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> What do some of you use for detox symptoms when you are experiencing

> die-off


> thanks

> Ellen


I'm no expert, but I found it helped to drink water with fresh

squeezed lemon juice in it, and I also took an antihistamine a couple

of times, just in order to be able to work.

It's killing while it's happening, isn't it? I almost stopped taking

them because the die-off was so hard to tolerate. Hang in there. It

gets better!

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi everybody,

I'm new to the group, my 3.10 yo son has pdd-nos (35lb), not " formaly "

diagnosed, he is in GFCF diet and lots of supplemetns since february, he is

reacting very well to many of them, sometimes with some " healing regretion " , or

die off reaction, but progresing ok, 2 months ago he had a " live blood cell

test " where we could literaly see the heavy metals on his blood and the yeast

that was " attached " to it. I started him in a liver detox since 2 weeks ago, and

1 day ago i gave him the first mb12 shot, before the shot he was talking a lot

more and his words were mostly well used or apropiated.

I did the liver detox with liver life, knowing that it has Olive leaf (this was

suggested from my dan dr.), anyway, I also got the NDF plus, so now we are

almost ready to start the ndf plus(first you ramp up the dose of liverllife and

check for ph), but i wanted to have some comments from people more experienced.

Has anyone have any opinion or suggestion about this products? , the last thing

I want to do is have my son go through all this an just end up with a bad

reaction or not doing it properly, etc. I joined that especific group and

you get good support from them, but I ned someones opinion that is not from


I appreciated your comments,


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Guest guest

Who does this 'live blood cell test'? Sounds strange.

I would chelate with tried and true DMSA. It has been around forever and is a

documented chelator. Used wisely, it is very safe and effective.

You can aide the liver during chelation with products like milk thistle. Adding

alpha lipoic acid (every 3-4 hours like the DMSA) will also protect liver




> Hi everybody,


> I'm new to the group, my 3.10 yo son has pdd-nos (35lb), not " formaly "

diagnosed, he is in GFCF diet and lots of supplemetns since february, he is

reacting very well to many of them, sometimes with some " healing regretion " , or

die off reaction, but progresing ok, 2 months ago he had a " live blood cell

test " where we could literaly see the heavy metals on his blood and the yeast

that was " attached " to it. I started him in a liver detox since 2 weeks ago, and

1 day ago i gave him the first mb12 shot, before the shot he was talking a lot

more and his words were mostly well used or apropiated.


> I did the liver detox with liver life, knowing that it has Olive leaf (this

was suggested from my dan dr.), anyway, I also got the NDF plus, so now we are

almost ready to start the ndf plus(first you ramp up the dose of liverllife and

check for ph), but i wanted to have some comments from people more experienced.

Has anyone have any opinion or suggestion about this products? , the last thing

I want to do is have my son go through all this an just end up with a bad

reaction or not doing it properly, etc. I joined that especific group and

you get good support from them, but I ned someones opinion that is not from



> I appreciated your comments,

> JM


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  • 6 months later...

My LLND says Chlorella and Apple Pectin are the best for Lyme patients.

He just gave me a recipe for a detox bath. I haven't tried it yet.

3 Cups Baking soda

1/2 box borax (20 mule team) green box

2 cups corn starch

Soak 35 minutes, 25 of those minutes you need to be submerged up to you neck

Negatively charged so it is pulling positively charged free radicals

I haven't tried it yet.


[ ] Detox

As we all know, detoxing is essential to recovering. Curious to receive some

feedback: what are your preferred methods of detox?

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My detox " tools " include:

chlorella (not everyone can tolerate this) - pulls metals among other toxins

diatomaceous earth - another gentle chelator plus good for parasites; a source

of silica and other minerals

french green clay (FGC) - buy in capsules (Swanson brand is inexpensive) as bulk

powder does not mix well with water

fulvic acid (brand is Supreme Fulvic which has humic in it) - another gentle

chelator that is also full of minerals

FIR sauna - good for sweating out toxins; I bought a mid-range ($400) brand

called Therasage which I am extremely happy with

coffee enema - I have not tried this but many people find it to be effective in

dumping toxic bile (bile is recycled so this prevents reabsorption of toxins)

liver cleanse - I have not tried this either but it's on my list of things to

try; requires apple juice for the malic acid content so those who cannot

tolerate high sugar content of apple juice should look for an alternative

magnesium chloride flakes - an alternative to epsom salts (magnesium sulfate);

brand is Ancient Minerals although not cheap but they occasionally have specials

Alkalizing the body helps with herxing/pain. Items include:

Lemon juice in pure or filtered water

Organic apple cider vinegar in water (Braggs brand - up to 1 tablespoon in a

glass of water; can be sweetened with Stevia or honey)

Alka Seltzer Gold

Baking soda in water

Barley green powder (this does not have gluten in it despite the barley grain

itself having gluten)



> Hi, I am curious too, we do lots of stuff and still looking for more.


> Eps. Salt baths


> Activated charcoal occasional (2xs day max)


> Burbur drops 1-2xs day


> Parsley drops 1-2xs day


> Pekana big 3 drainage/detox kit 2xs day.


> That's the detox regiment. I think the other stuff we do is herx taming



> Be Well,


> Sent on the Sprint� Now Network from my BlackBerry�


> [ ] Detox


> As we all know, detoxing is essential to recovering. Curious to receive some

feedback: what are your preferred methods of detox?






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Holy Cow!!

Sounds like a full time job!!!

On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 8:01 AM, Deb57 <ds@...> wrote:



> My detox " tools " include:


> chlorella (not everyone can tolerate this) - pulls metals among other

> toxins


> diatomaceous earth - another gentle chelator plus good for parasites; a

> source of silica and other minerals


> french green clay (FGC) - buy in capsules (Swanson brand is inexpensive) as

> bulk powder does not mix well with water


> fulvic acid (brand is Supreme Fulvic which has humic in it) - another

> gentle chelator that is also full of minerals


> FIR sauna - good for sweating out toxins; I bought a mid-range ($400) brand

> called Therasage which I am extremely happy with


> coffee enema - I have not tried this but many people find it to be

> effective in dumping toxic bile (bile is recycled so this prevents

> reabsorption of toxins)


> liver cleanse - I have not tried this either but it's on my list of things

> to try; requires apple juice for the malic acid content so those who cannot

> tolerate high sugar content of apple juice should look for an alternative


> magnesium chloride flakes - an alternative to epsom salts (magnesium

> sulfate); brand is Ancient Minerals although not cheap but they occasionally

> have specials


> Alkalizing the body helps with herxing/pain. Items include:


> Lemon juice in pure or filtered water

> Organic apple cider vinegar in water (Braggs brand - up to 1 tablespoon in

> a glass of water; can be sweetened with Stevia or honey)

> Alka Seltzer Gold

> Baking soda in water

> Barley green powder (this does not have gluten in it despite the barley

> grain itself having gluten)


> deb



> >

> > Hi, I am curious too, we do lots of stuff and still looking for more.

> >

> > Eps. Salt baths

> >

> > Activated charcoal occasional (2xs day max)

> >

> > Burbur drops 1-2xs day

> >

> > Parsley drops 1-2xs day

> >

> > Pekana big 3 drainage/detox kit 2xs day.

> >

> > That's the detox regiment. I think the other stuff we do is herx taming

> things.

> >

> > Be Well,

> >

> > Sent on the Sprint� Now Network from my BlackBerry�

> >

> > [ ] Detox

> >

> > As we all know, detoxing is essential to recovering. Curious to receive

> some feedback: what are your preferred methods of detox?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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After all my years of directed detox methods, the one in which has proven the

most powerful and has actually improved my ability to detox is treatments for

methylation block.

It is allowing the other methods I have used in the past to work better.  It

works so well in fact, that my use of the " other " methods are not as frequent or

as intense.

Castor oil paks are great for the liver and surrounding tissue.  Make sure to

use a flannel cloth over it.  You can also add herbs to your castor oil as

well.  Some use ginger.



From: Coughlin <jcoughlin1011@...>

" " < >

Sent: Fri, February 11, 2011 9:40:53 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Detox

Has anyone had any experience with castor oil packs?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 11, 2011, at 5:35 PM, jcoughlin1011 <jcoughlin1011@...> wrote:

As we all know, detoxing is essential to recovering. Curious to receive some

feedback: what are your preferred methods of detox?

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Heloo Ellen,

being very hard to detox I tryed amny things that works of othe rbut not enought

for me or that I cannot take because of constipation

What works fo rme

colonic colema and welchol to absorb the neurotoxine

for brain forg burbur pinella and aspega from nutramedix and neuro-antotox

by nutraceuticals

but in very big quantity works just a little bit fo rme fo rother it works


I am goin gto try kmagk and living clay soon. others do coffee aenema it doe

snot work for me

with no constipation charcoal clay a are cheap many uses cholesteramine as a


Hope thi shelps Marie


From: klcwd <klcwd@...>

Sent: Sat, February 12, 2011 2:17:54 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Detox



> What do some of you use for detox symptoms when you are experiencing

> die-off


> thanks

> Ellen


Here is a good that I just found for detoxing the whole body.


You might have to copy and paste.

I ma very hard to detox

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For me it does nothing marie


From: Dun <dunandrea@...>

Sent: Sat, February 12, 2011 8:29:15 AM

Subject: [ ] detox


I just started this a couple of months ago and this is the best detox I've had

especially for the brain. Use cold pressed organic sun flower oil and take one

tablespoon and keep it in the mouth for about 12-15 minutes and swirl, swish and

chew. DO NOT SWALLOW. Spit it out and rinse the mouth and then brush your teeth

well. Do this in the morning before anything else. Works for me better than

chlorella, burbur etc.


Don't pick lemons.

See all the new 2007 cars at Autos.


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how do you make them..or are you buying them,,thx.Leanne

From: fritolay66@...

Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2011 08:30:04 -0800

Subject: Re: [ ] Detox

After all my years of directed detox methods, the one in which has proven the

most powerful and has actually improved my ability to detox is treatments for

methylation block.

It is allowing the other methods I have used in the past to work better. It

works so well in fact, that my use of the " other " methods are not as frequent or

as intense.

Castor oil paks are great for the liver and surrounding tissue. Make sure to

use a flannel cloth over it. You can also add herbs to your castor oil as

well. Some use ginger.



From: Coughlin <jcoughlin1011@...>

" " < >

Sent: Fri, February 11, 2011 9:40:53 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Detox

Has anyone had any experience with castor oil packs?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 11, 2011, at 5:35 PM, jcoughlin1011 <jcoughlin1011@...> wrote:

As we all know, detoxing is essential to recovering. Curious to receive some

feedback: what are your preferred methods of detox?

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Use you skin to detox. Look at bio-mat. Look at posts on this on the

lyme_rifegroup@.... These use your largest organ skin to flush what the

lymph system breaks down into sweat. Discounts available. Need to write me for

codes etc. Lymeover

Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T

[ ] Re: Detox



> What do some of you use for detox symptoms when you are experiencing

> die-off


> thanks

> Ellen


Here is a good that I just found for detoxing the whole body.


You might have to copy and paste.

I ma very hard to detox

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Use your skin. Lymph flush. Use heat. Far infrared bed mat. I detox orally and

on mat. I'm not as sick now. Best investment I've made. Love this item.

Lessens Herx. Lymeover

Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T

[ ] detox


I just started this a couple of months ago and this is the best detox I've had

especially for the brain. Use cold pressed organic sun flower oil and take one

tablespoon and keep it in the mouth for about 12-15 minutes and swirl, swish and

chew. DO NOT SWALLOW. Spit it out and rinse the mouth and then brush your teeth

well. Do this in the morning before anything else. Works for me better than

chlorella, burbur etc.


Don't pick lemons.

See all the new 2007 cars at Autos.


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And can you tell us what this methylation detox method is?




> As we all know, detoxing is essential to recovering. Curious to receive some

> feedback: what are your preferred methods of detox?






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please tell me moreabout this mat please..Leanne

From: lymeover@...

Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2011 07:27:38 +0000

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Detox

Use you skin to detox. Look at bio-mat. Look at posts on this on the

lyme_rifegroup@.... These use your largest organ skin to flush what the

lymph system breaks down into sweat. Discounts available. Need to write me for

codes etc. Lymeover

Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T

[ ] Re: Detox


> What do some of you use for detox symptoms when you are experiencing

> die-off


> thanks

> Ellen


Here is a good that I just found for detoxing the whole body.


You might have to copy and paste.

I ma very hard to detox

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What is this methylation method about please?

castor oil did close to nothing to me

Thanks Marie


From: fritolay66 <fritolay66@...>

Sent: Sat, February 12, 2011 11:30:04 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Detox


After all my years of directed detox methods, the one in which has proven the

most powerful and has actually improved my ability to detox is treatments for

methylation block.

It is allowing the other methods I have used in the past to work better.  It

works so well in fact, that my use of the " other " methods are not as frequent or

as intense.

Castor oil paks are great for the liver and surrounding tissue.  Make sure to

use a flannel cloth over it.  You can also add herbs to your castor oil as

well.  Some use ginger.



From: Coughlin <jcoughlin1011@...>

" " < >

Sent: Fri, February 11, 2011 9:40:53 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Detox

Has anyone had any experience with castor oil packs?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 11, 2011, at 5:35 PM, jcoughlin1011 <jcoughlin1011@...> wrote:

As we all know, detoxing is essential to recovering. Curious to receive some

feedback: what are your preferred methods of detox?

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what what what ?

Too short do not understand unable to guess

THanks Marie


From: " lymeover@... " <lymeover@...>

Sent: Sun, February 13, 2011 2:42:14 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] detox


Use your skin. Lymph flush. Use heat. Far infrared bed mat. I detox orally and

on mat. I'm not as sick now. Best investment I've made. Love this item. Lessens

Herx. Lymeover

Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T

[ ] detox


I just started this a couple of months ago and this is the best detox I've had

especially for the brain. Use cold pressed organic sun flower oil and take one

tablespoon and keep it in the mouth for about 12-15 minutes and swirl, swish and

chew. DO NOT SWALLOW. Spit it out and rinse the mouth and then brush your teeth

well. Do this in the morning before anything else. Works for me better than

chlorella, burbur etc.


Don't pick lemons.

See all the new 2007 cars at Autos.


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To Many I get exhausted looking at the forum for hours .

Thanks you kindly Marie


From: " lymeover@... " <lymeover@...>

Sent: Sun, February 13, 2011 2:27:38 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Detox


Use you skin to detox. Look at bio-mat. Look at posts on this on the

lyme_rifegroup@.... These use your largest organ skin to flush what the

lymph system breaks down into sweat. Discounts available. Need to write me for

codes etc. Lymeover

Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T

[ ] Re: Detox



> What do some of you use for detox symptoms when you are experiencing

> die-off


> thanks

> Ellen


Here is a good that I just found for detoxing the whole body.


You might have to copy and paste.

I ma very hard to detox

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Juice fasting (with enemas); eating a raw food diet; far infrared sauna;

exercise; zeolite for heavy metals; dry brushing.

On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 6:35 PM, jcoughlin1011 <jcoughlin1011@...>wrote:



> As we all know, detoxing is essential to recovering. Curious to receive

> some feedback: what are your preferred methods of detox?




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