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Re: Where to find safe vaccines?

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No such thing as a safe vaccine, refuse them altogether.


> Hi all,


> I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and was wondering where I can find safe vaccines

for my daughter (ones w/o mercury). I have a 10 month old daughter and no longer

want to continue giving her vaccines that can harm her. Any help will be

greatly appreciated.


> - tony


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Unfortunately, at 10 months old, ALL vaccines can harm her.  Look for the " safe

vaccine schedule " , they recommend no vaccines until at least 2, some are now

saying 4.

nancy j

a child is diagnosed with

asd every 20 seconds

From: Te <boloni009@...>

Subject: [ ] Where to find safe vaccines?

Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2010, 8:39 PM


Hi all,

I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and was wondering where I can find safe vaccines

for my daughter (ones w/o mercury). I have a 10 month old daughter and no longer

want to continue giving her vaccines that can harm her. Any help will be

greatly appreciated.

- tony

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Just discontinue the vaccines. I have a 8y grandson who had NO infant

vaccines-has had one for an injury at age 6y. He's the healthiest by far of my

six grandchildren.


> From: Te <boloni009@...>

> Subject: [ ] Where to find safe vaccines?


> Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2010, 8:39 PM


















> Hi all,




> I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and was wondering where I can find safe vaccines

for my daughter (ones w/o mercury). I have a 10 month old daughter and no longer

want to continue giving her vaccines that can harm her. Any help will be

greatly appreciated.




> - tony



























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I have also heard to give you child vitamin A & C through out the day before, of

and after vaccines.

[ ] Where to find safe vaccines?


> Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2010, 8:39 PM


















> Hi all,




> I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and was wondering where I can find safe vaccines

for my daughter (ones w/o mercury). I have a 10 month old daughter and no longer

want to continue giving her vaccines that can harm her. Any help will be

greatly appreciated.




> - tony



























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If you really feel you must do something to vaccinate, look into homeopathic

" vaccination " .


> Hi all,


> I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and was wondering where I can find safe vaccines

for my daughter (ones w/o mercury). I have a 10 month old daughter and no longer

want to continue giving her vaccines that can harm her. Any help will be

greatly appreciated.


> - tony


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Hi Tony,

I hope all is well (we chatted over a year ago about other issues; I live in


Is your 10 month old fully vaccinated at this point? She is potentially due for

her chicken pox vaccine, HepB, Hib, pneumococcal, IPV, flu shot, HepA and MMR in

the next 2 months! Whatever you do, don't do all of them at once or even any of

them at the same time. Is she developing normally? ANY health issues at all?

I mean any...

The only 'safe' vaccine is no vaccine. I'm not telling you to never vaccinate

again (that is your decision), but all vaccines run risks. All of them. For

some people, the risks are larger than for others. Mercury is not the only

danger. Vaccine risks are not just the imagination of desperate parents in

groups like this one: there is an entire compensation program created by the

government to handle vaccine damages... what we disagree about are the level of

risk and the benefit:risk ratio amongst other things.

As far as mercury goes (since that is your question), flu shots for kids are

available mercury free (I wouldn't give these shots; she'd get 2). MMR never

contained mercury (but seems to be that trigger vaccine for Autism; whether

warranted or not). According to package inserts, none of the other other

childhood vaccines contain mercury. If you get a single dose vial, it will be

mercury free. So, you can get mercury free vaccines basically at all clinics in

the Milwaukee area. MMR cannot be split up in to separate M, M or R shots


Good luck with your decision. I know others will chime in on the dangers of

vaccines regardless of their mercury content. Reschedule any appointment for

shots if your daughter even has a hint of an illness, and do not give her

Tylenol prior to the appointment and/or after (it depletes glutathione which is

our body's detox defense). Give one at a time and space them out by several

months. Stop if you see any health problems or developmental stall during that


You can Google alternative vaccine schedules if your daughter's mother is

determined to vaccinate, if you feel you need her vaccinated for health reasons

or whatever your reasons might be...



> Hi all,


> I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and was wondering where I can find safe vaccines

for my daughter (ones w/o mercury). I have a 10 month old daughter and no longer

want to continue giving her vaccines that can harm her. Any help will be

greatly appreciated.


> - tony


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Contact the Environmental Health Center on Walnut Hill Lane in Dallas

Texas. It was started by Dr. H. Rea. He does natural vaccines

there, I believe, and his office might ba able to tell you where to go in

Wisconsin. I know people from all over the world travel to Dr. Rea's clinic

for help. He believes vaccines do cause autism, but he believes it is an

environmental illness --it doesn't matter where the toxins are coming from;

it is toxicity that is causing autism.

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Remember the " mercury free " vaccines, still contain " trace " mercury, that is

" removed " during the final processing. The also self regulate and test on that

(the vaccine companies).

Not that mercury is the only issue with vaccines.

From: Te

Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:39 PM

Subject: [ ] Where to find safe vaccines?

Hi all,

I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and was wondering where I can find safe vaccines

for my daughter (ones w/o mercury). I have a 10 month old daughter and no longer

want to continue giving her vaccines that can harm her. Any help will be greatly


- tony

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Dr. Rea at the EHC does all natural vaccines. he is another one they have

tried to crucify like Dr. Wakefield, but he is still helping people.

He was a thoracic surgeon, I believe, and then his son got sick and he

realized it was the environment and he wound up starting his clinic. He

wrote a fabulous book about how to build the kind of houses that won't make

us and our kids sick. He says mold spores also contribute to autism.

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This might give you a 2nd thought...  http://homefirst.com/ 

From: Haven DeLay <hdelay@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Where to find safe vaccines?

Date: Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 2:44 PM


Dr. Rea at the EHC does all natural vaccines. he is another one they have

tried to crucify like Dr. Wakefield, but he is still helping people.

He was a thoracic surgeon, I believe, and then his son got sick and he

realized it was the environment and he wound up starting his clinic. He

wrote a fabulous book about how to build the kind of houses that won't make

us and our kids sick. He says mold spores also contribute to autism.

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Some vaccines that they call " mercury free " are not free- they have trace

amounts but in small amounts enough so they are allowed to call them " free " .

Each vaccine must have a " vehicle " and by vehicle I mean fluid so that it can be

drawn into a syringe and injected. Unfortunately, in the single dose bottles

and where there is only one kind of vaccine such as the M without the MR you

have more vehicle which would then have more fluid with trace amounts of

mercury. SO, I think you have to decide what your issue is. Is it immune

system overload or metal toxicity? If its immune system overload then go with

the one disease vaccine or if its metal toxicity then go with the 3 disease

vaccine with less fluid.

Just my opinion.

> >

> > Hi all,

> >

> > I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and was wondering where I can find safe

vaccines for my daughter (ones w/o mercury). I have a 10 month old daughter and

no longer want to continue giving her vaccines that can harm her. Any help will

be greatly appreciated.

> >

> > - tony

> >


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try homeopathy.

From: Pamela H <phaselow@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Where to find safe vaccines?

Received: Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 9:43 AM


Hi Tony,

I hope all is well (we chatted over a year ago about other issues; I live in


Is your 10 month old fully vaccinated at this point? She is potentially due for

her chicken pox vaccine, HepB, Hib, pneumococcal, IPV, flu shot, HepA and MMR in

the next 2 months! Whatever you do, don't do all of them at once or even any of

them at the same time. Is she developing normally? ANY health issues at all?

I mean any...

The only 'safe' vaccine is no vaccine. I'm not telling you to never vaccinate

again (that is your decision), but all vaccines run risks. All of them. For

some people, the risks are larger than for others. Mercury is not the only

danger. Vaccine risks are not just the imagination of desperate parents in

groups like this one: there is an entire compensation program created by the

government to handle vaccine damages... what we disagree about are the level of

risk and the benefit:risk ratio amongst other things.

As far as mercury goes (since that is your question), flu shots for kids are

available mercury free (I wouldn't give these shots; she'd get 2). MMR never

contained mercury (but seems to be that trigger vaccine for Autism; whether

warranted or not). According to package inserts, none of the other other

childhood vaccines contain mercury. If you get a single dose vial, it will be

mercury free. So, you can get mercury free vaccines basically at all clinics in

the Milwaukee area. MMR cannot be split up in to separate M, M or R shots


Good luck with your decision. I know others will chime in on the dangers of

vaccines regardless of their mercury content. Reschedule any appointment for

shots if your daughter even has a hint of an illness, and do not give her

Tylenol prior to the appointment and/or after (it depletes glutathione which is

our body's detox defense). Give one at a time and space them out by several

months. Stop if you see any health problems or developmental stall during that


You can Google alternative vaccine schedules if your daughter's mother is

determined to vaccinate, if you feel you need her vaccinated for health reasons

or whatever your reasons might be...



> Hi all,


> I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and was wondering where I can find safe vaccines

for my daughter (ones w/o mercury). I have a 10 month old daughter and no longer

want to continue giving her vaccines that can harm her. Any help will be

greatly appreciated.


> - tony


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You don't. NO vaccines are safe.

Mercury free vaccines are safer than mercury preserved ones - which btw your

kids still get frequently when pediatricians do things like use the less

expensive adult DTP booster rather than the more costly pediatric version. This

is a recognized problem in the medical literature that is quietly covered up.

All vaccines carry risks, and much more so than is admitted.

At present since there is a cover-up going on it is hard to evaluate these risks

except to estimate that each vaccination for a single disease carries perhaps a

0.5 to 1% risk of inducing asthma, allergy, or ADHD, with correspondingly lesser

risks of more severe problems.

Thus it is not sane for any doctor to offer a vaccine for a benign disease, or

any parent to permit it to be given to their child. E. g. chicken pox is a

benign disease.

Most 'childhood diseases' are benign until after puberty. Thus most vaccines

are not really appropriate before about age 12.

NON benign diseases include things like diptheria and tetanus. Tetanus is common

enough to actually be a concern, diptheria is not very common, though it would

be wise to figure out how to check with your health department for which

diseases there have been cases of in your county and state recently.

Which vaccines are appropriate is difficult to decide, but for the most part

simply withholding them as long as you can to try to let accurate information

become available so you can make a more informed decision seems like one of the

more rational choices.



Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD

> > >

> > > Hi all,

> > >

> > > I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and was wondering where I can find safe

vaccines for my daughter (ones w/o mercury). I have a 10 month old daughter and

no longer want to continue giving her vaccines that can harm her. Any help will

be greatly appreciated.

> > >

> > > - tony

> > >

> >


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If a child had his last tetatus shot as part of DTP vaccine at the age of 5, is

there any valid info on how long that immunity will last? I see reports

recommending a tetanus booster every 10 years, which no one in our family has

ever done. Would it " safer " to just get a tetanus shot immediately if one gets

a deep wound? Would checking igG titers against tetanus toxoid be useful in

determining whether a booster is needed?



> You don't. NO vaccines are safe.


> Mercury free vaccines are safer than mercury preserved ones - which btw your

kids still get frequently when pediatricians do things like use the less

expensive adult DTP booster rather than the more costly pediatric version. This

is a recognized problem in the medical literature that is quietly covered up.


> All vaccines carry risks, and much more so than is admitted.


> At present since there is a cover-up going on it is hard to evaluate these

risks except to estimate that each vaccination for a single disease carries

perhaps a 0.5 to 1% risk of inducing asthma, allergy, or ADHD, with

correspondingly lesser risks of more severe problems.


> Thus it is not sane for any doctor to offer a vaccine for a benign disease, or

any parent to permit it to be given to their child. E. g. chicken pox is a

benign disease.


> Most 'childhood diseases' are benign until after puberty. Thus most vaccines

are not really appropriate before about age 12.


> NON benign diseases include things like diptheria and tetanus. Tetanus is

common enough to actually be a concern, diptheria is not very common, though it

would be wise to figure out how to check with your health department for which

diseases there have been cases of in your county and state recently.


> Which vaccines are appropriate is difficult to decide, but for the most part

simply withholding them as long as you can to try to let accurate information

become available so you can make a more informed decision seems like one of the

more rational choices.


> Andy


> http://www.noamalgam.com/index.html

> Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


> http://www.noamalgam.com/hairtestbook.html

> Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


> http://www.noamalgam.com/nourishinghope.html

> Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


> http://www.noamalgam.com/biologicaltreatments.html

> Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD




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We test my son's titers for everything every year. He's almost 9 and his

tetanus titer is more than sufficient still.


In a message dated 9/26/2010 10:09:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

hdelay@... writes:

Can one hold titers to tetanus? Anybody


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Hi J & T,

Thank you for your response and my apologies for responding so late. I have not

had time to check emails lately.

It's good to know that they self regulate their " mercury free " vaccines. It's

probably not really mercury free then....

Thanks again,



From: J & T Real <jtreal@...>

Sent: Wed, September 15, 2010 9:39:50 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Where to find safe vaccines?

Remember the " mercury free " vaccines, still contain " trace " mercury, that is

" removed " during the final processing. The also self regulate and test on that

(the vaccine companies).

Not that mercury is the only issue with vaccines.

From: Te

Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:39 PM

Subject: [ ] Where to find safe vaccines?

Hi all,

I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and was wondering where I can find safe vaccines

for my daughter (ones w/o mercury). I have a 10 month old daughter and no longer

want to continue giving her vaccines that can harm her. Any help will be greatly


- tony

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Thank you for the tip .

- tony


From: mbrookh <mbrookh@...>

Sent: Wed, September 15, 2010 7:05:21 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Where to find safe vaccines?


Just discontinue the vaccines. I have a 8y grandson who had NO infant

vaccines-has had one for an injury at age 6y. He's the healthiest by far of my

six grandchildren.


> From: Te <boloni009@...>

> Subject: [ ] Where to find safe vaccines?


> Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2010, 8:39 PM








> Â










> Hi all,




> I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and was wondering where I can find safe vaccines

>for my daughter (ones w/o mercury). I have a 10 month old daughter and no


>want to continue giving her vaccines that can harm her. Any help will be

>greatly appreciated.




> - tony



























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Hi Lin,

Thank you for the email. My apologies for the late response. I have not been

able to check emails recently.

No, I have not looked into Nosodes. I will look into that though.

- tony


From: lasvegasmomtoo <LinLasVegas@...>

Sent: Thu, September 16, 2010 12:14:57 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Where to find safe vaccines?

If you feel you need this, have you looked into Nosodes?


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The truth is that I wholeheartedly agree. NO vaccines without a clear and

present danger --such as getting bitten by a rabid animal. I might consider

bacterial meningitis if my son came into close physical contact with someone

who had this. So I might consider a vaccine for a truly life-threatening

virus if conditions warranted.

We do have to think of rabid skunks here on the farm. We killed one in the

barn one day. I almost walked right into another rabid one another time

--spinning and foaming at the mouth and all. SCARY! I just keep a close

eye on our son when he is outside. Other than this, I can't think of a

reason to vaccinate. I do dread if my son ever gets a really bad cut and

has to go to get stitches --then I know we will be harassed. I don't know

what I will do in that event. Can one hold titers to tetanus? Anybody


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Far as I know, a person who was once vaccinated " should " have titers to tetanus,

but u see how people gets vaccinated for one thing and still, they develop it...

So that's a difficult decision. My neighbor is an MD, his kids are vaccinated

against all possible stuff, (one of the kids is sooooo aLlergic and soooo ADD,

but his mom is too busy going out w her friends, getting tanned and looking for

the newest Louis Vuitton handbag, so she told me he is just fine w stratera and

concerta!!! :-{ ) his sister got chicken pox last week, despite of everything.

You can run a lab test to check for it, right? I would love to live in a farm!



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Re: [ ] Re: Where to find safe vaccines?

The truth is that I wholeheartedly agree. NO vaccines without a clear and

present danger --such as getting bitten by a rabid animal. I might consider

bacterial meningitis if my son came into close physical contact with someone

who had this. So I might consider a vaccine for a truly life-threatening

virus if conditions warranted.

We do have to think of rabid skunks here on the farm. We killed one in the

barn one day. I almost walked right into another rabid one another time

--spinning and foaming at the mouth and all. SCARY! I just keep a close

eye on our son when he is outside. Other than this, I can't think of a

reason to vaccinate. I do dread if my son ever gets a really bad cut and

has to go to get stitches --then I know we will be harassed. I don't know

what I will do in that event. Can one hold titers to tetanus? Anybody


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And this is why the autism rate jumped 67% in the last three years, since they

added more vaccines and the flu shot to the schedule.

Most children are not getting a mercury free flu vaccines unless it's the nasal

one. And most doctors do not seem to be using that one.

Also can't really trust the fox to mind the hen house now can we?

I'd seriously skip this Tony. Please go learn what is in these vaccines first,

read their package inserts and then decide. You can do homeopathic vaccination

which is a safe alternative that does work.


package inserts:




> Remember the " mercury free " vaccines, still contain " trace " mercury, that is

" removed " during the final processing. The also self regulate and test on that

(the vaccine companies).


> Not that mercury is the only issue with vaccines.



> From: Te

> Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:39 PM


> Subject: [ ] Where to find safe vaccines?




> Hi all,


> I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and was wondering where I can find safe vaccines

for my daughter (ones w/o mercury). I have a 10 month old daughter and no longer

want to continue giving her vaccines that can harm her. Any help will be greatly



> - tony







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You've been lucky. Not everyone has titers or has them high enough to get out of

vaccination. I've seen parents try to do this instead of filing an exemption and

when the test results show they have no titers or low titers, they are stuck in

a hard place. Because they already agreed to do titers which implies they think

vaccines works. And now that " immunity " has not been proven the government

agencies or schools expect you will vaccinate. Very hard to get out it at that

point. It usually requires a lawyer and some court time to try to claim

exemption at that point. Where as just not agreeing to do it at all from the

beginning is far easier. Something to consider for those who do not wish to give

other vaccines down the road and do not know their child's titer status ahead of




> We test my son's titers for everything every year. He's almost 9 and his

> tetanus titer is more than sufficient still.


> Kerrie



> In a message dated 9/26/2010 10:09:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> hdelay@... writes:


> Can one hold titers to tetanus? Anybody

> know?





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I told the school I ran titers because it was what THEY believed to indicated

immunity, and it would allow him to stay in school if a specific 'outbreak' of

disease occured that he was legally immune to according to the blood work.

Interestingly, my 12 yr old daughter shows pos immunity to Varicella despite 11

years passing since vaccination. We assume she was exposed to the virus without

us noticing.

But, our school has never had an epidemic or outbreak of any of the mandated


Plus, why tell the school you are planning on running titers before you even

know what they show? That doesn't seem wise.


> >

> > We test my son's titers for everything every year. He's almost 9 and his

> > tetanus titer is more than sufficient still.

> >

> > Kerrie

> >

> >

> > In a message dated 9/26/2010 10:09:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> > hdelay@ writes:

> >

> > Can one hold titers to tetanus? Anybody

> > know?

> >

> >

> >

> >

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