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Re: Re: OT: PBS Sid the Science Kid Vax Episode/another one!

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Yesterday my ex-husband called me to ask for advice because his pediatrician is

inssisting on giving his new born baby boy (6 weeks old, born at 8 months

pregnancy and underweight) a pentavalent shot (5 bugs!!) ....I insisted he must

please inform himself and NOT allow this abusive and ignorant jerk with an MD

degree damage this little one in such manner.... Talk about feeling ill...


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[ ] Re: OT: PBS Sid the Science Kid Vax Episode/another


My homepage is our local newspaper. Today, when I went to check my email, a

computer animated picture of an infant popped up. The baby, clad only in a

diaper (cloth, I think!), was doing a 1-armed push up. Underneath, the words

appeared, something like...

" Vaccines make a baby stronger. "

Sponsored by the Health Dept of Milwaukee, I believe.

Vaccination rates in one Milwaukee area community for 2 yr olds have fallen

sharply in the past 2 years. This city is more of a granola-type place, so my

guess is people there are taking notice of what we are saying. News said rates

fell from 70% to 53% being fully vaccinated in the past 2 years. Pretty


The ad made me a bit ill.


> > >

> > > Ok - so my five year old son was watching his favorite PBS show this

morning, " Sid, the Science Kid " . He learns a lot from it.

> > >

> > > As I am giving him his morning chelator dose: they start the show with a

lesson about " shots " - and how shots are good for you, no big deal, they help to

protect you from illness. Then they talk about how the flu shot is great, and

break into song about " get your flu shot it is good for you, makes you healthy

and protects you " from illness and how they give you a shot of " virus " and

antibodies are produced, and the kids put on a play, where one is the virus and

the other the antibodies. And that people who get their flu shot are good,

because they won't spread disease to others, unlike those who don't get the


> > >

> > > Then they show you kids getting their shots and older kids getting the Flu

mist (and how simple it is to just takes this in your nose) - and how they are

all " protected and healthy " . Then the parents go on to say at the dinner table

to the kids that they got their flu shots too to protect themselves and their

family, and that even the family pets get their shots to be " healthy " . I wanted

to throw up. Then my son is watching this and wonders to me why he does not get

them. Ugh. What do you say? Gee honey, you got your full dose of mercury

already, and for 4 - 6 years I have to give you meds every 3 hours to reverse

the damage to your brain and body...

> > >

> > > I was disgusted with this Big Pharma propoganda aimed at my child under

the guise of entertainment. My son loves PBS and I thought this was an

improvement over his prior obsession with the Disney channel and all things

Disney. Guess I was wrong. Even my dh who has trouble believing the Big Pharma/

government conspiracy with regard to vaccines, was horrified, and felt the

blatant propoganda aimed at little children was out of bounds, and totally


> > >

> > > I know this is OT, but I had to vent. Also, what do you think I should

tell my son about this episode and its message? He is only 5, but his cognition

and language are just starting to take off as we approach 100 rounds, so now he

is more aware.

> > >

> > > Irene

> > > 5 year old, 98 rounds

> > >

> >


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I loved your post too Haven, all so true. I regret living in a country is still

far from the slight awakening taking place in the US, thus when I talk about

several topics, everybody looks at me with a face of " " what the hell did she

smoke?? " " LOL! I don't care, even my in-laws say I am nuts, " when will you ever

accept that he was born autistic " is all they can argue...

I am deeply worried about the fact that the oil spill goes on and on in

different parts of the world, I read a report yesterday that the oceans will all

be vastly and irreversibly contaminated by the end of 2011. BP perforated on

geologically unstable surface and now the crack is expanding and leaking

kilometers away from the original spill....the future doesn't look good. I would

use an electric car...if they mass-launched a model and they weren't so pricey,

but they won't, cars are only an excuse to continue exploiting the oil




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Re: [ ] Re: OT: PBS Sid the Science Kid Vax

Episode/another one!

Date: Monday, September 6, 2010, 10:40 AM


Yes, as they lose more and more profit, they will amp up the propaganda.

Then they will create more " pandemics " to incite fear in the public. If

this doesn't work, then they shall resort to reliance on the Patriot Act (or

some such act) that removes the civil rights of citizens so they can force

vaccinate (and make people pay for it in more ways than one. Then I imagine

if this didn't work, they'll start a pandemic themselves (they do have an

arsenal of nasty little bugs they could unleash if they had a mind to do

so). Let's see, if you've neurologically damaged a whole generation of

children world-wide --lied, cheated, paid off politicians, and made it

possible not to held accountable for it --what else won't you do?

I do not subscribe to saying " never. " I have always said that were my son

bit by a rabid animal, I would way the risks vs. the benefits. Where

certain death is on the one side and further vaccine damage but life is on

the other....

But in the meantime, we must educate people to see propaganda for what it

is. I have considered boycotting ABC because they are one of the the worst

networks for pushing Big Pharma. Now I just DVR and don't even bother

watching the commercials at all. The only thing these people will

understand is the loss of profit. People just don't listen until it hits

them in their pocket books.

Big oil and gas is doing just as much wrong to poison our children Spills

and leaks comparable to BP are happening every day all over the country, and

these toxins get into the air, water, and food supplies (TransCanada's

Keystone Pipeline is going across prime farm land in North Dakota).

Vegetables laced with mercury anyone? They use substandard pipe that is

thinner (a waiver complements of our government) and no one really holds

them accountable to safety standards. And how shall we stop them? The ONLY

way shall be when we all agree to change and stop driving gas powered cars

and find alternative fuels for our houses. This particular pipeline is

determined to go OVER the Ogallala Aquifer In Nebraska and it provides water

to four states, I think. They are starting a movement, posting signs that


If anyone wants to see how toxic this is going to be for our children,

Google: Tar Sands Oil out of Alberta Canada. Did you guys know that if a

FOREIGN company wants your land, they can invoke Eminent Domain.

I'm sorry if anyone thinks it is off topic. I don't think it is. It is all

about the continuing proliferation of the poisoning our our children. It

comes in shots and air and water and food supplies. The better armed you

are in knowing where the sources of these toxins are coming from -the

better. This stuff has mercury in it and is Very high in sulfur.

You were so right in warning your ex not to allow this to happen to his baby

boy. If one child is saved it matters! What I would have given for someone

to warn me! Actually, someone did --I had seen a documentary and was

adamant that my son not receive thimerosal-containing vaccines, but the

doctor LIED to me about the ingredients. I trusted her, and the rest is

history. So I think people need to know that doctors will lie to further

their own agenda. I wish I had demanded to read the labels of

each vial before the shots were drawn. We all know many pediatricians will

tell parents they won't treat them in their practice if they are not

vaccinated, even though the board of pediatric ethics says not to do this (I

watched a seminar). they want them to keep treating them, but keep trying

to impose propaganda to get them to change their minds.

In some instances we all know that pediatricians have threatened parents

with report to CPS. This is clearly illegal.

We must preserve our right to determine what gets injected into our bodies

and the bodies of our children.

What was done to many of our children clearly constitutes " cruel and unusual

punishment " They push these for they believe it shall prevent disease.

the barbarians used to throw children into a volcano because they believed

it would insure a good harvest. Humans really haven't changed all that much

--we always seem to looking for some insurance of some kind.

When they clean up the air, the water, the food supply, and find cleaner

ways to improve sanitation practices FIRST, then I will believe any of them

gives a damn about children and the prevention of disease.

Malaria kills more children per year than ANY other childhood disease. WHY

aren't they creating a better malaria vaccine? There is no money in it. The

organization that provides mosquito netting to these third world countries

to cover their children's beds is doing more for children than any drug

company. They push vaccines in developed countries because that is where

the profit is. There are vaccine programs for third world countries. We kn

ow disease is more prevalent in countries without sanitation, clean, water,

good food supplies --why not spend the money in these areas first?

What do you suppose happens to a child in areas of Africa or another third

world area who becomes autistic following vaccination? Can anyone imagine

having to hide from insurgents toting an autistic child who has continuous

vocal stims? What do these people do if they are hiding for their lives?

I think too much. Knowing that a new child every twenty minutes will

regress into autism is just sickening. I applaud all who take the time to

stop and talk to anyone they see with small children, and educate them about

the dangers posed by vaccines.

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Yes, as they lose more and more profit, they will amp up the propaganda.

Then they will create more " pandemics " to incite fear in the public. If

this doesn't work, then they shall resort to reliance on the Patriot Act (or

some such act) that removes the civil rights of citizens so they can force

vaccinate (and make people pay for it in more ways than one. Then I imagine

if this didn't work, they'll start a pandemic themselves (they do have an

arsenal of nasty little bugs they could unleash if they had a mind to do

so). Let's see, if you've neurologically damaged a whole generation of

children world-wide --lied, cheated, paid off politicians, and made it

possible not to held accountable for it --what else won't you do?

I do not subscribe to saying " never. " I have always said that were my son

bit by a rabid animal, I would way the risks vs. the benefits. Where

certain death is on the one side and further vaccine damage but life is on

the other....

But in the meantime, we must educate people to see propaganda for what it

is. I have considered boycotting ABC because they are one of the the worst

networks for pushing Big Pharma. Now I just DVR and don't even bother

watching the commercials at all. The only thing these people will

understand is the loss of profit. People just don't listen until it hits

them in their pocket books.

Big oil and gas is doing just as much wrong to poison our children Spills

and leaks comparable to BP are happening every day all over the country, and

these toxins get into the air, water, and food supplies (TransCanada's

Keystone Pipeline is going across prime farm land in North Dakota).

Vegetables laced with mercury anyone? They use substandard pipe that is

thinner (a waiver complements of our government) and no one really holds

them accountable to safety standards. And how shall we stop them? The ONLY

way shall be when we all agree to change and stop driving gas powered cars

and find alternative fuels for our houses. This particular pipeline is

determined to go OVER the Ogallala Aquifer In Nebraska and it provides water

to four states, I think. They are starting a movement, posting signs that


If anyone wants to see how toxic this is going to be for our children,

Google: Tar Sands Oil out of Alberta Canada. Did you guys know that if a

FOREIGN company wants your land, they can invoke Eminent Domain.

I'm sorry if anyone thinks it is off topic. I don't think it is. It is all

about the continuing proliferation of the poisoning our our children. It

comes in shots and air and water and food supplies. The better armed you

are in knowing where the sources of these toxins are coming from -the

better. This stuff has mercury in it and is Very high in sulfur.

You were so right in warning your ex not to allow this to happen to his baby

boy. If one child is saved it matters! What I would have given for someone

to warn me! Actually, someone did --I had seen a documentary and was

adamant that my son not receive thimerosal-containing vaccines, but the

doctor LIED to me about the ingredients. I trusted her, and the rest is

history. So I think people need to know that doctors will lie to further

their own agenda. I wish I had demanded to read the labels of

each vial before the shots were drawn. We all know many pediatricians will

tell parents they won't treat them in their practice if they are not

vaccinated, even though the board of pediatric ethics says not to do this (I

watched a seminar). they want them to keep treating them, but keep trying

to impose propaganda to get them to change their minds.

In some instances we all know that pediatricians have threatened parents

with report to CPS. This is clearly illegal.

We must preserve our right to determine what gets injected into our bodies

and the bodies of our children.

What was done to many of our children clearly constitutes " cruel and unusual

punishment " They push these for they believe it shall prevent disease.

the barbarians used to throw children into a volcano because they believed

it would insure a good harvest. Humans really haven't changed all that much

--we always seem to looking for some insurance of some kind.

When they clean up the air, the water, the food supply, and find cleaner

ways to improve sanitation practices FIRST, then I will believe any of them

gives a damn about children and the prevention of disease.

Malaria kills more children per year than ANY other childhood disease. WHY

aren't they creating a better malaria vaccine? There is no money in it. The

organization that provides mosquito netting to these third world countries

to cover their children's beds is doing more for children than any drug

company. They push vaccines in developed countries because that is where

the profit is. There are vaccine programs for third world countries. We kn

ow disease is more prevalent in countries without sanitation, clean, water,

good food supplies --why not spend the money in these areas first?

What do you suppose happens to a child in areas of Africa or another third

world area who becomes autistic following vaccination? Can anyone imagine

having to hide from insurgents toting an autistic child who has continuous

vocal stims? What do these people do if they are hiding for their lives?

I think too much. Knowing that a new child every twenty minutes will

regress into autism is just sickening. I applaud all who take the time to

stop and talk to anyone they see with small children, and educate them about

the dangers posed by vaccines.

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awesome post Haven, not off topic at all.. you captured exactly how I feel

about the current state of affairs..we live in a corrupt police state run by

corporate interests...


We need to summon our own individual power... I call it the power of one and

fight these s.o.b.'s. resist and not buy into there propaganda machine..Our kids

are indeed being poisoned... A watchdog group recently found dangerous lead

levels in kids fruit drink ...


I believe the 2009 H1N1 pandemic was merely a dry run and Corporations will

indeed hold us hostage with a threat of another flu pandemic. Dr. Margaret Chan

and her cronies at the WHO ought to be prosecuted for fraud, conspiracy and

bioterrorism IMO. 


Thank you for saying what so many Americans are finally waking up to. Resist



From: Haven DeLay <hdelay@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: OT: PBS Sid the Science Kid Vax

Episode/another one!

Date: Monday, September 6, 2010, 10:40 AM


Yes, as they lose more and more profit, they will amp up the propaganda.

Then they will create more " pandemics " to incite fear in the public. If

this doesn't work, then they shall resort to reliance on the Patriot Act (or

some such act) that removes the civil rights of citizens so they can force

vaccinate (and make people pay for it in more ways than one. Then I imagine

if this didn't work, they'll start a pandemic themselves (they do have an

arsenal of nasty little bugs they could unleash if they had a mind to do

so). Let's see, if you've neurologically damaged a whole generation of

children world-wide --lied, cheated, paid off politicians, and made it

possible not to held accountable for it --what else won't you do?

I do not subscribe to saying " never. " I have always said that were my son

bit by a rabid animal, I would way the risks vs. the benefits. Where

certain death is on the one side and further vaccine damage but life is on

the other....

But in the meantime, we must educate people to see propaganda for what it

is. I have considered boycotting ABC because they are one of the the worst

networks for pushing Big Pharma. Now I just DVR and don't even bother

watching the commercials at all. The only thing these people will

understand is the loss of profit. People just don't listen until it hits

them in their pocket books.

Big oil and gas is doing just as much wrong to poison our children Spills

and leaks comparable to BP are happening every day all over the country, and

these toxins get into the air, water, and food supplies (TransCanada's

Keystone Pipeline is going across prime farm land in North Dakota).

Vegetables laced with mercury anyone? They use substandard pipe that is

thinner (a waiver complements of our government) and no one really holds

them accountable to safety standards. And how shall we stop them? The ONLY

way shall be when we all agree to change and stop driving gas powered cars

and find alternative fuels for our houses. This particular pipeline is

determined to go OVER the Ogallala Aquifer In Nebraska and it provides water

to four states, I think. They are starting a movement, posting signs that


If anyone wants to see how toxic this is going to be for our children,

Google: Tar Sands Oil out of Alberta Canada. Did you guys know that if a

FOREIGN company wants your land, they can invoke Eminent Domain.

I'm sorry if anyone thinks it is off topic. I don't think it is. It is all

about the continuing proliferation of the poisoning our our children. It

comes in shots and air and water and food supplies. The better armed you

are in knowing where the sources of these toxins are coming from -the

better. This stuff has mercury in it and is Very high in sulfur.

You were so right in warning your ex not to allow this to happen to his baby

boy. If one child is saved it matters! What I would have given for someone

to warn me! Actually, someone did --I had seen a documentary and was

adamant that my son not receive thimerosal-containing vaccines, but the

doctor LIED to me about the ingredients. I trusted her, and the rest is

history. So I think people need to know that doctors will lie to further

their own agenda. I wish I had demanded to read the labels of

each vial before the shots were drawn. We all know many pediatricians will

tell parents they won't treat them in their practice if they are not

vaccinated, even though the board of pediatric ethics says not to do this (I

watched a seminar). they want them to keep treating them, but keep trying

to impose propaganda to get them to change their minds.

In some instances we all know that pediatricians have threatened parents

with report to CPS. This is clearly illegal.

We must preserve our right to determine what gets injected into our bodies

and the bodies of our children.

What was done to many of our children clearly constitutes " cruel and unusual

punishment " They push these for they believe it shall prevent disease.

the barbarians used to throw children into a volcano because they believed

it would insure a good harvest. Humans really haven't changed all that much

--we always seem to looking for some insurance of some kind.

When they clean up the air, the water, the food supply, and find cleaner

ways to improve sanitation practices FIRST, then I will believe any of them

gives a damn about children and the prevention of disease.

Malaria kills more children per year than ANY other childhood disease. WHY

aren't they creating a better malaria vaccine? There is no money in it. The

organization that provides mosquito netting to these third world countries

to cover their children's beds is doing more for children than any drug

company. They push vaccines in developed countries because that is where

the profit is. There are vaccine programs for third world countries. We kn

ow disease is more prevalent in countries without sanitation, clean, water,

good food supplies --why not spend the money in these areas first?

What do you suppose happens to a child in areas of Africa or another third

world area who becomes autistic following vaccination? Can anyone imagine

having to hide from insurgents toting an autistic child who has continuous

vocal stims? What do these people do if they are hiding for their lives?

I think too much. Knowing that a new child every twenty minutes will

regress into autism is just sickening. I applaud all who take the time to

stop and talk to anyone they see with small children, and educate them about

the dangers posed by vaccines.

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We too want to use electric cars. They are supposed to be coming out with a

two-seated version that is 17,000, but still too pricey to allow enough to

afford it and make a difference in our world quickly enough.

I just try to limit the driving as much as possible. I may take to driving

a buggy again, we'll see.... I used to be a cabby for a while in Downtown

Dallas:) Try directing a horse and buggy between two expensive cars at the

Fairmont sometime!:) I don't miss that part.

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