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Re: Pink Disease Mercury Autism study

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Hi Glenda,

Dr Austin from Swinburne University in Melbourne (SABRI - Swinburne Autism

BioResearch Initiative) is in the midst of a study on Mercury/Autism.  The

preliminary findings are startling.  His researchers contacted Pink Disease

Survivors in Australia (amazingly the only Pink Disease Survivors forum is here

in Australia) and asked them to complete a survey, they didn't tell the

participants what it was for, but they did ask them to comment on their

childrens health and that of their grandchildren.  1 in 25 Pink

Disease survivors have a grandchild diagnosed with ASD!  I'll advise further

findings as they come to hand.

Sandi (Australia)


From: bmjackson2 <bmjackson2@...>

Sent: Mon, 22 February, 2010 4:57:15 PM

Subject: [ ] Pink Disease


Hi group,

I was poisoned with mercury at 5 months of age, with 'teething powders' which

contained a high percentage of the metal. This was during 1950 in Great Britain

and many of the children affected died because of it, there and also in America

and Australia. I was admitted into hospital but fortunately was born the year

after they discovered that the deaths were caused through dehydration. Later the

powders were taken off the market, but there was a cover up and denial that

mercury poisoning was the cause.

The children affected were diagnosed clinically by the redness of their hands

and feet, hence the name, which is a symptom of mercury poisoning, physical

wasting, and their behaviour which was extreme irritability and dislike of the


Throughout my childhood, I suffered from immune and endocrinal deregulation and

also cognitive dysfunction, but I cannot say that I displayed what is recognised

as autistic behaviour, yet I had a much more severe intoxication, which was

worsened at age 10 when I was given a jar of mercury as a plaything - shocking I


I am just wondering how this fits into the theory that autism is caused through

mercury in vaccinations. I have no interests in disputing the theory - I am not

a medical person - in fact I have no profession at all due to the problems I had

in my developing years leading to learning difficulties - I am just curious what

others think.

For myself, I have joined the group to get information about chelation in the

attempts to save my life as I have had undiagnosed Lyme Disease for 11 years and

cannot take any treatment yet due to the toxic load I carry from not just

mercury but also from lead and arsenic. Comments?


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