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RE: From Russia With Love?

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Sorcha Faal is a fiction writer.

From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of kerbob1

Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 3:55 PM

Subject: [ ] From Russia With Love?

Western Use Of " Genocidal " Swine Flu Vaccine Sparks Russian Fears

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

The World's most influential philosopher has long been acknowledged as being

the Greek mathematician Plato, who being most influenced by the great Greek

mathematician, mystic and scientist Pythagoras of Samos (Geometry is

knowledge of the eternally existent.), and the " Father of Geometry " Euclid

(The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God.), once gave an

order that " Nobody untrained in geometry may enter my house. "

Czar II, Emperor of All The Russias, would not only have been

welcomed into Plato's house by the great Greek philosopher himself, the

warning he would give about events to occur from the mid 1800's, on through

to the 21st Century would have shaken Plato to his core, and none more

important now than that of the West's beginning their long-planned assault

upon humanity through a seemingly innocuous inoculation against a virus they

call the Swine Flu.

Upon his accession to power in 1855 after the death of his father, Emperor

I, II became alarmed over the West's plan to subjugate

the entire World through the insidious destruction and enslavement of

humanity for the sole benefit of a ruling elite class of people that was

gaining ascendancy in the Royal Houses of Europe after the 1848 publication

the German philosopher Karl Marx's " Manifesto of the Communist Party " and

which stated that the " The history of all hitherto existing society is the

history of class struggles. "

Raising II's fears even more were the European Royal Houses " power

moves " to force into Western thought and science, and hence its peoples, the

catastrophic theories of the English naturalist Darwin who was

propounding the concept of " natural selection " and culminated in the

publishing of his theories in his 1859 book " On the Origin of Species " .

Now what had led to the fears of II was the West's attempting to

overturn what is the real state of our existence, which is rooted in

geometry and is (loosely) called the " Social Cycle Theory " , and that the

great Russian scientist Nikolay Yakovlevich Danilevsky (opposed to Darwin

and Marx by advocating that our World's history is circular not linear)

warned the Czar that a " clash of civilizations " between Russia and the West


And II's facing the wrath of the European Royal Houses in this

" clash of civilizations " was being realized the very moment upon his taking

power as both Britain and France, normally bitter enemies, had united

against his father, along with their Muslim Turk allies, in 1854, and

attacked the main Russian Naval Base in Sebastopol blocking Russia's fleet

from entering either the Mediterranean or Atlantic.

In what is called in Russia as the " precursor " to United States Civil War,

and to history as the Crimean War, that resulted in the West defeating

Russia and leading to the Treaty of Paris of 1856 (which II

annulled after Russia's victory over his successful war of 1877-8 against

the Ottoman Empire) the Czar did " hold back " a significant portion of the

Russian Fleet that he used to great effect by stationing them in New York

Harbor in 1863 after the European Royal Houses attempt to destroy the United

States by pitting its Union Forces against the Confederacy.

Even more importantly, in II's knowing that Russia's and the

United States successfully blocking of the European Royal Houses by their

wins in the Russian-Ottoman and American Civil wars, the Czar knew the fight

was not over and would stretch into the 20th and 21st Centuries with even

more horrific conflicts to come. So, in order to strengthen both Russia and

the United States, he ordered the Russian territories of Alaska and the

Aleutian Islands to be sold to the Americans in 1867, and following the

example of Abraham Lincoln ordered the abolition of serfdom in all of the

Russia's believing by these actions both Nations would better prepared for

the " clash of civilizations " that was surely to come.

To the defense of humanity against these monsters, II also ordered

the " greatest men " in Russia to assemble at Kazan State University in

Tatarstan where under the guidance of Darwin and Marx's fieriest foe,

Nikolay Danilevsky, they were tasked with uncovering the scientific

mechanisms the European Royal Houses could be expected to use against the

World in achieving their goal of total Global domination.

Included in the ranks of these Great Men of the Motherland was the Russian

pianist, conductor and composer Mily eyevich Balakirev who through his

research warned of the rise in Western culture of " music for the masses "

whose effect on the minds of impressionable young children would " split

them " from the control of their parents and society; the Russian

mathematician called the " Copernicus of Geometry " , Nikolai Ivanovich

Lobachevsky, who through his research warned that the West would embark upon

a course devaluing the knowledge of geometry and mathematics thus keeping

from their people the true knowledge of our World; and the Russian writer

widely regarded as among the greatest novelists of all time, Leo Tolstoy,

who warned of the West's planned destruction of their languages for the

purpose of creating an uneducated mindless mass of humanity fit only for


But to the most important of these Great Men was the Russian chemist

Vladimir Markovnikov who discovered the means by which these Western Powers

would exterminate countless hundreds of millions of human beings through the

" evil use " of what is known as Markovnikov's Rule that states that " with the

addition of a protic acid such as H-X to an alkene, the acid hydrogen (H)

becomes attached to the carbon atom with the greatest number of hydrogens,

and the halide (X) group becomes attached to the carbon with the fewest

hydrogens. In other words the negative part of the addendum attaches itself

to the carbon atom with the fewest hydrogen atoms. "

So dangerous to humanity was Markovnikov's findings that he refused to

publish his research in any language other than Russian. Unknown to him, or

to II, however, was that one of Kazan State Universities students

was also a German spy named Vladimir Ilyich Lenin who under the " guidance "

of the European Royal Houses secreted out of Russia Markovnikov's research

and which eventually was given to the Ukrainian-American organic chemist

Selig Kharasch who by applying Markovnikov's Rule created in 1928 at

the University of Chicago the deadly vaccine additive we know today as


[Note: Upon the discovery of Lenin's treachery he was expelled from Kazan

State University but he was destined to have a much larger influence upon

Russian history when in 1917 the Germans secreted him back to Russia with

$10 Million to bring down the government and use the newly created Soviet

Union as their first " mass experiment " in how to control large populations.]

[Note: In November, 1880, II and United States President

Garfield concluded a " secret pact " wherein Russian and American Military and

Naval Forces would " invade and occupy " all of Western Europe before the

European Royal Houses could regain their power and begin to, once again,

plunge our World into total war and genocide. Russian and American coup

forces loyal to the European Royal Houses discovered the existence of this

" secret pact " and assassinated II on March 13, 1881 and President

Garfield on July 2, 1881.]

Thiomersal is an organomercury compound (approximately 49% mercury by

weight) that is used as an antiseptic and antifungal agent in vaccines and

was first used in 1931. It is blamed for millions of deaths since that time

the World over, and, even worse, this deadly mercury poisoned vaccine

additive is said to be the cause of the devastating child mental illness

called Autism, and though denied by Western governments and pharmaceutical

companies, first appeared in the West in the 1930's after the push to give

children vaccines with the Thiomersal additive in the Western Nations.

Interesting to note too is that in the United States, where Thimerosal laden

vaccines have long been mandated for children, two groups who have

long-claimed religious " exemptions " to the vaccinating of their children,

The Nation of Islam in Chicago and the Amish religious sect, have a curious

(coincidental) linkage..thousands of their children have NEVER been

vaccinated and neither group has ever recorded a single case of Autism.

Even more interesting to note is that in the United States their government

is not just dispensing one Swine Flu vaccine, they are dispensing two of

them. The first, called Live, Attenuated (H1N1 LAIV) (nasal spray vaccine),

does not contain thimerosal or other preservatives and is recommended for

healthy military and potential military age persons with no illness or

pregnancy between the ages of 2-49.

The second one, called Live Inactivated (delivered by injection), has

thimerosal and other preservatives and is recommended for everyone else. And

from new warnings being issued in the US, one of those " other preservatives "

is the deadly organic compound called Squalene, and which is blamed for the

catastrophic disease called Persian Gulf War Syndrome that according to

American government reports has affected roughly 1 in 4 of the 697,000 US

Veterans who served in the first Persian Gulf War.

The greatest minds of the Russian Motherland assembled in the mid-1880's and

charted the course the Western Powers would take in their quest for total

Global domination over our Earth and its resources. As of this date their

predictions have all been borne out by the facts of history. The events to

occur as this epic " clash of civilizations " reaches its climax have, also,

been foretold, including a time when these Western Powers would turn against

their own people using mass genocide in order to " weed out " all remaining

opposition leaving them with nothing more than ignorant slaves to control.

It is not in our knowing if this Swine Flu and its poison laden vaccines are

a part of this " weeding out " being planned for the Westerners. What is in

our knowing though is that there is enough history behind this " event " to

bear closer, much closer, examination than is currently being seen by the

masses of ordinary peoples.

The " Geometry of Life " always shows, and tells, all. One wonders though if

there is anyone able to see it. We can only hope they do before all is lost

and some of these peoples, like II, would be welcomed in Plato's

home too.

Note: This report should NOT be considered as an alternative to sound

medical advice from your Doctors or Government Public Health Officials

regarding the H1N1 Swine Flu or its associated vaccines.

C October 20, 2009 EU and US all rights reserved


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You don't suppose Thimerosal was delivered to earth by moonbirds?


> Sorcha Faal is a fiction writer.




> From: [mailto: ]

> On Behalf Of kerbob1

> Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 3:55 PM


> Subject: [ ] From Russia With Love?






> Western Use Of " Genocidal " Swine Flu Vaccine Sparks Russian Fears


> By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers


> The World's most influential philosopher has long been acknowledged as being

> the Greek mathematician Plato, who being most influenced by the great Greek

> mathematician, mystic and scientist Pythagoras of Samos (Geometry is

> knowledge of the eternally existent.), and the " Father of Geometry " Euclid

> (The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God.), once gave an

> order that " Nobody untrained in geometry may enter my house. "


> Czar II, Emperor of All The Russias, would not only have been

> welcomed into Plato's house by the great Greek philosopher himself, the

> warning he would give about events to occur from the mid 1800's, on through

> to the 21st Century would have shaken Plato to his core, and none more

> important now than that of the West's beginning their long-planned assault

> upon humanity through a seemingly innocuous inoculation against a virus they

> call the Swine Flu.


> Upon his accession to power in 1855 after the death of his father, Emperor

> I, II became alarmed over the West's plan to subjugate

> the entire World through the insidious destruction and enslavement of

> humanity for the sole benefit of a ruling elite class of people that was

> gaining ascendancy in the Royal Houses of Europe after the 1848 publication

> the German philosopher Karl Marx's " Manifesto of the Communist Party " and

> which stated that the " The history of all hitherto existing society is the

> history of class struggles. "


> Raising II's fears even more were the European Royal Houses " power

> moves " to force into Western thought and science, and hence its peoples, the

> catastrophic theories of the English naturalist Darwin who was

> propounding the concept of " natural selection " and culminated in the

> publishing of his theories in his 1859 book " On the Origin of Species " .


> Now what had led to the fears of II was the West's attempting to

> overturn what is the real state of our existence, which is rooted in

> geometry and is (loosely) called the " Social Cycle Theory " , and that the

> great Russian scientist Nikolay Yakovlevich Danilevsky (opposed to Darwin

> and Marx by advocating that our World's history is circular not linear)

> warned the Czar that a " clash of civilizations " between Russia and the West

> inevitable.


> And II's facing the wrath of the European Royal Houses in this

> " clash of civilizations " was being realized the very moment upon his taking

> power as both Britain and France, normally bitter enemies, had united

> against his father, along with their Muslim Turk allies, in 1854, and

> attacked the main Russian Naval Base in Sebastopol blocking Russia's fleet

> from entering either the Mediterranean or Atlantic.


> In what is called in Russia as the " precursor " to United States Civil War,

> and to history as the Crimean War, that resulted in the West defeating

> Russia and leading to the Treaty of Paris of 1856 (which II

> annulled after Russia's victory over his successful war of 1877-8 against

> the Ottoman Empire) the Czar did " hold back " a significant portion of the

> Russian Fleet that he used to great effect by stationing them in New York

> Harbor in 1863 after the European Royal Houses attempt to destroy the United

> States by pitting its Union Forces against the Confederacy.


> Even more importantly, in II's knowing that Russia's and the

> United States successfully blocking of the European Royal Houses by their

> wins in the Russian-Ottoman and American Civil wars, the Czar knew the fight

> was not over and would stretch into the 20th and 21st Centuries with even

> more horrific conflicts to come. So, in order to strengthen both Russia and

> the United States, he ordered the Russian territories of Alaska and the

> Aleutian Islands to be sold to the Americans in 1867, and following the

> example of Abraham Lincoln ordered the abolition of serfdom in all of the

> Russia's believing by these actions both Nations would better prepared for

> the " clash of civilizations " that was surely to come.


> To the defense of humanity against these monsters, II also ordered

> the " greatest men " in Russia to assemble at Kazan State University in

> Tatarstan where under the guidance of Darwin and Marx's fieriest foe,

> Nikolay Danilevsky, they were tasked with uncovering the scientific

> mechanisms the European Royal Houses could be expected to use against the

> World in achieving their goal of total Global domination.


> Included in the ranks of these Great Men of the Motherland was the Russian

> pianist, conductor and composer Mily eyevich Balakirev who through his

> research warned of the rise in Western culture of " music for the masses "

> whose effect on the minds of impressionable young children would " split

> them " from the control of their parents and society; the Russian

> mathematician called the " Copernicus of Geometry " , Nikolai Ivanovich

> Lobachevsky, who through his research warned that the West would embark upon

> a course devaluing the knowledge of geometry and mathematics thus keeping

> from their people the true knowledge of our World; and the Russian writer

> widely regarded as among the greatest novelists of all time, Leo Tolstoy,

> who warned of the West's planned destruction of their languages for the

> purpose of creating an uneducated mindless mass of humanity fit only for

> slavery.


> But to the most important of these Great Men was the Russian chemist

> Vladimir Markovnikov who discovered the means by which these Western Powers

> would exterminate countless hundreds of millions of human beings through the

> " evil use " of what is known as Markovnikov's Rule that states that " with the

> addition of a protic acid such as H-X to an alkene, the acid hydrogen (H)

> becomes attached to the carbon atom with the greatest number of hydrogens,

> and the halide (X) group becomes attached to the carbon with the fewest

> hydrogens. In other words the negative part of the addendum attaches itself

> to the carbon atom with the fewest hydrogen atoms. "


> So dangerous to humanity was Markovnikov's findings that he refused to

> publish his research in any language other than Russian. Unknown to him, or

> to II, however, was that one of Kazan State Universities students

> was also a German spy named Vladimir Ilyich Lenin who under the " guidance "

> of the European Royal Houses secreted out of Russia Markovnikov's research

> and which eventually was given to the Ukrainian-American organic chemist

> Selig Kharasch who by applying Markovnikov's Rule created in 1928 at

> the University of Chicago the deadly vaccine additive we know today as

> Thimerosal.


> [Note: Upon the discovery of Lenin's treachery he was expelled from Kazan

> State University but he was destined to have a much larger influence upon

> Russian history when in 1917 the Germans secreted him back to Russia with

> $10 Million to bring down the government and use the newly created Soviet

> Union as their first " mass experiment " in how to control large populations.]


> [Note: In November, 1880, II and United States President

> Garfield concluded a " secret pact " wherein Russian and American Military and

> Naval Forces would " invade and occupy " all of Western Europe before the

> European Royal Houses could regain their power and begin to, once again,

> plunge our World into total war and genocide. Russian and American coup

> forces loyal to the European Royal Houses discovered the existence of this

> " secret pact " and assassinated II on March 13, 1881 and President

> Garfield on July 2, 1881.]


> Thiomersal is an organomercury compound (approximately 49% mercury by

> weight) that is used as an antiseptic and antifungal agent in vaccines and

> was first used in 1931. It is blamed for millions of deaths since that time

> the World over, and, even worse, this deadly mercury poisoned vaccine

> additive is said to be the cause of the devastating child mental illness

> called Autism, and though denied by Western governments and pharmaceutical

> companies, first appeared in the West in the 1930's after the push to give

> children vaccines with the Thiomersal additive in the Western Nations.


> Interesting to note too is that in the United States, where Thimerosal laden

> vaccines have long been mandated for children, two groups who have

> long-claimed religious " exemptions " to the vaccinating of their children,

> The Nation of Islam in Chicago and the Amish religious sect, have a curious

> (coincidental) linkage..thousands of their children have NEVER been

> vaccinated and neither group has ever recorded a single case of Autism.


> Even more interesting to note is that in the United States their government

> is not just dispensing one Swine Flu vaccine, they are dispensing two of

> them. The first, called Live, Attenuated (H1N1 LAIV) (nasal spray vaccine),

> does not contain thimerosal or other preservatives and is recommended for

> healthy military and potential military age persons with no illness or

> pregnancy between the ages of 2-49.


> The second one, called Live Inactivated (delivered by injection), has

> thimerosal and other preservatives and is recommended for everyone else. And

> from new warnings being issued in the US, one of those " other preservatives "

> is the deadly organic compound called Squalene, and which is blamed for the

> catastrophic disease called Persian Gulf War Syndrome that according to

> American government reports has affected roughly 1 in 4 of the 697,000 US

> Veterans who served in the first Persian Gulf War.


> The greatest minds of the Russian Motherland assembled in the mid-1880's and

> charted the course the Western Powers would take in their quest for total

> Global domination over our Earth and its resources. As of this date their

> predictions have all been borne out by the facts of history. The events to

> occur as this epic " clash of civilizations " reaches its climax have, also,

> been foretold, including a time when these Western Powers would turn against

> their own people using mass genocide in order to " weed out " all remaining

> opposition leaving them with nothing more than ignorant slaves to control.


> It is not in our knowing if this Swine Flu and its poison laden vaccines are

> a part of this " weeding out " being planned for the Westerners. What is in

> our knowing though is that there is enough history behind this " event " to

> bear closer, much closer, examination than is currently being seen by the

> masses of ordinary peoples.


> The " Geometry of Life " always shows, and tells, all. One wonders though if

> there is anyone able to see it. We can only hope they do before all is lost

> and some of these peoples, like II, would be welcomed in Plato's

> home too.


> Note: This report should NOT be considered as an alternative to sound

> medical advice from your Doctors or Government Public Health Officials

> regarding the H1N1 Swine Flu or its associated vaccines.


> C October 20, 2009 EU and US all rights reserved


> http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1288.htm







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