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Re: Your pbs post

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You are right in that it is difficult to get others to believe until it

happens to them. I tried for years to get my father to believe. I thought

I had him on board UNTIL he watched ABC national news which said, " Vaccines

don't cause autism. " and then my father felt that since ABC NEWS said it,

it must be truth. God love him. He's in heaven now, and I know he knows

the truth for sure.

My family (extended, except for one brother whose great) tend to gloss over

it all. Then one day my younger sister (who has seven healthy children)

said, " If I had a child like Ethan, I would kill myself. " We don't speak.

Some people you just have to let go.

I think 95% of the population is in the " Followers " group. They just go

along. It is comfortable to believe what they are told, do as they are

told, and just float through life, and many of them never have any kind of

real reality knock on their door --say like a FOREIGN oil company wanting to

take your land and put a toxic tar sands pipeline in your back yard or a kid

who regresses into autism or both! So never being confronted with these

realities, they think the world is just fine the way it is.

Then there is that other five percent of us who may have been belligerent

from the beginning (that would be me) or who by circumstance become

belligerent. And by belligerent, which I mean facetiously, we begin to

question EVERYTHING. People DO NOT like for you to question WHY. It makes

them uncomfortable. I was this way even as a very young child.

My own grandmother used to say that she never worried about me being

kidnapped because she felt I would have the person so confused they'd kick

me out of the car at the next block!

When I was VERY young, we used to all visit my great aunt's house. This

woman was old school Sicilian. She wore a black taffeta dress with the

collar all the way up her neck and all the way to the floor (I mean, she had

not even arrived in the twentieth century!). We were at the table and I was

about five years old, and she made some comment about me getting married

some day and then my last name would change, and I said, " I'm NOT changing

my name. What would I do that for?! "

Well the whole table of prim Sicilian ladies were just shocked and

dismayed. It's a wonder one of them didn't have a heart attack! My great

aunt couldn't stand me after that. No one understood me.

This business of losing one's name upon marriage just NEVER made sense to

me. I told my husband when we married if we both chose a new name together

we could do that, but that's as far as I go. He thought about it, but I

still have mine and he still has his. My son has his because I felt it was

obvious who is mother is. (How could anyone not notice this steam roller?)

I mean, I'm determined to help my son in all areas, and if you aren't on

board, then get the hell out of my way!

This belief of mine has always bugged my mother. But SHE never built up

credit in HER own name, and whenever she needed to borrow, she had to have

my father's signature. I on the other hand have my own credit in my own

name not tied to anyone. It comes in handy sometimes.

I got this off word press somewhere:

There are four levels of truth:

Stage 1- *Non-Confront.*

“It does not exist, it cannot exist, don’t talk about it.”

“Non-confront” means to refuse to look at something or acknowledge it.

Stage 2- *Aggression.*

“It exists and is a threat to our way of life. It must be eradicated.”

This is the nasty part. When a truth starts to upset the dominant paradigm

and can no longer be ignored, it must be suppressed, overtly or covertly.

This is the perpetual stage of the fundamentalist, the dictator, the

statist, who lashes out at everything and tries to suppress other ways of


Stage 3- *Trivialization.*

“It is growing but it will go away eventually. It’s not a threat, it’s

really nothing.”

Stage 4- *Integration and Co-option.*

“It’s here to stay. How can we manipulate the idea for our own ends?”

I think this last stage is where the drug companies come up with a " vaccine "

to prevent autism. They won't find a " cure. " The " cure " is prevention by

cleaning up the environment and creating " green " vaccines and only using

them when there is a clear, real, and present danger, which is very cost and

profit prohibitive. We would have to do away with toxic chemicals and even

build our houses to be mold resistant or better mold free, and be conscious

of every component that goes into house building (read DR. H. Rea's

book on how to build a house so as not become environmentally sick). But we

know there is a cure for many through detox. They'll never condone this

unless they can profit by it.

They won't cure autism because that would be a one time " shot, " and where

would be the continued profit in that? This is the same reason why my

mother's washer and dryer lasted twenty-five years after she bought it in

the sixties, and Why I can't get mine to last but a couple of years! So

much for American made built to last...blah...blah....

Most Americans will line up and get jabbed as soon as they create the next

pandemic --without giving any thought to the contents of the shot. Some say

they contain ingredients to cause sterility. Some say it is a form of

population control. Well, they could put ANYTHING in them, and how many

will question it?

I gave up trying to convince my family a long time ago. it is enough that I

witnessed it for myself. I walked into a doctor's office with a perfectly

healthy, normally developing child who was speaking. i walked out with a

child who wouldn't speak anything understandable for over three years. What

" they " think has and never will stop me in my pursuit: to heal my son and

give him QUALITY of life. I'm not looking for a total cure --of course if

one came I would certainly embrace it, but there are things about his autism

that I hold dear: he is the most genuine human being I have ever met in my

life. If he can keep that and lead an independent life.... but mostly be

FREE of illness --that is the part of all this that now bothers me most. He

is SICK again!

Most of the goals I set out to shoot for have already occurred: he began to

speak again and now even has reciprocal speech, he was potty trained by age

five, he plays, he imagines, he makes friends. Now we forge ahead with the

academics (as I don't know if I told this group, but by research I can PROVE

his school has merely been creating an IEP but just fabricating the progress

grades) --Geez, the many battles we parents must fight!!!

After we gave ten-day notice, I spoke with another parent who has NT kids

and a lot of friends up at the school. It's a small town so there is a lot

of gossip, and of course I'm probably the town pariah. I explained to her

that I was removing him because all they had done was have him in existence

there and they had fabricated his progress.

She said, " Well, if he can't do the work, then he can't do the work, and

there is just nothing you can do! "

And I thought, " What a snot-nosed little bigot you are, " But I said, " So you

are telling me that we create FEDERAL LAWS, but you support people not

following the law? " Well, that shut her up.

If they had even TRIED to teach him in a manner he can learn (appropriately)

then he IS capable, but they hear the word " autism " and they wrote him off

because of it and didn't even try.

Bigotry, prejudice, and intellectual profiling are all a part of what we

have to advocate against. If we heal our children, but leave the world

unprepared to accept them, then we have won only half the battle.

I tell you my stories so that you will grow not to care as much about

getting them to believe. Don't ever let them cause you to question what you

are doing for your child. It bothered me in the beginning when every one in

town thought I was crazy. It doesn't faze me any more. I'm starting to

think that we and our children are the only sane people left.

I truly believe as I continue to try to heal his body and work on academics

too, that someday he is going to make a lot of people in this town feel

pretty STUPID. I have an ever growing list of people to visit once he gets

to college!!

I found the website about the stages of truth. You can read more about it




I certainly don't believe all he says for I do have a deep and abiding faith

in GOD, but I find what he wrote about the stages of truth intriguing.

As far as your mother-in-law goes, she can get on board or get out of the

way. You are your child's champion!

Google Buckholtz. He has HF autism and is in the recording

industry. He worked with MC Hammer. His mother didn't even have a name to

call it when he was growing up, but she did amazing things for him. He runs

a charity to help families with the financial burdens of autism. His

mother, , is an amazing woman, and he gives her due credit.

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