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Re: More Evidence Vaccines Don't Cause Autism (gag)

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Rep. Dan Burton Investigates Mercury-Vaccine-Autism Link


This video is from 2002, SEVEN years ago!

Nothing & #65279; has & #65279; changed, actually it has gotten worse!


> I hope the quacks keep publishing more of these; the chronic denial only

serves to reinforce the very perception that they are trying to avoid.


> From the front page:









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Contact info for the " Health Day " that put that article out.

Notice how they did not leave a Comment area !




> I hope the quacks keep publishing more of these; the chronic denial only

serves to reinforce the very perception that they are trying to avoid.


> From the front page:









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> >

> > I hope the quacks keep publishing more of these; the chronic denial only

serves to reinforce the very perception that they are trying to avoid.

> >

This reminds me of the Green River killer's trial.

He swore and swore and swore he had nothing to do with these extra 50 missing

women (after being convincted for a bunch of other ones), had no idea where they

were, what happened to them, etc.

Then the prosecutor decided - a very controversial decision - that if the

murderer remembered and confessed all, he wouldn't seek the death penalty.

Suddenly the killer remembered every single one of them, including leading the

cops to where the ones they hadn't found yet were buried.

I don't see any real difference here - until the miscreants face the possibility

of punishment proportional to the magnitude of their genocide, they're going to

continue covering it up and denying it.



Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD

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AMEN Andy! Wolves in the sheeps clothing!


From: andrewhallcutler <AndyCutler@...>

Sent: Mon, September 13, 2010 4:11:04 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: More Evidence Vaccines Don't Cause Autism (gag)


> >

> > I hope the quacks keep publishing more of these; the chronic denial only

>serves to reinforce the very perception that they are trying to avoid.

> >

This reminds me of the Green River killer's trial.

He swore and swore and swore he had nothing to do with these extra 50 missing

women (after being convincted for a bunch of other ones), had no idea where they

were, what happened to them, etc.

Then the prosecutor decided - a very controversial decision - that if the

murderer remembered and confessed all, he wouldn't seek the death penalty.

Suddenly the killer remembered every single one of them, including leading the

cops to where the ones they hadn't found yet were buried.

I don't see any real difference here - until the miscreants face the possibility

of punishment proportional to the magnitude of their genocide, they're going to

continue covering it up and denying it.



Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD

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I am DYING to know where they found these parents who were WILLING to allow

high levels of ethyl mercury to be injected into their children to prove

this point? Who IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would allow such a thing?! I am

appalled if such human experimentation can even take place. but then, that

is EXACTLY what occurred. OUR children tell the real truth. It may well be

the mercury in combination (synergy) with all the other CRAP that's in their

too, so it still indicts vaccines.

Their profits must be dropping, and they are getting desperate.

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Sorry for interrupting here and sorry for my english

But i find one book in Bulgaria called " Dont tuch that book " and in that book

wich i tuched it is stated very clear that we(the poor human are too many so

they decided to make as less as the earth is over louded and it is our folt that

we dot open our eyes and see ,nothing is hidden everything is front of us but it

is up to us to desyd everything is our chois they say and we are sheep wich need

to be ruld as we cant take a single desigion)Which are they i have qlue but i

have left them tu rull me but not any more my secon child has only few

vacsintion ad this is because my first son wasent regrest yet and we fynd hi is

autistic later .They will do that till every one refuse and after they will fynd

another way.do you know that in Bulgria because the mothers are refusing to

vacsinate theyr kids they think of stopping the childbenefit for every mother

wich kid is not vacsinated and without vacsins you cant send your kid to

kindergarden.They will try every

way .

Sorry for interrupting again

From: Laurie on <lauriejenki@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: More Evidence Vaccines Don't Cause Autism


Date: Monday, 13 September, 2010, 23:22


AMEN Andy! Wolves in the sheeps clothing!


From: andrewhallcutler <AndyCutler@...>

Sent: Mon, September 13, 2010 4:11:04 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: More Evidence Vaccines Don't Cause Autism (gag)


> >

> > I hope the quacks keep publishing more of these; the chronic denial only

>serves to reinforce the very perception that they are trying to avoid.

> >

This reminds me of the Green River killer's trial.

He swore and swore and swore he had nothing to do with these extra 50 missing

women (after being convincted for a bunch of other ones), had no idea where they

were, what happened to them, etc.

Then the prosecutor decided - a very controversial decision - that if the

murderer remembered and confessed all, he wouldn't seek the death penalty.

Suddenly the killer remembered every single one of them, including leading the

cops to where the ones they hadn't found yet were buried.

I don't see any real difference here - until the miscreants face the possibility

of punishment proportional to the magnitude of their genocide, they're going to

continue covering it up and denying it.



Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD

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Hy all

Just wandering does all who are in defence of timerosal in vacsins have their

kids vacsinated or will.?


From: maggie_panion <alaska.quilter@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: More Evidence Vaccines Don't Cause Autism (gag)

Date: Monday, 13 September, 2010, 20:10


Rep. Dan Burton Investigates Mercury-Vaccine-Autism Link


This video is from 2002, SEVEN years ago!

Nothing & #65279; has & #65279; changed, actually it has gotten worse!


> I hope the quacks keep publishing more of these; the chronic denial only

serves to reinforce the very perception that they are trying to avoid.


> From the front page:









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Anytime you see this inaccurate information, just add the following:

FDA DTaP insert lists AUTISM as vaccine side effect.

According to the USFDA, VACCINES CAN CAUSE AUTISM - here's the proof:


and they put it in writing on the vaccine inserts.

There are dozens of other side effects, including BRAIN INJURY and CANCER.

There is no debate. Deniers are wrong according to our government.



> I hope the quacks keep publishing more of these; the chronic denial only

serves to reinforce the very perception that they are trying to avoid.


> From the front page:









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They'll claim vaccines don't cause autism, then when it does, claim they already

told you so.



Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD

> >

> > I hope the quacks keep publishing more of these; the chronic denial only

serves to reinforce the very perception that they are trying to avoid.

> >

> > From the front page:

> >

> >






> >


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