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The FDA is allowing a contaminated vaccine to still be on the shelves. Offit, Rotateq, Pig Viruses, and the Rest of the World - - PLEASE FORWARD TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW

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Offit, Rotateq, Pig Viruses, and the Rest of the World

<http://www.rescuepost.com/.a/6a00d8357f3f2969e20133ed722b7c970b-pi>By J.B.


As the facts surrounding Friday’s decision by the FDA to keep Offit’s

Rotateq vaccine on the market despite being contaminated with two pig

viruses known to cause fatal wasting disease, the fragility of the current

vaccine schedule and the control that profits appear to have on our

regulator’s decisions are clearly emerging for the world to see.

A glaring fact never discussed by the FDA advisory panel that met Friday was

why so few other first world countries even require a rotavirus vaccine for

their children. Of 30 first world countries



by Generation Rescue, only three—USA, Canada, and Austria—recommend some

sort of Rotavirus vaccine. If the FDA is so sure the “benefits outweigh the

risks” of keeping Offit’s vaccine in circulation, why have 27 first world

countries like the UK, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, and

Norway never even bothered to add a rotavirus shot to their immunization

schedules in the first place?

Discussing Offit’s vaccine on Friday, Reuters reported that “in 2009, sales

of Merck's vaccine [Rotateq] totaled $522 million, including $468 million

from the United States.”

Let me help you all do the math here, because it’s so egregious. Of all the

sales of Offit’s Rotateq vaccine, 90% come from the United States,

because so few other first world countries even buy the shot. 90%!! If the

FDA bans Rotateq, Offit’s shot is out of business. Have you ever heard Offit

talk about how proud he is of his vaccine? How proud he is to be helping the

third world? With 90% of his shot being sold right here in the USA, it’s all

a bit of a stretch, no?

Looking at the FDA’s actions more closely, it’s darkly comical to see what a

tough spot they’re now in. In March, the FDA advised doctors to stop using

Rotarix, a competitor to Rotateq, because it contained a virus known as


Now, the same testing has revealed PCV-1 and, additionally, PCV-2 in Offit’s

shot. By all accounts, PCV-2 is a far more dangerous virus with far less

known about it. Yet, somehow, the existence of PCV-2 is causing the FDA

panel to recommend keeping both of the brands of the shot on the market,

including reversing the original Rotarix decision! (Of course, the other

shoe to drop, and this one is an enormous shoe, is what happens when all the

other vaccines in the schedule are tested?)

Here’s a quick background of PCV-2:

“Postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome ( " PMWS " ) is a porcine disease.

This disease causes illness in piglets, with clinical signs including

progressive loss of body condition, visibly enlarged lymph nodes, difficulty

in breathing, and sometimes diarrhea, pale skin, and jaundice. PMWS has been

reported from most pig-producing countries of the world at huge cost to

agriculture. PMWS is caused by porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2).”

What parent on the planet would want that virus put into their child?

Perhaps a proper analogy would go something like this: Parents, please stop

your kids from drinking Coke, we found some lead in it. Oh, never mind, they

can drink Coke & Pepsi, we just discovered Pepsi is filled with lead and

mercury, too!

When will the destruction wrought by the Rotavirus vaccines end? In the late

1990s, the original Rotavirus vaccine called Rotashield was pulled from the

market for injuring kids. Soon after, Offit appeared on the ACIP, the

advisory panel of the CDC that has the sole power to add new shots to the

CDC’s schedule. Offit’s behavior on the ACIP, which facilitated the addition

of his own Rotateq vaccine to the US vaccine schedule, was later

memorialized by this critical document

<http://www.putchildrenfirst.org/media/3.5.pdf> from

our U.S. Congress, which stated:

“Dr. Offit began his tenure on ACIP in October of 1998. Out of four votes

pertaining to the ACIP’s rotavirus statement, he voted yes three times,

including voting for the inclusion of the rotavirus vaccine in the VFC

program. Dr. Offit abstained from voting on the ACIP’s rescission of the

recommendation of the rotavirus vaccine for routine use.”

The Rotateq vaccine is used in only 3 of 30 first world countries. 90% of

its revenues come from the United States alone. It contains a virus, PCV-2,

known to kill pigs, and a more benign virus that contaminated its

competitor’s vaccine was enough for the FDA to recommend not using Rotarix

just 2 months ago.

A scientist friend wrote me the following regarding the FDA and the

newly-discovered PCV viruses in the Rotateq vaccine:

*“Before any of these contaminated vaccines are given to another child the

FDA should arrange for urgent, comprehensive analysis of tissues

(particularly lymphoid tissues) – not blood alone – from individuals exposed

to the vaccines…

PCV 2 in and HRV in particular are lymphotropic viruses and persistent or

latent infection of lymphoid tissues must be excluded. This is where HIV

hides during latentcy…

Infectivity of contaminating viruses is but one biohazard and they should

not be allowed to dismiss the problem on the basis of “a lack of replicating

virus” argument. The PCV is a DNA virus, fragments of which can integrate

into the human genome with multiple potential problems. This is more likely

to happen in rapidly dividing cells e.g. those of the immune system

responding to a simultaneously administered (vaccine) virus. Reactivation of

intact or relatively intact virus is another possibility. Viral peptides

encoded by sub-genomic fragments acting as a trigger for autoimmunity is


For the human retrovirus (HRV) contaminants, the prospects are equally bad.

Retroviruses have the enzymatic machinery to convert RNA into DNA. Given

simultaneously with three RNA viruses (M, M and R) that should have no DNA

forms, there is the potential to generate DNA forms of these viruses or

recombinants thereof, which could integrate into the human gene or produce

highly pathogenic re-assortments. This RNA to DNA transformation has been

shown by Klennerman and Zinkernagel for lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus

(LCMV), an RNA virus, that can persist in the infected host in a DNA form

due to the action of endogenous retroviral reverse transcriptase, turning it

to DNA.”

*Do those sound like viruses that should be allowed to remain as

contaminants in the Rotateq and other live viral vaccines and placed into

American infants? Parents, the FDA is no longer putting the safety of

children first--please forward this article to every lawmaker you know.

J.B. Handley is co-founder of Generation


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& title=+Offit%2C+Rotateq%2C+Pig+Viruses%2C+and+the+Rest+of+the+World>

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Oh!! I know!

.....Just had to erase what I really wanted to say but this is a public


'They' are so willing to stick pig virus' into innocent children, BUT, I wonder

if they'd think twice about being stuck with these potions. Are they brain

dead??? Why worry about a virus crossing species'.....? Oh, wait, didn't we

JUST go through this???



> Offit, Rotateq, Pig Viruses, and the Rest of the World


> <http://www.rescuepost.com/.a/6a00d8357f3f2969e20133ed722b7c970b-pi>By J.B.

> Handley


> As the facts surrounding Friday's decision by the FDA to keep Offit's

> Rotateq vaccine on the market despite being contaminated with two pig

> viruses known to cause fatal wasting disease, the fragility of the current

> vaccine schedule and the control that profits appear to have on our

> regulator's decisions are clearly emerging for the world to see.


> A glaring fact never discussed by the FDA advisory panel that met Friday was

> why so few other first world countries even require a rotavirus vaccine for

> their children. Of 30 first world countries

> <http://www.generationrescue.org/pdf/special_report_autism2.pdf>

> analyzed

> by Generation Rescue, only three—USA, Canada, and Austria—recommend some

> sort of Rotavirus vaccine. If the FDA is so sure the " benefits outweigh the

> risks " of keeping Offit's vaccine in circulation, why have 27 first world

> countries like the UK, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, and

> Norway never even bothered to add a rotavirus shot to their immunization

> schedules in the first place?


> Discussing Offit's vaccine on Friday, Reuters reported that " in 2009, sales

> of Merck's vaccine [Rotateq] totaled $522 million, including $468 million

> from the United States. "


> Let me help you all do the math here, because it's so egregious. Of all the

> sales of Offit's Rotateq vaccine, 90% come from the United States,

> because so few other first world countries even buy the shot. 90%!! If the

> FDA bans Rotateq, Offit's shot is out of business. Have you ever heard Offit

> talk about how proud he is of his vaccine? How proud he is to be helping the

> third world? With 90% of his shot being sold right here in the USA, it's all

> a bit of a stretch, no?


> Looking at the FDA's actions more closely, it's darkly comical to see what a

> tough spot they're now in. In March, the FDA advised doctors to stop using

> Rotarix, a competitor to Rotateq, because it contained a virus known as

> PCV-1.


> Now, the same testing has revealed PCV-1 and, additionally, PCV-2 in Offit's

> shot. By all accounts, PCV-2 is a far more dangerous virus with far less

> known about it. Yet, somehow, the existence of PCV-2 is causing the FDA

> panel to recommend keeping both of the brands of the shot on the market,

> including reversing the original Rotarix decision! (Of course, the other

> shoe to drop, and this one is an enormous shoe, is what happens when all the

> other vaccines in the schedule are tested?)


> Here's a quick background of PCV-2:


> " Postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome ( " PMWS " ) is a porcine disease.

> This disease causes illness in piglets, with clinical signs including

> progressive loss of body condition, visibly enlarged lymph nodes, difficulty

> in breathing, and sometimes diarrhea, pale skin, and jaundice. PMWS has been

> reported from most pig-producing countries of the world at huge cost to

> agriculture. PMWS is caused by porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2). "


> What parent on the planet would want that virus put into their child?


> Perhaps a proper analogy would go something like this: Parents, please stop

> your kids from drinking Coke, we found some lead in it. Oh, never mind, they

> can drink Coke & Pepsi, we just discovered Pepsi is filled with lead and

> mercury, too!


> When will the destruction wrought by the Rotavirus vaccines end? In the late

> 1990s, the original Rotavirus vaccine called Rotashield was pulled from the

> market for injuring kids. Soon after, Offit appeared on the ACIP, the

> advisory panel of the CDC that has the sole power to add new shots to the

> CDC's schedule. Offit's behavior on the ACIP, which facilitated the addition

> of his own Rotateq vaccine to the US vaccine schedule, was later

> memorialized by this critical document

> <http://www.putchildrenfirst.org/media/3.5.pdf> from

> our U.S. Congress, which stated:


> " Dr. Offit began his tenure on ACIP in October of 1998. Out of four votes

> pertaining to the ACIP's rotavirus statement, he voted yes three times,

> including voting for the inclusion of the rotavirus vaccine in the VFC

> program. Dr. Offit abstained from voting on the ACIP's rescission of the

> recommendation of the rotavirus vaccine for routine use. "


> The Rotateq vaccine is used in only 3 of 30 first world countries. 90% of

> its revenues come from the United States alone. It contains a virus, PCV-2,

> known to kill pigs, and a more benign virus that contaminated its

> competitor's vaccine was enough for the FDA to recommend not using Rotarix

> just 2 months ago.


> A scientist friend wrote me the following regarding the FDA and the

> newly-discovered PCV viruses in the Rotateq vaccine:


> * " Before any of these contaminated vaccines are given to another child the

> FDA should arrange for urgent, comprehensive analysis of tissues

> (particularly lymphoid tissues) – not blood alone – from individuals exposed

> to the vaccines…


> PCV 2 in and HRV in particular are lymphotropic viruses and persistent or

> latent infection of lymphoid tissues must be excluded. This is where HIV

> hides during latentcy…


> Infectivity of contaminating viruses is but one biohazard and they should

> not be allowed to dismiss the problem on the basis of " a lack of replicating

> virus " argument. The PCV is a DNA virus, fragments of which can integrate

> into the human genome with multiple potential problems. This is more likely

> to happen in rapidly dividing cells e.g. those of the immune system

> responding to a simultaneously administered (vaccine) virus. Reactivation of

> intact or relatively intact virus is another possibility. Viral peptides

> encoded by sub-genomic fragments acting as a trigger for autoimmunity is

> another.


> For the human retrovirus (HRV) contaminants, the prospects are equally bad.

> Retroviruses have the enzymatic machinery to convert RNA into DNA. Given

> simultaneously with three RNA viruses (M, M and R) that should have no DNA

> forms, there is the potential to generate DNA forms of these viruses or

> recombinants thereof, which could integrate into the human gene or produce

> highly pathogenic re-assortments. This RNA to DNA transformation has been

> shown by Klennerman and Zinkernagel for lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus

> (LCMV), an RNA virus, that can persist in the infected host in a DNA form

> due to the action of endogenous retroviral reverse transcriptase, turning it

> to DNA. "


> *Do those sound like viruses that should be allowed to remain as

> contaminants in the Rotateq and other live viral vaccines and placed into

> American infants? Parents, the FDA is no longer putting the safety of

> children first--please forward this article to every lawmaker you know.


> J.B. Handley is co-founder of Generation

> Rescue.<http://www.generationrescue.org/>


> Share on



> Digg


This!<http://digg.com/submit?phase=2 & partner=fb & url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ageofautism\


& title=+Offit%2C+Rotateq%2C+Pig+Viruses%2C+and+the+Rest+of+the+World>




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Let alone administering fetal tissue directly into the body. Do we know if

this will cause girls to eventually reject their babies (directly increase


On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 9:47 PM, jeffnteddi <hopefulchild99-asd@...>wrote:



> Oh!! I know!

> ....Just had to erase what I really wanted to say but this is a public

> forum.....

> 'They' are so willing to stick pig virus' into innocent children, BUT, I

> wonder if they'd think twice about being stuck with these potions. Are they

> brain dead??? Why worry about a virus crossing species'.....? Oh, wait,

> didn't we JUST go through this???


> Theodora


> >

> > Offit, Rotateq, Pig Viruses, and the Rest of the World

> >

> > <http://www.rescuepost.com/.a/6a00d8357f3f2969e20133ed722b7c970b-pi>By

> J.B.

> > Handley

> >

> > As the facts surrounding Friday's decision by the FDA to keep

> Offit's

> > Rotateq vaccine on the market despite being contaminated with two pig

> > viruses known to cause fatal wasting disease, the fragility of the

> current

> > vaccine schedule and the control that profits appear to have on our

> > regulator's decisions are clearly emerging for the world to see.

> >

> > A glaring fact never discussed by the FDA advisory panel that met Friday

> was

> > why so few other first world countries even require a rotavirus vaccine

> for

> > their children. Of 30 first world countries

> > <http://www.generationrescue.org/pdf/special_report_autism2.pdf>

> > analyzed

> > by Generation Rescue, only three—USA, Canada, and Austria—recommend some

> > sort of Rotavirus vaccine. If the FDA is so sure the " benefits outweigh

> the

> > risks " of keeping Offit's vaccine in circulation, why have 27 first world

> > countries like the UK, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Denmark, Sweden,

> and

> > Norway never even bothered to add a rotavirus shot to their immunization

> > schedules in the first place?

> >

> > Discussing Offit's vaccine on Friday, Reuters reported that " in 2009,

> sales

> > of Merck's vaccine [Rotateq] totaled $522 million, including $468 million

> > from the United States. "

> >

> > Let me help you all do the math here, because it's so egregious. Of all

> the

> > sales of Offit's Rotateq vaccine, 90% come from the United States,

> > because so few other first world countries even buy the shot. 90%!! If

> the

> > FDA bans Rotateq, Offit's shot is out of business. Have you ever heard

> Offit

> > talk about how proud he is of his vaccine? How proud he is to be helping

> the

> > third world? With 90% of his shot being sold right here in the USA, it's

> all

> > a bit of a stretch, no?

> >

> > Looking at the FDA's actions more closely, it's darkly comical to see

> what a

> > tough spot they're now in. In March, the FDA advised doctors to stop

> using

> > Rotarix, a competitor to Rotateq, because it contained a virus known as

> > PCV-1.

> >

> > Now, the same testing has revealed PCV-1 and, additionally, PCV-2 in

> Offit's

> > shot. By all accounts, PCV-2 is a far more dangerous virus with far less

> > known about it. Yet, somehow, the existence of PCV-2 is causing the FDA

> > panel to recommend keeping both of the brands of the shot on the market,

> > including reversing the original Rotarix decision! (Of course, the other

> > shoe to drop, and this one is an enormous shoe, is what happens when all

> the

> > other vaccines in the schedule are tested?)

> >

> > Here's a quick background of PCV-2:

> >

> > " Postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome ( " PMWS " ) is a porcine

> disease.

> > This disease causes illness in piglets, with clinical signs including

> > progressive loss of body condition, visibly enlarged lymph nodes,

> difficulty

> > in breathing, and sometimes diarrhea, pale skin, and jaundice. PMWS has

> been

> > reported from most pig-producing countries of the world at huge cost to

> > agriculture. PMWS is caused by porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2). "

> >

> > What parent on the planet would want that virus put into their child?

> >

> > Perhaps a proper analogy would go something like this: Parents, please

> stop

> > your kids from drinking Coke, we found some lead in it. Oh, never mind,

> they

> > can drink Coke & Pepsi, we just discovered Pepsi is filled with lead and

> > mercury, too!

> >

> > When will the destruction wrought by the Rotavirus vaccines end? In the

> late

> > 1990s, the original Rotavirus vaccine called Rotashield was pulled from

> the

> > market for injuring kids. Soon after, Offit appeared on the ACIP,

> the

> > advisory panel of the CDC that has the sole power to add new shots to the

> > CDC's schedule. Offit's behavior on the ACIP, which facilitated the

> addition

> > of his own Rotateq vaccine to the US vaccine schedule, was later

> > memorialized by this critical document

> > <http://www.putchildrenfirst.org/media/3.5.pdf> from

> > our U.S. Congress, which stated:

> >

> > " Dr. Offit began his tenure on ACIP in October of 1998. Out of four votes

> > pertaining to the ACIP's rotavirus statement, he voted yes three times,

> > including voting for the inclusion of the rotavirus vaccine in the VFC

> > program. Dr. Offit abstained from voting on the ACIP's rescission of the

> > recommendation of the rotavirus vaccine for routine use. "

> >

> > The Rotateq vaccine is used in only 3 of 30 first world countries. 90% of

> > its revenues come from the United States alone. It contains a virus,

> PCV-2,

> > known to kill pigs, and a more benign virus that contaminated its

> > competitor's vaccine was enough for the FDA to recommend not using

> Rotarix

> > just 2 months ago.

> >

> > A scientist friend wrote me the following regarding the FDA and the

> > newly-discovered PCV viruses in the Rotateq vaccine:

> >

> > * " Before any of these contaminated vaccines are given to another child

> the

> > FDA should arrange for urgent, comprehensive analysis of tissues

> > (particularly lymphoid tissues) – not blood alone – from individuals

> exposed

> > to the vaccines…

> >

> > PCV 2 in and HRV in particular are lymphotropic viruses and persistent or

> > latent infection of lymphoid tissues must be excluded. This is where HIV

> > hides during latentcy…

> >

> > Infectivity of contaminating viruses is but one biohazard and they should

> > not be allowed to dismiss the problem on the basis of " a lack of

> replicating

> > virus " argument. The PCV is a DNA virus, fragments of which can integrate

> > into the human genome with multiple potential problems. This is more

> likely

> > to happen in rapidly dividing cells e.g. those of the immune system

> > responding to a simultaneously administered (vaccine) virus. Reactivation

> of

> > intact or relatively intact virus is another possibility. Viral peptides

> > encoded by sub-genomic fragments acting as a trigger for autoimmunity is

> > another.

> >

> > For the human retrovirus (HRV) contaminants, the prospects are equally

> bad.

> > Retroviruses have the enzymatic machinery to convert RNA into DNA. Given

> > simultaneously with three RNA viruses (M, M and R) that should have no


> > forms, there is the potential to generate DNA forms of these viruses or

> > recombinants thereof, which could integrate into the human gene or

> produce

> > highly pathogenic re-assortments. This RNA to DNA transformation has been

> > shown by Klennerman and Zinkernagel for lymphocytic choriomeningitis

> virus

> > (LCMV), an RNA virus, that can persist in the infected host in a DNA form

> > due to the action of endogenous retroviral reverse transcriptase, turning

> it

> > to DNA. "

> >

> > *Do those sound like viruses that should be allowed to remain as

> > contaminants in the Rotateq and other live viral vaccines and placed into

> > American infants? Parents, the FDA is no longer putting the safety of

> > children first--please forward this article to every lawmaker you know.

> >

> > J.B. Handley is co-founder of Generation

> > Rescue.<http://www.generationrescue.org/>

> >

> > Share on Facebook<




> >•

> > Digg

> > This!<


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F2010%2F05%2Fpaul-offit-rotateq-pig-viruses-and-the-rest-of-the-world.html & title\


> >

> >

> >

> >

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