Guest guest Posted March 4, 2010 Report Share Posted March 4, 2010 Ok brand names I have recovered a ADHD sibling with the same protocol as well I have bought ALL of these at my local health food store and I live in upstate NY not NYC , so theses should be obtainable for everyone. I included the links ONLY FOR YOU TO KNOW WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE> I HAVE NOT ORDERED FROM ANY OF THEN>>> JUST GOOGLED TO GET YOU AN IMAGE OF THE BOTTLE Natures Plus Source of life Animal Parade Children's Chewable Vitamin PLUS Mineral support made w/ whole food extracts, vegetarian, hypo-allergenic , Gluten free < & sour ceType=cs & source=FG & cm_mmc=Shopping%20Engines-_-googleproduct-_-Animal%20Par ade%20Chewable%20Grape%20-%20180%20Chewable%20Tablets%20-%20Children's%20Mul tivitamins-_-NT-1947 & ci_src=14110944 & ci_sku=NT-1947> & sourceType=cs & source=FG & cm_mmc=Shopping%20Engines-_-googleproduct-_-Animal% 20Parade%20Chewable%20Grape%20-%20180%20Chewable%20Tablets%20-%20Children's% 20Multivitamins-_-NT-1947 & ci_src=14110944 & ci_sku=NT-1947 I switch probiotics often but usually between these two brands, I rotate them one is a bovine strain , called Renew Life 50 billion cultures per cap I give him one in the AM(empty tummy) and one in the pm before dinner. A human strain probiotic DDS probiotics 10 billion, and he gets 2 of those in the am or 2 in the pm. I rotate one month of one probie and one month of the other < & zonei d=8> & zoneid=8 0f058d93a8ae Enzymatic Gluten Digest it has pure plant enzymes, DPP protease (blend I, II, III, IV, V) ,Amylase, Lipase (I, II), phytase,lactase(I,II), cellulase(I,II), Sucrase / gets 2 at every mean except lunch at school cts/1400/20091117_66.jpg < ucts/1400/20091117_66.jpg & imgrefurl= id%3D13846 & usg=__lnfjlKSaSR47-aZA1oCgrApzVEs= & h=1400 & w=1400 & sz=99 & hl=en & star t=8 & um=1 & itbs=1 & tbnid=CFzcfw8zuVpjSM: & tbnh=150 & tbnw=150 & prev=/images%3Fq%3Dg luten%2Bdigest,%2Benzymatic%2Btherapy%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rls%3Dcom.microso ft:en-us:IE-SearchBox%26rlz%3D1I7ADFA_en%26tbs%3Disch:1> & imgrefurl= & usg=__lnfjlKSa SR47-aZA1oCgrApzVEs= & h=1400 & w=1400 & sz=99 & hl=en & start=8 & um=1 & itbs=1 & tbnid=CFz cfw8zuVpjSM: & tbnh=150 & tbnw=150 & prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgluten%2Bdigest,%2Benzymat lz%3D1I7ADFA_en%26tbs%3Disch:1 Spectrum Norwegian Cod liver oil, but after reading an article on the Weston Price Foundation's webpage I may switch brands. there is a big difference in cod liver oils apparently NOW Alpha lipoic acid 100mg 1 time in the am (was not aware of the ALA protocol here) I added it as a antioxidant on my own < & pxc=4 & sh=4 > & pxc=4 & sh=4 NOW L carnosine (NOTE NOT L CARNITINE), I am out right now so I don't know the MG he gets one a day in the am < & item_id=2822> & item_id=2822 He gets one 200mcg of NOW Selenium, not sure how effective this has been with speech, but he is never sick anymore. used to be out with everything.. every bug the kid caught, now the school got hit w/ swine flu(hit bad in the fall, 3 kids left in his class kinda thing) got a few days of loose stool, no fever, no nothing, my daughter did not get anything. Immune Booster, GOOGLE selenium and Ebola and you will see the wonders of being well nourished. We are an overweight people but I believe a malnourished one, I believe we keep eating because our body is still looking for the real nutrients it needs. But that's a whole other story lol =Minerals NOW homocystine Regulators(they are B6, b12 and folic acid =Cholesterol%2fCardiovascular%20Support RAW MILK only, and goat milk in particular See my goats here, lol!/photo.php?pid=153480 <!/photo.php?pid=153480 & id=100000255667946> & id=100000255667946 LEARN ABOUT THESE TINY MILK MACHINES Yogurt, he lives on yogurt I hope that is all We did environmental things 1st 2 years ago, removes all chemicals from the house, got green cleaners and detergents, no more dryer sheets, Oh I for got we don't use any nitrates or such The probiotics and elimination of refined starches and sugars were to aid in yeast control The boosting of his immune system w/ the selenium and trace minerals will help the body fight its own bacterial and viral battles. I am a firm believer that the body can be a incredible self correcting machine given the proper nutrition and absence of toxins. (look at the cancer risk when you quit smoking 5 years. comes down to that of a non smoker) The goat milk I am learning is high in medium chain fatty acids. so much so 33 of these fatty acids get there name from the goat. I also make raw goat milk yogurt and OMG that is even better for you. Google medium chain fatty acid(MCFA) , and yeast and see what comes up.. MCFA's are mostly in meat and dairy but also in coconut oil, so google that too, it is more effective than nyistan in tests. Like I said the goat milk is newer to his protocol but it was so worth all the animal care, plus he tells everyone about his goat baby, and that she has blue eyes. you get it . Thanks for listening Crystal Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 4, 2010 Report Share Posted March 4, 2010 I have no idea what happened to all my links. they did not look like that when I sent it Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 4, 2010 Report Share Posted March 4, 2010 I SHOULD ALSO ADD THAT OUR PROTOCALL IS MORE M-F W/ WEEKENDS OFF, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 4, 2010 Report Share Posted March 4, 2010 Also he remembers now and talks about things from when we lost him and he was young. so he was so in there all along. don't give up. developed normally then regressed so when I say lost him. I am referring to the time when we had no communication from 18m-nearly 4yo. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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