine.

> If it was still ten a year, then what has changed due to mass vaccination

> with shot that has many adverse repercussions?





God's blessings in Christ,

Your Partner in Health,

N. Rydland, M.D.

Founder and developer of kidsWellness, Inc.

Natural products and information for healthier families



Offices in Central Virginia and South Florida

434-984-KIDS [5437]

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Hi, you might want to read: DTP A Shot In The Dark, by : Dr. Harry Coulter

and Barbara Loe Fisher. This book will explain the harm that this vaccine

does and will also show statistics of the kids that have been damaged.. This

vaccine is also the culprit in my sons brain damage. Always educate yourself

when in question of the right thing to do.. Good luck and I hope you make

the right decision, remember no one can make you do anything.. You are

paying the Doctor, if it doesn't feel right and he won't listen to your

reasons, this is the clue to find another Doctor.. listen to your instincts

and your heart.. it usually is the right answer.. I wish I would have

listened to my instincts, this happened to my son right after I had the urge

to leave the Dr;s office and I didn't leave.. Take care..



From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of Haven DeLay

Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 1:56 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Hubby and DAN! doc forcing DTAP....HELP!

60 out of 100 boys getting toxic encephalopathy is way too many cases too,

but they don't appear too concerned about that. You of course have to make

the final decision. Ten cases a year in the US is very low. Did these people

ignore the cut and fail ti employ good sanitation practices regarding the


All conditions must be just right for the tetanus bacteria to cause the

disease. I use the following analogy only to show how hard it is to get it.

There are thousands and thousands o wild mustangs roaming US open lands. No

one feeds them, vaccinated them, nor cares for them. These animals get hurt,

cut, and bitten all the time. If tetanus were easy to catch, the horse would

have become extinct long ago as they forage and eat where tetanus bacteria

exist -- off the ground. In twenty years of horse breeding, my father never

vaccinated: twenty-two mares a year and usually twenty foals per year, and

in all those years only one horse had to be euthanized due to tetanus. The

germ needs an anaerobic (without oxygen) in order to cause the disease. This

past summer my son fell and cut his leg pretty bad. We cleaned the wound

well each day, allowing the wound to heal from the inside out. Allow oxygen

to get to a wound at all times. Do not cover a wound and cut off the oxygen.

My last tetanus was given against my will (they didn't even give me a

choice), in 1992. I get cuts all the time working with horses. If you forget

to stop and clean and disinfect the wound, the you may be at risk. If your

immune system is already compromised, the you are at higher risk. I wonder

of the ten cases who died, how many of those already had AIDS or cancer

etc... How many were healthy children who had nothing else going on?

I am pretty sure it was the DTaP which contributed to my son's toxic

encephalopathy. I ran into several other parents and we compared notes and

found that our children had all received the same lot number of the DTaP,

and all our children regressed into autism.

No one can tell you the right thing to do for your child. Either way, YOU

are the one who has to live with the choice of whether to vaccinate or not.

The above is just my opinion based on what I have read and studied since the

reaction happened to my child, and based on that, if I had it to do all over

again, knowing what I now know, I would have vaccinated him only if he'd

been bitten by a rabid animal or had come into close physical contact with

another child who had bacterial meningitis.

If we truly want our children to be healthy and be able to ward of serious

disease, then we should allow them to contract benign diseases because

getting and surviving these will strengthen the immune system. Then we need

to put our energies into securing that our children have clean air to

breathe, clean water to drink, and a food supply free of hormones and other

crap. Refined sugar ought to be banned (it really is poison to us and our

children). Lastly, we need good sanitation practices and practice healing

practices for the cuts and scrapes children get. What you might want to look

at are the numbers of deaths from tetanus before there ever was a vaccine.

If it was still ten a year, then what has changed due to mass vaccination

with shot that has many adverse repercussions?

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Read Dr. Megson's articles on how this vaccine.


DAN! pushing this vaccine should be revoked from membership!


> Hi, you might want to read: DTP A Shot In The Dark, by : Dr. Harry Coulter

> and Barbara Loe Fisher. This book will explain the harm that this vaccine

> does and will also show statistics of the kids that have been damaged.. This

> vaccine is also the culprit in my sons brain damage. Always educate yourself

> when in question of the right thing to do.. Good luck and I hope you make

> the right decision, remember no one can make you do anything.. You are

> paying the Doctor, if it doesn't feel right and he won't listen to your

> reasons, this is the clue to find another Doctor.. listen to your instincts

> and your heart.. it usually is the right answer.. I wish I would have

> listened to my instincts, this happened to my son right after I had the urge

> to leave the Dr;s office and I didn't leave.. Take care..




> Corinne




> _____


> From: [mailto: ]

> On Behalf Of Haven DeLay

> Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 1:56 PM


> Subject: [ ] Re: Hubby and DAN! doc forcing DTAP....HELP!






> 60 out of 100 boys getting toxic encephalopathy is way too many cases too,

> but they don't appear too concerned about that. You of course have to make

> the final decision. Ten cases a year in the US is very low. Did these people

> ignore the cut and fail ti employ good sanitation practices regarding the

> wound?


> All conditions must be just right for the tetanus bacteria to cause the

> disease. I use the following analogy only to show how hard it is to get it.

> There are thousands and thousands o wild mustangs roaming US open lands. No

> one feeds them, vaccinated them, nor cares for them. These animals get hurt,

> cut, and bitten all the time. If tetanus were easy to catch, the horse would

> have become extinct long ago as they forage and eat where tetanus bacteria

> exist -- off the ground. In twenty years of horse breeding, my father never

> vaccinated: twenty-two mares a year and usually twenty foals per year, and

> in all those years only one horse had to be euthanized due to tetanus. The

> germ needs an anaerobic (without oxygen) in order to cause the disease. This

> past summer my son fell and cut his leg pretty bad. We cleaned the wound

> well each day, allowing the wound to heal from the inside out. Allow oxygen

> to get to a wound at all times. Do not cover a wound and cut off the oxygen.


> My last tetanus was given against my will (they didn't even give me a

> choice), in 1992. I get cuts all the time working with horses. If you forget

> to stop and clean and disinfect the wound, the you may be at risk. If your

> immune system is already compromised, the you are at higher risk. I wonder

> of the ten cases who died, how many of those already had AIDS or cancer

> etc... How many were healthy children who had nothing else going on?


> I am pretty sure it was the DTaP which contributed to my son's toxic

> encephalopathy. I ran into several other parents and we compared notes and

> found that our children had all received the same lot number of the DTaP,

> and all our children regressed into autism.


> No one can tell you the right thing to do for your child. Either way, YOU

> are the one who has to live with the choice of whether to vaccinate or not.

> The above is just my opinion based on what I have read and studied since the

> reaction happened to my child, and based on that, if I had it to do all over

> again, knowing what I now know, I would have vaccinated him only if he'd

> been bitten by a rabid animal or had come into close physical contact with

> another child who had bacterial meningitis.


> If we truly want our children to be healthy and be able to ward of serious

> disease, then we should allow them to contract benign diseases because

> getting and surviving these will strengthen the immune system. Then we need

> to put our energies into securing that our children have clean air to

> breathe, clean water to drink, and a food supply free of hormones and other

> crap. Refined sugar ought to be banned (it really is poison to us and our

> children). Lastly, we need good sanitation practices and practice healing

> practices for the cuts and scrapes children get. What you might want to look

> at are the numbers of deaths from tetanus before there ever was a vaccine.

> If it was still ten a year, then what has changed due to mass vaccination

> with shot that has many adverse repercussions?







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> Hi listmates

> We had a followup with my son's DAN! yesterday. She had really urged us to

> get the DTAP when we were there last December and now, with " him in school

> and playing like a big boy " she is adamant that we get it.

I wonder why she is on the DAN! list if she doesn't understand how kids turn


>This is a major

> concern of my husband's, as every time he falls or gets a cut, he worries

> terribly that he will get tetanus. I worry too, but there were 10 tetanus

> deaths in the US in 2009. The DAN! says 10 is too many, and that the DTAP

> isn't the vax of major concern,

Actually it is. It replaces the DTP, which caused a lot more than 10 deaths and

far more cases of brain damage annually (and is the vax that the National

Socialist Vaccine Injury Kangaroo Court was established to protect the

manufacturers of). It took about 20 years for people to admit DTP did this, now

they have DTaP and pretend it doesn't - but then it hasn't been 20 years so the

pretense hasn't been confronted yet.

The real question in all cases is the risk of that vaccine for that kid right

now, and the risk of the disease for that kid right now.

The vax can always be had later if the vax risk is reduced or the disease risk


Tetanus is reportable, ask your county and state health departments for actual

numbers of cases in the last 10 years, and details. This is the information

your husband and doctor should be using for risk analysis. Tetanus is not

random, it is more prevalent in some locales than others.

>nor do I have to worry as much because my

> son is unvaxed at this point. Chase is NT except for a touch of SPD. He's

> not ASD, but food allergies,

big risk factor!

>MTHFR hetero,

This is irrelevant (and testing for it is looting).

>low tone, gut issues, and still

> at 2 does not STTN.

These are also significant vaccine risk factors.


> Looking for all of your inputs. Any links to articles and science would be

> great so I can share with the hubby.

Ask him if he is going to commit to being a wonderful, loving, caring committed

husband - and make tons and tons of money for you to spend on biomed - if the

kid is brain damaged by the vaccine and you spend the rest of your life caring

for the kid without any time left over to pay attention to Hubby's needs.

Help him understand the trade off. Tetanus can kill your kid. DTaP can kill

your kid, or it could do brain damage or turn him autistic. The real issue is

to trade off the risks of one versus the risks of the other.

You can download the VAERS database in Excel format and look at the myriad

adverse events reports for DTaP. Maybe your husband could do this for you, count

them up and discuss them? That might help him see both sides of the question.

Put your DAN! doctor on the spot for real details and how she conducted the risk

vs benefit analysis for your child so you can decide if she's a real doctor or

whether you shouldn't bother going back.

If you decide to have the vaccine present, be with the nurse while she loads the

syringe, make them let you read the vial, make sure it is the one for pediatric

use and is single dose (the adult one has thimerosal AND generally is too weak

to protect the kid), and if they don't want you to do that don't let them

vaccineate and don't go to that doctor again - this is simply a quality control

measure and a lot of the medical societies themselves say doctors should ASK the

parents to do this. All you're doing is making sure the kid gets the right

stuff - nobody should object to measures that ensure 100% certainty of that.



> --

> ~

> J.



Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD

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