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Free AIM Program for Energetic Balancing

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Free AIM Program for Energetic Balancing for persons with Autism and Down


I am on the program myself - It is more subtle than I thought but is improving

other energetic practices I am using and increasing my life force.


Also with Autism/PDD thimerisol based vaccines are not the only factor that can

ignite autism. A complex homeopathic practitioner can show you this. DPT as

well, aluminum, formaldehyde,etc. and the adjuvants that cause a chronic

inflammatory response - therefore problems with the gut. brain allergies, etc.

See Doris Rapp's 5 Allergic Children for the effects of brain allergies. you can

find the allergies using surrogate muscle testing though, you do not need an

allergist or blood,hair, etc. You can clear them using www.allergyantidotes.com

and/or www.theemotioncode.com but know that if you don't solve the source, the

allergies may return when the body is under stress. Known as the 'Rain Barrell


For a complex homeopathic doctor I've studied under, go to:

www.hcmionline.com as well.

He does awesome work on all disease states.

Another good source for the 5-8 y.o. kids to get some ideas from is disconnected

kids, the book. Supposed to correct hemispericity imbalances mostly - the

physical plane. Have visited the Brain Balance in Georiga but have not been able

to see them in action. The program is too expensive, in my opinion, for 3 hours

a week. But whatever resonates with you.

But ANY treatment has to incorporate most if not all planes of healing

-beginning with the spiritual, emotional, energetic-controls the biochemical,

sometimes temporary supplementation if the body is very deficient, and the

physical (things like educ. kinesiology like brain gym, working on integrating

the primitive reflexes still present, auditory, visual, etc.). Sometimes, if the

issues are addressed at the deeper levels there is less work on the latter

planes. Think of it as a tree - the spiritual is the root/base of the trunk, the

emotions, part of the trunk and beginning of the branches and so on. It must

also include those spiritual/emotional issues of the parent/parents geneology.

The best improvement, no matter what you do is to get out of denial as soon as

you can and get the child into doing something. The younger the better. Forget

ABA. Change the root cause - the spiritual - and it might not be through your

local church, and go from there. Ask God to guide you to find answers and

sources for your situation. Face your issues and clear them! You can get a free

journal to print from www.eftjournal.com. Know that there are answers and be

grateful for and anticipate His guidance. It might be through an intuitive

psychologist, DC, LCSW, or something or a allied health professional like me

looking outside of my field for real answers for these children - as long as

they resonate with you - take the 'traditionalism' out of your life and live.

If you don't believe in God or a Higher Power (the Creator, Universe, etc) Ask

yourself do you not believe in Him because of what man has said or because of

what He has said. My 2 cents: Get more understanding before making such a strong

decision. http://www.awmi.net/extra/audio/1057

Eliminate the 'hurts' behind this decision so that your decision, whether you

decide one way or the other - is not distorted by your emotional hurts/faulty


" I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly " He said.

That is why I get a little uneasy when I see people blaming God for their

problems. They begin to hate their creator and not believe in His existence

because some 'church' has said, past brainwashing or present cicumstance, that

He is getting some kind of glory and/or this was God's Will when it is clearly

stated that it is not. God gets blamed for all of the bad stuff.

" we are gods " we are made in his image AND likeness. We have powers that we

don't even know we possess. And because we are resonating at a slower vibration

here on earth, some think that this earth is the main playing field. And that

our physical bodies just have a soul in them so that we can have some morals or


" I knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb " We must have existed

in some form before entering this physcial 3rd-dimension state. He must have had

some type of relationship with us before we entered this world.

Could we, as entities, have made some decisions before we came to earth. And if

so, why did we make those decisions to play out? Can we resolve those decisions

in this lifetime or will we require another physical situation/another physical

implantation to get the lessons learned. 90% of our brain is unused. Is it

really? It't got to be ther for some reason. Can we correct the generational

things that we adopted through our familial heritage, the lessons we came here

or signed up to learn - some of the more severe patterns and problems that are

popping up in our lives. Why so many kids with Autism?

A treasure of a book I am reading now: The System for Soul Memory by Kerr.

I havy bypassed many new age alternative self-help books by reading this one. I

am taking it at a moderate pace as " feeling emotions " takes practice, and I am

used to tapping or using meridian therapy, energy techniques to resolve

emotional issues. It has worked so far on the things I am working on for myself,

which will also help my family if I resolve these things in my life, dna/rna can

be changed and they won't have to be passed down to even my existing children to

resolve, unless they have decided beforehand to 'learn' something additionally.

i am not a parent with a child with Autism. I have four adorable generally

normally-developing fiesty girls. Now that I have told you that - I am

automatically judged, disregarded by some - because I don't have the experience

that you possess by having the day to day struggle with children with autism.

You are strong.

Look for answers. Seek truth. Many professionals and people around you will tell

you there is no hope, to accept your lot in life, but no! At least get an

understanding, and trust in God to bring you to the answers for your child, but

get off your psychological butt and start looking. When you get tired, take a

break. The more you clear things in your life, the more you will have

happenstance, things coming to your knowledge that you don't know how you found,

answers. There is 'truth' in many things that you encounter, you just have to be

open to it and look for it, and be grateful for it.

It is my desire to start a preschool developmental center for children with

autism and developmental delays for - reversal/recovery - not maintenance. I

think I am almost ready.

I wish you well on your journey.

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