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Re: question for TJWerth

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My boys are now 4 and 5.5. I started my older boy when he was just past 4 and I

started my younger boy when he was just turned 3.

We started at 12.5 mg of DMSA, went about 6-8 rounds and then added ALA 12.5mg.

They both tolerated the chelation well after the first few rounds. After about 6

mos we bumped them up to 25mg of both ALA and DMSA.

I think the general rule is not to increase the dose more than 50% at a time,

but I'm just telling you what we did.

They are both doing well, especially the older boy, who started out higher


It's like a journey, my younger son just has further to travel. He did start

talking in a more meaningful way just recently though, instead of just

" labeling " . He now says " I want ___ " and also one word items he wants like

" pants " or " bed " .

This is a big step for us. The older boy is going to kindergarten next year with

a little help.



From: Fatima Ali <autismkids2@...>

Sent: Mon, May 31, 2010 10:12:38 AM

Subject: [ ] question for TJWerth


hi i just wanted to know what were ur boys ages when u started chelation n after

how many cycles did u give 25 mg of ala n dmsa .which one did u increased first

ala or dmsa .Im doing 12mg ala n dmsa both kids n was not sure which one to

increase first 16 cycle to start next week.thanks for help.


From: mosaictm <lisa369@...>

Sent: Mon, May 31, 2010 6:39:02 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Evidence for 6 month dump?

I agree wholeheartedly TJ. And I wouldn' take my kid camping either.

Then again, after the past few years I don't want to " rough it " at all. I want

luxury and pampering. I've had about enough adventure!


> Never have I seen Andy write anything about God....or " Take my word "

> He always backs everything up with scientific fact, many times referencing

medical text books.

> In hindsight, I wish we would have chelated before becoming pregnant, and not

vacinated our children.

> My boys missed their whole early childhood screaming, not sleeping, and not


> We are just now, after more than a year of chelation, getting to a point where

life is becoming enjoyable and we are able to do more " normal " things.

> Still can't do many things that people take for granted, like go camping for


> I guess you could look at it as a kind of insurance. You may or may not need

it, are you willing to risk it?

> The last five years for us have been like some part of hell here on earth, I

would not wish it on anybody.

> We are just so happy that our boys are responding to chelation and they are

recovering, but it will be several more years.

> Several more years of getting up in the middle of the night to give them their

dose of chelator to get the mercury out of their brains.

> Sound like something you wanna do?

> TJ


> Â





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My son was 4 when we started chelation and we have been doing it for 3 years.

He is on oral DMSA and oral EDTA and is currently taking 2 100 mg capsules of

DMSA and 2 500mg capsules of EDTA. My dr. wanted him to take it every day but I

am to scared to do this so I only give it to him 5 days a week for 3 weeks on

and then he is off 1 week after that. I am currently in the process of getting

a new DAN dr. to continue his chelation. One thing you might want to try is

NAET. I started this last year when my son was on chelation and wasn't

improving but staying at the current level of function which was better than

being off of chelation but he was just staying the same. He started improving

after a couple of visits. You can get the book for it on Amazon.com. It's

pretty cheap...it's called Say Goodbye to Allergy-Related Autism. It's kind of

expensive...I pay 75.00 a visit but he is almost done with it. I hope this

helps:) thanks


From: Fatima Ali <autismkids2@...>

Sent: Mon, May 31, 2010 1:12:38 PM

Subject: [ ] question for TJWerth

hi i just wanted to know what were ur boys ages when u started chelation n after

how many cycles did u give 25 mg of ala n dmsa .which one did u increased first

ala or dmsa .Im doing 12mg ala n dmsa both kids n was not sure which one to

increase first 16 cycle to start next week.thanks for help.


From: mosaictm <lisa369@...>

Sent: Mon, May 31, 2010 6:39:02 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Evidence for 6 month dump?

I agree wholeheartedly TJ. And I wouldn' take my kid camping either.

Then again, after the past few years I don't want to " rough it " at all. I want

luxury and pampering. I've had about enough adventure!


> Never have I seen Andy write anything about God....or " Take my word "

> He always backs everything up with scientific fact, many times referencing

medical text books.

> In hindsight, I wish we would have chelated before becoming pregnant, and not

vacinated our children.

> My boys missed their whole early childhood screaming, not sleeping, and not


> We are just now, after more than a year of chelation, getting to a point where

life is becoming enjoyable and we are able to do more " normal " things.

> Still can't do many things that people take for granted, like go camping for


> I guess you could look at it as a kind of insurance. You may or may not need

it, are you willing to risk it?

> The last five years for us have been like some part of hell here on earth, I

would not wish it on anybody.

> We are just so happy that our boys are responding to chelation and they are

recovering, but it will be several more years.

> Several more years of getting up in the middle of the night to give them their

dose of chelator to get the mercury out of their brains.

> Sound like something you wanna do?

> TJ


> Â





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Not TJ, but comments interspersed.


Re: question for TJWerth

Posted by: " " zcarfamily@... zcarfamily

Wed Jun 2, 2010 11:32 am (PDT)


My son was 4 when we started chelation and we have been doing it for 3 years. He

is on oral DMSA and oral EDTA and is currently taking 2 100 mg capsules of DMSA

and 2 500mg capsules of EDTA.

*That's an incredibly high dose of DMSA...I'm an adult and take only 50 mg.

EDTA is contraindicated for mercury toxic folks.

My dr. wanted him to take it every day but I am to scared to do this so I only

give it to him 5 days a week for 3 weeks on and then he is off 1 week after

that. I am currently in the process of getting a new DAN dr. to continue his


*Please find one who understands safe chelation...1/8-1/2 mg per lb every 4

hours for DMSA, or chelate using safe protocol without a doc.

One thing you might want to try is NAET. I started this last year when my son

was on chelation and wasn't improving but staying at the current level of

function which was better than being off of chelation but he was just staying

the same. He started improving after a couple of visits. You can get the book

for it on Amazon.com. It's pretty cheap...it's called Say Goodbye to

Allergy-Related Autism. It's kind of expensive...I pay 75.00 a visit but he is

almost done with it. I hope this helps:) thanks

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They were GFCF for almost a year before starting AC protocol chelation. We

didn't find you guys right away and we wandered around in the dark for a while

with DAN doctors and NDs.

My older boy was around 44lbs and my younger boy was around 35 lbs. I know that

it doesn't quite meet the max dose of 1/2mg per pound rule, but we do the best

we can.

My younger boy is now on ALA only for a while, and doing good. He has started to

talk in a meaningful way, instead of just labeling. he is expressing his needs

in three word sentences " I want ... "

Yes, they tolerate more foods after a year of chelation or more. We " violate "

the GFCF diet once in a while and we don't see the red cheeks and ears like we

used to.

Thought about doing another Igg test, but th blood draw is so traumatic. I think

we will wait until we are thinking about stopping chelation for that.

Probably another couple of years, when we feel they have completely recovered.



From: Fatima Ali <autismkids2@...>

Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 10:32:19 AM

Subject: [ ] question for TJWerth


hi sorry to bother u again.do u remember ur kids weight when u started 25mg of

ala/dmsa.   did u reduce supplements in one year of chelation,how many n which

ones.R u doing GFCF diet,if so have u noticed any reduction in food allergies do

they tolerate more food now then before chelation.THANKS for help im really


From: TJ Werth <tj_werth@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Resistant Yeast

Date: Friday, June 4, 2010, 8:36 PM


You will never get the yeast under control until you chelate for a while. It's a

cart before the horse kinda thing. The yeast is caused by heavy metal toxicity.

Get some metals out and it starts getting under control.

All you can do until then is put a dent in it.

Also, don't do the DAN chelation. Do proper chelation the Andy Cutler way.



From: jengabemom <jengabemom@...>

Sent: Thu, June 3, 2010 4:29:36 PM

Subject: [ ] Resistant Yeast


Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son for

yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?

Warmest regards, Jen AKA Gabe's Mommy

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what about supplements.did u reduce them in one year .which ones

From: TJ Werth <tj_werth@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Resistant Yeast

Date: Friday, June 4, 2010, 8:36 PM


You will never get the yeast under control until you chelate for a while. It's a

cart before the horse kinda thing. The yeast is caused by heavy metal toxicity.

Get some metals out and it starts getting under control.

All you can do until then is put a dent in it.

Also, don't do the DAN chelation. Do proper chelation the Andy Cutler way.



From: jengabemom <jengabemom@...>

Sent: Thu, June 3, 2010 4:29:36 PM

Subject: [ ] Resistant Yeast


Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son for

yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?

Warmest regards, Jen AKA Gabe's Mommy

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We are able to back off of the yeast protocol some on my older boy, and a few

other supps are no longer needed.

We still give a multi, GSE, biotin, digestive enzymes, zinc, milk thistle,

vitamin c, fish oil, and probiotic.

After we finish chelation in a couple years they won't take any, maybe a multi.



From: Fatima Ali <autismkids2@...>

Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 11:00:58 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] question for TJWerth


what about supplements.did u reduce them in one year .which ones

From: TJ Werth <tj_werth@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Resistant Yeast

Date: Friday, June 4, 2010, 8:36 PM


You will never get the yeast under control until you chelate for a while. It's a

cart before the horse kinda thing. The yeast is caused by heavy metal toxicity.

Get some metals out and it starts getting under control.

All you can do until then is put a dent in it.

Also, don't do the DAN chelation. Do proper chelation the Andy Cutler way.



From: jengabemom <jengabemom@...>

Sent: Thu, June 3, 2010 4:29:36 PM

Subject: [ ] Resistant Yeast


Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son for

yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?

Warmest regards, Jen AKA Gabe's Mommy

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thanks a lot for ur help.helps me decide a few things .my kids r exactly same

weight.GOD bless you.

From: TJ Werth <tj_werth@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Resistant Yeast

Date: Friday, June 4, 2010, 8:36 PM


You will never get the yeast under control until you chelate for a while. It's a

cart before the horse kinda thing. The yeast is caused by heavy metal toxicity.

Get some metals out and it starts getting under control.

All you can do until then is put a dent in it.

Also, don't do the DAN chelation. Do proper chelation the Andy Cutler way.



From: jengabemom <jengabemom@...>

Sent: Thu, June 3, 2010 4:29:36 PM

Subject: [ ] Resistant Yeast


Okay smart people put on your thinking caps. I have been treating my son for

yeast for over 3 years nows with no results. He is very high in almost every

metabolite. I work with a highly repected DAN. We have tryed every anti-fungal,

pharmacutical and natural along with quite a few rounds of bio-film protocals as

they have been updated. Nothing has worked for us. I wanted to start chelating a

while ago but am hesitant to do so with his yeast not being under control. What

to do?

Warmest regards, Jen AKA Gabe's Mommy

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