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Re: Anybody else having issues with chemtrails overhead?

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Sorry-but I never heard of them--what are they?


From: <jessicawitmer@...>

Sent: Sat, September 11, 2010 7:04:58 PM

Subject: [ ] Anybody else having issues with chemtrails overhead?


I had my first experience with chemtrails this past Friday. I looked outside,

right above our home in Fort Wayne Indiana and saw the sky filled with the

chemtrail grids. I took pics.

That was two days ago and today we had rain. Tonight, my little girl had a

gushing nosebleed and a hacking cough. she is the little one we are having the

hardest time chelating b/c her immune system is so smucked up.

I am absolutely sick over this chem-trail thing. I knew nothing of it prior to

this weekend, but spent a lot of time googling after I saw them first-hand.

Could this be yet another reason why so many of our kids are toxic?

Anyone else have issues with chemtrails in your city and/or does anyone have any

idea where to report suspicious chemtrails?

I am going to call my state reps on Monday.


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That is heavy duty stuff--I am xclueless on this.


From: tim mosher <mosher7655@...>

Sent: Sat, September 11, 2010 10:01:47 PM

Subject: [ ] Anybody else having issues with chemtrails overhead?


No -your not alone on this but very few will talk about it, if they do, then

were crazy! even though all one has to do is look up. We have posted 3 hair

tests showing uranium and barium and in potatoe ville in western NY I cant for

the life of me figure were else it would come from. Sky,s have been clear for

about a month or more and the skies were blue, 3 days ago sprayed overnight till

noon-today total cover and now raining and everybody in area is feeling drained.

Home ownership is a privalage, drivers license is also but now raising children

without being biochemicaly poluted is also??? We had all better vote very

carefully in November>

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Can someone please explain further on " why " is this done?? I get scared just

thinking about it. I have no info on the topic and would be interested to know

why something so evil minded is happening....


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Re: [ ] Anybody else having issues with chemtrails


Who could we vote for? they are mostly crooks and on the take.

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Tim! That is absurd! I am absolutely grieved today. Yes, our spraying started

three days ago also, but ended almost as quickly as it started. I got some

fabulous pics of it right in my back yard.

Tim, have you spoken to your state reps about this??

I WILL be calling all of my state reps and maybe yours too, not that that will

help as they obviously all know about it.

I am not afraid to speak about it. I seem to remember a story about some people

being led into " showers " by their government so many years and never coming out.

If we let them get away with spraying uranium, barium, and aluminum over our

heads, what else could they spray??


> No -your not alone on this but very few will talk about it, if they do, then

were crazy! even though all one has to do is look up. We have posted 3 hair

tests showing uranium and barium and in potatoe ville in western NY I cant for

the life of me figure were else it would come from. Sky,s have been clear for

about a month or more and the skies were blue, 3 days ago sprayed overnight till

noon-today total cover and now raining and everybody in area is feeling drained.

Home ownership is a privalage, drivers license is also but now raising children

without being biochemicaly poluted is also??? We had all better vote very

carefully in November>



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There is ONLY one way out of this corrupt government and that is through state

sovereignty. Our state reps really are more powerful than the Feds/UN if and

when we begin to take back local power. Local banks, local goods, local law,


There are a couple of very, very important pieces of legislation on the floor or

about to be on the floor.

ONe has to do with our ability to purchase supplements that will actual help us

survive this onslought of toxins. Can you imagine if they take away our legal

right to buy ALA and DMSA and THEN shower uranium and barium down on our heads?

Also...they are trying to take away our right to buy from local, organic



> Who could we vote for? they are mostly crooks and on the take.




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Google-chemtrails town NY and you should find a web page that is very large

with many links and a live report box on the upper left hand side reporting from

all over the world.

Who to vote for? people like minded to us all or people that has had their

lives touched by illness or autism. If we dont get the heavy metal exposures

stopped I can only imagine the future. As previous posts indicated, entities

understood the effects of toxics all the way back to civil war era.

Food for thought people that come to mind maybe-

-people that testified in front of congress on the causes of autism or dental


-Dan DR.s

-Ron -I think pediatrician against heavy metals-

-Glenn Beck I think has special needs child-

- Palin has special needs child-


-and many more that needs to stand together!!!!!!!

Being the father of 2 autisic -1 being 24 years and have her on video tape of

before and after shots, I have a wealth of observations and studies I would love

to unload and share with as many people as I can to help all understand before

we are left powerless. The only power we have left is the power of vote and what

is being done to that.

On another note or food for thought-- If all mothers were heavy metal free at

the time of being pregnant and babies were not given shots (if needed) till

later in life or spread out, would we have autism today? or as many people in

jail for doing ungodly things. Think back- when did toxicities or chemtrails get

turned up and when did we first hear of sicko,s putting sharp objects in

holloween candy.

When I was MUCH younger and in school I was able to make it to 2nd place for

speelling bee's and now after heavy metal exposure I lost facial recognition of

others or remember how to spell easy words alot & at the height of my exposure I

lost the ability to coordinate my tongue and lips to speak just like autism. God

has his purpose for everything and the experiences he has given me, I know is to

benefit others. As I deal with a medical sytem that has changed alot in the

last 20 years and trying to get my 13 year old medical help who has lost

everything (except breathing) and we have seen countless DR.s-Dan

DR.s-Infectious disease DR.s and a specialist in fungals @ pediactric level, her

illnesses have been completetly ignored and spells the system is tainted. I

realized 20 years ago when my first daughter was diagnosed with autism that

somebody -someplace knew what the cause of autism was and they were not going to

pay for it like the ins. industry and now appears neither is the gov. in any

country or state. How can anybody not be alarmed that 1 in 67 children being

born with autism not be alarmed as a epidemic and then take these figures world

wide, add other mental issues and then add over weightness from inability to

digest and motabilize food properly and how big is this really?

I would love to post someplace (safely) my lifes observations for the last 50

years or so to share with others for the benefit of other fellow human beings on

the subject of heavy metal exposures. If any body has any suggestions on how to

do this or interested email suggestions. I would hate to not be here someday and

not share my real life experiences so our younger people could have a better

future than what is planned for them at this time and be used as cash cows.

All is not lost-just picture the perfect life and make every day better than

the last untill you find your picture!

Venting Tim

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And it is not only overhead. Google the TransCanada Keystone XL tar sands

pipeline and read all about it.

This stuff will get into the food and water supplies. Pretty soon all that

will be on the menu are mercury and sulfur and benzene etc... it is

pervasive....hey...wait a minute....Maybe that is way they try to call it

" Pervsive developmental disorder....

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