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Why are you not trying it Sandy ? Did you find something that works better ?


If anyone is interested in buying a new, unopened container of Threelac (60

packets) -- I have one. I bought it and decided not to try it, but was unable to

return it. I paid $65 and will sell it for $35 including shipping. Please

contact me privately if interested at scrowley@.... Thanks!

Sandy Crowley


Earn extra money from home - free details:


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I will be in the future when I start taking it again. Right now the doc.

has me on a cleanse before I start taking it again. I'm sorry, I just don't

have the money at this time, but will in the future if you still have it.

Blessings, Connie

-- Threelac

If anyone is interested in buying a new, unopened container of Threelac (60

packets) -- I have one. I bought it and decided not to try it, but was

unable to return it. I paid $65 and will sell it for $35 including shipping.

Please contact me privately if interested at scrowley@.... Thanks!

Sandy Crowley


Earn extra money from home - free details:


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> -- Right now I am trying Molocure (www.molocure.com) in conjunction

> with probiotics and aerobic oxygen. Can't say that I am cured, but my

> chronic problems with constipation and more recently diarrhea are now

> resolved. Also starting to have less problems with gas. Still experiencing

> some bloating, white coated tongue, and occasional recurring


> itchiness. Been on Molocure for 2-1/2 months and am going to stick it out

> for a while longer.


> Sandy

> Threelac

> >

> >

> > If anyone is interested in buying a new, unopened container of


> (60 packets) -- I have one. I bought it and decided not to try it, but was

> unable to return it. I paid $65 and will sell it for $35 including


> Please contact me privately if interested at scrowley@.... Thanks!

> >

> > Sandy Crowley

> > ************************

> > Earn extra money from home - free details:

> > www.electric-money-tree.com/jessies-closet-invitation.htm

> >

> >

> >

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Yes I have been told by the company that it will kill candida in the

blood---everywhere in the body. The beauty of ThreeLac is that it creates

healthy bacteria in your bowels and then allows your body to heal--the candida

is eradicated as a result. I haven't found (and have tried many at health food

stores etc) any product that actually kills the candida like this product.

anyway let me know if you have any other questions and I'll try to answer


Re: threelac


Will threelac get rid of candida of the blood??? I have it in the blood in a

bad way.


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I'd like to see if anyone answers this question stating it was unsuccessful. I

do know the company has done many research studies that found 100% of the

participants w/candida were cured of candida. That is a wonderful success rate.

Enough to convince me to try it :)



has anyone taken threelac and it was unsuccessfull to cure candida?


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It's too soon to tell. I've been taking it for about three weeks now

and have had die-off effects but I seem to be feeling better and I'm

going to stick with it for three months. I'm also trying really hard

to stick to the diet.

> has anyone taken threelac and it was unsuccessfull to cure candida?

> thanks

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I'd like to see the reserach studies - where can these be found ?


has anyone taken threelac and it was unsuccessfull to cure candida?


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Studies done by the company themselves should never be trusted. I've never used

threelac and don't have an opinion here. It's funny, just a few months ago, we

had just as many writing that it was all a fraud and did not work at all. This

time round, everyone seems to love it. So, of course, I'm very skeptical.

----- Original Message -----

From: B

I'd like to see the reserach studies - where can these be found ?

----- Original Message -----

From: Umholtz

I'd like to see if anyone answers this question stating it was unsuccessful.

I do know the company has done many research studies that found 100% of the

participants w/candida were cured of candida. That is a wonderful success rate.

Enough to convince me to try it :)

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You stated that you were feeling better (that's great!!!). Can you please

tell me what symptoms have been alleviated since you have started taking



>From: " lynne0312 " <lblanchard65@...>



>Subject: Re: threelac

>Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 02:18:28 -0000


>It's too soon to tell. I've been taking it for about three weeks now

>and have had die-off effects but I seem to be feeling better and I'm

>going to stick with it for three months. I'm also trying really hard

>to stick to the diet.





> > has anyone taken threelac and it was unsuccessfull to cure candida?

> > thanks


Over ten million animals are abused, neglected or abandoned yearly. Over

27,000 defenseless animals are being harmed or dying every day! Visit The

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Hi Patty,

I'm having more energy mostly and less brain fog. I have for years

felt the need for a nap in the early afternoon. That is going away.

My sinus congestion is improving also. I should mention that before

I went on Threelac I was taking a few different antifungals (mostly

SF722) in combo with probiotics. I felt TERRIBLE. I almost couldn't

function it was so bad. I took nothing for two days and then started

threelac. I think now that the antifungals probably killed off a lot

of the yeast and that's why the threelac SEEMS to be working. I'll

keep you posted.


> > > has anyone taken threelac and it was unsuccessfull to cure


> > > thanks

> >



> Over ten million animals are abused, neglected or abandoned yearly.


> 27,000 defenseless animals are being harmed or dying every day!

Visit The

> Animal Rescue Site (http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/home) every

day to

> give a bowl of food -- at no cost to you -- and participate in the

fight to

> save animals in need.


> _________________________________________________________________

> Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

> http://join.msn.com/?page=features/featuredemail

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Thanks Lynne!

I also take SF722 and I " try " to follow a strict diet. I should be

receiving some samples of threelac in the mail. If it works, I will

purchase a whole can. Right now, I have really bad chest and sinus

congestion, some brain fog, and my energy fluctuates. I also have trouble

sleeping more than 4 hours at night. I have been experiencing some die off,

but no miracles as of yet w/the SF722. I look forward to the threelac. If

that doesn't work, I may try the Whole Approach products


Thanks for the update.


>From: " lynne0312 " <lblanchard65@...>



>Subject: Re: threelac

>Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 19:28:44 -0000


>Hi Patty,


>I'm having more energy mostly and less brain fog. I have for years

>felt the need for a nap in the early afternoon. That is going away.

>My sinus congestion is improving also. I should mention that before

>I went on Threelac I was taking a few different antifungals (mostly

>SF722) in combo with probiotics. I felt TERRIBLE. I almost couldn't

>function it was so bad. I took nothing for two days and then started

>threelac. I think now that the antifungals probably killed off a lot

>of the yeast and that's why the threelac SEEMS to be working. I'll

>keep you posted.







> > > > has anyone taken threelac and it was unsuccessfull to cure


> > > > thanks

> > >

> >

> >

> > Over ten million animals are abused, neglected or abandoned yearly.


> > 27,000 defenseless animals are being harmed or dying every day!

>Visit The

> > Animal Rescue Site (http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/home) every

>day to

> > give a bowl of food -- at no cost to you -- and participate in the

>fight to

> > save animals in need.

> >

> > _________________________________________________________________

> > Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

> > http://join.msn.com/?page=features/featuredemail


Over ten million animals are abused, neglected or abandoned yearly. Over

27,000 defenseless animals are being harmed or dying every day! Visit The

Animal Rescue Site (http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/home) every day to

give a bowl of food -- at no cost to you -- and participate in the fight to

save animals in need.


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Where can you get the samples to try?



Re: Re: threelac

Thanks Lynne!

I also take SF722 and I " try " to follow a strict diet. I should be

receiving some samples of threelac in the mail. If it works, I will

purchase a whole can. Right now, I have really bad chest and sinus

congestion, some brain fog, and my energy fluctuates. I also have trouble

sleeping more than 4 hours at night. I have been experiencing some die off,

but no miracles as of yet w/the SF722. I look forward to the threelac. If

that doesn't work, I may try the Whole Approach products


Thanks for the update.


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There is a woman who posts here named . She is sending me 10 packets

for $10. This seems like a safer investment. Also, a woman by the name of

Mona sells a can of Threelac for $50. There contact information is below:

Mona: Knew2stock@...

: lbumholtz@...


>From: " Kate " <kzlists@...>


><candidiasis >

>Subject: Re: Re: threelac

>Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 11:28:32 -0400


>Where can you get the samples to try?




> Re: Re: threelac



> Thanks Lynne!


> I also take SF722 and I " try " to follow a strict diet. I should be

> receiving some samples of threelac in the mail. If it works, I will

> purchase a whole can. Right now, I have really bad chest and sinus

> congestion, some brain fog, and my energy fluctuates. I also have


> sleeping more than 4 hours at night. I have been experiencing some die


> but no miracles as of yet w/the SF722. I look forward to the threelac.


> that doesn't work, I may try the Whole Approach products

> (www.wholeapproach.com).


> Thanks for the update.


> -Patty



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

i would like to try threelac...


From: jillian estela <jillianestela@...>



Subject: Re: 's response to run4rest2000

Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 06:12:22 -0700 (PDT)

Hello Diane I have been using Threelac for two weeks now. I have noticed

unbelievable improvment with my candida. My tongue is getting noticabley

pinker. My blurred vision is almost nonexistant. My bodyaches have ceased

along with the constant fatigue. I don't think people on this site are

trying to push you to buy a product. I think that they are only trying to

help those who are suffering. I have no reason to tell you that Threelac

works other than my own disbelief of the product. I think if you are not

using Threelac then you are only making yourself miserable. I also wanted

to tell you since I first had candida I cried atleast once a day for no

reason. Now I no longer cry unless I have a reason. My emotions are

balanced now. Using Threelac I can pretty much eat what i want to eat

within reason. If I do have to much sugar I get the bodyaches and fatigue

and gas. I try to eat healthy. I hope my response helps you see that

people like are only trying to help

you. They only want you to feel better. We all know Candida is an on

going battle- jill


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I was concerned about this also--I asked the company and they said the

ingredients probiotics wouldn't survive without this yeast powder---it is a very

very small amount--none that anyone would react to--I am extremely allergic and

I haven't had one reaction after 3 months of ThreeLac. One thing you'll find

w/3Lac is that your food allergy symptoms and other allergies decrease

w/increased usage

hope this answers your question



I just looked this up on the net & one of the ingredients is refined

yeast powder. Doesn't seem to make sense. Can anyone shed some light on

this for me? Thanx, D

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I believe the yeast in threelac is a source of nutrition for the live

culture contained in the packets. The " live " probiotics will feed on this

until they reach your intestines.....then they feed on the candida

(hopefully) as well as re-colonize your gut.


>From: YeastieBoy@...



>Subject: Threelac

>Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 15:04:48 -0400 (EDT)


>I just looked this up on the net & one of the ingredients is refined

>yeast powder. Doesn't seem to make sense. Can anyone shed some light on

>this for me? Thanx, D


Over ten million animals are abused, neglected or abandoned yearly. Over

27,000 defenseless animals are being harmed or dying every day! Visit The

Animal Rescue Site (http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/home) every day to

give a bowl of food -- at no cost to you -- and participate in the fight to

save animals in need.


The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*


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Here is the contact email of someone who is selling threelac at the lowest


I am selling Threelac for wholesale price of $50.00 a can and the

Hydroxygen (1 oz) for $20.00. I will sell both for $65.

email : Knew2stock@...

>From: " Fallon " <ptfallon@...>



>Subject: Re: THREELAC

>Date: Sat, 02 Aug 2003 17:24:40 +0000


>i would like to try threelac...





>From: jillian estela <jillianestela@...>



>Subject: Re: 's response to run4rest2000

>Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 06:12:22 -0700 (PDT)


>Hello Diane I have been using Threelac for two weeks now. I have noticed

>unbelievable improvment with my candida. My tongue is getting noticabley

>pinker. My blurred vision is almost nonexistant. My bodyaches have ceased

>along with the constant fatigue. I don't think people on this site are

>trying to push you to buy a product. I think that they are only trying to

>help those who are suffering. I have no reason to tell you that Threelac

>works other than my own disbelief of the product. I think if you are not

>using Threelac then you are only making yourself miserable. I also wanted

>to tell you since I first had candida I cried atleast once a day for no

>reason. Now I no longer cry unless I have a reason. My emotions are

>balanced now. Using Threelac I can pretty much eat what i want to eat

>within reason. If I do have to much sugar I get the bodyaches and fatigue

>and gas. I try to eat healthy. I hope my response helps you see that

>people like are only trying to help

> you. They only want you to feel better. We all know Candida is an on

>going battle- jill



>The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*



Over ten million animals are abused, neglected or abandoned yearly. Over

27,000 defenseless animals are being harmed or dying every day! Visit The

Animal Rescue Site (http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/home) every day to

give a bowl of food -- at no cost to you -- and participate in the fight to

save animals in need.


MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*


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What are the odds of it working on a bad case of candida? Is there a money

back gaurentee?


From: " Patty Lager " <jr5star@...>



Subject: Re: THREELAC

Date: Sat, 02 Aug 2003 19:10:39 -0500

Here is the contact email of someone who is selling threelac at the lowest


I am selling Threelac for wholesale price of $50.00 a can and the

Hydroxygen (1 oz) for $20.00. I will sell both for $65.

email : Knew2stock@...

>From: " Fallon " <ptfallon@...>



>Subject: Re: THREELAC

>Date: Sat, 02 Aug 2003 17:24:40 +0000


>i would like to try threelac...





>From: jillian estela <jillianestela@...>



>Subject: Re: 's response to run4rest2000

>Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 06:12:22 -0700 (PDT)


>Hello Diane I have been using Threelac for two weeks now. I have noticed

>unbelievable improvment with my candida. My tongue is getting noticabley

>pinker. My blurred vision is almost nonexistant. My bodyaches have


>along with the constant fatigue. I don't think people on this site are

>trying to push you to buy a product. I think that they are only trying to

>help those who are suffering. I have no reason to tell you that Threelac

>works other than my own disbelief of the product. I think if you are not

>using Threelac then you are only making yourself miserable. I also wanted

>to tell you since I first had candida I cried atleast once a day for no

>reason. Now I no longer cry unless I have a reason. My emotions are

>balanced now. Using Threelac I can pretty much eat what i want to eat

>within reason. If I do have to much sugar I get the bodyaches and fatigue

>and gas. I try to eat healthy. I hope my response helps you see that

>people like are only trying to help

> you. They only want you to feel better. We all know Candida is an on

>going battle- jill



>The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*



Over ten million animals are abused, neglected or abandoned yearly. Over

27,000 defenseless animals are being harmed or dying every day! Visit The

Animal Rescue Site (http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/home) every day to

give a bowl of food -- at no cost to you -- and participate in the fight to

save animals in need.


MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*



Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.


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I am not sure of any guarantees. The woman selling it, Mona, seems very

nice . I would email her (Knew2stock@...) and ask. I have not tried

threelac myself. I am having some samples sent to me very soon. If it

works, I may purchase an entire can. Mona is selling threelac at the lowest

price I know of, but IF she doesn't offer a money back guarantee, you may

want to buy it elsewhere. Global Health Trax is the MLM company that

distributes threelac. Their website is


Sorry I can't be of more assistance. If you do start on threelac, please

keep us all updated w/your progress.

Good Luck!!!!


>From: " Fallon " <ptfallon@...>



>Subject: Re: THREELAC

>Date: Sun, 03 Aug 2003 01:40:00 +0000



>What are the odds of it working on a bad case of candida? Is there a money

>back gaurentee?




>From: " Patty Lager " <jr5star@...>



>Subject: Re: THREELAC

>Date: Sat, 02 Aug 2003 19:10:39 -0500


>Here is the contact email of someone who is selling threelac at the lowest



>I am selling Threelac for wholesale price of $50.00 a can and the

>Hydroxygen (1 oz) for $20.00. I will sell both for $65.


>email : Knew2stock@...




> >From: " Fallon " <ptfallon@...>

> >Reply-candidiasis

> >candidiasis

> >Subject: Re: THREELAC

> >Date: Sat, 02 Aug 2003 17:24:40 +0000

> >

> >i would like to try threelac...


> >

> >

> >

> >From: jillian estela <jillianestela@...>

> >Reply-candidiasis

> >candidiasis

> >Subject: Re: 's response to run4rest2000

> >Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 06:12:22 -0700 (PDT)

> >

> >Hello Diane I have been using Threelac for two weeks now. I have


> >unbelievable improvment with my candida. My tongue is getting noticabley

> >pinker. My blurred vision is almost nonexistant. My bodyaches have


> >along with the constant fatigue. I don't think people on this site are

> >trying to push you to buy a product. I think that they are only trying


> >help those who are suffering. I have no reason to tell you that


> >works other than my own disbelief of the product. I think if you are


> >using Threelac then you are only making yourself miserable. I also


> >to tell you since I first had candida I cried atleast once a day for no

> >reason. Now I no longer cry unless I have a reason. My emotions are

> >balanced now. Using Threelac I can pretty much eat what i want to eat

> >within reason. If I do have to much sugar I get the bodyaches and


> >and gas. I try to eat healthy. I hope my response helps you see that

> >people like are only trying to help

> > you. They only want you to feel better. We all know Candida is an


> >going battle- jill

> >

> >_________________________________________________________________

> >The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

> >http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail

> >



>Over ten million animals are abused, neglected or abandoned yearly. Over

>27,000 defenseless animals are being harmed or dying every day! Visit The

>Animal Rescue Site (http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/home) every day to

>give a bowl of food -- at no cost to you -- and participate in the fight to

>save animals in need.



>MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*




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Over ten million animals are abused, neglected or abandoned yearly. Over

27,000 defenseless animals are being harmed or dying every day! Visit The

Animal Rescue Site (http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/home) every day to

give a bowl of food -- at no cost to you -- and participate in the fight to

save animals in need.


STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*


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From: " Patty Lager " <jr5star@...>



Subject: Re: THREELAC

Date: Sat, 02 Aug 2003 20:50:30 -0500

I am not sure of any guarantees. The woman selling it, Mona, seems very

nice . I would email her (Knew2stock@...) and ask. I have not tried

threelac myself. I am having some samples sent to me very soon. If it

works, I may purchase an entire can. Mona is selling threelac at the lowest

price I know of, but IF she doesn't offer a money back guarantee, you may

want to buy it elsewhere. Global Health Trax is the MLM company that

distributes threelac. Their website is


Sorry I can't be of more assistance. If you do start on threelac, please

keep us all updated w/your progress.

Good Luck!!!!


>From: " Fallon " <ptfallon@...>



>Subject: Re: THREELAC

>Date: Sun, 03 Aug 2003 01:40:00 +0000



>What are the odds of it working on a bad case of candida? Is there a money

>back gaurentee?




>From: " Patty Lager " <jr5star@...>



>Subject: Re: THREELAC

>Date: Sat, 02 Aug 2003 19:10:39 -0500


>Here is the contact email of someone who is selling threelac at the lowest



>I am selling Threelac for wholesale price of $50.00 a can and the

>Hydroxygen (1 oz) for $20.00. I will sell both for $65.


>email : Knew2stock@...




> >From: " Fallon " <ptfallon@...>

> >Reply-candidiasis

> >candidiasis

> >Subject: Re: THREELAC

> >Date: Sat, 02 Aug 2003 17:24:40 +0000

> >

> >i would like to try threelac...


> >

> >

> >

> >From: jillian estela <jillianestela@...>

> >Reply-candidiasis

> >candidiasis

> >Subject: Re: 's response to run4rest2000

> >Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 06:12:22 -0700 (PDT)

> >

> >Hello Diane I have been using Threelac for two weeks now. I have


> >unbelievable improvment with my candida. My tongue is getting


> >pinker. My blurred vision is almost nonexistant. My bodyaches have


> >along with the constant fatigue. I don't think people on this site are

> >trying to push you to buy a product. I think that they are only trying


> >help those who are suffering. I have no reason to tell you that


> >works other than my own disbelief of the product. I think if you are


> >using Threelac then you are only making yourself miserable. I also


> >to tell you since I first had candida I cried atleast once a day for no

> >reason. Now I no longer cry unless I have a reason. My emotions are

> >balanced now. Using Threelac I can pretty much eat what i want to eat

> >within reason. If I do have to much sugar I get the bodyaches and


> >and gas. I try to eat healthy. I hope my response helps you see that

> >people like are only trying to help

> > you. They only want you to feel better. We all know Candida is an


> >going battle- jill

> >

> >_________________________________________________________________

> >The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

> >http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail

> >



>Over ten million animals are abused, neglected or abandoned yearly. Over

>27,000 defenseless animals are being harmed or dying every day! Visit The

>Animal Rescue Site (http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/home) every day to

>give a bowl of food -- at no cost to you -- and participate in the fight


>save animals in need.



>MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*




>Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.



Over ten million animals are abused, neglected or abandoned yearly. Over

27,000 defenseless animals are being harmed or dying every day! Visit The

Animal Rescue Site (http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/home) every day to

give a bowl of food -- at no cost to you -- and participate in the fight to

save animals in need.


STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*



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  • 2 weeks later...


----- Original Message -----

From: twistedfool@...

What is allthis ThreeLac BS?

If it contains yeast, it's worthless and even harmful for those of us with

yeast allergy, and probably super expensive to boot.

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I have been reading extensive research studies related to treating candida--and

brewer's yeast is needed for the bacteria in ThreeLac to survive--it is not

harmful for those w/yeast, from the studies I'm finding. The scientists in

Japan that developed 3Lac had enormous success treating candida in Japan---and

it is now here in the U.S. So, no, it does hold up scientifically in treating

candida--and is not bull.

Expensive--yes. Unless you consider that it does treat candida--it's worth the


I haven't made any $ from anyone in this group--purposely, so that I can

encourage others to try ThreeLac. Symptoms one experiences may just be the

die-off or the candida fighting the war that has been introduced with the

bacteria in ThreeLac. Scientists that aren't even connected with 3Lac know that

replacing lactobacillus sporogenes in your body is the way to consume the yeast.

A cheaper form of just the strain of lactobacillus sporogenes is for sale at

modernherbalist.com. It may be more suitable for some of you in the group.

Whether it works as well, I don't know. It is much cheaper ($15.00 for a

bottle). I personally know people that have tried many other products (most of

which are discussed in this group) that had no success with anything other than

ThreeLac--including myself. The scientific studies I'm reading also have many

scientists that are stating they also know that Nystatin and Diflucan and

Amphotericin B have harmful side effects and are ineffective.

I don't know of any reasonable alternatives -- you can knock 3Lac all you

want--but it is helping many people with candida. And, again, I've never made a

dime off of anyone in this group. So any hidden agenda or motive is not here.



What is allthis ThreeLac BS?

If it contains yeast, it's worthless and even harmful for those of us with

yeast allergy, and probably super expensive to boot.

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Every six months or so somebody gets on this forum and talks up this

product..Last time it was a fellow named Jay... These individuals always have a

financial interest in this product. There is normally a flurry of posts and

then they go away...because nobody is cured by this product (except the person

selling it, of course)...I think the current curee is someone named .

You'll probably see a 100 or so posts from her about ThreeLac. The reason why

the interest subsides is because nobody else is cured by this product.

It's just human nature at work.

Re: ThreeLac


----- Original Message -----

From: twistedfool@...

What is allthis ThreeLac BS?

If it contains yeast, it's worthless and even harmful for those of us with

yeast allergy, and probably super expensive to boot.

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I disagree with you. Everyone is not out to make a buck. Mona, a very

sweet girl sells this product (threelac) very cheap. She truly cares about

people. She has helped me out more then once. I don't know about the other

people selling threelac. Connie

-- Re: ThreeLac

Every six months or so somebody gets on this forum and talks up this product

..Last time it was a fellow named Jay... These individuals always have a

financial interest in this product. There is normally a flurry of posts and

then they go away...because nobody is cured by this product (except the

person selling it, of course)...I think the current curee is someone named

. You'll probably see a 100 or so posts from her about ThreeLac. The

reason why the interest subsides is because nobody else is cured by this


It's just human nature at work.

Re: ThreeLac


----- Original Message -----

From: twistedfool@...

What is allthis ThreeLac BS?

If it contains yeast, it's worthless and even harmful for those of us with

yeast allergy, and probably super expensive to boot.

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