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Hi , no sorrys needed here, keeps us perked up is all! Nice to

have you here. I take it that medicine is helping, what is the point in

usuing that over imuran? Does it work better? Have fewer side

effects? I have written it down on my " list " to talk to my Dr. about

it. Thanks, Lynn

Tewksbury wrote:

> sorry for duplication, but I'm knew to this. In fact, I got a

> hand-me-down computer so I could contact this group. T.

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  • 1 year later...

Aisha I had my hysterectomy in 1986 was in the hospital 3 days and went home and cleaned house. They have really made it easy to have surgery nowadays. The 3 days was normal the cleaning house was against doctors orders but it was a mess.

Hugs to all

Jan SclerodermaHope PartnersinCaring mgus http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Villa/3892/index.html

ICQ # 24934693 AIM: FargJan

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> Hon have you had a check up since the operation? I dont know of anyone

who has had a histo and then been sent home without being in a hospital for

at least 7 days. I'm rather worried babe. .... .. whats going on?


> Love Aisha.




First check up after the hysterectomy will be on September 6. I think

that it was explained to me that since it was a vaginal hysterectomy it is

usually done outpatient but due to my myriad allergies they were going to

keep me overnight. As a side note, I probably would have STARVED if I had

been kept for at least 7 days due to my MYRIAD ALLERGIES. I was allergic to

a BIG component of the clear liquid diet aka Jello. Then, in the morning

following surgery, it took them 3-4 hours to get me a dairy/beef/pork-free

breakfast. And then, I ended up with ONLY toast, jelly and orange juice.

Lunch was somewhat better since it was plain salad without cheese, and (get

this), I cannot remember the rest, but do know that it was plenty for me to

eat and did not make me sick.

T. aka Pegasus


Say Bye to Slow Internet!


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  • 1 month later...

> You live in a trailer? As in a caravan (Are they the same things?) Isnt

that really small? Do you have hot water and good facilities?


> Are you feeling better now? I know you were sick with something nasty

before. How you doing hon?


> Love A


When I said trailer, I meant mobil home. It is permanently located on

a home site. It has 2 bedrooms, a full bathroom, full kitchen with dining

room and living room. Yes, I have hot water, gas heater and GOOD AC and gas

oven/stove as well as cable.

Yes, I am feeling MUCH better but still taking the chewable

Amoxicillin (to avoid the gelcaps that have a gelatin coating). It is/was

Strep throat.

T. aka Pegasus


Say Bye to Slow Internet!


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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

My friend just found out through bone scan she has lost 20% of her bone.

Doctor recommended she take Fosamax. She said she prefers to do weight

lifting, exercise, supplements.... More about my friend...she weighs 225

pounds...eating problem...nervous & anxious..unresolved issues due to growing

up in unsafe environment...she probably has too much animal protein in

diet...she used to drink softdrinks...fortunately she stopped that. She does

not like vegetables...my understanding is that when you eat more veggies you

absorb calcium better...(magnesium, etc). She eats too much junk

food....weakness for sweets, ice cream, etc. which she is trying very hard to

get away from.

Any advice on how my friend can prevent further bone loss? She is 48, and

is starting menopause as well.

Someone else commented about Fosamax: Fosamax- Known for strengthening the

outer cortex (ring) of the bone, while letting the internal bone go bye byes.

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My sister was told to go on FOSAMAX and she

started bleeding internally---stopped and was okay again--She went on

MSM GLUCOSAMINE & Chrondrotin(sp/?)This did it for her---but remember

this takes longer for results---

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Dear Elsol,

Tell her to buy the Flora liquid calcium/Vitamin D/zinc/magnesium.

Take it three times per day. That will reverse the de-calcification.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LOH

Re: T

> My friend just found out through bone scan she has lost 20% of her


> Doctor recommended she take Fosamax. She said she prefers to do weight

> lifting, exercise, supplements.... More about my friend...she weighs 225

> pounds...eating problem...nervous & anxious..unresolved issues due to


> up in unsafe environment...she probably has too much animal protein in

> diet...she used to drink softdrinks...fortunately she stopped that. She


> not like vegetables...my understanding is that when you eat more veggies


> absorb calcium better...(magnesium, etc). She eats too much junk

> food....weakness for sweets, ice cream, etc. which she is trying very hard


> get away from.

> Any advice on how my friend can prevent further bone loss? She is 48,


> is starting menopause as well.

> Someone else commented about Fosamax: Fosamax- Known for strengthening


> outer cortex (ring) of the bone, while letting the internal bone go bye






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Could I add that when supplementing cal/mag/D/zinc, an acid stomach will

allow absorption. If that's not the case, take it with vitamin C or a lemon

or it won't do her a bit of good.

Subject: Re: T

Dear Elsol,

Tell her to buy the Flora liquid calcium/Vitamin D/zinc/magnesium.

Take it three times per day. That will reverse the de-calcification.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LOH

Re: T

> My friend just found out through bone scan she has lost 20% of her


> Doctor recommended she take Fosamax. She said she prefers to do weight

> lifting, exercise, supplements....


Duncan Crow


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Where can she buy this?

Dear Elsol,

Tell her to buy the Flora liquid calcium/Vitamin D/zinc/magnesium.

Take it three times per day. That will reverse the de-calcification.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LOH

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ELSOL102@... wrote:


More about my friend...she weighs 225 pounds...eating problem...nervous &

anxious..unresolved issues due to growing up in unsafe environment...



This is so involving the whole person, body mind and soul -- I don't know

if just a change in diet can do it, and it doesn't sound like she could

actually do a change in diet. I would suggest something that would address

the underlying issues -- homeopathy or acupuncture, perhaps. Finding some

health practitioner she could work closely with over a period of time and

come to trust.


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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Sandi,

I often wonder if Hunter could have a touch of asthma based on some of the

things I read from the kids with Pid's. It seems that asthma,allergies go hand

in hand. Is Singular a prescription? Maybe I'll ask the MD.

Thanks for the advice!



Hello Again,

The Acular helps my eyes more than any other drop I have tried. Also worth

noting: Singular also helps my eyes. Have you tried it? It is usually

prescribed for asthma (mine was) but it had an added benefit of helping my

eyes. It can be prescribed at a dosage for kids also.


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Hi Sandi,

I often wonder if Hunter could have a touch of asthma based on some of the

things I read from the kids with Pid's. It seems that asthma,allergies go hand

in hand. Is Singular a prescription? Maybe I'll ask the MD.

Thanks for the advice!



Hello Again,

The Acular helps my eyes more than any other drop I have tried. Also worth

noting: Singular also helps my eyes. Have you tried it? It is usually

prescribed for asthma (mine was) but it had an added benefit of helping my

eyes. It can be prescribed at a dosage for kids also.


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  • 3 years later...


You want to know what is really wierd, is that before I was married, I was

also " T " .....so when I write that at the top of your letters, it feels

extra-funny:-) like I am writing to myself...

's story IS scary and wonderfull...I mean it is wonderful that he

cleared that wierd stuff (histiocytosis??)up on his own.

What a miracle...and a big relief for you too!


mom of calvin, 5yo, XLA

mptatem <mptatem@...> wrote:

Hi, " F " (this feels weird, but helps keep us straight)~


experienced the deep sores on his lips that made eating almost

impossible, and one time had somthing weird on the roof of his mouth.

His tissue was white and swollen and sloughing off. The dentist and

immunologist had no idea what it was, so we went to a pediatric

dentist at MCV. He got one look at it and started taking pictures and

calling other doctors in to look....they kept saying amongst

themselves " it looks like systemic histiocytosis " , which I was not

familiar with. They wanted to set up surgery to get a biopsy, but

before we could get it scheduled, it cleared up!


Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

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Hi, F.~

I bet that DOES feel weird to put the " T " after your name again!

Funny! :) There are 2 T's on my husband's side, because his

brother also married a ...it makes it interesting when we all get

together, so we started using our middle names ~ " Jane " & "

Marie " (that's ME, not Elvis' daughter...I came first! LOL :)

Enjoy your weekend,

Marie or T....whatever you prefer!


> T



> You want to know what is really wierd, is that before I was

married, I was also " T " .....so when I write that at the top of

your letters, it feels extra-funny:-) like I am writing to myself...


> 's story IS scary and wonderfull...I mean it is wonderful

that he cleared that wierd stuff (histiocytosis??)up on his own.


> What a miracle...and a big relief for you too!


> Fisher

> mom of calvin, 5yo, XLA









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