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Activated Charcoal question

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Hi all. We were away on vacation over the Memorial Day holiday, and while on

the road our son ate something that either had bacteria in it or posed a major

dietary infraction (even though we were told that the item was gluten free)

After that he has had an extremely loose bowel twice daily. We tried giving

high dose OLE and some parasite herbs, the diarrhea slowed down to maybe once a

day, but was still there.

Our son's bowels have been great and normal for so long - no yeast, no parasites

nothing ( we are at round 87 and more chelation has seemed to make his bowels

great and almost normal) So we were taken unawares by this episode. A friend

suggested giving activated charcoal. We did so, first time for us. And while

not eliminating the diarrhea, it has made the episodes less severe, and our

son's appetite returned.

We did have one curious side effect - we are not sure if it could be the

charcoal, or just a really good post round period, or perhaps some the result of

the listening therapy we started this week - but our son, who is 5, and while

verbal, mostly talks about his wants and needs, suddenly has started giving us a

recitation, albeit limited, of events that happened at school. For example he

said: I wore a diaper at school today. I called the teacher on it, and since I

had warned them about the possibility of the loose bowel, they put a pull up on

him without my permission as a precaution, never thinking my son would have the

language or desire to rat them out. They were supposed to do his listening

therapy during school twice daily - but only were doing it once daily. I asked

my son, he said " listened to my ipod in the morning. " When I asked if he did in

the pm, he said no only once. Again, I think the teacher was shocked that he

would report this to me. And then yesterday they had a fun day at school, when

I picked him up from school, he said, without being asked, " we had recess

outside today, with music and dancing. " This is huge for him, because it does

not have to do with his wants or needs.

Has anyone experienced this when using charcoal? I am in the process of reading

Callous Disregard by Wakefield, and it struck me that he said when he was

prepping some of the kids in his study for colonoscopies - that they had to take

these purges to cleanse the colon prior - and that he and other doctors expected

chaos during the process and that quite the opposite happened the kids were

extremely well behaved and much more calm and normal their parents reported- it

seems that the bad gut bugs, virus etc that live in the kids colons were

neutralized or wiped out. Could it be that the activated charcoal did the same

to my son? Even though his bowels are generally good - perhaps, he picked up

some type of food borne illness, or other gut bugs even prior to this

infraction, because he has been a little off for a couple of weeks. It is hard

to figure out the cause, because we started some listening therapy too, but the

change is startling in our son.

I have no other experience using activated charcoal so I wondered if anyone else

could report if they saw gains when using it.

Thanks. Irene

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We finished Therapeutic Listening around Christmas time, and as we went through

it, we saw all kinds of changes as his neuro system was stimulated differently:

bowel changes, sensory improvements, sleep changes, etc.


> Hi all. We were away on vacation over the Memorial Day holiday, and while on

the road our son ate something that either had bacteria in it or posed a major

dietary infraction (even though we were told that the item was gluten free)

After that he has had an extremely loose bowel twice daily. We tried giving

high dose OLE and some parasite herbs, the diarrhea slowed down to maybe once a

day, but was still there.


> Our son's bowels have been great and normal for so long - no yeast, no

parasites nothing ( we are at round 87 and more chelation has seemed to make his

bowels great and almost normal) So we were taken unawares by this episode. A

friend suggested giving activated charcoal. We did so, first time for us. And

while not eliminating the diarrhea, it has made the episodes less severe, and

our son's appetite returned.


> We did have one curious side effect - we are not sure if it could be the

charcoal, or just a really good post round period, or perhaps some the result of

the listening therapy we started this week - but our son, who is 5, and while

verbal, mostly talks about his wants and needs, suddenly has started giving us a

recitation, albeit limited, of events that happened at school. For example he

said: I wore a diaper at school today. I called the teacher on it, and since I

had warned them about the possibility of the loose bowel, they put a pull up on

him without my permission as a precaution, never thinking my son would have the

language or desire to rat them out. They were supposed to do his listening

therapy during school twice daily - but only were doing it once daily. I asked

my son, he said " listened to my ipod in the morning. " When I asked if he did in

the pm, he said no only once. Again, I think the teacher was shocked that he

would report this to me. And then yesterday they had a fun day at school, when

I picked him up from school, he said, without being asked, " we had recess

outside today, with music and dancing. " This is huge for him, because it does

not have to do with his wants or needs.


> Has anyone experienced this when using charcoal? I am in the process of

reading Callous Disregard by Wakefield, and it struck me that he said

when he was prepping some of the kids in his study for colonoscopies - that they

had to take these purges to cleanse the colon prior - and that he and other

doctors expected chaos during the process and that quite the opposite happened

the kids were extremely well behaved and much more calm and normal their parents

reported- it seems that the bad gut bugs, virus etc that live in the kids colons

were neutralized or wiped out. Could it be that the activated charcoal did the

same to my son? Even though his bowels are generally good - perhaps, he picked

up some type of food borne illness, or other gut bugs even prior to this

infraction, because he has been a little off for a couple of weeks. It is hard

to figure out the cause, because we started some listening therapy too, but the

change is startling in our son.


> I have no other experience using activated charcoal so I wondered if anyone

else could report if they saw gains when using it.


> Thanks. Irene


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Hi -thanks for your reply. Are you saying activated charcoal should be

used on a regular basis with our kids after rounds? Or just when they seem to

have gastric upset or bad redistribution etc after a round or something? Or just

periodically to mop up toxins? I was just curious in 3 years of biomed I have

never used it, not even during really bad yeast die off in the beginning. I

always was afraid my son would not take the stuff - but it appears to be taste




> From: iflow97 <iflow97@...>

> Subject: [ ] Activated Charcoal question


> Date: Saturday, June 5, 2010, 8:17 AM


















> Hi all. We were away on vacation over the Memorial Day holiday, and

while on the road our son ate something that either had bacteria in it or posed

a major dietary infraction (even though we were told that the item was gluten

free) After that he has had an extremely loose bowel twice daily. We tried

giving high dose OLE and some parasite herbs, the diarrhea slowed down to maybe

once a day, but was still there.




> Our son's bowels have been great and normal for so long - no yeast, no

parasites nothing ( we are at round 87 and more chelation has seemed to make his

bowels great and almost normal) So we were taken unawares by this episode. A

friend suggested giving activated charcoal. We did so, first time for us. And

while not eliminating the diarrhea, it has made the episodes less severe, and

our son's appetite returned.




> We did have one curious side effect - we are not sure if it could be the

charcoal, or just a really good post round period, or perhaps some the result of

the listening therapy we started this week - but our son, who is 5, and while

verbal, mostly talks about his wants and needs, suddenly has started giving us a

recitation, albeit limited, of events that happened at school. For example he

said: I wore a diaper at school today. I called the teacher on it, and since I

had warned them about the possibility of the loose bowel, they put a pull up on

him without my permission as a precaution, never thinking my son would have the

language or desire to rat them out. They were supposed to do his listening

therapy during school twice daily - but only were doing it once daily. I asked

my son, he said " listened to my ipod in the morning. " When I asked if he did in

the pm, he said no only once. Again, I think the teacher was shocked that he

would report this to

> me. And then yesterday they had a fun day at school, when I picked him up

from school, he said, without being asked, " we had recess outside today, with

music and dancing. " This is huge for him, because it does not have to do with

his wants or needs.




> Has anyone experienced this when using charcoal? I am in the process of

reading Callous Disregard by Wakefield, and it struck me that he said

when he was prepping some of the kids in his study for colonoscopies - that they

had to take these purges to cleanse the colon prior - and that he and other

doctors expected chaos during the process and that quite the opposite happened

the kids were extremely well behaved and much more calm and normal their parents

reported- it seems that the bad gut bugs, virus etc that live in the kids colons

were neutralized or wiped out. Could it be that the activated charcoal did the

same to my son? Even though his bowels are generally good - perhaps, he picked

up some type of food borne illness, or other gut bugs even prior to this

infraction, because he has been a little off for a couple of weeks. It is hard

to figure out the cause, because we started some listening therapy too, but the

change is startling in our

> son.




> I have no other experience using activated charcoal so I wondered if anyone

else could report if they saw gains when using it.




> Thanks. Irene



























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Charcoal is great if you need to mop up any kind of crud or if you are seeing

die-off behaviors.  But unless you need it, no use taking it.  However one

good side affect is it helps firm up stools if you got a kid that has loose

stools.  We only use it when we see die-off or stress cause our guy is a low


nancy j

From: iflow97 <iflow97@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Activated Charcoal question

Date: Saturday, June 5, 2010, 7:09 PM


Hi -thanks for your reply. Are you saying activated charcoal should be

used on a regular basis with our kids after rounds? Or just when they seem to

have gastric upset or bad redistribution etc after a round or something? Or just

periodically to mop up toxins? I was just curious in 3 years of biomed I have

never used it, not even during really bad yeast die off in the beginning. I

always was afraid my son would not take the stuff - but it appears to be taste




> From: iflow97 <iflow97@...>

> Subject: [ ] Activated Charcoal question


> Date: Saturday, June 5, 2010, 8:17 AM


















> Hi all. We were away on vacation over the Memorial Day holiday, and

while on the road our son ate something that either had bacteria in it or posed

a major dietary infraction (even though we were told that the item was gluten

free) After that he has had an extremely loose bowel twice daily. We tried

giving high dose OLE and some parasite herbs, the diarrhea slowed down to maybe

once a day, but was still there.




> Our son's bowels have been great and normal for so long - no yeast, no

parasites nothing ( we are at round 87 and more chelation has seemed to make his

bowels great and almost normal) So we were taken unawares by this episode. A

friend suggested giving activated charcoal. We did so, first time for us. And

while not eliminating the diarrhea, it has made the episodes less severe, and

our son's appetite returned.




> We did have one curious side effect - we are not sure if it could be the

charcoal, or just a really good post round period, or perhaps some the result of

the listening therapy we started this week - but our son, who is 5, and while

verbal, mostly talks about his wants and needs, suddenly has started giving us a

recitation, albeit limited, of events that happened at school. For example he

said: I wore a diaper at school today. I called the teacher on it, and since I

had warned them about the possibility of the loose bowel, they put a pull up on

him without my permission as a precaution, never thinking my son would have the

language or desire to rat them out. They were supposed to do his listening

therapy during school twice daily - but only were doing it once daily. I asked

my son, he said " listened to my ipod in the morning. " When I asked if he did in

the pm, he said no only once. Again, I think the teacher was shocked that he

would report this to

> me. And then yesterday they had a fun day at school, when I picked him up

from school, he said, without being asked, " we had recess outside today, with

music and dancing. " This is huge for him, because it does not have to do with

his wants or needs.




> Has anyone experienced this when using charcoal? I am in the process of

reading Callous Disregard by Wakefield, and it struck me that he said

when he was prepping some of the kids in his study for colonoscopies - that they

had to take these purges to cleanse the colon prior - and that he and other

doctors expected chaos during the process and that quite the opposite happened

the kids were extremely well behaved and much more calm and normal their parents

reported- it seems that the bad gut bugs, virus etc that live in the kids colons

were neutralized or wiped out. Could it be that the activated charcoal did the

same to my son? Even though his bowels are generally good - perhaps, he picked

up some type of food borne illness, or other gut bugs even prior to this

infraction, because he has been a little off for a couple of weeks. It is hard

to figure out the cause, because we started some listening therapy too, but the

change is startling in our

> son.




> I have no other experience using activated charcoal so I wondered if anyone

else could report if they saw gains when using it.




> Thanks. Irene



























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check out info at Great Plains Lab regarding toxins thrown off by yeast,

clostridia, etc. very useful to know.



> From: iflow97 <iflow97@...>

> Subject: [ ] Activated Charcoal question


> Date: Saturday, June 5, 2010, 8:17 AM


















> Hi all. We were away on vacation over the Memorial Day holiday, and

while on the road our son ate something that either had bacteria in it or posed

a major dietary infraction (even though we were told that the item was gluten

free) After that he has had an extremely loose bowel twice daily. We tried

giving high dose OLE and some parasite herbs, the diarrhea slowed down to maybe

once a day, but was still there.




> Our son's bowels have been great and normal for so long - no yeast, no

parasites nothing ( we are at round 87 and more chelation has seemed to make his

bowels great and almost normal) So we were taken unawares by this episode. A

friend suggested giving activated charcoal. We did so, first time for us. And

while not eliminating the diarrhea, it has made the episodes less severe, and

our son's appetite returned.




> We did have one curious side effect - we are not sure if it could be the

charcoal, or just a really good post round period, or perhaps some the result of

the listening therapy we started this week - but our son, who is 5, and while

verbal, mostly talks about his wants and needs, suddenly has started giving us a

recitation, albeit limited, of events that happened at school. For example he

said: I wore a diaper at school today. I called the teacher on it, and since I

had warned them about the possibility of the loose bowel, they put a pull up on

him without my permission as a precaution, never thinking my son would have the

language or desire to rat them out. They were supposed to do his listening

therapy during school twice daily - but only were doing it once daily. I asked

my son, he said " listened to my ipod in the morning. " When I asked if he did in

the pm, he said no only once. Again, I think the teacher was shocked that he

would report this to

> me. And then yesterday they had a fun day at school, when I picked him up

from school, he said, without being asked, " we had recess outside today, with

music and dancing. " This is huge for him, because it does not have to do with

his wants or needs.




> Has anyone experienced this when using charcoal? I am in the process of

reading Callous Disregard by Wakefield, and it struck me that he said

when he was prepping some of the kids in his study for colonoscopies - that they

had to take these purges to cleanse the colon prior - and that he and other

doctors expected chaos during the process and that quite the opposite happened

the kids were extremely well behaved and much more calm and normal their parents

reported- it seems that the bad gut bugs, virus etc that live in the kids colons

were neutralized or wiped out. Could it be that the activated charcoal did the

same to my son? Even though his bowels are generally good - perhaps, he picked

up some type of food borne illness, or other gut bugs even prior to this

infraction, because he has been a little off for a couple of weeks. It is hard

to figure out the cause, because we started some listening therapy too, but the

change is startling in our

> son.




> I have no other experience using activated charcoal so I wondered if anyone

else could report if they saw gains when using it.




> Thanks. Irene



























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We use activated charcoal and apple pectin after chelation rounds for this " mop

up " effect, and also sometimes after killing off yeast with GSE.

It is also GREAT after food poisoning. I do think it helps remove toxins in the

gut - but also grabs whatever you might be supplementing so it's not a regular

thing for us.



> From: iflow97 <iflow97@...>

> Subject: [ ] Activated Charcoal question


> Date: Saturday, June 5, 2010, 8:17 AM


















> Hi all. We were away on vacation over the Memorial Day holiday, and

while on the road our son ate something that either had bacteria in it or posed

a major dietary infraction (even though we were told that the item was gluten

free) After that he has had an extremely loose bowel twice daily. We tried

giving high dose OLE and some parasite herbs, the diarrhea slowed down to maybe

once a day, but was still there.




> Our son's bowels have been great and normal for so long - no yeast, no

parasites nothing ( we are at round 87 and more chelation has seemed to make his

bowels great and almost normal) So we were taken unawares by this episode. A

friend suggested giving activated charcoal. We did so, first time for us. And

while not eliminating the diarrhea, it has made the episodes less severe, and

our son's appetite returned.




> We did have one curious side effect - we are not sure if it could be the

charcoal, or just a really good post round period, or perhaps some the result of

the listening therapy we started this week - but our son, who is 5, and while

verbal, mostly talks about his wants and needs, suddenly has started giving us a

recitation, albeit limited, of events that happened at school. For example he

said: I wore a diaper at school today. I called the teacher on it, and since I

had warned them about the possibility of the loose bowel, they put a pull up on

him without my permission as a precaution, never thinking my son would have the

language or desire to rat them out. They were supposed to do his listening

therapy during school twice daily - but only were doing it once daily. I asked

my son, he said " listened to my ipod in the morning. " When I asked if he did in

the pm, he said no only once. Again, I think the teacher was shocked that he

would report this to

> me. And then yesterday they had a fun day at school, when I picked him up

from school, he said, without being asked, " we had recess outside today, with

music and dancing. " This is huge for him, because it does not have to do with

his wants or needs.




> Has anyone experienced this when using charcoal? I am in the process of

reading Callous Disregard by Wakefield, and it struck me that he said

when he was prepping some of the kids in his study for colonoscopies - that they

had to take these purges to cleanse the colon prior - and that he and other

doctors expected chaos during the process and that quite the opposite happened

the kids were extremely well behaved and much more calm and normal their parents

reported- it seems that the bad gut bugs, virus etc that live in the kids colons

were neutralized or wiped out. Could it be that the activated charcoal did the

same to my son? Even though his bowels are generally good - perhaps, he picked

up some type of food borne illness, or other gut bugs even prior to this

infraction, because he has been a little off for a couple of weeks. It is hard

to figure out the cause, because we started some listening therapy too, but the

change is startling in our

> son.




> I have no other experience using activated charcoal so I wondered if anyone

else could report if they saw gains when using it.




> Thanks. Irene



























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> We use ...apple pectin after chelation rounds for this " mop up " effect, ...


> Jo

Jo, Is this an unmodified form of pectin that is only working in the digestive

system? I understand there are modified forms of pectin, MCP, that are small

enough to be absorbed and supposedly have some ability to chelate (or at least

redistribute!) heavy metals.

Do you recommend a particular type of apple pectin?


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We saw instant language improvements when we started a listening program. We

did, and my younger son still does (4 or 5 years later) the Sound Therapy

International program which you can do anywhere any time. Love it.

Alison W

> >

> > Hi all. We were away on vacation over the Memorial Day holiday, and while

on the road our son ate something that either had bacteria in it or posed a

major dietary infraction (even though we were told that the item was gluten

free) After that he has had an extremely loose bowel twice daily. We tried

giving high dose OLE and some parasite herbs, the diarrhea slowed down to maybe

once a day, but was still there.

> >

> > Our son's bowels have been great and normal for so long - no yeast, no

parasites nothing ( we are at round 87 and more chelation has seemed to make his

bowels great and almost normal) So we were taken unawares by this episode. A

friend suggested giving activated charcoal. We did so, first time for us. And

while not eliminating the diarrhea, it has made the episodes less severe, and

our son's appetite returned.

> >

> > We did have one curious side effect - we are not sure if it could be the

charcoal, or just a really good post round period, or perhaps some the result of

the listening therapy we started this week - but our son, who is 5, and while

verbal, mostly talks about his wants and needs, suddenly has started giving us a

recitation, albeit limited, of events that happened at school. For example he

said: I wore a diaper at school today. I called the teacher on it, and since I

had warned them about the possibility of the loose bowel, they put a pull up on

him without my permission as a precaution, never thinking my son would have the

language or desire to rat them out. They were supposed to do his listening

therapy during school twice daily - but only were doing it once daily. I asked

my son, he said " listened to my ipod in the morning. " When I asked if he did in

the pm, he said no only once. Again, I think the teacher was shocked that he

would report this to me. And then yesterday they had a fun day at school, when

I picked him up from school, he said, without being asked, " we had recess

outside today, with music and dancing. " This is huge for him, because it does

not have to do with his wants or needs.

> >

> > Has anyone experienced this when using charcoal? I am in the process of

reading Callous Disregard by Wakefield, and it struck me that he said

when he was prepping some of the kids in his study for colonoscopies - that they

had to take these purges to cleanse the colon prior - and that he and other

doctors expected chaos during the process and that quite the opposite happened

the kids were extremely well behaved and much more calm and normal their parents

reported- it seems that the bad gut bugs, virus etc that live in the kids colons

were neutralized or wiped out. Could it be that the activated charcoal did the

same to my son? Even though his bowels are generally good - perhaps, he picked

up some type of food borne illness, or other gut bugs even prior to this

infraction, because he has been a little off for a couple of weeks. It is hard

to figure out the cause, because we started some listening therapy too, but the

change is startling in our son.

> >

> > I have no other experience using activated charcoal so I wondered if anyone

else could report if they saw gains when using it.

> >

> > Thanks. Irene

> >


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What type of listening therapy is it? and do you get that at the speech therapy

center or elsewhere?

Thank you!


> > >

> > > Hi all. We were away on vacation over the Memorial Day holiday, and while

on the road our son ate something that either had bacteria in it or posed a

major dietary infraction (even though we were told that the item was gluten

free) After that he has had an extremely loose bowel twice daily. We tried

giving high dose OLE and some parasite herbs, the diarrhea slowed down to maybe

once a day, but was still there.

> > >

> > > Our son's bowels have been great and normal for so long - no yeast, no

parasites nothing ( we are at round 87 and more chelation has seemed to make his

bowels great and almost normal) So we were taken unawares by this episode. A

friend suggested giving activated charcoal. We did so, first time for us. And

while not eliminating the diarrhea, it has made the episodes less severe, and

our son's appetite returned.

> > >

> > > We did have one curious side effect - we are not sure if it could be the

charcoal, or just a really good post round period, or perhaps some the result of

the listening therapy we started this week - but our son, who is 5, and while

verbal, mostly talks about his wants and needs, suddenly has started giving us a

recitation, albeit limited, of events that happened at school. For example he

said: I wore a diaper at school today. I called the teacher on it, and since I

had warned them about the possibility of the loose bowel, they put a pull up on

him without my permission as a precaution, never thinking my son would have the

language or desire to rat them out. They were supposed to do his listening

therapy during school twice daily - but only were doing it once daily. I asked

my son, he said " listened to my ipod in the morning. " When I asked if he did in

the pm, he said no only once. Again, I think the teacher was shocked that he

would report this to me. And then yesterday they had a fun day at school, when

I picked him up from school, he said, without being asked, " we had recess

outside today, with music and dancing. " This is huge for him, because it does

not have to do with his wants or needs.

> > >

> > > Has anyone experienced this when using charcoal? I am in the process of

reading Callous Disregard by Wakefield, and it struck me that he said

when he was prepping some of the kids in his study for colonoscopies - that they

had to take these purges to cleanse the colon prior - and that he and other

doctors expected chaos during the process and that quite the opposite happened

the kids were extremely well behaved and much more calm and normal their parents

reported- it seems that the bad gut bugs, virus etc that live in the kids colons

were neutralized or wiped out. Could it be that the activated charcoal did the

same to my son? Even though his bowels are generally good - perhaps, he picked

up some type of food borne illness, or other gut bugs even prior to this

infraction, because he has been a little off for a couple of weeks. It is hard

to figure out the cause, because we started some listening therapy too, but the

change is startling in our son.

> > >

> > > I have no other experience using activated charcoal so I wondered if

anyone else could report if they saw gains when using it.

> > >

> > > Thanks. Irene

> > >

> >


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I am beginning to think that my son's gains on the day I gave him the charcoal

were attributable to toxins being mopped up. But we only gave it for a few days

and the gains keep coming long after the charcoal was stopped. I think I have

to agree that it is due to a combination of chelation and this new listening

therapy. We do the Listening Program - we purchased it online from an

authorized provider, for under $800 for the ipod, the headphones and all

necessary materials. We educated ourselves on how to do it - and my son's

school does it on my instructions during the school day - sometimes we have to

do a session at home when he misses one at school. Very easy - just listening

to specially recorded classical music. My son has serious sensory defensiveness

about things on his head - but never gives us a hard time to wear the headphones

- just the way he gladly takes the nasty tasting chelators, unlike his other

supps where there is a fight. I believe he knows TLP and the chelators make him

feel better and function better.


> > > >

> > > > Hi all. We were away on vacation over the Memorial Day holiday, and

while on the road our son ate something that either had bacteria in it or posed

a major dietary infraction (even though we were told that the item was gluten

free) After that he has had an extremely loose bowel twice daily. We tried

giving high dose OLE and some parasite herbs, the diarrhea slowed down to maybe

once a day, but was still there.

> > > >

> > > > Our son's bowels have been great and normal for so long - no yeast, no

parasites nothing ( we are at round 87 and more chelation has seemed to make his

bowels great and almost normal) So we were taken unawares by this episode. A

friend suggested giving activated charcoal. We did so, first time for us. And

while not eliminating the diarrhea, it has made the episodes less severe, and

our son's appetite returned.

> > > >

> > > > We did have one curious side effect - we are not sure if it could be the

charcoal, or just a really good post round period, or perhaps some the result of

the listening therapy we started this week - but our son, who is 5, and while

verbal, mostly talks about his wants and needs, suddenly has started giving us a

recitation, albeit limited, of events that happened at school. For example he

said: I wore a diaper at school today. I called the teacher on it, and since I

had warned them about the possibility of the loose bowel, they put a pull up on

him without my permission as a precaution, never thinking my son would have the

language or desire to rat them out. They were supposed to do his listening

therapy during school twice daily - but only were doing it once daily. I asked

my son, he said " listened to my ipod in the morning. " When I asked if he did in

the pm, he said no only once. Again, I think the teacher was shocked that he

would report this to me. And then yesterday they had a fun day at school, when

I picked him up from school, he said, without being asked, " we had recess

outside today, with music and dancing. " This is huge for him, because it does

not have to do with his wants or needs.

> > > >

> > > > Has anyone experienced this when using charcoal? I am in the process of

reading Callous Disregard by Wakefield, and it struck me that he said

when he was prepping some of the kids in his study for colonoscopies - that they

had to take these purges to cleanse the colon prior - and that he and other

doctors expected chaos during the process and that quite the opposite happened

the kids were extremely well behaved and much more calm and normal their parents

reported- it seems that the bad gut bugs, virus etc that live in the kids colons

were neutralized or wiped out. Could it be that the activated charcoal did the

same to my son? Even though his bowels are generally good - perhaps, he picked

up some type of food borne illness, or other gut bugs even prior to this

infraction, because he has been a little off for a couple of weeks. It is hard

to figure out the cause, because we started some listening therapy too, but the

change is startling in our son.

> > > >

> > > > I have no other experience using activated charcoal so I wondered if

anyone else could report if they saw gains when using it.

> > > >

> > > > Thanks. Irene

> > > >

> > >

> >


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We also did sound therapy for my son. but we paid big bugs. No complains. He was

sound sensitive and 90% recovered. I will say it was worth.


Mozart sound therapysystems



From: iflow97 <iflow97@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Activated Charcoal question

Date: Wednesday, June 9, 2010, 10:09 PM


I am beginning to think that my son's gains on the day I gave him the charcoal

were attributable to toxins being mopped up. But we only gave it for a few days

and the gains keep coming long after the charcoal was stopped. I think I have to

agree that it is due to a combination of chelation and this new listening

therapy. We do the Listening Program - we purchased it online from an authorized

provider, for under $800 for the ipod, the headphones and all necessary

materials. We educated ourselves on how to do it - and my son's school does it

on my instructions during the school day - sometimes we have to do a session at

home when he misses one at school. Very easy - just listening to specially

recorded classical music. My son has serious sensory defensiveness about things

on his head - but never gives us a hard time to wear the headphones - just the

way he gladly takes the nasty tasting chelators, unlike his other supps where

there is a fight. I believe he

knows TLP and the chelators make him feel better and function better.


> > > >

> > > > Hi all. We were away on vacation over the Memorial Day holiday, and

while on the road our son ate something that either had bacteria in it or posed

a major dietary infraction (even though we were told that the item was gluten

free) After that he has had an extremely loose bowel twice daily. We tried

giving high dose OLE and some parasite herbs, the diarrhea slowed down to maybe

once a day, but was still there.

> > > >

> > > > Our son's bowels have been great and normal for so long - no yeast, no

parasites nothing ( we are at round 87 and more chelation has seemed to make his

bowels great and almost normal) So we were taken unawares by this episode. A

friend suggested giving activated charcoal. We did so, first time for us. And

while not eliminating the diarrhea, it has made the episodes less severe, and

our son's appetite returned.

> > > >

> > > > We did have one curious side effect - we are not sure if it could be the

charcoal, or just a really good post round period, or perhaps some the result of

the listening therapy we started this week - but our son, who is 5, and while

verbal, mostly talks about his wants and needs, suddenly has started giving us a

recitation, albeit limited, of events that happened at school. For example he

said: I wore a diaper at school today. I called the teacher on it, and since I

had warned them about the possibility of the loose bowel, they put a pull up on

him without my permission as a precaution, never thinking my son would have the

language or desire to rat them out. They were supposed to do his listening

therapy during school twice daily - but only were doing it once daily. I asked

my son, he said " listened to my ipod in the morning. " When I asked if he did in

the pm, he said no only once. Again, I think the teacher was shocked that he

would report this

to me. And then yesterday they had a fun day at school, when I picked him up

from school, he said, without being asked, " we had recess outside today, with

music and dancing. " This is huge for him, because it does not have to do with

his wants or needs.

> > > >

> > > > Has anyone experienced this when using charcoal? I am in the process of

reading Callous Disregard by Wakefield, and it struck me that he said

when he was prepping some of the kids in his study for colonoscopies - that they

had to take these purges to cleanse the colon prior - and that he and other

doctors expected chaos during the process and that quite the opposite happened

the kids were extremely well behaved and much more calm and normal their parents

reported- it seems that the bad gut bugs, virus etc that live in the kids colons

were neutralized or wiped out. Could it be that the activated charcoal did the

same to my son? Even though his bowels are generally good - perhaps, he picked

up some type of food borne illness, or other gut bugs even prior to this

infraction, because he has been a little off for a couple of weeks. It is hard

to figure out the cause, because we started some listening therapy too, but the

change is startling in

our son.

> > > >

> > > > I have no other experience using activated charcoal so I wondered if

anyone else could report if they saw gains when using it.

> > > >

> > > > Thanks. Irene

> > > >

> > >

> >


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