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Re: Head banging and uncontrolled urination

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Have you tried using pictures to help him communicate so that he might be able

to tell you if he is banging his head because it hurts?  It is possible that he

may be banging his head because something else, like his tummy, hurts and he

just is frustrated because he cannot verbally tell you that.  Many of our kids

will put pressure on their tummies to alleviate pain - does he do things such as

lying tummy first over the arm of a chair or sofa?  What about when he is

pooping?  Do you notice constipation issues?  Is he having to squat to push


out?  Some kids will actually squat on the toilet seat.  our daughter just

did it on the floor.  I am not sure about the uncontrolled urination. 

Our daughter did could not control it at all until about age 5 after we had


chelating toxic heavy metals.  My understanding is that the heavy metal


actually caused numbness in her saddle region so that she could not actually

feel when she had to go potty.  After chelation for about a year she suddenly

started using the potty on her own. Uncontrolled urination could also mean he

has a urinary tract infection, so you might want to rule that one out.  Some


the symptoms can include pain/burning with urination, low-grade fever, upset


I am sure many others on this board have much greater insight than I.  We wish

you much success in your son's recovery.



Elijah's Retreat

“YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!  Every significant advance that has happened


autism is the result of the efforts of parents.â€

- Jepson, MD (NAA Conference, 2005)




From: sajeel shafiq <sajeelshafiq@...>

autism treatment ; gfcfkids ;

recoveryfromautism ; trying_low_oxalates ;


Sent: Fri, September 24, 2010 10:34:43 AM

Subject: [ ] Head banging and uncontrolled urination



My four year old was non verbal and had moderate arabinose. He was almost non

verbal two months ago. We have done one and a half month use of diflucan and now

are using GSE and biotin. Now he is almost verbal and repeats every word with us

although his own use of words is limited to almost fifty. The reason we have

withdrawn diflucan is he experienced severe head ache. Now we have returned to

natural anti fungals. But he is still head banging frequently and has un

controlled urination which he did not have before. What might be the reason. Any




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thanks for your advice.

He had constipation before but then he was not head banging. Now his

constipation is removed. You are right he may be not able to communicate and is

frustrated. Regards,


On Fri Sep 24th, 2010 8:59 PM PKT Jill wrote:

>Have you tried using pictures to help him communicate so that he might be able

>to tell you if he is banging his head because it hurts?  It is possible that


>may be banging his head because something else, like his tummy, hurts and he

>just is frustrated because he cannot verbally tell you that.  Many of our


>will put pressure on their tummies to alleviate pain - does he do things such


>lying tummy first over the arm of a chair or sofa?  What about when he is

>pooping?  Do you notice constipation issues?  Is he having to squat to push


>out?  Some kids will actually squat on the toilet seat.  our daughter just

>did it on the floor.  I am not sure about the uncontrolled urination. 

>Our daughter did could not control it at all until about age 5 after we had


>chelating toxic heavy metals.  My understanding is that the heavy metal


>actually caused numbness in her saddle region so that she could not actually

>feel when she had to go potty.  After chelation for about a year she suddenly

>started using the potty on her own. Uncontrolled urination could also mean he

>has a urinary tract infection, so you might want to rule that

one out.  Some of

>the symptoms can include pain/burning with urination, low-grade fever, upset




>I am sure many others on this board have much greater insight than I.  We wish

>you much success in your son's recovery.



>Elijah's Retreat

>“YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!  Every significant advance that has happened


>autism is the result of the efforts of parents.â€

>- Jepson, MD (NAA Conference, 2005)








>From: sajeel shafiq <sajeelshafiq@...>

>autism treatment ; gfcfkids ;

>recoveryfromautism ; trying_low_oxalates ;


>Sent: Fri, September 24, 2010 10:34:43 AM

>Subject: [ ] Head banging and uncontrolled urination





>My four year old was non verbal and had moderate arabinose. He was almost non

>verbal two months ago. We have done one and a half month use of diflucan and


>are using GSE and biotin. Now he is almost verbal and repeats every word with


>although his own use of words is limited to almost fifty. The reason we have

>withdrawn diflucan is he experienced severe head ache. Now we have returned to

>natural anti fungals. But he is still head banging frequently and has un

>controlled urination which he did not have before. What might be the reason.















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uncontrolled urination in our house is yeast or overgrowth of bad bacteria, I

would try and cut back on the gse, it does get rid of yeast but it also causes

too much bacterial overgrowth, I'd also look at candidase/candex enzymes if you

can, lots of ppl say these are very good, others that might help are , and

enhansa - this has been really effective in our house, oil of oregano, and

increasing probiotics.

hth emma

mum to 3 with asd


> hello


> My four year old was non verbal and had moderate arabinose. He was almost non

verbal two months ago. We have done one and a half month use of diflucan and now

are using GSE and biotin. Now he is almost verbal and repeats every word with us

although his own use of words is limited to almost fifty. The reason we have

withdrawn diflucan is he experienced severe head ache. Now we have returned to

natural anti fungals. But he is still head banging frequently and has un

controlled urination which he did not have before. What might be the reason. Any



> Regards


> Sajeel


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