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Teen with Mercury Poisoning

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I'm going to keep it short, since my whole situation would take me hours to type

up. Basically, I am a 17 year old who had 7 amalgam fillings removed 2.5 years

ago. Haven't been normal in 2 years and have been out of school the last few

weeks as my situation as worsened. I have read your material and consulted a

doctor who does a lot of chelation therapy. He wants me to take Chelex which I

told him I would not and would only take DMSA for 3 months after removal then

DMSA+ALA for the months following. I am aware of the dangers of

chlorella/cilantro which Chelex contains, as I took a chlorella/cilantro

detox(horrible idea i know) about 50 days ago which I believe exacerbated all of

these horrible symptoms that have kept me out of school. These include, vision

problems(cant focus eyes, blurry), short term memory, brain fog, disorientation,

etc. I am messaging you with a plea for help. I have read hours and hours of

your posts online, but they all seem to be from years ago. I am going to tell

you my plan for the whole situation and would really appreciate your expert

opinion on it all. First, I need to get my remaining filling removed by an IAOMT

dentist ASAP. 5 days later I would like to start taking 25mg DMSA and adjust the

dosing accordingly. I also plan on taking vitamin c, e, b complex, vitamin a,

zinc, magnesium, milk thistle, mixed carotenes, flax seed oil, selenium,

chromium, and possibly algin. After 3 months I will incorporate ALA to cross the

BBB and continue taking DMSA. A concern of my doctors was that I will have

reabsorption of mercury in the gut and he wanted me to take chlorella, but I

believe I had a horrible reaction to it a few weeks ago which is what set me

off. What is your feeling on this topic? Would algin work as this binding agent

in the gut? If you could give me some input on my whole situation and future

detox plans that would be amazing. Your really an inspiration and I plan on

making my career somehow involve mercury toxicity as I now have first hand

experience of how it can completely destroy your life. Thank you all.

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Sorry to hear about your troubles.

I think your plan is good if you are following the Andy Cutler protocol. Make

sure you take the DMSA every four hours at least, DAY and NIGHT, for at least

three days in a row, thentake a break for at least as long. Most of us start

Friday after school and end Monday morning before school.

The re-absorbtion stuff is a bunch of hooey. When taking low doses it's not an

issue. If you are worried about it you can eat lots of fiber while you are on


The starting dose is usually 1/8 mg per pound of body weight, and you can work

your way up from there.

Make sure you take lots of Vitamin C, because chelation causes oxidative stress.

Zinc dosage is 1mg per pound of body weight, plus 20 mg.

Also try taking Epsom salt baths in the evening. make the water as hot as you

can stand, then put 1-2 cups of epsom salt in. Try to stay in for at least 15

minutes. This might help you feel better.

Don't forget a yeast regimen while you are chelating. As the metal moves through

your gut on the way out, it kills off some good gut flora and yeast can

overgrow. GSE and biotin, Oil of Oregano, Caprylic acid...there are lots.

Take all your supplements on and off round.



From: billymadison303 <billymadison303@...>

Sent: Thu, May 20, 2010 10:45:06 PM

Subject: [ ] Teen with Mercury Poisoning


I'm going to keep it short, since my whole situation would take me hours to type

up. Basically, I am a 17 year old who had 7 amalgam fillings removed 2.5 years

ago. Haven't been normal in 2 years and have been out of school the last few

weeks as my situation as worsened. I have read your material and consulted a

doctor who does a lot of chelation therapy. He wants me to take Chelex which I

told him I would not and would only take DMSA for 3 months after removal then

DMSA+ALA for the months following. I am aware of the dangers of

chlorella/cilantro which Chelex contains, as I took a chlorella/cilantro

detox(horrible idea i know) about 50 days ago which I believe exacerbated all of

these horrible symptoms that have kept me out of school. These include, vision

problems(cant focus eyes, blurry), short term memory, brain fog, disorientation,

etc. I am messaging you with a plea for help. I have read hours and hours of

your posts online, but they all seem to be

from years ago. I am going to tell you my plan for the whole situation and

would really appreciate your expert opinion on it all. First, I need to get my

remaining filling removed by an IAOMT dentist ASAP. 5 days later I would like to

start taking 25mg DMSA and adjust the dosing accordingly. I also plan on taking

vitamin c, e, b complex, vitamin a, zinc, magnesium, milk thistle, mixed

carotenes, flax seed oil, selenium, chromium, and possibly algin. After 3 months

I will incorporate ALA to cross the BBB and continue taking DMSA. A concern of

my doctors was that I will have reabsorption of mercury in the gut and he wanted

me to take chlorella, but I believe I had a horrible reaction to it a few weeks

ago which is what set me off. What is your feeling on this topic? Would algin

work as this binding agent in the gut? If you could give me some input on my

whole situation and future detox plans that would be amazing. Your really an

inspiration and I plan on

making my career somehow involve mercury toxicity as I now have first hand

experience of how it can completely destroy your life. Thank you all.

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Sorry to hear about your situation. Just some thoughts -

You need to take something to control yeast overgrowth as well. Grapefruit Seed

Extract (GSE) and biotin, or pau d'arco and caprylic acid.

Your liver is likely compromised, which may make the detox even harder. If you

can tolerate milk thistle, make sure you take it several times a day.

For binder in gut, take soluble and insoluble fiber - daikon radish, apple

pectin, konjac (glucomannon). Algin gave me a head buzz when I tried it last

year, sort of an MSG effect. The only chlorella I've ever tolerated was

Nutricology's King Chlorella with Russian immune (lactobacillus) but I still

don't use it regularly.

Personally I could not tolerate carotenes. According to Dana, this requires

good thyroid function and certain supplements. It is improving after gradual

ALA chelation.

Good luck in your recovery. You might find the Frequent Dose Chelation group

more relevant.



> I'm going to keep it short, since my whole situation would take me hours to

type up. Basically, I am a 17 year old who had 7 amalgam fillings removed 2.5

years ago. Haven't been normal in 2 years and have been out of school the last

few weeks as my situation as worsened. I have read your material and consulted a

doctor who does a lot of chelation therapy. He wants me to take Chelex which I

told him I would not and would only take DMSA for 3 months after removal then

DMSA+ALA for the months following. I am aware of the dangers of

chlorella/cilantro which Chelex contains, as I took a chlorella/cilantro

detox(horrible idea i know) about 50 days ago which I believe exacerbated all of

these horrible symptoms that have kept me out of school. These include, vision

problems(cant focus eyes, blurry), short term memory, brain fog, disorientation,

etc. I am messaging you with a plea for help. I have read hours and hours of

your posts online, but they all seem to be from years ago. I am going to tell

you my plan for the whole situation and would really appreciate your expert

opinion on it all. First, I need to get my remaining filling removed by an IAOMT

dentist ASAP. 5 days later I would like to start taking 25mg DMSA and adjust the

dosing accordingly. I also plan on taking vitamin c, e, b complex, vitamin a,

zinc, magnesium, milk thistle, mixed carotenes, flax seed oil, selenium,

chromium, and possibly algin. After 3 months I will incorporate ALA to cross the

BBB and continue taking DMSA. A concern of my doctors was that I will have

reabsorption of mercury in the gut and he wanted me to take chlorella, but I

believe I had a horrible reaction to it a few weeks ago which is what set me

off. What is your feeling on this topic? Would algin work as this binding agent

in the gut? If you could give me some input on my whole situation and future

detox plans that would be amazing. Your really an inspiration and I plan on

making my career somehow involve mercury toxicity as I now have first hand

experience of how it can completely destroy your life. Thank you all.


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