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Re: MMS ???????????????????????????

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I have used it with great success and know many other folks that have too.

Our leading TV channel in UK carried report on their website and are trying

to have it banned because it made some people vomit, well if you are full

of yeast and start with more than one drop its likely you would vomit, not

from MMS but from severe die off.

Its cheap, it makes folks better, has better efficacy for Malaria than any

drug, that's why they try to scare people so they won't use and try to ban

it, won't be selling so many of their pharm drugs - like they never made

anybody sick??

_http://www.understanding-mms.com/_ (http://www.understanding-mms.com/)

Mandi in UK

In a message dated 03/10/2010 00:11:32 GMT Daylight Time,

xiomara1978@... writes:

Does anyone knows what MMS is? is it safe to use? here in Puerto Rico a

newspaper put a WARNING on this supplement,,and it says it turns the water

into chlorine and that it is toxic.. has anyone use


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So what does MMS stand for?

On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 5:27 PM, <Mum231ASD@...> wrote:



> I have used it with great success and know many other folks that have too.

> Our leading TV channel in UK carried report on their website and are trying


> to have it banned because it made some people vomit, well if you are full

> of yeast and start with more than one drop its likely you would vomit, not

> from MMS but from severe die off.


> Its cheap, it makes folks better, has better efficacy for Malaria than any

> drug, that's why they try to scare people so they won't use and try to ban

> it, won't be selling so many of their pharm drugs - like they never made

> anybody sick??


> _http://www.understanding-mms.com/_ (http://www.understanding-mms.com/)


> Mandi in UK



> In a message dated 03/10/2010 00:11:32 GMT Daylight Time,

> xiomara1978@... <xiomara1978%40> writes:


> Does anyone knows what MMS is? is it safe to use? here in Puerto Rico a

> newspaper put a WARNING on this supplement,,and it says it turns the water

> into chlorine and that it is toxic.. has anyone use

> it?thanksxiomara



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I filed this under 'Nope'. I don't believe anything like this can only target

'bad' things in the body without affecting the good.

If this were such a miraculous cure for Malaria, my guess is those impoverished

countries would be buying it up like crazy.

I also don't want to be ingesting anything used to fumigate ships before leaving

port or bleach flour.

I hate the everything alternative is viewed as a scam or snake-oil, but I'll

admit I think this one might be one of them...




> Does anyone knows what MMS is? is it safe to use? here in Puerto Rico a

newspaper put a WARNING on this supplement,,and it says it turns the water into

chlorine and that it is toxic.. has anyone use

> it?thanksxiomara

> i found this:  (i copy/paste the most " important " )The Miracle Mineral


> (MMS) a solution that releases small amounts of the most effective germicide

known to man in the human body, yet this germicide is totally incapable of

causing damage to the body. It is known through out the world as chlorine

dioxide.Since 1947 this chemical has been the preferred way to purify city water

supplies, decontaminate cruise ships of stomach viruses, eliminate anthrax from

> government offices,

> and remove bacteria from perishable foods before they get loaded onto

shipping trains or trucks.  formulation and packaging of MMS makes it safely

available for internal use. People mix it in their kitchens, and drink


often works in a few hours. It destroys the #1 killer of mankind, malaria, in 4

> hours. The victim goes back to work the next day. If patients in the nearest

hospital were treated with this Miracle Mineral, over 50% of them would be back

home within a week.Amazing as it might seem, when used correctly, the immune

system can use this killer to only attack those germs, bacteria, viruses, molds,

and other microorganisms that are harmful to the body. It does not affect

friendly bacteria, including the intestinal flora, nor healthy cells.and it is

not a drug.It is only two simple items once

> it is dissolved in water. It consists of the type of harmless chlorine that

is in

> table salt, and oxygen.

> There is some sodium, before it is dissolved in the water, but that becomes

harmless as it is so small. There is nothing else, and this combination results

in the most powerful killer of pathogens known to man. It has been used in stock

yards to kill pathogens on meat, and on slaughtered chickens; it has been used

to sterilize hospital floors and benches, and to kill pathogens in water works

without killing friendly bacteria for over 70 years. Now this same formula is

used in the body, and the same situation results. No damage is done to the body,

but the pathogens are destroyed. In its powerful form MMS is chlorine dioxide

that reverts back to harmless chloride and neutralized oxygen. It leaves nothing

behind to build

> up.




























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Andy says not to use it:



> >

> >

> > Does anyone knows what MMS is? is it safe to use? here in Puerto Rico a

newspaper put a WARNING on this supplement,,and it says it turns the water into

chlorine and that it is toxic.. has anyone use

> > it?thanksxiomara

> > i found this:  (i copy/paste the most " important " )The Miracle Mineral


> > (MMS) a solution that releases small amounts of the most effective

germicide known to man in the human body, yet this germicide is totally

incapable of causing damage to the body. It is known through out the world as

chlorine dioxide.Since 1947 this chemical has been the preferred way to purify

city water supplies, decontaminate cruise ships of stomach viruses, eliminate

anthrax from

> > government offices,

> > and remove bacteria from perishable foods before they get loaded onto

shipping trains or trucks.  formulation and packaging of MMS makes it safely

available for internal use. People mix it in their kitchens, and drink


often works in a few hours. It destroys the #1 killer of mankind, malaria, in 4

> > hours. The victim goes back to work the next day. If patients in the

nearest hospital were treated with this Miracle Mineral, over 50% of them would

be back home within a week.Amazing as it might seem, when used correctly, the

immune system can use this killer to only attack those germs, bacteria, viruses,

molds, and other microorganisms that are harmful to the body. It does not affect

friendly bacteria, including the intestinal flora, nor healthy cells.and it is

not a drug.It is only two simple items once

> > it is dissolved in water. It consists of the type of harmless chlorine that

is in

> > table salt, and oxygen.

> > There is some sodium, before it is dissolved in the water, but that becomes

harmless as it is so small. There is nothing else, and this combination results

in the most powerful killer of pathogens known to man. It has been used in stock

yards to kill pathogens on meat, and on slaughtered chickens; it has been used

to sterilize hospital floors and benches, and to kill pathogens in water works

without killing friendly bacteria for over 70 years. Now this same formula is

used in the body, and the same situation results. No damage is done to the body,

but the pathogens are destroyed. In its powerful form MMS is chlorine dioxide

that reverts back to harmless chloride and neutralized oxygen. It leaves nothing

behind to build

> > up.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >  

> >

> >

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> >

> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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My personal experience shows me that it will clear up gingivitis like nothing


As far as getting rid of heavy metals or any of the other claims, I do not know

for certain, so what can I say? I've taken a lot of it at different times,

but... cannot say.

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