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Other Topic-Severity of ASD-What helped the most.

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I was wondering whether anyone would be interested in joining this discussion

about the severity of ASD in their children and what helped the most.

My child is 26 months old now and was diagnosed in Feburary of this year when he

was 20 months old. Currently he has no words, doesnt event make a sound, does

not understand that things have names, doesnt call us mama or dada. In a

nutshell he does not make any sound whatsoever.

He does not point to show us that he wants something. He has some eye contact

but on his own terms. He is not hyperactive. Infact we think he is very

hypoactive. He does not throw tantrums. If we take something away from him, he

whines just a little bit then chooses to forget about it and carries on with

something else. He does not ask us for food. We have no clue when he is hungry

because he will just not tell us in any way. He does chew his food at all and is

not open to new foods or textures. He does not have GI issues. DAN confirmed

that with testing.

Sometimes he leads us by hand and puts our hand on something that he wants. He

knows to identify the numbers from 1 to 10. Although he doesnt know to count

because he doesnt speak. At the same time, he is unable to tell us where the cat

is in the book, or where the dog is in the book. He can show us

head,ears,eyes,nose,elbow,toes,tummy,butt,arms,legs and knees. So we know he

understands at least that when he ask him to do it. He does bring me toys to fix

if it is not working. He wants to involve me in some engaging games that need

back and forth interaction,not a ball rolling game but a game that i invented to

encourage engagement.

Please contribute and discuss.



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